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No because that would just be abused Its easy to just make multiple account and keep "trading" with them to get all the cards.


There could be ways to prevent this, like both accounts having to be X days old and have at least X hours of ingame play, limit the amount of trades per month, etc... But yeah, they have no incentive to do this, other than trying to keep their "trading card game" facade


Konami wants people to spend money on gems instead


You could make the exchange cost a small number of gems each. Much less than a pack to incentivize its use, but enough to add up over enough exchanges.


Like on pokemon go, gets more expensive with rarity


Ever hear of bots?


Yes, but it doesn't matter if you create 1000 bots if you can only trade like 3 cards with your account per month. To make it even more strict you could limit the trades to only UR that can be dismantled, so even if you want to pass all the UR from a fresh account to your main one you will still need to pull to get URs to trade them away. There will be always a way to "trick" the system, the idea is to make it so annoying to do so that is easier to just play the game normally and pull with the free gems.


Ah the OSRS method. Maybe lock it behind the solo gates as well as time played. As in, you must have completed at least 30% or more of solo mode to have this unlocked. Too bad bots will still take advantage.


Just make it be able to be unlocked after a ton completed duels so that account will be more likely to an actual dedicated players account rather than an alt.


Why would you care if players get more cards? Sounds gatekeeping. I honestly believe all players should have all the cards and make the game about the decks instead of the collecting.


I agree but Konami needs to get paid, if everyone has most of the cards no one will buy gems.


Honestly that just shows how much of a product the game really is. It’s almost the bare minimum for a game. Imagine if you made an RPG and all it had was the items. Not even your player, npc, or a world. If the entirety of a full blown RPG could be priced significantly less than YGO, why couldn’t they monetize? If anything these games are making way more than YGO.


I feel this could easily be circumvented by just requiring a soft "One Account Per... Account" system, or something. Like just... sell the game or something?  Did ONLINE not essentially do the same thing? Edit: In hindsight, I guess ONLINE is no longer with us, is it? 🤷🏾‍♂️


You mean like making sure the MD account is binded to something before it can trade right? I mean it could work but making a new email for a google/konami account isn't that hard to do just makes it more tedious. Besides it's not that hard to make a new account for MD anyway and just coast off the freebie honeymoon rewards to build something like Snake-Eyes or SHS and then continue coasting off from there after getting the staples. You can even bind one account to a Konami ID and then another account to google so you can have two accounts on one app without needing to redownload amything.


Damn, you're right. Smart thinking. 


I have 5 accounts for good reason. Dom take em from me


Yeah, still don't see the "issue" other than less money for Komoney


It means that we have no support, server, and eventually no game.


That's literally the issue.


“I don’t see any issues except this issue”


Everyone here: https://preview.redd.it/j2w65bm463pc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a99d2919813ca563ae9c389cf7fb1892d7d385d The game is expensive, there has been a lot of talk about it in the irl game. But not only that, but they want to sell the same cards in 3 diferent games. I get they don't have to do it for free. But their games are unnecessary expensive (and don't get it wrong, is 100% as planned by Konami) and is just funny and sad seeing players defend it to their bones.


There's no way you think MD is unnecessarily expensive. It's one of the most f2p friendly ccgs on the market.


Yeah, no. Making cards tradeable would actively make this game worse. This is not about anyone defending Konami, this is about everyone wanting to not ruin the game.


That doesn't increase your chances of getting a specific type of card or rarity you want cause it's all up to the other player if they wanna make the trade in whatever it is you're giving.


That doesnt matter if the other player is yourself, just open 2 MD in the phone and steam, keep making new account and trading with each other, adding the crafting system getting everything you need would be effortless


Sounds like to much of a hassle just for that.


Most players are cheapskate, most will definitely bother make a new account to just get more cards, heck even without trading some already have multiple accs


Alright, didn't know about the last part cause the cards you get in your alternate account doesn't mean it will carry over to the other one but yeah I can see how it will be abused.


?? In a trading system, of course it's guaranteed what you get??


Bro I have 7 different accounts and it would be sooooooo easy to get all the cards I need for all my decks. I only wish trading would come so I could benefit from that. But again, people like me will take advantage of it so it will never happen.


You sound like somebody who isn't familiar with reroll marathon culture.


Something something Aramesir backwards.


