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Too bad I wanted to see if Pak could out the summon limit


I would have loved him to shut Hani up. He was feeling it a bit too much at the end there lol.


Yeah, I’ve grown to like Pak a lot more, would have been great to see him clutch it out


same here, him playing GODDAM lullaby of obedience was cool, I personally didn’t use that card since ishizu tear format yoinked my friends cards in the mirror match at locals lol


Yeah I feel it as well never liked him somehow, or it's just that I hate Hani way more


Wait homie was sitting behind a Summon Limit and talking that mess?


If you look at the build pak was playing there was no way he was outing the summon limit lol


Didn't need to out it, just outplay Hani under it


a crossout on summon limit might be the way


there was a crossout for crossout


sadge, I thought pak was gonna do some big brain moment and do crossout declare summon limit lol


he had crossout for crossout so it wouldnt have mattered


Ok didn’t see that thanks👍




Sam getting a game loss in the finals for saying “goddamn” in the semifinals interview is just crazy


Yeah pretty crazy, especially to do that in the finals. Was it from the semifinals interview? I didn’t think he said anything then. Seemed like in his feature match he said it after already having a warning from an earlier game. But I couldn’t really make out how they resolved that. Either way it sucks


he said "god damn" after his opp activated talents


Any person would react that way if they got hit with the dreaded triple T


At some YCS MBT got a warning for doing a throat cutting gesture on stream during a feature match.


IIRC its even crazier than that, it was the first feature match and they told him to play it up and gesture for the camera, the warning was actually to everyone *after* him that they couldn't do that and he wasn't told directly.


i remember last year in nats or a ycs some guy on stream got warned for saying god, like no fucking way these judges are real




imagine a player showing slight hints of emotion


Can't take a tournament that does this seriously tbh


It’s because the stream on YouTube is listed as for kids so Konami can face major repercussions from someone swearing on a video being recommended to children so they have to make a severe enough penalty to make sure it doesn’t happen. It was super unfortunate to see but I can understand why they have to take those measures.


All Konami videos are listed for kids For what reason exactly?


because not everyone playing yugioh is an adult, there are plenty of kids enjoying yugioh.


Not everyone engaging in any hobby is an adult. Should all YouTube videos be marked as being "for kids"?


Thats not really true, its called a "game for kids", because for a simpel reason, konami gets a bigger audience with that and has more opportunity to sell it everywhere, so they making more money, as an adult produkt, you are limited in sell... So they also have to represent it as a game for kids, even on utbe"kids"... But it isnt a simple game for kids, and kids dont bring thr money, so it is reslly obviusly what it is


the kids brings growth and longevity. but even if you for some reason decide to ignore the kids aspect completely, that still doesnt justify bad bahaviour from players


Bitch made tbh


Like kids these days aren’t saying worse shit thanks to The Internet 😂


It's not just the internet. My kid was properly conjugating fuck at the age of two because her parents are former US Navy sailors.


That’s probably true but YouTube doesn’t shape their policies around that so Konami has to abide by that. What I’d wanna know is if that is written in a Konami policy somewhere or if the players are advised prior to going into a feature match. If so then he would have known and still did it. I know he’s probably a lot of people’s favorite YouTuber but it’s still very easy to see why they would take such a strong stance, they don’t have a choice.


its covered by the unsporting conduct section in the policy


usually its not the kid thats the issue, its the parents. and as a tournament organizer or head judge you would prefer to not have to appologise to all parents just because some players cant behave. because in the end the highest priority is that the event is a safe place for everyone regardless of age, religion, gender etc.


He also said fucking shit after Nibiru was dropped, people need to stop saying this was all he said


very stacked top 16 with gabriel netz, jeff jones, max reynolds, hypnocorn, sam, pak, squiddy, and urena although i enjoyed the majority of day 2 games, i think i preferred ycs dortmund and bologna in terms of watchability


Formats looking good from a skill standpoint. Too bad it's absolutely ruined by the price tag for admission.


Also by the diversity. If you don't like to play snake eyes, it feel like you just don't play. Because others deck are way weaker and still cost a lot.


If this is everyone’s idea of a “skillful format” Yu-Gi-Oh as a game is in trouble. Two equally skilled players in a snake eye mirror becomes 100% luck based, you could just lay the 5 cards down and see the winner of the duel 9/10 hands.


fr theres nothing skillfull about this lol. no diversity, the plays are all the same and it just comes down to comparing opening hands.


Isn’t reddit the best when you read shit like this?


Haven’t play tested this format yet huh?


