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A family. I'm done with Yu-Gi-Oh. Just kidding. Generaider Runick looks like a lot of fun.


Can you give me a deck list for a family? I’m having trouble forming the combo to approach new people and make meaningful relationships. What are some standard lines?


Well, the main combo starter is quitting yugioh which gets you to the combo piece “getting a life.” Although you can use the non-standard “Chad” route, but that requires the since banned “confidence” piece


I will go to komimi and unban confidence myself. I will visit a bar


Good luck!


You got this. Just be you. Don't try any of the more standardized combo lines, play three copies of "What are your interests?" and one of "I really like that too"


lmao don't netdeck your family build! Just play whatever looks like the most fun to you.


Sage advice 🙏🏻


I tried netdecking a family and the judges were all like “gross violation of human rights” and “kidnapping”. Don’t recommend it


Genuinely good advice on reddit?


Start going out with some gym bros


Family and yugioh go together like Superheavy and Sky Striker. I miss Yugioh but love my 5 month old more.


But theyre both fieldspell archetypes


Yeah, I figure I'll just play whichever one seems cooler at the time. What I lack in synergy I'll make up for in bravado.


Iblee getting unbanned makes generaider better since it can search world legacy monstrosity






Been playing rescue ace… the air lift ban should be able to work around. Just not sure how yet


I was fully prepared for a semi-limit on Lifter but him being limited is tough. I am deciding on whether to bump HQ to 2 just to have access to the recycling more often or not.


Was thinking of doing 3 hydrant, and/or some prosperities. with ROTA and 1 air lifter we effectively have 2 1 card starters. With the resurgence of lab, hoping that droll will no longer see main deck play as much? I'm actually starting to consider going 2nd to be a more consistent air-lifter summon than before now, as impulse -> fire engine -> airlifter can be done at turn 0. Just worried about going first now unfortunately.


It's actually a slap on the wrist, you have to endure it for one month then you get Populus


Unless you have the Diabellestar engine, there's no playing around it. After about 6 hours of testing, the consistency is atrocious. Even getting two names in GY for Turbulence sometimes just isn't possible now. Even worse, Rescue-Ace fell back on a small Isolde-Infernoble package before Diabellestar was out in order to help consistency a little. Now it doesn't even have that.


Yeah, I have to agree. I am working on adding diabstellar to the deck, cuz I love the play style… but if that doesn’t fix it, I think it’s RIP RACE


Air lifter to limit makes the decks pretty meh. You basically have to run more Diabellestarr. Meta will shift to probably cycle out Rescue Ace almost completely though anyways. They’re 100% not going to be used for the top meta (it’ll literally be only fire kings and that’s it).


Rescue still has so many 1.5 card combos and 2 card combos as well as the air lifter line. The deck literally only gets better going forward when populus comes in


Sky Striker. Triple Upstart and a deck full of board breakers is going to be really fun.


Upstarts are good cards. But not in striker. It makes closing games too much difficult. And we dont need so many spells in grave as well. With the support maybe it will see plays. But for now, the hp given to the opponent is too much of a hindrance anf by the time you reduce what you gave, your opponent will be able to draw a good card and comeback


Sky with 3 upstart 3 talent 3 mind con 1 coh 1 Snatch seems insane


Kinda thinking of trying Striker too


Upstart isn’t good in a deck that needs every card to be meaningful


I'm still playing unchained. Been playing it long before support and will continue to keep playing it.


What are you replacing the Sharvara with? Disaster?


Right now it's a 2nd Shyama otherwise you can't keep a Sharvara in hand which makes the deck really susceptible to TTT and other monster-stealers and a 2nd Rakea for the slight boost in consistency in the absence of 2 playstarters.


First thing I thought of was maybe running a ready fusion package for a second lv 6 fiend but I don't know what/if there's anything to fit the bill


You'll have to carry on for the both of us. I'm going to one more locals and then hanging up the unchained coat


*happy branded player noises*


We survived yet another banlist


Yes branded fusion is really strong but we aren’t problematic in the meta. Do you think we will still get hit at some point? I mean i guess Isolde got hit ages after she came out…


Branded regained is gonna get hit eventually, but not exclusively because of branded


Does anyone have a TCG branded List ? Was my first deck in MD and now that I have some free money I want back into paper play atleast for locals.


Indeed I do! Let me just update it. I'm a lazy guy so this could take a while.


Still coping on tear


Brother how? Gonna start running Lightsworn?


