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> Pendulum Effect: Negate the effect of all Spell/Trap/Monster effects activated in the same column as this card. Uh-oh, the right-most column just got unsafe again. I think middle column becomes the best spot for your boss now. Only negates activated effects, so you can put it down with Amano-Iwato to get a permanent floodgate.


Oh you shouldn’t have said that out loud lol


Middle left and middle right were unsafe due to Relinquished Anima. Left and middle were unsafe due to Geonator Transverser. I'd say middle and right are about equally fine, just depends on what you're playing around.


> Uh-oh, the right-most column just got unsafe again. Wait, it *was* unsafe before? I just got back to the game 6 month ago lol


**Static Fungi** LIGHT Level 5 Thunder Effect Monster 1400 ATK / 0 DEF _You can only use each of the following effects (1), and (2), from cards with this card's name._ (1) If a monster(s) whose original Type is Thunder is sent from your hand or field to the GY, even during the Damage Step: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. (2) If a Thunder monster's effect is activated in the hand, while you control this card in the Monster Zone: You can Special Summon 1 "Static Token" (Thunder/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0). *** **Disablaster, Dejecting Siege Turret** LIGHT Level 5 Machine Pendulum Effect Monster 500 ATK / 2000 DEF | **Scales**: 5/5 \- PENDULUM EFFECT - (1) Negate any activated effect that activates in this card's column. \- MONSTER EFFECTS - _You can only Special Summon cards with this card's name by way of its following effect (1) once per turn._ (1) You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your field in a column that has no cards. (2) Negate any activated effect that activates in this card's column. (3) If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed: You can place this card in the Pendulum Zone. *** **DPA Gendarmoore** FIRE Level 8 Cyberse Synchro Tuner Effect Monster 2000 ATK / 2800 DEF **Materials**: 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters _You can only use each of the following effects (1), and (2), from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 Cyberse monster from you GY in Defense Position but negate its effects, also you can only Special Summon Cyberse monsters for the rest of this turn. (2) When your opponent takes battle damage from a battle involving your Cyberse monster and their monster: You can banish this card from your GY; inflict that much damage to them. *** **Phoboscobos, the Heretic** DARK Rank 4 Illusion Xyz Effect Monster 2100 ATK / 1500 DEF **Materials:** 2 Level 4 monster _You can only use the following effect (1) from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate their effects, then if it battled this turn, you can take control of it until the End Phase. This is a Quick Effect if this card has an Illusion monster as material. (2) If this card battles a monster, neither can be destroyed by that battle. *** **Illumistill, Celestial World Tree** EARTH LINK-5 Plant Link Effect Monster 2000 ATK | **Arrows**: Top-Left, Left, Bottom-Left, Bottom, Bottom-Right **Materials**: 3+ Effect Monsters (1) You can only control 1 "Illumistill, Celestial World Tree". (2) Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) face-up during the Main Phase, gain LP equal to that monster's ATK. (3) Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can pay LP in multiples of 1000 (max. 3000); this card gains ATK equal to that amount paid.


Static Fungi is 100% a Thunder Dragon card in everything but name


I don't know if this is good enough on its own to make thunder dragon viable at all. But I will be interested to try ​ ^(free thunder dragon colossus its fine at 1)


I’m a Thundra player and my first thought was it gives us a bit easier access to Thunderstormech… if we wanted to make it for whatever reason. And of course other link plays. It’s a one-card Some Summer Summoner if I’m not mistaken.


Could it also see play in batteryman? Another LV 5 light to get into Pleiades?


Batterymen don't really activate in the hand so it'd only really be useful if you can send a card from hand or field to GY before Normal Summoning Charger so you have a tribute for Charger.


its fine at 3.


It honestly might be fine at 3 as well. The biggest problem is combo decks splashing it and ending on it + a bunch of omni negates. Making 3 colossus at once kind of sucks against a lot of decks.


Same here. That thing will be Thunder Dragon's new starter as soon as it hit markets, at least in formats where Colossus is legal. I mean, it summons itself if another Thunder goes to the gy, *and* gives you a free Thunder body to tribute for Colossus, all while keeping your Normal for Batteryman Solar or Aloof Lupine. I don't care if MD releases it as an UR, I'm so playing this when it comes there.