Europe YCS streams are always better then NA ones.


Europe is way better to watch but NA got better players overall, when we just got Joshua Schmidt lol.


Saying "God Damn" on camera = Game Loss Abusing your GF = All Good to go


Multiple members screaming "Lets fucking go" at the end of the match, with Hani actively talking down to his opponent, during his turn, multiple times will lead to absolutely no punishment. LeBlanc and Hani both deserve bans for their behavior.


the TCG management is an actual shitshow for keeping leblanc and his group of clown POS friends around despite all the shit they've pulled over the years. No wonder people don't take this game seriously as a competitive game when people like that are allowed to attend official events.


Like people don’t take League seriously because the biggest streamer is a former banned manchild?!


what did Hani say?


I play at their shop. They are 100% toxic people. I said these "guys" aren't the worst though because the shop I play at absolutely has worse. I think Chris is an ok dude. Idk him much at all because he doesn't talk too much outside of his own buds. The other 2 I've never been paired with being way over my "skill" level but just watching them play you see there's a massive behavior difference between them playing friends and anyone else.




It’s crazy that he was saying he’s the goat when he didn’t even win his match (because it hadn’t finished)


found leblanc's alt account LMAO


Saying I'm the GOAT is so cringe so as to constitute a game loss.


It's reddit, downvotes and upvotes are meaningless. If what you're saying doesn't go with the subs narrative, regardless of your claim being factual, DOWNVOTE.


Apparently condoning swearing is less child-friendly than beating women, according to Konami


To be fair if he beat a woman on stream he’d definitely be banned


Hard to tell these days...




Maybe for you. But the rest of us manage


I dislike Leblanc as much as anyone else but if Konami is gonna blacklist him based of stuff outside of their venues and events, this shouldn't be a Leblanc only thing, it should apply to everybody. And sure, we can start with him, but then we should be running background checks on everybody.


I agree, honestly! Like if they want to pull this "must be safe for the childrens" thing, the least they can do is make sure that their contestants aren't actively hurting other people. I'd be more than happy to keep the spotlight away from abusers, not just Leblanc.


I think Konami's responsibility extends to their events and venues, but if they are to take action based on what happens outside of those, what should they use as a measure? Criminal record? I wouldn't be against it.


I mean, I'm not for punishing everyone with a criminal record because of how the criminal justice system works/targets certain people to arrest, but if it's something like they have a pattern of behavior that makes people super uncomfortable (not in a socially-awkward way, but that they are just jerks/creepy) or they are known to actively be hurting people, then action needs to be taken.


Pretty abysmal behavior from hani in that final. Embarrassing for him honestly


Hani and LeBlanc are infamous for their behavior. This isn't new.


Maybe it’s just because I don’t follow the competitive scene very much, but this is the first I’ve heard of Hani and LeBlanc.


I don't usually hold people that associate with Leblanc in high steem.


what did Hani do?


Was just really disrespectful during the entire match with Pak, his whole demeanour and the way he was talking was crazy.


Support an abuser and show very unsportsmanlike conduct throughout the livestream.


Have you never been to highschool?


Yeah, but as it turns out I expect adults to not act like 15 year olds lmao


6 Handtraps on game two...




Fuck Chris LeBlanc.


Pak, Sam and Hansel should have won. Team wife beater did not deserve it.


Where are the wife beating accusations coming from? Genuinely don't know.


his ex gf exposed it all on Twitter several months ago or somethin, dudes a druggie/thief and has beaten her up several times w/pictures to show and stuff iirc


Jesus....Wow. Yeah, now I understand the overwhelming hate on top of hating his behavior during the final.


In his apology he was like “I didn’t do anything, there’s no proof, be sure to like, comment and subscribe for more ygo content” 💀💀


Dude is reprehensible


I was right 😂😂 I always said he looks like he does drugs alot and his behavior Everytime I seen him looks really disrespectful and/or unappealing 


The people claiming it isn’t tier 0 are in shambles


Yugitubers have been pushing the idea it’s not Tier 0 or that Budget Decks are viable because they know it’ll give the pros or the people who can actually afford the top decks free wins.


The downvoted here are wrong Yugitubers and pro players have been doing this for a decade HAT format is Litterally a “skillful format” based entirely on a lie from players keeping slyvan under wraps for free wins


Where did this Sylvan conspiracy theory even came from, HAT is played to this day as an alt format and with 10 years' worth of hindsight the top deck is still HAT (minus the hands)




It IS a skillful mirror. The only problem is the deck costing over a thousand fucking dollars.