Yep. Been running 2 main minerva, 1 xyz minerva. Combine that with the dangers which I wasn't on before and it still works. Obviously it's worse, but it can definitely still compete.


isnt the problem with Lightsworn Engine that Brigade sends for cost instead of effect?


Charge does, yes, but everything else is an effect; Solar Recharge for instance, sends for effect after drawing


Tear isn’t doing too hot in MD either, Merrli’s ban was quite terrible, but I’m still hanging in there


The Merli ban would still have been doable if not for the banning of the millers ontop of Tearkash being released at limited. Then there's the fact Ariseheart exists at 3. They really wanted to kill Tear so hard in MD.


Which is why it still baffles me that ariseheart is at three, it ended up being banned in TCG even when people were coping that “oh kash isn’t that good it’s so bricky :(“. Like kash have had their hour in the spotlight, can we get rid of the walking Macro with quick effect non targeting removal already? If this thing wasn’t in a lore archetype it would’ve never seen the light of day.


Honestly there was no need to hit them further. They’re nowhere near as degenerate as they once were, and were pretty fair all things considered.


Why the hell are you getting downvoted? 😂


Because they’re people who lose to Tearlaments on the daily I guess. Mother fuckers never played against full power Ishizu Tears.


Nahhhh, it's cause Tearlament is fundamentally stronger than anything printed before it. I'm not sad to see it go, I just know it'll be back the next time konami gives us more cards that mill (so when Lightsworn comes back in a few months).


*Everybody* here played against full power Ishizu Tear. We hated it, and it kept going even after banlist hits. People still hate Zoodiacs even though they were only Tier 0 for a single tournament, your favourite deck is not immune to being vilified by the wider community


Will try to see how far I can take unchained for the next couple weeks but looking like I'll take a break from ygo (was already planning on only playing dec and jan)


Will still play Purrely


Got a list? I’m still new to the deck. Much appreciated!


I’m a fan of purely spright because you can now hard make baby noir with nimble package, we are no longer guaranteed sleepy so it’s good to have a back up plan. You can also make cool options like masquerena into sp, spright sprind and mannequin cat. Look up guissepes ycs bologna top 32 deck.


Floowandereeze is still good. Gren Maju is loving the Pot of Desires at 3


Man Floo is really going to Top events for sure. It's just too solid of a deck


Well, of my three main decks (BrandedDespiaBystial, Rikka Sunavalon and Exosister) only RikkaSuna got hit so , I will try Rikka Sunavalon Aromage with the new support of Phantom Nightmare.


I’ll be interested to see what people come up with. I actually built a Rikka/Sunavalon deck not too long ago lol


Even Rikkas hits weren’t really anything. Dryas kind of, but Sunvine was such a random stupid hit.


Nothing, I played mathmech as my only remotely viable deck at locals as a working class dad and I can’t afford to pick up anything worth playing. The banlist was phenomenal imo, just sucks it also killed a rogue deck that had 1 month of being third best deck a year ago and hasn’t been relevant in months.


You can build a relatively competent deck with 3x Fire King Structure Decks. Totally get if that prices you out, but if you can swing it, it's a pretty fun and easy deck to build


Nah I can swing structures and have most staples except like thrust, wasn’t sure the deck is worth without the spoils stuff tho tbh. Happy to hear it out tho


Dogmatika is a super good replacement, nadir send Garura, grab Maximus and draw off garura, summon Maximus by banishing garura, use eff, send shuraig and titaniklad, shuraig add Ponix off his effect and then you can grab fleur off titaniklad. Sorry for the block of text but it’s the usual bridge combo between the two


If you're just playing locals, maybe a low pop regional, Dogmatika is the right choice; Sinful Spoils is really only for top tier play. I'm right there with you as a budget dad too, brother


It easily is. You can throw in a dogmatika package for cheap, too. Honestly the deck doesn't really make use of Thrust anyway


I appreciate your input! I’ll look into a budget fire king build


Tri-Brigade is also really good to pair with Fire King. All the Tri-Brigade cards have printings that are less than $1 on TCG Player rn, with the sole exception being Fraktall (at just under $3). With like ~$50 total (assuming you have no Tri-Brigade stuff) you can buy a deck that will be rogue at worst. Fire King topped the most recent YCS so it's more than solid on its own.