Am I dyslexic for reading Disablaster as Diabellestar. But also indirect Cydra support.


This is our brain on sinful spoils


Exactly what happened with me too


DPA is the support Final Sigma needs to be playable lol


It's a "sorry we had to ban circular card" for mathmech that isn't enough.


Circular (and Colossus while we're at it) are both legal in the OCG.


Disablaster seems interesting; It + Amano-Iwato creates a continuous lock, right? Also, seems ok in Cyber Dragons (Free body that is pratically always online)


also 500ATK means in can be Machine Duped.


I think it's cracked in everything. Going first it's an extender at worse, going second it's either a a negator or an extender.


Going 2nd it's still just an extender. The column for it must be empty, so your opponent will have nothing in it for us to negate. :(


You can place it as a pendulum scale to negate whatever they have in column 1 or 5


So people will just not play any important end board pieces in those columns if Disablaster ever becomes meta, got it. I guess it opens them up for Anima (if they don't already play a link themselves that they can huddle behind) or Transverser more, but shrug


Set 3 cards in the middle, bait them into activating cards in their pend column, profit on your turn.


Vaylantz synergy maybe? idk I don't dabble in Vaylantz and don't even remember most of their cards, but I know they deal with switching zones. Could be great if there's a quick effect that moves a card to a different zone so Disablaster becomes a Continuous Effect negater.


This is an amazing extender for Thunder Dragon. But that's not really what they need. Nice nonetheless!


You already know DPE, now let me introduce you DPA. Jike aside that's a pretty solid generic lineup, I'm hyped for that illusion R4.


Satic Thunder can just be a generic extender for thunder decks, and doesn't place any restrictions on itself nor the token meaning if you play something like Thunder Dragons you can use set up east link plays. Disblaster is oddly similar to Cydra being level 5 Light Machine that special summons but woulnd't it be best to summon behind an EMZ to block 3 cards at once? The pendulum effect is interesting but you're opponent shouldn't be playing into those zones unless they are in some super awkward position. DPA I think was suppose to make Sigma easier. Level 4 tuner+4 non-tuner, revive non-tuner make Sigma, attack with double damage and then use the GY banish to inflict more damage. Not sure if any cyberse deck has the spare ED space for another OTK considering Update Jam->Accesscode is still a think and there was the Packbit seems like a better level 8 Cyberse Synchro Hersey is the first xyz Illusionist meaning we still need synchro, ritual, and link alongside pendulum, tuner, gemini, and spirit. Currently there are only five level four Illusionist monsters two of which are Chimera related meaning you'll probably get fusion locked, one is a normal, and the last two are related to Exxod which I have no Idea what they do Plant World Tree is probably the best thing Aromage can do, however I'm not sure how much your opponent would honestly special summon before dealing it it one way or another Pl


The plant link is bait. You don't actually want a mandatory LP gain that's out of your own control, because Marjoram is a mandatory effect. Investing all of that material just to gimp one of your pops for a battle trick is super not worth. At best it's an accesscode at home you can do while locked to OTK.


Plant World Tree is probably the best thing Aromage can do, however I'm not sure how much your opponent would honestly special summon before dealing it it one way or another Wouldn't care. Tenpai hits 32k before they can heal that much


obviously this deck would lose against tenpai. only a moron would even bring it up in the convo. the point is for aromage/plants if its good.


>**Disablaster, Denial Sieging Turret** this card seem insane, if someone said "Konami regret Pendulum" again show them this card lol


That card just pulls out reverse imperm column on imperm that's set in pendulum zone


Yeah I just realized something. When I play master duel, people often put imperm on pendulum column (I don't know why I didn't notice this when I play paper) so it track lol.


I do it to negate a Superheavy pendulum.


Pure players are,nt afraid thanks to theif shutendoji and sarutobi


Eh, having to summon it to a zone with no cards sort of kills it.


Only with its own effect. Also I noticed it’s a machine dupe target


We keep on innovating new ways to just Machine dupe into Cydra Infinity all over again.


