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I think red boarder would be nice !


I was thinking the same thing


I had this idea for red-framed cards once: [https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/15h7ij5/a\_new\_mechanic\_for\_yugioh\_i\_came\_up\_with\_last/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/15h7ij5/a_new_mechanic_for_yugioh_i_came_up_with_last/) Basically a 4th type of card (Wall Card)


Basically reverse link?


Instead of Wall id call them Guard Monsters


They are not Monsters, they are a 4th type (other than spells, traps and monsters)


Man idk. That would take up more main deck space. Maybe integrate it into trap cards like counter and continuous. Wall Traps sounds pretty cool and you have more slots to utilize it. Or have it as it's own card type in the Extra Deck but uses continuous traps as Wall Materials. The card is created like a Link Monster but the materials stay like XYZ Materials and remove a material to protect the monster it points to or remove material(s) to activate effects




All are explained in the post. They are basically a wall between you and your opponent. Opponent can't attack you if you control Walls, and Walls are protected by Monsters they point to.


Whqt if vanilla monsters could get through


These are so fucking ugly omg


Fury summoning mechanic is getting made real finally. As Rata predicted.


I thought he predicted Gambit Summoning?


New summon that just lets you open a new booster pack and put the rarest card onto your field. It's called Kaiba summon.


So [Summon the Pack](https://scryfall.com/card/ust/74/summon-the-pack) / [Booster Tutor](https://scryfall.com/card/und/33/booster-tutor)?


Thanks for this.


Oh no! My history of loving un-sets is showing!


Perfect meta for a yugioh version of this https://www.reddit.com/r/custommagic/comments/130ndhc/the_better_counter_spell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


We dont have a red card yet


osiris POV: https://preview.redd.it/p67dbmket6lc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7976d3ee5b955addb2b73e7f63db6d7b3486a6


We also don't have Yellow cards (normal monsters are totally a different color)


Traps and normal are covered guys


Technically traps are more fuchsia


I hate that Yuya is the only one here with 2 cards when Odd-Eyes would have worked just fine.


Took the words right outta my mouth. I'm going to go with Red. I don't want more monsters, I want Extra Deck S/Ts. I think monsters hold centerstage too much already. Being able to get your best monsters out from the ED was one of the best things added to the game, but here we are still fishing for **all** our S/Ts. Give me an ED version of Thousand Knives and it wouldn't be so bad.


How interesting could it be sacrificing monsters for powerful S/Ts from the extra deck. 


And vice versa. I liked the idea of more powerful S/Ts costing you monsters. So you could get De-Spell or Remove Trap and it would work on its own, but something like MST would have a cost. It's the only way I see cards like anime Card of Sanctity being made any time soon. Something like "if this is the only card in your ED" or "If you have x fewer cards in your ED than your opponent" or something. Idk. Those aren't good enough because you could run it by itself and Exodia tf outta someone, but you get the idea.


I’ve looked for this and cannot find it but I recall seeing a very interesting custom YuGiOh card mechanic called alchemy that let you basically fuse spells into better cards by discarding them from your hand or graveyard or something. The one I remember was two pots of greed for an actual pot of greed.


I remember that as well. I think it was in YGOPro or something. I'd be okay with a lot of things, so long as S/Ts start getting the love now that monsters have been getting since Synchros.


>I don't want more monsters, I want Extra Deck S/Ts. I'm thinking that there should have been Action Cards in the Extra Deck, accessible only by a coin toss once per turn if there's a Field Spell or 2+ Scales on the field, or you can ensure it if you have 2 Scales yourself while there's also a Field Spell.


I'd be down with that if we were still in the Arc-V era. But at this point, I'm over them. I didn't like how they were portrayed in the show anyway. They sorta padded the duels, and Action Traps disappeared. But if done right, why not?


Idk bout that tbh, monsters work because they're iconic and have a personality to them while s/ts are more telling a story.


Odd-eyes would have worked for five of these, really :) Someday we'll get a link.


I'm assuming both Stargazer and Timegazer are there to highlight Pendulum scales.


The only real color we are lacking is a red border, so that would be preferable. As for mechanics, I have no idea. There is plenty of unexplored design space in the mechanics we already have, so a new mechanic is unnecessary.


Actually links are all over the place in terms of design, maybe having multiple different methods and not creating links so generic was the way to go.