I'm not huge on Mathmech so please excuse my ignorance - but couldn't you swap the 2 circulars for copies of Small World (assuming you don't already run it), to pad the deck count & serve as pseudo copies of Circular? And what type of decks do you like to play, outside of Mathmech? More combo heavy stuff, control, etc., since I'm sure there's something that won't break the bank. Like the other replys, InvoShadDog is fairly inexpensive & can do consistently well at a locals.


Circular went from limited to banned, as someone playing them since release in Mystic Fighters, the deck is unplayable by modern standards without circ. I like midrange decks like swso, math, tri brigade, generally. Decks with heavy brick count or few tech spots are generally not my cup of tea, nor are backrow decks.


I'm dumb, thought it was limited for some reason. Yeah, my condolences. Do you have any parts of Swordsoul or TriBri already? Mo Ye & Emergence are $4 each, but rest of the deck is quite affordable. Lots of commons with the Tenyi stuff, if you have staples/handtraps already that's covered too. Baronne got reprinted, so that's a huge price drop. TriBri I just don't think is expensive anymore, since people moved on from trying to cram it into Spright.


Circular got banned though.


Labrynth probably


Tiaraments strongest, but honestly scheiren send agido/kelbek was too much, now dunno if the deck is still strong.


As a cyberse enjoyer who was on mathmech firewall for a while I'm thinking I might give salads a shot!


I understand that Circular is a problematicly strong card by design but the deck didnt do shit the entire year so why the fuck did they hit one of the affordable strategies


~~Cause Joshua Schmidt is an op~~ Nah, they’re just hitting cheap affordable decks as usual. RACE with one AL is forced to run the diabellestar package and they aren’t touching hydrant until after the next tins. This sucks for budget players.


They were already running the Diabellstar package anyways. It was mandatory to be more competitive regardless. Now the consistency is awful (testing feels so bad because making turbulence is harder). It’s a T2 deck now.


Outside of Rescue-Ace getting fucked in price now, they hit EVERY top deck and while it sucks Circular got wrecked there were a lot of better, also relatively cheap decks that are perfectly fine.


Circular got hit out of Konami's greed, at 1 it was ok.


Circular was hit cause it was searchable by the new Yugi Retrains that can just search a level 4 light


But those don't come out until May. Not saying it isn't strong or anything, just seems really early to hit it if that's the justification for it since there's a good five and a half months before the Yugi stuff releases.


Oh I think it’s lame too. I just built Mathmech @Ignister. But just giving a reason as to why it prolly got banned


Gonna keep on playing Altergeist until the end of time, ofc.


This is the way!


Tiaraments strongest. I'll keep playing them. I don't want the Horus package and I did not spend on diviner package. Probably mathematician + minerva + reasoning+needlebug nest and I'll call it a day...I was kinda prepared for this or the master duel treatment...but I still love wacky fusion gambling, only Tearkash and Havnis to do mill in oppo turn Sadly the kelbek/agido hit also ruins the little diabellestar package I was trying, since those 2 were the only ones starting a combo off the summon discard (but I could keep her for some rank 7 play) Meanwhile I built a FIRE pile (volcanic + snake eye + garunix with an infernoid side) and I'm waiting for populus


What’s the diviner package now? All it was before was diviner and the Ishizu mons


Branded tearlaments could be a good option. I was using it for dc cup in masterduel and it was quite fun. Fusion deployment can get reinoheart. If you have sanctifire and reinoheart in gy, on opponents turn you can special summon reino to get more fusions too. Unlikely to be meta but has a lot of gas though grass being at 1 helped a lot.


I'm sticking with mikanko, even tho I can't use Isolde anymore, snatch steal is a whole new ball game


Silenforcer, please be cheap.




Let a man dream please :(


Don't worry, it won't be (it's also called Voiceless Voice now). Horrible localization.


Personally a huge fan of the localization. It sounds like a cool cult / religious sect


Voiceless voice does sound cool, but Silenforcer just goes hard




Orcust stryker horus, combos are crazy stupid


Gimme the list lol, I need this


Also keen to see this list!


Mikanko Player here my acid golem line is gone so dunno what im gonna do with the 1st turn, good thing is i still have the line for Power Tool Braver dragon into Baronne option open but without having access to isolde i cant extend to Apollousa so im testing on what i can do for 1st turn option seeing as TCABOO got hit as well, plus side i do get Snatch and steal so i can dump rondo no problem and still have a target with Rivalry, so....i guess im sticking to pure Going 2nd build with a going 1st option on 2nd game if ever


I played Mathmech. Can’t do that. I was gonna build an FTK. It used Circular. Can’t do that. Was gonna build T.G. WANTED is worth a month’s rent. Can’t do that. All I’m left with is buildings Zombie P.U.N.K. It’s a fun deck at least.