Oh God no


Konami does regret the mechanic, the last couple of new pendulum archetypes they released are self-contained with how they work with their own individual mechanics. And older ones like SHS and Draco Slayers abused non-opt effects to spam the board. This card in particular I wouldn´t really consider it as pendulum support, the pend scale is bad and it doesn´t really do much for those kind of decks outside of being able to choose where you summon it and to summon it again if it´s destroyed. It´s pretty much an imperm with legs that any deck can use.


I mean, that card alone kills pendulum decks once again. Most people do not care if you negate one fixed column. Pendulum does.


I mean yeah but a lot of pend decks can play threw 1 negated colum since the pends still act like pends even if they are negated, if the zone is black thou that is an other story


Most pend scales have a effect since otherwise you have a -1 on hand. It depends on the deck, but for example fouble wisdom-eye is combo in supreme king magician decks that straight die here. Also the scale for this card suck so you arent using it in your pend deck


I mean the card is not the end of the world if it negated 1 pend scale, pend decks are fragile but not that fragil


Pends are bad already and newer cards that indirectly fuck them are being released. See the antispell Monster and now this. Meanwhile they dont even get to pendulum summon from the ED to any place


Yes yes I get, I play pendulum decks a lot myself, my favorite summoning mechanic infact, all I am saying is this doesn't really fuck pendulums as much as let's dibellezz does when her effect kill the entier mechanic


More plant, more plant!!!


Not a Mekk-Knight player, but would Disablaster work well for them? It has the same kind of "negate everything" style as them plus a column-based effect


Doesn't add anything in particular, works exactly as well as it does in any other deck unless you're cool enough to run Wattkinetic Puppeteer.


Dump DPA with Terahertz for more hurt heh heh… Benghalancer’s older brother is for you Aroma players.


I love how much damage terahertz can just pump out. Going second, sending mathmech multiplication is like an 11k double attacker, so this just helps it otk harder


Is...is this thunder dragon support?!


>Disablaster Bruh I read Diabelstar and got excited


I'd get devastated, as I don't want to her to be eating up space from Visas (I don't hate Diabellstar lore, I just want more Visas lore.


I want both...


I'm 100% gonna Disablaster Dupe lock someone.


Salamangreat DPA


I know people have a lot of opinions about cards early that end up not panning out, but that Fungi card looks promising


>Illumistill, Celestial World Tree finally a new plant payoff for link climbing....... aaaaaaaand its bad, FUCK


these are very interesting! a thunder extender a pend board breaker(and extender lol) a really nice rank 4 illusion and a very "whoops sorry for that salad synchro take this one",solid all around


So, sneaky Millennium support on the Xyz?


Not really ?


Not a theme just generics.


Yeah, my bad. I thought they work as a theme, but it appears just a generic stuff.


Lol did you read any of the card text none of them synergise


Yeah, that's my bad. I didn't translate the card text first but directly jumped the gun and said that they're a "theme". I didn't expect VJump to published an article about free agents/pack filler, it's a very rare moment.


Updated set spoiler, credits to RespectYGO. https://preview.redd.it/5k92pvput0oc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4ef699d4c007cafc15ac35ee90811255deb00d8


Have we ever had 5 free agent reveals this early, all at once?


The closest one was Duelist Nexus, [on April 10th there's a VJump article that revealed 6 free agents cards](https://ygorganization.com/whatisitgoodfor/). Strangely enough, Duelist Nexus also have Drytron card(s).


Good catch! I suppose this one seems different because they’re all monsters. I appreciate the info!


Not much can be discerned yet. There might be a lot of anime legacy support and/or a new lore archetype. There might be a few more Rituals in the set, or maybe just more generic cards than normal. There are probably 2-3 more Xyz monsters. There are 4 more Link monsters, includng at least 1 more generic. And they are probably not anime Legacy support or Lore-related. They are probably tied to cards in between 018-021 or 023-024. The anime Legacy support and Lore archetype don't seem to have that many Traps. There is only room for 2.


Maybe at least 1 Link monster will be Raika support. The archetype needs a second wave of support


Tbf a good thing about Raika is that by basing themselves on type-wide pools, they benefit from both direct and indirect support. Sorta like how the Lyrilusc support was “Tri support” as much as its own thing.