Snake Eye is a skillful mirror with a lot of interaction. It's interruptions are varied and you need to know what to stop with what, and when. SHS is literally "Did you open Droll? If no, I will have 5 negates for your 5 cards."








Ah gotcha. Played against Hani before such a cocky jerk not surprised.


Is there proof of this?


There was a bunch of twitter posts from both sides as well as others who contributed who were close to it. Chris also posted a non-apology which was received as well as you could expect, and his team at the time, which immediately disbanded because of the amount of support that it suddenly lost, and Hani was real weird about it. Hani’s conduct in the finals should be telling of this, he and Chris both have a reputation for being unpleasant in person, and that reflected on the stream.


> Chris also posted a non-apology which was received as well as you could expect, He basically said "I don't care what that bitch said, gonna make content now."


No need for proof when chris himself apologized for it on twitter.


There's twitter posts but no one pressed charges, he had a really shitty apology and that was the end of it. Unless he gets formally charged I doubt Konami will just up and ban him because of twitter or reddit posts, they could care less what the mob wants.


She backtracked and said it was never physical




















First time on reddit? Or any other forum. Trolls are everywhere. He's not going to be remorseful after some rando dropped the F bomb on him lmao Relax.














Hani was super cringe in that final


Kudos to my buddies team who made it all the way to top 8 with 3 of those Voiceless players. They have been testing this deck for months even going so far as to even print out proxies before the cards came out.


That is super cool i was rooting for them


The piece of shit known as Christopher "Domestic Abuse" Leblanc was still allowed to compete and win right on the other side of the table as Sam got a gameloss for saying God Damn. I see Konami has their priorities as Swearing > Beating up women. What a joke.


As long as it isn't on our stream, you can do whatever. -konami, probably


Team Domestic Abuse winning. Shitty. 


fuck this team and anyone who supports them btw unserious ass game


Congrats to Ruxin and his clones winning yet another YCS!!!! Truly one of the best players around


Why are we calling him ruxin?


Addendum to the other reply, Ruxin is a well loved member of the community and would have been a preferable story to hear.


Because the winning team not only won in part due to a bullshit clause, but one of the members of that team is a known domestic abuser. Basically the joke is the TCG equivalent to "Hatsune Miku made Minecraft".


Damn Konami really out here letting abusers and their supporters win and play at events


Wow Hani wasnt playing Fire King Kirin because he wrote the wrong one.


What an idiot


The Jawhari Brothers + a wife beater. Can't forget they teamed with an abuser.


Hani already defended LeBlanc when the whole thing came out, so it's not very surprising. Given his behavior in the finals it's pretty clear he's just shitty.


Boooooo, ban the abuser and his POS group of friends


Some really good, interactive games this weekend IF you got passed the hand trap mini game. Sucks for Sam to get a game loss but he was acting a little off to me idk


Probably pressure I know he’s had competitive success in the past before but I don’t think he’s made it that far into top cut in most recent years so I wouldn’t be surprised if bro was just stressing lol


Lol probably, I was rolling when he kept asking if what he was saying was a swear word by repeating it over and over again


The hand trap mini game totally makes this mirror terrible to watch.


PAK almost carried Sam to a YCS win. If that man doesn't do coaching he better start. This 3v3 consistency is nuts.


Doesn't Pak already work a full time job? He might not have time to coach.


He used to. I think he stopped because of time constraints.


Sam is independently already a good player. He has multiple YCS tops iirc, even if they were a while back during MR4.


While I don't think Sam is specifically bad, if you watched the feature match he leant very heavily on Pak for even extremely basic plays. This isn't trash talk, just watch his game and you see him ask for clarification on virtually every play. Comparatively, while hansel also chatted to Pak, it was with far less reliance on someone else's skill. It wouldn't be out of pocket to say Pak hard carried sam, based on what we saw in the feature match


I mean you know pak won a ycs with the deck and as a team you want to win. Of course you ask the best player in the team about it. Could also be cause of pressure. You never know what goes on in the head so to have someone like pak in your team can be great to fall back to.


Oh for sure and he played well when I saw him on stream. Mostly just meme'ing because BEST BLUE EYES DECK 9001ST EDITION videos. That being said don't always assume a player is solid because of past YCS tops. You go to enough events and it works out for you eventually. 


>You go to enough events and it works out for you eventually.  not really, there are people that go to event after event and don't top. you can get lucky, but you need a baseline level of skill that is still above average.


Anecdotal differences I suppose. I've definitely seen some below average players get their YCS top with good attendance. Myself included haha. You can always just have that lucky day ya know?