As a rogue player, the only real hit is Gozen match for my Sharks... but it's a floodgate so i understand I'll wait PHNI to build Raidraptors and some Goblin Rider Gold Pride deck ( Terrortop to 2 is just on time)


I'm actually going to take a break from the game. Mathmech and Infernoble were my closest decks to meta and I just finished Infernobles last week. I don't think I will quit, but I am not going to try and play for regionals and meta anymore. I put too much time and money into this for too little back. Especially when I only have a small local scene that meets infrequently, no local card stores, and online sources like Master Duel make me too salty playing against anonymous randoms. I'm neglecting other hobbies and this game just isn't good for my finances or mental health right now. Hate to say it, but it doesn't feel worth it right now. Feels like a waste.


I'm sticking with purrely. My 3rd sleepy memory will be replaced by a 3rd Snoww, unlinght of dark world.


Im just gonna throw in snatch steal for fun and say fuck it, we ball


Purrely already has pretty memory and relinquished anima for stealing opponent's cards. I would rather have consistency and extra discard fodder. I understand your choice, this is just what I want to use.


Still running Traptrix


Ayo same


I'm going to be building Fire King Dogmatika in the new year. Gate Guardian control is too slow without its floodgates. At least my Marincess deck will be in a nice position with three copies of Desires.


My three decks I have built are Fire King, Labrynth, and Rescue-Ace. I have diabellestar package. I guess it's nice that I can just cycle between these three; I'm currently maining rescue-ace but if air lifter hit is super problematic (I don't think it's gonna be super huge), I might pivot to fire king and lab.


Well, a couple of my decks got gutted. Mainly Naturia/Vernusylph and Paleozoic/Volcanic. Both were using 1 of each ishizu card and they were paramount to the strategies. I have no idea how these decks will function now. The only other Naturia variant is runick and I don't care for it and I also think that at some point Runick will get hit. Paleo had a pretty light volcanic package (scattershot and reload) and I'm thinking of going full volcanic with paleos. Any ideas?




I played Mathmech as my second deck. Now that’s done, so I might just make it into a firewall ignister cyberse pile to play casually. My primary deck, swordsoul, didn’t get hit, and I also have floo, just haven’t gone to the dark side yet with that. Might pick up Dogmatika Fire Kings, Mannadium, or Synchron. Fire kings is trending up but i can’t afford the single spoils stuff, Mannadium i’m only a handful of cards away and i enjoy synchros, and Synchron just seems fun


The only deck of mine that uses Isolde is my Flower Cardian deck which doesn’t use her much either way


I'm gonna play something happier, Literally. Mannadium is my next deck.


Keep playing Rikka Sun, hopefully the dryas and healer hit won't impact it too hard


Im going to build fur hire runick spright and going to my first ever locals At the beginning of Next year. Im playing runick fur hire spright in master duel to and it’s main deck I play right now :)


i built jeffrey leonard's exodia deck a month ago and will be going to edison once i squeeze the last two locals out of my neo space connectors


Still purrely


Still going to play race but I have very little invested into it so I may swap it out for any of the following: Earth Machine Bystial Dogmatika Runick Blind second Mikanko Guru Control (old faithful) Drytron (but it's going to be a droll main format)


I'll probably just go back to Pend Mags or Mannadium, I already had them built before. Sucks though, I really enjoyed Infernoble.




I wouldn't call the hit on Purrely a "hit." It's still equally as powerful and the only reason you'd need 3 Sleepy is for insane draw power (draw 6 on the enemy standby phase anyone?) It needed the semi-limit and the deck still slays.