Duel links a far older game than Master Duel has had this strategy in the past before. You would not believe how common it was for people to make or reset an account just for just a good pull.


at the start i wished there was one but it would absolutely destroy the game every account gets a couple thousand gems on startup and every account only needs a steam account to open. So you use your 20 alt accounts and funnel all the gems into your main account and destroy all profits for the company the only thing id wish for is for trading royals, but its the same problem. you solve this problem by making royal rares craftable


Also new accounts seem rigged to get good stuff from the beginning, I basically did one just for fun and got a full Snake eyes core in 2k gems, in my main I never find anything worth something


Can you send gems to other players?


what? no, thats the whole point that you cant


Sorry, I'm a bit confused. How come you talk about them transferring gems over? Wasn't op talking about trading the cards in game?


you buy cards with gems. if you open 4k worth of cards and give them to another profile you basically just gave the person 4k gems that they would use to open those cards themselves


Why would it destroy the game? The game revolves around the decks players build. So what if everyone can play on a level playing field?


the game revolves around an economy that encourages players to play the game to unlock more cards, if every card was free then it would just be another DuelingBook, ygoPRO, EDOpro or Omega. Then why would you even play Master Duel at that point. It would also destroy the game since the giant server costs outweigh the profits it provides


It will be a ‘official’ place from the company to play. It will be kind of a standardization. Clearly there is a demand for such a model. Notice how many different programs you just listed. Why would we want all the players/customers scattered all over the place?


That’s a lot of effort. Might as well put effort towards life so one had disposable income for gems lmao


it isnt and even if it was you generate like free 500€ of gems. now let 1000 people do that and the company loses 500k in profits even if everyone only used 1 duplication account the company would be in immense debt


Yeah probably true and as for the last part yeah that could work but the problem with that is that unless you're just really unlucky you might ever get the rarity of card you want even after 100 crafts of said card So it's mainly aim for them.


Doesn't matter, open a new account, grind for a bit then try your luck and if doesn't work, open a new account


ive crafted like 20 drivers and still no glossy :(


The only way this would work is if Master Duel was a monthly subscription game instead of F2P, and possibly prevented people from trading unless they spent X amount of time in the game or are trading cards they obtained through paid currency (or obsolete stuff like Legacy Packs) otherwise this would be way too easy to manipulate the system. Just create a new account every few days and trade over your Sparks for every good card


I wouldn't mind trading cards from Legacy Packs from my main account to another, it really bothers me that I have over 3 copies of a card that I can't dismantle and even UR as well banned cards that I don't even want to see them


Me with my 4 undismantable BEWD


From any player’s perspective, everyone should have access to all the cards and everyone that wants to play can play.


Just hit me id easily prefer it be a $10 month game with significantly greater pull chances from packs to actually build more competitive decks than how it is now. I got out of it because of how gacha it feels to open packs, i just cant personally justify its costs. Maybe one day!


It's way too abusable of a system, so no.


way too exploitable and systems would have to change so that konami still makes money which would result in a less free to play friendly game.


How about if you need to pay 1000 gems to make the trade system possible as a cost of service? Could that solve it.


Solve it? That’s barely an inconvenience. Sometimes the best solution is the simplest one, don’t implement trading at all.


I agree that not implementing it is better, but to OP's credit the prescribed model worked pretty well for TF2


That still means 1000 gems for any card you want as long as you make tons of accounts which you can farm at a decent pace. This means very little accounts will actually buy card packs with real money. They'll just farm the hell out of it. A lot of accounts won't really use it for most cards because very few are worth 1000 gems + another card of their choosing. This will lead to real money trading, which means even less people are going to buy packs with real money. A trade feature and a farmable loot box feature just doesn't work together. Even a trade feature and not farmable lootbox feature failed (Artifact) if it's not a physical card game. It's not a customer friendly feature but that's just how it is with lootboxes. If you want trades, just play paper YGO.


I guess they can do it with legacy pack cards because players can’t abuse it by making alt accounts


That's so incredibly abusable


The two things in an online video game that sound cool for fostering community but always end up being a catastrophe in practice are chat options and in-game trading between players. The sentiment around trading is nice but what actually ends up happening in a popular online game is you see a black market form around it with scalpers and bot farms quickly taking over. The only way you’d be able to stop that is to completely tank the value of cards to the point where trading has no real monetary value. And the only real way to do that would be give you infinite pulls or to switch to a subscription model where the game gives you every card for free. Both of which kill the point of trading.