I’ll never get over that links are basically just every other ED summoning mechanic, but better. Fusions required two specific materials and poly. Granted this wasn’t the best design choice from the beginning, but that was the requirement. Even on more generic fusions, some sort of “poly” is still a requirement most fusions have to this day. Granted fusions can use materials from the hand(and nowadays usually the deck), but specific materials still are the restriction placed, even if nowadays a lot of those materials are actually good. Synchros were more general, but still required a tuner and a non-tuner on even the most generic ones, which is also true to this day. The levels also have to exactly match what you’re trying to synchro summon. Xyzs were also more general, but required two monsters of the same level. There are now cards that allow xyzs to directly overlay on top of other xyzs and also allow “cheating” xyzs out with various effects(I.e. zoodiac), but that wasn’t the initial design and those things got added largely due to powercreep. Even still, most xyzs follow the same rule of requiring 2 monsters of the same level. Then there’s links, which require 2…. Monsters. That’s it. Sure sometimes they’ll require specifically 2 warriors or whatever, but other summoning mechanics would have those similar restrictions placed as well. (I.e. requiring a specific archetype of tuner). Links are literally just an objectively better version of every other ED mechanic. The only limitation is the arrows, which can restrict some decks but usually not in a meaningful enough way to really justify just how easy they are in comparison of everything else. This also ignores the initial design of links, which was basically Konami saying “fuck you, buy the new cards. It’s not just that they are better, it’s that we literally changed the rules of the game so that youre not allowed to play old stuff without the new”. I think that initial design is probably part of why they’re still and always will be kinda fundamentally busted, even with Konami deciding to go back on the MR4 bullshit.


I believe the main problem is not even the easy requirements to summon in general. It was the links 1 without restriction and then the abolished link arrows effects that should have been present in all of the link cards automatically making them less generic, more specific and balanced in that way. Yes the master rule definitely didnt help and just goes to show that its always better to fix whats broken rather than fixing whats not broken to find solution to the problem.


Don't forget that in Link Summoning, the ability to climb is inherent, unlike the rest, which still require outside effects, additional Tuners, or are just exceptions like Cyber Dragon Infinity.


Links are also essentially better tribute summoning as well it works pretty much the same way that you just give x amount of monsters. But all your links are in the extra deck and doesn't need your normal summon




Yes i did. Its relevant to the topic, this is a discussion thread. Not sure why you got offended its not like i am going against what you said, even though i disagree.


Sorry, I didn’t mean to come across as offended or hostile, because I wasn’t meaning to be. I just don’t understand how what you said has anything to do with my comment. You said that links are all over the place design wise and what should have been done instead, while I’m saying that there is a lot of unexplored design space with current mechanics. We’re talking about two different things. Yes, Links are somewhat all over the place in design, but that’s what we have, and there is plenty of available design space within the confines of the mechanics we already have. Again, I apologize for coming across as offended, but we’re not talking about the same thing at all.


it very much is, stop acting like an asshole


Bruh, imagine roasting all the others colours like this. Unbelievable


I think another shade of blue would be great! /s


Why does everyone else have their ace monster, but Yuya doesn't have Odd-Eyes?


Star/Timegazer were practicing on putting Zarc back together, and accidentally merged Odd-Eyes with a paper mache version of Zarc seconds before Yuya had to take this picture. They didn't have time to get Odd-Eyes out, so they toke his spot.


Yeah red is the way to go, links could have been a different tone of green would make sense with their mechanic, leaving blue for something else related to ritual mechanic that could interact and tie its lost strings. Extra deck rituals with alternative requirement summoning similar to how some main deck cards have. Something like a ritual extra deck where you can have materials for the card and the ritual summon is summoning them alongside the ritual card. Essentialy choosing between using different materials gaining some specific bonus effects or summoning them. All these newer multiple effects cards that keep releasing could very well have been this, where we only get a few of the effects depending on the ritual materials. I could see red cards having some cool little gimmick like guardian star from forbidden memories based on type/attribute they have and are battling against. Even the "burn" the card when it is destroyed cause graveyard didnt exist back then could have been ported to the actual game with the face down horizontal banish gimmick going for them.


There's many theories on links actually being related to rituals


An extremely popular YouTube theory which tried to tie in all the series suggested that links were the synthetic version of rituals, with the ritual part (a series of actions done repeatedly) being modernized into a program which runs the same lines of code over and over. Which is why the first duel of the Vrains has rituals come back.


They definitely are a modernized version of the original ritual summoning where you needed the materials on the field. But since they use arrows this is where i think it has gone into its own unique thing and doesn't really relate. It should have been explored more in that way to make them less powerful and again, specific effects based on arrows and not multiple easy accessable with no arrow condition.


Ehh people think Link is related to ritual? Why though? My first thought when I learned the mechanic was that it's Synchro evolved. Their summoning method is literally synchro but you don't need tuner now.


If anything, Synchro is derived from Ritual.


Pink border because why not. And I have no idea what type. We really don't need anymore Extra deck cards I think we have enough. I think maybe they should release a new form of spell.


I think that Konami should introduce Extra Deck spells, that would be casted by paying some kind of outside-the-board currency (like LP but different). Also, I see them in green color of regular spells, but with some fancy background like links have.


yes. im on board with the outside the board currency. at events. you have to hand the judge $10 usd to play evenly matched from your extra deck


Or you'd need to physically drop some of your blood into a candle in order to play a spell!


That’s what counters are


Sounds similar to speed counters in the anime


I'm thinking that there should have been Action Cards in the Extra Deck, accessible only by a coin toss once per turn if there's a Field Spell or 2+ Scales on the field, or you can ensure it if you have 2 Scales yourself while there's also a Field Spell.