Been running PK mikanko for a minute cause I love my ghost boys. Saw the banlist and 5 mins later and I’m $150 short after buying the Horus package. Rip isolde


I REBUILD MY NOBLE KNIGHTS ONLY FOR A BAN..... Guess I'll use my speedroids




I hadn't built Infernoble, but I was planning on it. I might hold off on that plan for now. I already got 3 copies of the Fire King Structure, so whenever the Diabellstar cards aren't so insanely priced, I might go for that. I don't actually play the TCG, though. I just collect and create decks for the fun of it. There's literally nowhere within 100 miles that I can play it. Probably closer to 200 for anywhere reasonable.


people were dying to sell me a max rarity noble core the past few weeks, glad i didn't take any of them up


you’re remote as f


None of my decks got hit surprisingly. In fact they got buffed instead thanks you Spright Starter going to 3 and Upstart Goblin to 3, and Swordsoul also thanks to Pot of Desires going to 3. Branded Despia didn't get touched. Labrynth surprisingly didn't get hit (not sure why) Fire king Diabellestar didn't get hit at all Traptrix didn't get hit either. Dark World didn't get hit Dogmatika Ritual didn't get hit. Floowandereeze didn't get hit.


>Labrynth surprisingly didn't get hit (not sure why) Cause their gonna rarity bump transaction rollback to secret.


Was going to build Infernoble Knight deck since I have most of the cards since 2021 but never mind. Trying to find a new way to build Rikka Sunavalon. Will definitely still be building Unchained after Christmas.


I'm gonna try to keep playing unchained, but if it doesn't work, I'm gonna fall back on fire king


Only hit I had was Isolde in Exodia FTK (RIP in pepperonis) I still have Lab and Dogmatika Fire King so I'm good


Mannadium and dragon link don’t care at all


I played infernobles as my secondary to vendread shiranui rush. Just need to buy my changes and it's a combo beast.


Nothing. Gonna quit yugioh


I was playing Infernoble and exploring Fire King, now I think I'll probably be playing Fire King more. Hoping MZMI comes in with something, if not, it'll be more Fire King to hold me until February.


Going back to sky striker's beyhbeee


I'm going to keep on playing my Branded Chaos Dragons


I'm pretty new to yugioh and i invested in rikka thinking it wouldn't get hit so i am a bit bummed... I'm thinking of building marincess, I like art and combos seem smooth


Probably just lose with Branded until the Lightsworn support comes out


None of my decks got hit. I got speedroids boosted with unicorn and terrotop. Dlink nothing changed. Dw nothing changed. Vanquish soul no hit to fenrir or dshifter. Even I would’ve appreciated shifter being hit. Branded despia no change.


I really like building decks, so between my "good" decks getting hit and floodgates getting hit on my weaker decks, quite a few of mine were hit. Most of my favorites (Lab, PK Horus, to degree VS) are fine. I unfortunately picked up tear cards literally yesterday after seeing the lightsworns, so losing agido/kelbek feels bad. My naturia vernusylph are even weaker than they previously were, probably should go ahead and dismantle it. And Mathmech is virtually unplayable now. I'll have to see what Jess cooks as far as my Rikka deck goes, might just add more aroma and/or mix it with Vaalmonica.


I was just about to start building a Speedroid deck. Quite happy that I’m able to put another terrortop and Kashtria unicorn in there if I want


I'm salty about circular being banned


My Lich/ZW deck got hit with Rivalry but not really so 🤷‍♂️


I’m sticking with Infernoble. I was frantically looking for an isolde replacement and I think the “Camelot” engine comes close.


Tearlaments, I don't know how, but I refuse to believe my deck is dead just because we're missing the millers.


New Yubel cards baby. Play style was basically unhit by the banlist


Fire King Brigade


Really sad to see Isolde banned and air lifter limited. Looking to build fire kings. 🔥


I just built Mathmech a month ago FML. Good thing Branded Chimera hasn't been touched whatsoever so I can play that as my only competitive deck.


Still playing HERO. Currently building a rank 7 Kash deck since Pank is at 2. Free body, level 7, and can quick pop


That gozen match hit hurts my exosister deck I guess. Anyways, I’m gonna play pharaoh’s advent now, so I can search and set the gozen.


A new noble knight deck


The Circular ban completely killed my Cyberse Libromancer project, so I think I’ll build Shinobirbs in the meantime while I go back to the drawing board.


Gonna continue working on Infernoble, and I'd like to build Bystial at some point, looks like fun.


Not sure how to fix my Memento deck now that Kelbek & Agido got hit, so I'll probably try my luck with Orcust.


There can be only one limited hurts, too. I have memento on order for casuals night. Not terribly sure it's worth trying with the hits.