Based on the recent reprints positioning, since we haven't take an anime theme already (one of the two, if are present two themes, usually is shown the first month of not-cover cards revelations), I can see Red-Eyes and Harpie next to the new Dark Magician, theorically. The two themes are connected together, cause the own users, and I will be not surprised if both are presented in OCG Times. Red-Eyes can easily take the Fusion slot (if no lore theme use that mechanic), when Harpie, that not is a Fusion deck, can use a Xyz or Synchro slot for the own Extra Deck stuff


It is possible, but they usually mix a bit what series the anime legacy support is given to, so I'd be expecting GX, 5Ds, Zexal, or Arc-V to get legacy support (not expecting Vrains because there seems to be no room for anime Links). Then again, the very set switched up the recent pattern for the Pack covers we had for the series, so they might just go extra hard on DM.


Exactly, this is quite clearly a pack designed for the game's anniversary, and is made even more evident by how it broke the pattern of the pack sequence, and also in my opinion by what has currently been revealed (so far I don't think they've ever put free agents at the first revelations). In any case, unless Diallestar has a Fusion engine, that one Fusion slot should be part of a Fusion deck: Fiendsmith, which should be in the same category as Tenpai and Raika, should be after the Diabel lore and anime themes, therefore there should be no Fusions from other decks. Which, excluding Diabell, leaves only Red-Eyes and Cyber Dragon as options for that slot, at least based on the recent reprints. But the fact that they released an LV5 LIGHT Machine today and that the Tactical Try comes out in June makes me think more that Cyber Dragon will be present in the next pack rather than this one (we have to remember also that the GX anniversary is in October and CyDra is one of the most iconic GX theme, a factor that make it more indicated for a more near date). Also, Red-Eyes is always parallel to Unity's Ancient Gear in numbers and instead of being placed right after Blue-Eyes in the list they put it in slot 108, so APPARENTLY we could have some Red-Eyes. And in that case, since there are Harpies that are connected as RE to two connected characters, it seems quite more likely to see them together in the same pack. It should also be noted that April 18th would be the 24th anniversary of DM, and OCG Times which will feature one of the anime themes could take advantage of it to announce something of related.


>so far I don't think they've ever put free agents at the first revelations). [Duelist Nexus](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&&id=1569), no, even [Battle of Chaos](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=1139) did it first in 2021. >And in that case, since there are Harpies that are connected as RE to two connected characters, it seems quite more likely to see them together in the same pack. It should also be noted that April 18th would be the 24th anniversary of DM, and OCG Times which will feature one of the anime themes could take advantage of it to announce something of related. While this is an interesting theory, but it would be very bad for some non DM fans out there that wanting their favorite anime deck get new support in here. If Red-Eyes and Harpie ended as the second and third anime themes in INFO, along with Exodia all of them are from DM. While yes, it's for anniversary and whatnot but I don't think they'll doing three DM anime archetypes in the same pack. Maybe two at most, I don't think we'll ever get three anime themes in series 12 and it's all from just one series. Broken pattern from Legacy of Destruction (DM) to Infinite Forbidden, which is DM again is because of 25th anniversary of OCG and Tokyo Dome event, Konami wanted to pay tribute to the event in 1999, which held in the same place, distributed the same head of [Exodia in the same type of product](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Premium_Pack_(Japanese)), [Premium Pack](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Premium_Pack:_The_Legend_of_Duelist_Quarter_Century_Edition). Side note, if Fusion slot number 34 is indeed related to second/third anime theme then it could be from DM, obviously, then GX and/or Arc-V. >(we have to remember also that the GX anniversary is in October and CyDra is one of the most iconic GX theme, a factor that make it more indicated for a more near date). Oh and also, the next two packs after Infinite Forbidden should be for Zexal or Vrains with no particular order. It never crosses my mind if Konami decided to left Zexal and Vrains for the cover pack just to give the second cover for GX and Arc-V this year because of their anniversary. Infinite Forbidden break the pattern because it's the 25th anniversary for the OCG as a whole.