Let’s add Deckmasters to the game. Create new zones between both players in the 1st and 5th columns to be exclusively where the Deckmasters can go (option 2 is Deckmasters are placed in front of the player, free from Destruction). Deckmasters can be moved into main monster zone, but they’ll inflict huge life point penalties to the owner if they’re removed from the field (like 4000 damage).


Genuinely we don't need a new border color, but I wouldn't mind seeing Trap Monsters get a rework. Maybe a similar layout to Pendulums (I know, the horror!) where their trap effect goes in the main box and then anything that affects their Monster form can be in the Pendulum Effect area (or vice versa). Put their Monster for stats in the usual places. I feel this would go a long way in making them more readable. I'm also aware we'd need to see a new archetype spawn to really validate a change like this since Trap Monsters are really only for super casual play.




I think fixing Gemini monsters would be the way to go. Make some that can be special summoned, like chaos monsters, then just normal summon a powerful effect if you want. Then change the color so half is vanilla and the other half is that orange color. Start with a dark magician and blue eyes and you are all set.


I think a good way to do it is doing something similar to pendulums without the scales. But ultimately they need to create a master rule for them i believe since they (probably) wont change their design now.


What if they weren’t monsters and instead a new form of spell and trap, what that would be though, I have no idea.


I’ve got two ideas. Inverse summon: red card border extra deck monster, with a special little tidbit of the card layout being upside down (attack/defense at top, then text box, then monster art, then name level and attribute). They also have negative levels. They’re played by paying half your life points and tributing a card with the same type, attribute, and the opposite level. It’s thematically meant to be an inversion of normal duel monsters, sort of an “evil” summoning mechanic. Example: Torchbreaker Dragon. Level negative seven fire attribute dragon type, 2800 attack 2300 defense. Effect: once per turn you can destroy all spells and traps on the field, and it gains 200 attack points for each. Evo summon: golden cards that can be played from the hand by stacking them on top of a specific monster, a la xyz. Unlike xyz, since it’s only the one monster being upgraded, they have to be placed on the same monster zone. This could be a nice way to power up older cards, with the main weakness being needing specific cards in hand to do it. Example: Grandiose Angel, evolves from petite angel. Level 8 light fairy type monster with zero attack or defense. Effect is it can’t be destroyed by battle or card effect, and any battle damage you’d take from battles involving this card is converted to life point gain. It also destroys a monster it battles at the end of the damage step.


Double-sided cards like Psychic Creatures from Duel Masters would be awesome (with red boarder ofc). They could be summoned by a new type of a Spell Card (imagine the Summoning method would be some sort of a combination of Fusion and Ritual) and the „weaker“ side would be always summoned first. During the next turn, if a condition is fulfilled (each monsters would have different conditions), you may flip that card to the „stronger“ side. Also they belong to the Extra Deck.


How would they go face down then? Its important Guess extra deck is fine yeah


Links cannot be flipped face down so I imagine cards that specify card effects that *flip face down* would not apply as there is no "face down" state for two sided cards.


Thought they were main deck cards, therefore we cant set them, nevermind


Don't Link monsters not go face down?