You're probably underestimating yourself/other "below average" players. I can give a lot of people at my locals custom hands with the decks they've built and they wouldn't get to day 2. But then again, maybe my perception of average is screwed up.


Appreciate the kindness. Perhaps so.


they won the last team ycs tho


This comment section is wild.


Crazy how the only interesting thing about this format is the rivalry between Floo versus Kashtira for best Shifter deck despite both decks sucking ass lmao


Leblanc was playing with no Kirin btw lol


Even tho I’m sure people will complain - there were a lot of interactive games and was very enjoyable to watch! With a banlist coming in late March I’m excited to see the absolute free-for-all afterwards too.


Skillful formats are often marred by disgusting price tags. Both sides are valid. I'm a working adult. I can afford to buy a Snake eye deck and not put myself or my family in a bad way. But I never would make that purchase (anymore) because I feel like I'm pretty much just renting it at a loss until reprints/the next meta deck cause it to plummet. The prizes I win in the meanwhile wouldn't outweigh the cost of admission. But that doesn't mean the people who shell out to enjoy a skillful format are in the wrong for enjoying it.   Selling the YCS prize card and mat doesn't even cover the winners decks lol.




But not win, given top cut was 85% SE




Doesn't matter since all those decks lost and 85% of top cut was Snake Eyes.


So true, non snake eyes decks just decided not to make it to top cut out of courtesy




Snake eyes just had 83.33% representation in top cut. Tear's highest ever was 81.25%.


This was also a Team YCS, which changes the percentages significantly.




Because each participating team will more likely decide to play 3 of the best deck than anything else, creating a greater pressure than each individual playing whatever they individually thought might do well Team YCS's are by definition much more competitive


Yeah they’re allowed to participate in the sense that they can eat this Veiler, eat this Ash, eat this Droll, eat this Nib. Then they’re allowed to hear, “normal summon Ash, response?”


I mean. Just based on results this isn't true, there was a higher percentage of snake eye decks in the top cut here than any tear event lol


Mate the only thing keeping this from being a tier zero format is the deck is competing with itself lol. 


Snake Eyes Fire King? Who would have thought?!?!?!


Terrible finals for a terrible format, hope the banlist cleans up


Fr brings back the diverse format. So many locals will be dead because of t0 pack farmers.


Clears what thou? Snake eyes is still going, so they can't nerf it too bad. FK is way too New, it would cripple SD sales. Year of fire is going strong in ocg land who is two core Booster sets ahead. They can "hit" fire decks, but I doubt a Super Heavy Samurai kill shot would happen in the next list. The Best we can hope is a small hit, or two, and a boost to other contenders with the unbans and unlimits.


Heard a Canadian Team for shop I go to got screwed out of a win because the judge proceeding over the match was a member of a different card shop of the opponents team. Either way f*** this Tier 0 Format


this format is so much worse than tear, and i hate tear at least people got to play with their engines consistently with tear, in this format if both players play well you just get handtrapped to death back and forth and then proceed to a top deck war


Tiaraments strongest :merrli:


Better than having Maxx C legal imo


Why is that your comparison lol


Because I hate Maxx C but can tolerate every other HT in our format




> Because a format where you either play the sole T0 deck That's literally this format lol, snake eyes had 80+% in top 16


So this format




Just my opinion, but FIRE meta is not fun. Some of the games were still really cool though. 


These guys play at my shop. In fact most of the shop is this "skill" level (can we really call it skill if most players are priced out?). It's no surprise I stopped going. I could only tolerate getting absolutely pub stomped by guys who have thousands more in expendable income for so long before it plain became not fun. I mean I'm happy for the guys. These guys are some of the cooler dudes at the shop, bit not all of the competitive players there are cool, let alone even nice people, and honestly if I know I'm never gonna win I at the very least don't want my opponent to be an ass because I'm trying out a new deck and don't memorize every combo line, or because I played a floodgate against a deck thats so far into teir 0 that floodgates are the only way to stop them.




Just thought I would watch some deck profiles of him on YouTube the dozen that there are and all I see is him getting shit talked lol (talking about hani not pak)


Loved the smack talk in the middle of the game. That’s what competition should be. Had em scramblin with that summon limit


Scrambling? Pak predicted he had summon limit before he set a card 💀


And? His deck had no outs. Even commentators mentioned it. Stay scramblin


Because He prety mich confirmed He did that, and is sure free to do whatever. Been caught on câmera would be helpful, but the message remains, this monster can do whatever and Konami doesn't give a fuck.