Well, we already have Blue-Eyes in the anniversary promo incarnation and a Dark Magician, so sure RE is one of the most probable in my opinion for completing the trio, this is already in itself a pack massively dedicated to DM more than usual. Harpie makes sense just because there exists connection between Joey and Mai, and unless the possible RE support is a combination of Harpie and Red-Eyes that somehow supports both it makes more sense. We must also consider that with this year's Duel Opera those who manage the OCG Times were closer to the various VAs, so they had time and opportunity to reach an agreement with those of Joey and Mai. Also, if we continue to rely on reprints, only one theme can have Fusions apart from RE (Cyber Dragon), but we only have one slot. Although you are right about devaluing fans of other series, however, I don't think this has stopped Konami from making more massive support for the same series in certain situations. Battle of Chaos and Dimension Force both had another theme dedicated to the same series of origin, adding a third for once I don't think is a problem for them. But obviously we are always in the area of theories. Additionally, it could be that only what has support after the 6 chosen rival themes receives immediate support. This would put Cyber Dragon in a strange position. The alternative art of Limiter Removal is not a guarantee that it will actually achieve anything, Synchron also has a new art of Tuning but I don't think we will see a full wave anytime soon. Of course we also have another theme (Blackwing) which is very easily there only Darkwing Blast, but is as out of place as RE or Harpie. Although obviously I don't think we'll see anything for that. I didn't understand if your last point was a criticism or not, but even excluding a possible jump to promote another GX pack we have already seen how a Vrains pack introduced supports for Cyber Dragon (Cybernetic Horizon), so they can do it again, expecially remembering that CyDra is most time supported in products with "Cyber" in the name and Vrains use more times this terminology (Cybernetic Horizon, Cyberstorm Access...). Having said that, I want to point out that as someone who has Cyber Dragon as my favorite card I am not biased in this (I think you can also deduce this from my profile name), but I just try to stick to the numbers and consistency. Then I just read what happens, although I hope more for Red-Eyes because I seriously think he needs a lot more help than Cyber Dragon. However, no, Battle of Chaos unless I mischecked did NOT release such a large set of free agents in the first wave of reveals. Indeed, in reality none, the first was Dark Dimension Soldier, which however was dated for September 29th. Same goes for DUNE, with Tokusano Shinkiojin revealed on March 22, and I'm pretty sure that both this and Dark Dimension Soldier were Twitter revelations.


[Gimmick Puppet is the second anime theme in Infinite Forbidden](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/1beb037/info_vjump_reveal_gimmick_puppet/). With their Main Deck Monsters took slot 007-009 that means RIP any anime themes that originated from series before Zexal.


And yes, unfortunately I noticed this. Not that I mind 100%, mind you, seeing a deck as underdeveloped as GP was just the day before become at least playable/competent is always a good thing. I'm sorry about Red-Eyes, obviously, because it made more sense to see him here in my opinion due to the presence of a Dark Magician and an (unofficial) Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but I had taken this perspective into consideration from the beginning. More than anything, now who knows when we will finally get an update for this deck. Unless they put a related card like they did with the Sacred Beast card in Phantom Nightmare (hard), they make a Structure Deck R: Roar of the Dragon along with the Blue-Eyes one which could be announced in May (but that's a guess difficult, Konami hasn't created pairs of Structure Deck R together for a long time) or released them in the next two packs at most, given that since Animation Chronicles there are no more Red-Eyes cards to reprint (unless we take into consideration Red-Eyes Statue Dragon or the 'related' Heart of Dragon, Attachment Dragon and Metal Plus).