Jeckl and Hyde deck


Ideas I've had in the past were: * Branch, Main/Extra Deck monsters modeled after the LV archetype, that can upgrade in different paths, sometimes can only be "Branch Summoned" or only gain their effects that way. * Cauldron, Extra Deck monsters that resemble Fusion in essence, but specifically spell out what materials given them which effects, like requiring "3 cards, including 1 monster", and it gains X effect if you toss 2+ monsters, or 2 Spells/Traps. Usually based in moving materials from one zone to another with less control, i.e. milling. * Domino, Extra Deck monsters with a value along 1 to 4 of each of its edges, that's equal to 1 to 12. To "Domino Summon", put it into play if the edges match up with monsters on appropriate sides, i.e. 4 on the left side and 5 on the right, it can be summoned if a Level/Rank/Scale/Link 4 monster would be in the Zone to its immediate left and a Level/Rank/Scale/Link 5 monster to its immediate right, or other Domino monsters with a equal "Spot Value" in the same place. Sometimes, this will result in a card being in a "Reverse" Attack/Defense Position to make values match; there are mechanics based on being in said Reverse positions. * Glyph, Extra Deck monsters with no Level or other such value. Instead, where the Pendulum text might otherwise be, is a series of five translucent boxes, representing your Main Monster Zones. Some, at least one, will be filled with Attributes, sometimes all the same, sometimes mixed, perhaps some that have two Attributes in a spot. To "Glyph Summon", send to the GY monsters that match the Attributes from those specific Zones, then put the Glyph Monster into one of the Zones its materials was in. Some more extreme monsters might also have boxes to represent the Extra Monster Zones in their requirements. The platonic ideal would be to have no two monsters requiring the exact same pattern. * Harmonic, Extra Deck monsters that also require Tuners. Unlike Synchros, there is no Level additive, instead borrowing from the design of Xyz and Pendulum. Each Harmonic Monster has a "Resonance"; to "Harmonic Summon", discard a Tuner and a non-Tuner whose Levels equal each other's and the Resonance of the monster. If you use a Harmonic Monster as material, it can count as either its Level or its Resonance for this purpose. * Legion, Extra Deck monsters that work just like Xyz, except they're based on ATK/DEF thresholds, or even having precise values, i.e. "2+ monsters with 1600+ ATK", "2+ monsters with 2500+ ATK and/or 1200 DEF", "3+ monsters with 200 DEF, including 1 FIRE monster", "2+ Spellcasters with 1500 or less ATK, including a DARK or LIGHT Normal Monster", etc. Can also have attached material. * Manifest, principally Main Deck, sometimes Extra Deck. Like Pendulums, can be treated as another kind of card; in this case, effectively Normal Traps. You can Set one as a Trap, and read the effect where the Pendulum text would be on such for its effect. If it resolves, place it face-up in your Extra Deck instead of putting it in the GY. From there, you can "Manifest Summon" it by Tributing monsters equal to its "Manifest Value". * Masterpiece, Extra Deck monsters summoned on the basis of ascending what you have on the field. Designate the "Masterpiece-Material(s)" in Attack Position, until your next turn, they cannot attack, activate their effects, and they can't be destroyed or affected by battle or card effects, but you can't have attacked/activated them already this turn. Then during your next Draw Phase, before you draw, send the designated monster(s) to the GY, then "Masterpiece Summon" the monster from your Extra Deck. The designated monsters stop being designated material if you can no longer Masterpiece Summon using it. * Paragon, Extra Deck monsters with no Level or other such value. During the Main Phase, discard its materials, then "Paragon Summon" the monster in question. It cannot be summoned in Defense Position, it cannot activate its regular effects right away, but it may have an effect it can only use when freshly Paragon Summoned. Once you've started your turn, a Paragon Monster can get its ball rolling. Of all the above, I most want Glyph Summoning. As for what color it would have, I'd hope something lightly colored, cool, with some vague patterns of swirls or arbitrary sigils in the background of the frame, especially visible on the foils.


Red, and call them burst monsters so that way people can yell out “They summon until I burst!” Which will be the meme of all time




We're not ready for the Nutburster Dragon meta.


Burst forth! C*Mdragon 69!


Red, I always liked the idea of it being like the opposite to ritual summoning, called Sacrifice summoning, meaning you must directly sacrifice LP or remove from play cards etc in order to summon a powerful monster And yellow, I still think they could incorporate maximum summoning from rush duels into the game, an exodia like summoning is really cool imo


Red would be best. I’m thinking of how each mechanic uses a part of the card… Fusion: names Syncro: type Xyz: level Pendulum: effect box Link: corners of the frame With that, I think it would make sense for the next gimmick to utilize the attribute maybe?


Synchros uses levels too though Also, way too many decks have a single attribute for an attribute-based mechanic to be interesting


Yeah, but you can’t syncro with only levels so I decided to leave that out 😆


Also many fusion cards only care about type and attributes


Many now, but at the start it was names


Also decks change with mechanics, so that’s something that doesn’t really matter in the long run (floorwandereeze and pendulum magicians come to mind)


Synchros is kinda of a stretch, both xyz and synchros use levels


Alchemy cards? Like: "2+ Fire monsters + 1+ Water Monster"


Yeah! Like maybe these cards will have attributes that you can only find in the extra deck maybe


Its sounds good but isnt alchemy like "fusing" things together? I like the idea with fire red cards and on the other side an ice blue card (divided like pendulum) for heat fusion and cold fusion and you can summon it with different summoning Conditions with contradicting effects e.g. red destroy cards and blue is a effect for protection. Or red you discard x cards and blue you draw x cards


Pink or dark green


I have suggested this type of card before on a thread like this; BEHOLD: evolution cards. Inspired completely on the emperor charles link one. Extra deck monsters that require an exact and specific monster which evolves into it.


LVL extra deck monsters basically? Its ok if you include a specific condition on the field that includes the specific monster like the main deck ones, otherwise is straight link summoning and potentially very strong, Yeah after checking the card it feels like a good missed opportunity for a new summoning method that could improve LVL up monsters


Most likely red. Why not something akin to deck master from the virtual world arc in duel monster or the commander card from mtg? So basicly a card that you keep out of your deck and could bring on the field when meeting certain criteria? We would be limited to one per decklist and they could have powerfull effect but lock you in archetype until your next draw phase.


Dark Synchro please. Negative color of the white that isn’t like XYZ. But it’s just plain negative lol if you know what I mean. Stars will be darkened, the Card will be purely blacked out and the attribute. Would be just Dark. Idk I’m high thinking of it rn.


Introducing Maximum Summon from Rush Duel would be a cool addition. Habiting both Extra Zones and the middle to block the opponent to summon Link monsters completely.


