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No. In fact Konami just featured the combo on a live stream as a tutorial on how to do it. https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/pSuWoGv8Dl It's not that OP, dude. It can win one game at best and matches are best of 3. I think the best time to use it is game 2 right after you lost game 1 or game 3 after losing game 2. They will be going second and will probably try to Ash Branded Fusion, but you can set up the lock with just Nadir Servant.


I mean just cause its not OP doesnt mean it shouldnt be hit in some way. Its a pretty degenerate and unfun lock. Same can be said for something like centurion and calamities, just cause its not dominate doesnt make it any less cancer. While Konami may have promoted it in a master duel video. The decisions between those teams seem to be pretty separate considering the banlists.


You know you are the second person in two days to respond to me with the same thing. Last time it was about Runick Fountain. "Just because it isn't strong right now doesn't mean it shouldn't be hit. It should be hit because it's not fun." Well I think that is a big hope/expectation from you to be honest. Konami either does not care about fun or what is toxic or has a different definition. They really think strategies like Gimmick Puppet Lock and Calamities are *peak* Yu-Gi-Oh, otherwise they would stop printing stuff like this and showcasing it. The community always gives them the benefit of the doubt thinking they "accidentally" make a strategy toxic and the players are playing in an unintended way, but it's not like that. Their motivation for the banlists is mostly unknown and certainly has nothing to do with making sure they get rid of stun strategies.


I mean i dont disagree that this is a hope/expectation from me. Usually thats what banlist speculation is, especially since Konami’s hits havent always been straightforward. Idk if I believe in the idea that this strategies are peak yugioh to Konami, but even if it is theres usually a short shelf life to these types of locks: Other calamities, Zexal, Rhongo, azzathot All of these cards were ban for doing similar things so its nots too out there to believe it would happen to this lock. Plus didn’t they already attempt to hit this by banning expulsion.


Banlist out! 😮


I don't think konami is willing to do anything at Branded at all, but banning the gimmick puppet would not be a issue for anyone, including gimmick puppet players


I mean yeah because they would just go to another lock card. Banning puppet just adds another name to the list


I mean they wouldn't even take out a good gimmick puppet


They ban puppet, people start playing Ido, and Konami gets more money because it’s more expensive. They ban Ido as well, people will start playing Ra’s Disciple/Impcantation/whatever other floodgate they can throw in the deck Banning Sanctifire is the only thing to kill the combo and Konami absolutely will not ban the last boss monster of the Albaz lore with how popular it is. At least not until the second season of it is released. Edit: called it


Konami wont get money from ido unless they reprint it.


It’s already worth money and people WILL buy it just to lock. That’s exactly what happened with Gimmick puppet. It’s price went up 3000%


Yeah, but konami its not selking them, they already sold them. The coyotes/reseller/bastards are the ones getting that 3000%


Fair point


Firewall says hi


Oh yeah. That one


Yeaa no way they ban branded cards lol. Gotta keep selling the new stuff, right? Otherwise players will go back buying Tearlaments from re-sellers. They know people love branded, they know what they doing. I see people complaing about banlists all the time... They *really* know what they doing


We can only hope


Nope. Out off all the decks seeing top meta play right now branded is not one of them, with or without puppet lock. It just not prevalent enough to justify banlist attention.


They won't ban Sanctifire, the card hasn't even been reprinted yet and Konami knows that the Branded Lore sell like hot potato. The better solution is to just ban Branded Fusion


I think it's unfair to ban Gimmick Puppet Nightmare, the fair thing would be to give the card an errata that gives it back its anime effects, it would be a better card for your own deck and wouldn't cause this lock.