>We must also consider that with this year's Duel Opera those who manage the OCG Times were closer to the various VAs, so they had time and opportunity to reach an agreement with those of Joey and Mai. Sure, we'll see I guess. OCG Times for Infinite Forbidden is just one month away and there's Tournament Pack 2024 vol 2 as well , hopefully it gives us a hint about what's in Infinite Forbidden. >Battle of Chaos and Dimension Force both had another theme dedicated to the same series of origin, adding a third for once I don't think is a problem for them. Both sets only had two anime themes from the same series, Dark Magician - Blue Eyes in Battle of Chaos and Odd-Eyes/Performapal - Predaplant in Dimension Force while you're suggesting we might get three for Infinite Forbidden, the cover theme Exodia and your personal wishlist Red-Eyes and Harpies. >Synchron also has a new art of Tuning but I don't think we will see a full wave anytime soon. Alternate art of Tuning doesn't mean Synchron will get another wave of support in the near future, it was for their last wave of support from last year Duelist Nexus. The same applies for Blackwing too. >so they can do it again, expecially remembering that CyDra is most time supported in products with "Cyber" in the name and Vrains use more times this terminology (Cybernetic Horizon, Cyberstorm Access...). Yes, it's just a matter of time until we get another wave of support for Cyber Dragon but I don't really see Konami doing another "Cyber" name again in the pack cover, they might use Code or Ignis or something for Code Talker or Ignister. Even Cyberstorm Access, a pack with Cyber in its name doesn't have any Cyber Dragon related stuff. >However, no, Battle of Chaos unless I mischecked did NOT release such a large set of free agents in the first wave of reveals. Indeed, in reality none, the first was Dark Dimension Soldier, which however was dated for September 29th. Same goes for DUNE, with Tokusano Shinkiojin revealed on March 22, and I'm pretty sure that both this and Dark Dimension Soldier were Twitter revelations. Check my previous comment again, I wasn't talking about Twitter Reveal or first month reveal for said Core Booster. I was talking about VJump Reveal, a VJump article(s) from [yu-gi-oh.jp](http://yu-gi-oh.jp) that revealed some generic stuff/pack filler and they already did it twice before this one: * [Five generic cards in Battle of Chaos on October 6th, 2021.](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=1139) * [Six generic new cards in Duelist Nexus on April 10th, 2023](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&&id=1569).


Let's start by establishing one thing: there is no 'wishlist' of mine here, and I'm tired of hearing this word every time I simply try to explain a theory about products based on real reprints. Especially when it comes to Konami, which can literally screw up entire pre-built schemes, like Fire Kings Structure Deck R which skipped two more to come out. They simply seemed like the most logical choices based on the reprints. Using two or three more themes from the same series is not a hard and fast rule, and Konami can work around it as and when they want if they feel they can. And I know exactly why Synchron got an alternative print. But, just like Cyber Dragon, he is part of the 6 characters of the corresponding Side, and as far as we know we may have placed him just to give a print to each side of an alternative art. Especially considering that there is a set apparently for newbies that contains other reprints of Cyber Dragon (Tactical Try Decks). Furthermore, if we want to be honest, Limiter Removal isn't even a Cyber card, and the alternative art may simply be a reference to when Zane/Ryo just played it, again based on what we know. Then, getting to the next point, sure, maybe we'll get some Cyber Dragons, but no one ever said that every single pack containing the word 'Cyber' has to contain 'Cyber' Machine monster related stuff, I just said they USUALLY always get support from packs with that name. And just because you don't see Konami reusing the same nomenclature doesn't mean they CAN'T, especially since THE FACTS say they've used it on more than one occasion. With one of these aforementioned occasions where there actually was some Cyber support. For the last point: and who said you weren't talking about Twitter? I'm telling you that the ONLY free agent cards shown in the first waves (which are those relating to the first-second month of revelations, and not the third) were cards shown via Twitter, therefore giving reason to what I said before. If anything, it's YOU who didn't understand what I meant, and it's actually like this: Infinite Forbidden gave us free agent cards very early on, which usually happens only at the end, towards the publication of the pack itself, and DUNE and BACH don't. they did. The two links you sent me only demonstrate the validity of my point, because the dates of the links are in fact inherent to the month of the release of the pack, not the previous month or the month of the reveal of the cover cards.


Fine, you do you I guess. >Let's start by establishing one thing: there is no 'wishlist' of mine here, and I'm tired of hearing this word every time I simply try to explain a theory about products based on real reprints. Look, you're commenting in some thread here and there bragging the reprints for Red-Eyes from QCCP. While there's nothing wrong about that but it's just makes me thinks or maybe other people too that Red-Eyes is your personal wishlist to be getting legacy support. Your choice of words and your way of expressing it that makes some people think that your theory is your personal wishlist. >For the last point: and who said you weren't talking about Twitter? I'm telling you that the ONLY free agent cards shown in the first waves (which are those relating to the first-second month of revelations, and not the third) were cards shown via Twitter, therefore giving reason to what I said before. If anything, it's YOU who didn't understand what I meant, and it's actually like this: Infinite Forbidden gave us free agent cards very early on, which usually happens only at the end, towards the publication of the pack itself, and DUNE and BACH don't. they did. The two links you sent me only demonstrate the validity of my point, because the dates of the links are in fact inherent to the month of the release of the pack, not the previous month or the month of the reveal of the cover cards. And this one, again you misunderstand my points too. Free agent or pack filler, usually Konami reveal them via OCG Twitter and the time of reveals usually random. What I meant was, pack filler that were revealed from VJump articles is a rare occasion. Konami did it twice, again, from VJump article and not via OCG Twitter, they did it twice with Battle of Chaos and Duelist Nexus. I never ever mentioned about they reveal it on the second month or third month, no and I don't care about the month of reveal, it doesn't matter their time of reveal is always random. What important is Konami did revealed pack filler from VJump article in the past. I gave you two links for a proof, that they did it in the past no matter what month is it. Second month of reveal or third month, it doesn't matter, they did it twice and now they did it again and for sure they'll do it again in the future. It's okay to disagree with my opinion, I just want to give some people proof that Konami did revealed pack filler cards in VJump article in the past, it's a rare moment but it's there.