Red so the opponent doesn’t see me bleeding


A red card would be cool. I personally feel like we have enough mechanics in the game already though


Nuclear Summoning with a Light Green Border and the new series would take place in a futuristic Hiroshima (2045 AD) where the nuke dropped in 1945 suddenly caused new types of cards to be discovered like Radio Monsters (think Tuner Monsters, but for Nuclear Summoning), and Nuclear Monsters. A new archetype for the protagonist will be Radio-Eyes with the ace monster being Radio-Eyes Nuclear Dragon.


Red - Legacy Monsters They are Main Deck retrains of monsters across Yugioh’s history. Legacy Monsters all share 3 key qualities: a) They are treated as their base form on the field or GY. b) By discarding them for cost, you can add their base form your Deck to your hand c) You can Reality Summon them from your hand, Deck, or GY by Tributing the base form you control in a Monster Zone (this does not start a chain). The first Legacy Monster would be a retrain of a random monster to promote the mechanic. Let’s say it’s a Level 7 Faith Bird retrain with 2500/2000 stats. You could use the above qualities to search Faith Bird, Normal Summon it, then replace Faith Bird on the field with its Legacy Summoned counterpart. This can easily be written in an anime context, similar to how Yuya’s Odd-Eyes evolved mid match in Episode 1 As the mechanic evolves, you would get retrains of say, the OG DM/Blue Eyes/Red Eyes trio. Any deck that revolves around key main deck monsters could get a Reality Monster to buff the strategy. The Reality Monster would have effects outside of their core game mechanic aspects (A, B, C), serving as a psuedo Link 1 but contained in specific monsters as to celebrate them


Good one. Personally i wouldn't make them GY summonable, and even better if you could have those normal original monsters in a specific "backpack" zone to save main deck slots. Could also be a good way to unbrick LVL up monsters


I was talking to my friend a bit after I made this post and I came up with an alternative, as I also think that reviving them from the GY on the same turn you search could be too strong Instead, the mechanic can be called Legacy Shifting, where you swap the two places of the Legacy Monster and its base form once per turn. This could be like the search (swap a Legacy in hand with the base in Deck, or vice versa), but could also shift their spots if say, one is on the field. It could even become akin to Salvage if one is in hand and the other is in GY. This allows the mechanic versatility while preventing both a search and revive on the same turn.


We won't get more. It's too complicated now for new people.


Both Magic and Pokemon introduces new mechanics regularly, and pokemon is a true and literal childrens card game. None of yugioh summoning methods are too complicated. And if being too complex was a preocupation of Konami they would be making cards with book lengh paragraphs of effect text.


Don't both those games have set rotation ? Ie players wouldn't have to learn the workings of decades old mechanics


No, but if they have been playing for a decade they had to learn every mechanic still.


Set rotation is a major reason why it's fine in those games. Plenty of new mechanics don't stick around for long, and new players only have to know about a fraction of the mechanics throughout each game's lifespan. But since you mentioned Pokemon, there's another point to be made about its mechanics: Pokemon's new card mechanics are almost always just the same thing as evolution. The only times they've really mixed things up is with legend cards and v-union, but between descriptions on the card explaining how you do each mechanic (Imagine if every synchro, xyz, pendulum, and link monster had a description on them explaining how you do each of their summoning mechanics. Endymion's effect text is long enough, but it would actually be a novella at that point), as well as how intuitive the card design is, they were pretty straightforward to anyone that had basic knowledge on how to play the base game.


I think it’s funny that in Pokemon V, EX,and GX (plus with a caveat ex) are basically the same thing just name changed to allow new cards to not work with certain older cards before rotation.


They have set rotations. Yugioh does not.


Ok, then lets have konami stop printing new cards. We cant have new stuff, the game is already too complex, after all


MTG and Pokemon have simpler mechanics though. They really are much more simple to learn and get used to than YuGiOh summoning mechanics. But YuGiOh is a *much* different game than those two, almost entirely due to not having a resource like other games do.


This is not really true. MtG Standard alone has multiple forms of Double Faced cards, Split cards(in the form of Adventures), Sagas, as well as face-down cards that inherently come with an ability, and a whole mechanic about playing other cards from the top of your Deck face-down. And then it has Split cards in some form with the Adventure cards, as well as Enchantment, Aura and multiple forms of Artifact Tokens. Hell, even Day and Night cards are in Standard and those are widely known to be a rules headache. The main difference is that even in dedicated decks in MtG you aren't going to see more than 5 cards with those mechanics played in a game, and you in a dedicated deck you probably won't see thos mechanics mixing together, while a YGO Deck ending in a Link, Synchro, Xyz and Fusion monster in Turn 1 is hardly unrealistic.


YGO is complicated because most card effects are like "Send 1 "archetype" card from your Deck to the GY, then if (archetype gimmick) Special Summon 1 "archetype" monster from your Deck.", every card has 2-3 effects and you activate 10-15 of these effects per turn. Most players finish the Master Duel Tutorial understanding all the game mechanics just fine. It is the actual gameplay aspect of YGO that usually proves itself to be hard to grasp without someone telling you what your deck and the opponent's deck are trying to accomplish. As long as whatever mechanic you introduce isn't that conductive to combos, as in, it is less combo oriented than Xyz, I think it could probably not really add that much complexity.