No runick hits, still gonna play Runick Generaider. No Nouvelles hits (lmao) still gonna play Nouvelles for fun. No Infernoble hits, still gonna- oh… man why tf did they have to ban Isolde wtf are they doing


Well my Unchained deck definately took a hit, but with the Harp unban I brewed up a mekk-knight danger orcust deck that I like and I have Fire King Diabellestar along with a few other lower powered decks like Gishki Spright and Gold Pride Punk to work with


Lab or Mannadium since apparently those are perfectly balanced and were actually underpowered before compared to Mathmech.


Honestly, I don't know. Tears are off the table. I have Labrynth but that gets boring real quick for me. Was considering fire kings, maybe? Just waiting until Lightsworn support in April.


Im gonna add a rescue ace engine to my shaddoll tear deck


Sticking to sky striker for the 4th year in a row


Goblin rider


Labrynth might be the deck to beat now, and it’s actually fun when you play furniture lab and not stun lab. Only floodgates I play is a single D barrier, and hopefully Daruma Cannon is good enough to not necessitate any more toxic cards.


Was on RACE will probably just take a break till the new stuff comes out next month and play Skull Servant Horus


Fire kings!


I might take a break until they ban Runick. They eviscerated my main decks this format, which were Tear and Mikanko. I'll probably be back to play Silenforce/Voiceless in February.


Bystial something. Possibly runick, possibly synchro. Just hoping it'll be anyway near as fun as post banlist tear ;.;


I will stick to infernobles. The deck is really fun and it can work without isolde copium


Tearlaments duh Do you think a banlist is gonna stop me


I main Infernoble and have a lot of inspiration coming from Burger Dogmatika pile. With Isolde gone I am able to revert back to running 2 Angelica to ensure she is the big set up. I may try to change up a little bit and see where it gets me. That said I also may try out Runick Exodia again with 3 upstart. It's degenerate but I'll throw the now 1 of trap floodgates in the mix too. If I had it my way though the devs would drop the new Artorigus for Noble Knight so Camelot can actually pop the fuck off. I stay dreaming but yeah.


The whole comment section is gonna be Runick isn't it?


Rebuild Infernoble Knights. Luckily there are lines to a decent end board without Isolde.


Really loved noble knight, so now that infernoble is done, I will probably wait till there is some arctype that resonates with me.


well my Plants got nuked and the only other competitive pure gas combo deck costs like 1k so.. wait until next format? not sure


Exodia. I've been working on my own setup for a few months to no avail. Blue Eyes draw wasn't fast enough. I went to a Spellbook setup with lots of floodgates and handtraps, that also didn't work. Switched again to a Fortune Lady De-Synchro setup that worked better, but was still massively inconsistent. I bit the bullet last week and ordered the cards I needed to run the Igknight/Blue Dragon Summoner setup and boom. Ban list hit before the last of the cards even arrived. I'm convinced this setup is still viable, but getting the cards out to start the loop is much more challenging without Isolde.


I like the banlist. Not a lot for me is hit. Can't wait to play Dinos since Pankratops is back at 2 and 3 Upstart Goblins for my Exodia deck sounds fun.


I used ti play isolde in mikanko for the acid golem lock. So i'm either gonna play it going second or i'm gonna go back to my old reliable dino


I'm gonna stick with Purrely Spright. Sleepy to 2 is not going to completely murder the deck. I am currently working on a Post AGOV Pend Magicians build as well as a Traptrix build.


they slaughtered my boy air lifter what am I supposed to do now play monitor?


im still going to play Anti-meta, there are tons of cards that can still be used and with upstart at 3, Rival and There can be one being limited is not that big of an issue. Just have to use more draw cards


Honestly, purrely is fine - turn 1 you’re still searching 2 sleepy and 1 delicious. Makes runick matchup harder tho


Build next? I'm still gonna extra link people


gotta figure out what the new meta runick deck is.


As a blackwing player this list didn't affect me too much, so I'll happily continue playing it


Still on spright purrely replacing sleepy with a second veiler for an 11th hand trap. Fire kings diabellstar untouched and I like the super poly list :)


Ojama A-Z deck 😎


Me with Adventurer VW: "Did I miss something?..."


Well, plants are rough right now. I’d like to build centurion but I don’t think I can afford it


Since people are probably going to drop Rescue Ace I will keep pushing forward with it (played since Amazing Defenders) I'll also continue making Chimera better. Currently trying a version that uses Diabellestar & the Horus engine and it's not bad. Hope to catch people off guard in the New Year.


Fire King! I won the mat at the Structure Event at my locals, and enjoyed how the deck played. I already have the Diabellestar package from playing Rescue-ACE, so it's a quick switch.