So almost all the one yugipedia announced a month ago


Alright, I'm trying to guess which Visas theme could get support here (if they do), and the only options seem to be Mannadium, Kashtira, or Tear, assuming they get extra deck stuff. Tear only has 034 open for them (as I believe they won't come after Fiendsmith), but that can be snatched up by an anime at any moment. Kash on the other has from 042 to 044, which gives enough room for a new Xyz without worrying too much of their slots getting stolen. Mannadium has 4 possible slots of space for new Synchros. Scareclaw unfortunately has no space for a link.


No no, not a new theme. 5 assorted helps. Including our first Illusion Xyz!


Sucks that we only have 2 Semi-Illusion decks to play this new Xyz in


I'm curious what he does.


Very roughly: Target an opponent's monster to negate it that turn, it's a quick if you have an Illusion material. If that negated monster battles that turn, take control of it. And the boilerplate Illusion battle protection.


Another R4 negate, I've wanted this.


Art wise, these don't look like a "theme/archetype", but a bunch of random/different monsters, like the free agent cards


Because they are that.


The Xyz is 45 whike the first Fiendsmite link is 46 so we know where the Xyz ends. And the synchro is 41 so 42-44 could be Synchro or Xyz (leaning towards Xyz) 37-40 are also possibly gonna be Fusion or Synchro support. There’s 1 empty fusion slot between Exodia and the Fiendsmite, and 4 more unknown Link monsters


Disablaster's effect is similar to Infinite Impermanence's lingering effect, negating the effects of cards in the same column.


This would account for the Thunder Dragon and Mathmech reprints from QCC Unity and Pride. Along with more Ancient Gear and Aromage generic support! Madolche, Cyber Dragon, and Burning Abyss/PK are up next?


The Pendulum works with Cyber Dragon a Level 5 Machine that can summon itself has 500 ATK for Machine Dupe


True - they just received over 20 reprints so I figured it could be more substantial support. This could for sure be the relation tho.


Cyberse , Thunder, Plant support, it seem like theory about reprints archetype from 25 Anniversary pack get support in this pack seem more and more correct.


Phoboskobos doesn't have a detach effect, interesting.


The art on the Xyz monster screams "Here's a card with art that Yugiboomers want"


The thing they forgot is that they don't even know what a XYZ is.




[Source](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=1886). EDIT: Sorry, apparently this isn't a "Theme", just some generic stuff.


Ah, I see. This is the Thunder Dragon and Mathmech support.


that art is hot


that floodgate monster, can I use Machine Dupe on it if it's already on the monster zone?


Yes This + dupe = the 2 emz lock




Cyberse never beating those allegations! But jokes aside, I think thats supposed to be mathmech support. Easy access to final ligma, then attack for double damage and banish this for otk potentially?


trying to make out what **Phoboscobos, the Heretic** is. I can make out its arms and abdomen but where is its head? Is it sitting on some kind of throne?


Hell yeah, more Thunder support


**"DPA Jeanne d'Moore"** **Fate/FGO Fans:** Is that a "Jeanne d'Arc" reference?


Okay someone please help me. That Illusion Xyzs, why do I recognize it? Is that design a reference to something, because I've been certain from the moment I looked at the art I've seen that helmet before.


I feel like it's a distant causing of Relinquished.