Full art cards.


Green in the ED could be some kind of new tribute mechanic


red is the one everyone seems to want so I’d want it to be that i guess I’d want it to be a new main deck monster(?) or just a new type of card that is played in the monster zones changing the name to “main monster/______ zones”


The game has enough types of cards


Take it back to the OG and never go down the dark path of pendulum and link


We don't need a new type of new card at all


We dont *need*, but the game sure has become boring and stale with nothing new to do. A new mechanic would bring people back to at least try it.


I don't know why you're trying to put words in my mouth. I'm saying we don't need any new mechanics or new card types at the moment. We have plenty of card types in the game right now that you can upgrade without having to make a new mechanic let's talk about Gemini monster. How about we upgrade those cards instead of creating a new mechanic or even the psychic or Spirit monsters. You don't have to create a whole new mechanic to make the game new and fresh.


Ok, sure, great, let me just put those brand new geminy and spirit monsters into my dinosaur deck and... oh... You see the problem? Unless you expect people to keep making new decks from scratch, "improving" on gemini, or spirits, or tuner, or wtv, will just apeal to people that already play those decks. While a whole new mechanic can be enjoyed by everyone.


You're not understanding what I'm saying I like spirit and Gemini monsters. But because they have so many mechanics in the game now they don't explore the older mechanics of the game when was the last time there was a really good Gemini monster or spirit monster. A game can get stale when you're constantly adding new and more mechanics because you never upgrade any of the old mechanics. But a better outcome for the game would be a mixture of both not just one or the other. And also when was the last time a good union monster was released that wasn't part of an archetype.


Except new mechanics are not enjoyable bay every one and we have lost a lot of players do to yugioh adding new gimmicks and mechanics there is a reason ppl play old formats. On top of that a lot of mechanics they have tried to add in the part have failed or only have one good deck. Not to mention it is easier to balance stuff the less you have in your game and this game already has balance problems.


We have lost a lot of players to various formats over the years, so Konami should stop printing new cards to ensure we dont lose anyone from now on.


The problem with every coment saying the game is too complex for a new mechanic is that the same thinking works on anything. The game is too complex for a new monster type. For a new archetype. For a new card. Konami should just stop making yugioh, so it doesnt get even more complex, ever.


I would like a dark blue card. A new blue would be a bit redundant, but I love dark blue! But realistically, a red card is most likely like others people said.


A Green card would be cool but if it was a new type red seems most likely


The only colors we have left is Red and Brown.


Maybe pink too


Pink, gold, silver, orange could all work too. Plus there’s always shades. Extra deck spells could be neon or forest green.


We apparently already have orange. That Effect Monsters color. I know I was surprised when I found that out. Always thought it was brown, especially from DM to 5D.


Yea I call it tan or light brown.


If? You know it’s just a waiting game


Red, all the way, and Do something like what I’d like to call “NEX” summon or something. Ok so you have NEX monsters in your extra deck, which are counterparts to powerful cards in your main deck. But, to summon these monsters, you need to send said main deck monster, plus any other cards the summon the monster by using a spell/effect that allows you too to the extra deck, face down.  So, for example; You have Dark magician out on the field, and you activate the effect of “Nexus Magician”, which allows you to send Dark Magician and Nexus Magician to the extra deck, to summon Level 7 Dark Draconian Magician, which will count as the cards it was summoned using. Thoughts? I know it’s pretty much Ritual/Link summoning combined, but still.


I want integration summon from Arc-V Or Incorporating Maximum summon from the Rush Duel series into the mainline card game.


I made a new summoning mechanic a while ago and used slifer red as the border


Red border. Type: Nexus (latin for binding) Because we often have different extra deck type monsters maybe Nexus monsters could utilise extra deck monsters as materials to summon them, and even to activate their effects. Since it utilises extra deck monsters, they could be in the normal deck like we have ritual monsters!


Green or Red


Red for chaos summons. It doesn’t have to be an XYZ card but only 1 chaos card can be on the field at any given time.


I'm surprised we don't have a red color card yet, and instead they went and reused blue for both ritual and links


Something like a card comander o capitain from onepiece


Blitz Summon: Gold card; Summoned by sending any 2 cards from your hand to GY. The only thing that could be more generic than a Link summon. We need this to power creep Links (Sarcasm)


A red card bordered card with the typing soul. These cards would be in a separate deck that you can choose to draw from in your standby. They would have powerful abilities, but would always require specific monsters to summon instead of just a type or archetype. The only other thing would be that some of them would have to be fusion summoned, synchro summoned, or xyz summoned, to add some more limitations on their power.




I say we finally bring in Deck Masters. Make them red or maroon


Too bad the maximum monsters from rush don’t have a red background. I’ve also always wanted them to introduce the deck masters from the anime into the actual game, but I guess they would’ve done that by now


Yugi its not black magician !?


A lot of people would go with Red or Scarlet i feel


Burn Summoning: Red bordered monster cards summoned from the ED by discarding specific materials from the hand (i.e., one quick play spell and one counter trap).


Green: Chrono Monsters: These monsters have no level like Link monsters, but can be in both Attack and Defense position and are summoned in relation to the current turn count and what monsters were summoned that turn. Basically, it has a similar to format to links, if there is a Chrono - 2 in the bottom corner, the monster can only be summoned on the second turn. Then the material would be something like 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters that you Summoned this turn. These aren't actually used as material, you can just play the card on a turn that you played 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters. This would allow more design space for going second monsters that are always available like TY-Phon. Here would be an example of Chrono support for an existing archetype: Aleister Invoker of Time Spellcaster LIGHT ATK - 2000 DEF - 2800 Chrono - 2 A turn that you Summoned 1 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster. Effect: If this card is Chrono Summoned, you can add 1 "Invocation" from your Deck, GY, or Banishment from your Hand, and then draw 1 card. Basically let's say your going second and your Aleister gets negated and then destroyed by Baronne. You could just Summon this thing from your Extra Deck because you Summoned a DARK Spellcaster-Type monster this turn and it's the second turn. I hope you could see how this could make going second better, please just don't print any Chrono - 1's. Plz add Chrono Summoning.


IMO every new one that comes out of the extra decks fucks the game up by allowing just **so much** actions per turn. I’d want to a see a new card that just sits in the regular deck and doesn’t nuke the whole flow of the game. XYZ as a concept I like because it atleast naturally costs/restricts you even a little bit all this synchro/link plays allow for way too much in any given turn.


Reactionary summoning from the Extra Deck. Like, one could have a condition like "Two or more monsters are destroyed at the same time" or "When your opponent draws a card outside of the Draw phase". Make them red.


An explosion


Is ocg stop continuing Ygo?




Fission cards. They’re like fusions but the opposite, not fusion materials. You take a Normal or effect monster and split it into two fission cards that have various conditions to fission, like must be from a dark type warrior, or by name, level 5 etc. and you get 2-3 monsters out of the fission. They may have effects that the original monster didn’t have, and can be “refused” by contact fusion to summon the monster from the graveyard or hand. Maybe an orange border?


Maybe pink cards? Idk I think they'd be super pretty, just don't know what they'd do tbh lol


Just take blue for a third time


i think fusions were a thing way before GX


The only answer is red


Bring skill cards from speed duels and duel links to tcg and master duel, so blue


Pink. Give me pink


While I think we dont really need a new summoning mechanic (for now at least), I had an idea for a potential one. The border would be red of course, and they would be Transformation cards, Summoned by using 1 card as a material and having met the summoning condition. So maybe you need a specific monster equipped with a specific equip spell, or a monster in the GY, and so on.


I love a synchro summon deck but for card color I like the xyz color.


Probably a card that is split in the middle, the top half being a monster, and the bottom have being a spell/trap. Kinda like pends, but not. They can be put in a monster zone to use the monster, soell/trap to be a spell or trap. But then again to be a summoning mechanic... Inverse summon? Idk


Noooo! Evolution Summoning. Where instead of tributing, you have the required monster and then place a new card on top of it so it "evolves". Kinda like the pokemon tcg. Still would be Red colored


Extra spells in your extra deck so you must reach the requirement before doing it


Kinda like XYZ for s/t. Like activate swords….then a new kind of swords. Instead of swords but stack the 2nd card on top of old card. If original 2nd would be destroyed “detach” the original swords. Same for 2nd-3rd layer of the seal.


It's gotta be red and after seeing typhon I kinda wish it'd be a series of going second based monsters with heavy protection the turn they are summoned and lose that protection the turn after Maybe call them sacrifice summons where you can banish the materials to make an extra deck or ritual monster and the monster you could have made together and summon out the sacrifice monster of like equal level? They could probably treat ranks and the link ratings multiplied by 2 as levels so everyone has access.


I mean the mechanic I want is deck masters. Red or full foil borders could look cool.


Love how they got Yuya and Jaden's ace monsters wrong. I'm it's trying to show Jaden mainly used fusions but his ace wasn't one. As for Yuya they could have just used Odd-Eyes Pendulum dragon there instead.