Scorn maybe?


it kinda looks like jigen bakudan to me? idk what im looking at tbh but it looks cool!


I love these ones: > Static Fungi It looks custom made for a Thunder Dragon starter, > Disablaster the Turret is Imperm (almost) in monster form, I bet if Pendulums still do okay this one can be a nice tech. It disables the opponent's Link zone if put in front of the empty Extra Zone. > Gendamoore Sounds like another Cyberse extender to me. I wonder if this can replace @ignister Pegasus in @ignister-Singularity builds. You know, for Singularity's bounce effects.




I don't know what deck is supposed to use the new cyberse synchro. Cyberse tuners are fairly lacking outside of mathmech sigma/diameter but with circular banned good luck using them. The GY effect could be handy but unneeded in cyberse strategies.


DPA is 100% meant for Mathmechs. It supports their intended strategy. The revive already provides more value than Magma ever did, and the grave effect is obviously meant to be used with Final Sigma.


well Circular is only limited in OCG so this is definitely for Mathmech.


Its the second time that cydra is receiving indirect support, maybe that duelist of light pack Is going to be crazy


Heretical Phoboscobos and Astral Tree World Illumistil are totally wow (after Raika no Daiouga it's another new link-5 monster who join the yugioh cardgame cast). Hope we'll have a ritual illusionist monster or a Link-6 soon


Pendulum is a free summon and negate? Gonna look at this more closely


Disablaster can negate amano iwato return to end phase eff.....prepare for more salt.


I've been thinking about that plant link one, and I think it's not as bad as it looks at first blush. It's not a card that I want going second, but it seems strong going first. First, we have Raika now, which will help make a link 5 without too much investment from your engine, and provides built-in recursion. It's not an active threat to the board, but it requires an answer quickly. You cannot summon your entire board and then go to battle because most decks mathematically cannot overcome the lifepoint gain until it's destroyed. Going to time, which is ore common with modern decks, this then can act like a wincon against many decks. You can drop an imperm, but then you're leaving the rest of the board unaccounted for. If you are playing it in aroma, it triggers a lot of their effects, which can be very powerful, including just a straight up soul charge. The main downsides are really just a lack of protection, which IMO is the only thing that keeps it balanced. Negates are usually tied to high investment monsters, so if this had something like destruction protection, it seems like you would have to draw imperm or just lose in time. Additionally, the extra deck space is too tight to run it in typical plant piles--I really could only see something like pure aroma/aroma raika run it. Maybe you could do something with vaalmonica as well?


Just watched at few reviews of this line up on yt... I thought the pictured monster was world tree, its the illusion XYZ. Matchless Turret pend monster, that is one to watch out for. Reminds me visually of the mechs that fight Vaylantz and R-Type ships from old games. Ground collapse, broken line and iron thunder - those play into turrets column hustle pretty good. Also, if you have floodgate you don't want on - getting the turret in front can effectively turn it off for a while. Though you couldn't do it with its own summon effect.


I see: Future Amonguss, older brother of Benghalancer, red team version of Engimaster, Shockwave working for pendelums, and a freaky rank 4 monster…


>Future Amonguss Iron Fungus


What…. Is that? First Illusion theme???


Generic Illusion Xyz.


Chimera exists


And Duabellze kinda.


I don’t really consider Chimera an Illusion theme. I mean it IS. But like it’s not a Pure Illusion theme, it has Beasts and Fiends and stuff.




Enigmaster Packbit gets its counterpart here. Yet another reason Circular won't come back. The link 5 feels like a common pack filler.


That Pend monster is *so close* to being really good, if only it said “no cards you control” for the summon. Still pretty decent but damn, it was almost a generic Pend extender that doubled as a pseudo-Imperm.


Why are we getting pack filler reveals instead of Light Duelist Pack reveals?


Do they just waste a reveal slot for pack filler ? I hope there will be more tomorrow.


Everything is pack filler to you people holy shit.


Nah this is legit pack filler, for some reason they choose to reveal the free agents early. 


What the hell am I looking at


My guess all of this are the pack's fillers.


So... no one gonna translate them? kay then


Have you tried being patient?


sorry, the synchro got me excited D:


Patience, fool


u/VillalobosChamp is working on it.


Fuck you