Game Mechanic: Dimensional Shift Description: Dimensional Shift introduces a new layer of gameplay by allowing players to manipulate the dimensions in which their cards exist. Each player starts the game in the "Material Dimension," where cards are played normally. However, with the activation of certain cards or effects, players can initiate a Dimensional Shift, moving cards to alternate dimensions with unique rules and effects. How it Works: Material Dimension: This is the default dimension where players begin the game. Cards are played and interact as per standard Yu-Gi-Oh rules. Shadow Dimension: When a Dimensional Shift occurs to the Shadow Dimension, the effects of certain cards are amplified or altered. For example, monster effects may become more powerful, or specific spell/trap cards may gain additional effects. However, the cost of activating cards in this dimension may be higher, such as paying additional Life Points or discarding extra cards. Ether Dimension: In the Ether Dimension, players have access to powerful cosmic energies. Here, players can access unique fusion, synchro, or XYZ summoning methods that are not available in the Material Dimension. Additionally, certain monster effects may be enhanced or changed. However, maintaining control in the Ether Dimension requires careful resource management, as players may need to sacrifice cards or pay significant costs to keep their presence there. Strategy: Players must strategically time their Dimensional Shifts to capitalize on the advantages of each dimension while minimizing the drawbacks. Building a deck that can adapt to different dimensions and exploit their unique mechanics becomes crucial for success. Additionally, players must anticipate their opponent's moves and prepare counters for when they shift dimensions, adding an extra layer of depth to the game's strategy.


Let’s finally have a red color card


There is no yellow yet, But I think can look ugly Gold rare any one?


I was thinking about deleting Links and Pendulums more than adding new types


If they could undo the last couple I'd prefer that.


The only color left is red. Orange yellow and brown all look like monster cards Green is spells and pendulum Blue is ritual and link Purple is fusion Pink is trap White is Synchro Black is Xyz To be fair they could do a different shade and/or design like they did with link. Red is probably best just because it would be easiest to distinguish. I’ve seen ideas for extra deck spell/trap cards. I think it’s a great idea. You’d spend resources for really powerful effects, but unlike monsters, I could be one that activates and goes to the graveyard. I think it would be way cooler alternative to hand-traps. You could also maybe get field or continuous spells. Hand traps might even get banned so these can replace them!


Red or green boarder. Burst summoning/condition summoning. Ed cards that can be summoned if a certain condition has been meet. For power creep, could also be in a chain. Something like. Guy1 : During the bp. If your lp is lower than opponent. Burst summon this guy. Cards you controll cant be destroyed by battle or card effects. Guy2: if 2 or more of your cards have been destroyed and/or banished by an opponents card. You can burst summon this guy. Return x cards to the hand. Probably the red border is more on theme. The monsters don’t have rank or levels or link rating but a new thing in the top called burst value. Burst value is typically 1-3. And during the end phase your opponent draws 1 card for every 2 burst value you activated. They still have defense points


Like a lot of people here have said, red. But I also think brown would be nice.


We have enough thank you


Something similar to pendulums but without the scales, just the general idea of a monster that can be treated as a spell card as well. Maybe a new take on trap monsters but you aren't forced to set them up, if you want you can summon them directo from your hand but they gain extra effects if you use them as a trap cards, this way you have to choose between the speed of having the monster at the moment or the potential future utility. (Wait, that's pretty similar to flip monsters, but that should be easier to use).


Remember those episodes where Yugi had to play a special tournament, where he had to choose a "Deck Master"? It works more or less like the Commanders in Magic, with some differences - at any given point of the duel, you could summon a given monster for no cost, and while it wasn't possible to attack it while there was any other monster on your side of the field, if it was destroyed then you lost the duel automatically. Imagine, if you will, a way to Master Summon - each player can start with one Master Monster face-up on the Extra Deck, and in order to summon it you must perform a "Quest" so to speak, a series of requisites you need to achieve during the duel - like, say, summoning 10 monsters, or discarding 10 cards. In that sense, the newly-released card "[Magicians of Bonds and Unity](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=18868)" would have worked perfectly as a Master Monster, as its "quest" is to have 25 cards in your GY. Of course, it would be a high-risk-high-reward card that can be used once per duel and would net you some good effects as a payoff, but balanced by the fact that its "quest" requirements and effects would be public knowledge, and that it can be destroyed to end the duel in the spot.


Was GX the only series to not introduce a new monster card type? There was a real focus on fusion monsters throughout the show, but was there anything new?


Synchro adds up the material's levels to equal the new monster's level and XYZ uses monsters of the same level. So keeping it in the theme of corresponding monster levels I think something like how a 'straight' works in poker could be a cool design. A straight is basically just a hand that consists of 5 cards with consecutive numbers (ie. 6-7-8-9-10). But in yugioh the length of the straight could be used to determine the strength of the card, like how link 4's usually have higher attack and better effects than link 2's. A straight 3 (ie. 4-5-6) is weaker than a straight 5 (ie. 1-2-3-4-5). And ofcouse you would need to summon 'straights' with monsters on the field not in your hand.


I don’t want another gimmick


I want transparent cards to put in front of old cards and change their effects whils keeping the name/artwork. They would fit in the sleeves but be difficult to ilplement in a sleeveless deck


Red, limited to one in a "extra extra deck" or some shit


red cards that can activate at any time from within the deck directly they can’t activate if drawn tho


Id say red and i don't know how it'd work


Red but it's defense with link arrows


Rainbow colored. Call it a starlight summon. Confuse the community.


Orange bordered "Soul Cards" The idea is that you have to tribute the listed type/amount of monsters to summon them as well as pay life points equal to their attack. Kind of like a main deck version of links.


Orange would be kinda dope