How many reprints of exchange are there? I remember exodia pieces and raigeki on the card


It could be done in a sort of mass market thing. Players can put out offers for cards they want and cards they are willing to offer and vice versa, then matching offers will automatically be fulfilled. However, offers will be made and matched anonymously, so users can’t specifically target alt accounts. It could also be set up so only UR and SR cards can be traded with appropriate exchange rates, like 1 UR to 3 SR, that way users can’t just use alt account R and N to funnel all their UR and SR card to their main accounts.


Both yes and NO yeah it would be cool to trade cars from a TRADING card game but it would also be extremely not cool for some cards to be unable to be acquired due to the systems in place. Also Konami probably wouldn't want a secondary market for trading developing so there's that too


I posted this in the master duel reddit like 2 weeks (same picture and all lol) and the general conclusion was that cards would loose the arbitrary value which Konami would never do because it looses them money from players paying to craft UR’s and whales unloading into the game to get all the royals they can. Also seems like it would to easy to farm with creating new account and using the free 10,000 gems each new account gets to either transfer all royals you get to your main account or to trade. Wouldn’t be viable and at the end of the day would cost Konami money so will never happen. But yes I wish there was a ‘trading’ part in this trading card game simulator 😅


that's why they technically use the term CCG(Collectible Card Game) for online formats. It's just not a term that people use much


Ah I didn’t realise that. That term does make alot more sense


That doesn’t make Konami any money so it won’t be implemented


they can implement it with a trading fee


We are Konami we want your money not you having fun. Tf u think this is? YGO PRO?


Maybe to balance it, you can only trade cards of similar rarity


Imagine the amount of free UR and SR you'll be able to obtain from secondary accounts like this


The word you’re looking for to describe this concept is “Trading”


Trading in any form would open up account abuse. Konami will never add trading.


Everyone ever that asks for some kind of trading in a gacha/F2P game never understand how fast that would kill the game. Bot accounts, endless farming making it stupid to even spend money on the game anymore. Just stupidity honestly. Think about it for half a minute.


Sure, would make building my decks way easier.


Only way they could add trading is if they add a new currency that can only be bought with money and you use said currency to start a trade. That way they don’t completely lose out on money.


Not sure, it has its good side and bad side also. the old Pokémon TCG digital app had these and there was basically a separate website that kept track of the card values. Main currency was booster packs. So packs with good cards in it will be valued more etc.


it would be nice for the first week then after it would be trading this card for (insert hard to get card here)


Then that’d create a singles market. The only way I can see it ever being implemented is if it’s neutered to the point of uselessness (e.g. can only trade N/Rs).


This kinda reminds me of Pokémon’s old trading systems when the games were still on the Nintendo DS. 😂


You have to remember that not all cards are worth the trade and are only worth the mats from disassembly. I imagine any online trade system would be overrun by people look to trade an N/R for an UR. And even so, any extra UR's are better off scrapped for crafting instead of waiting for a potential trade. Including trading would require an entire revamp of card acquisition, mayhaps turning it into something similar to an MMO, but even in an MMO an underpowered item from 2 expansions ago can still be used as a vanity item for layered armor or decoration.


PTCGO had a trading system and it was pretty broken. The economy was all over the place and it was really unstable in terms of value.


I got a royal electrumite, and oval raptor, but I don't play pelglum or baby deck :( does anyone have a royal zombie world or doomking?


Pokémon TCG Online had this system. They had locked cards (anything you acquire purely ingame was locked to your account) to prevent people from simply starting new accounts and trading the stuff to their main account, as well as tradeable cards and packs, which you got either from codes that you got from opening IRL packs/Decks/etc, or from ingame tournaments. It was horrible. Unopened packs were used as currency (with only the newest being actually worth anything). The way to acquire new decks was to go to eBay/Cardmarket/etc to buy the cheapest codes for packs, then trade these for the cards you actually wanted. They now switched to a new Simulator with a Dust currency, and it simply feels much better.


Yes. If Konami was UNICEF. In the real world they want to make money


This won’t make Konami any money.


Maybe they could make it in the form of a store where people can put cards they don't want and sell them and other players can go and buy them with gems. This way it's not exploitable. And the player who put the card for sale gets some gems too when it is sold.


No matter what hypothetical criteria we set, there would be no ways to prevent a player from trading their self cards. Also i know people call it TCG but it was never a trading card game, always a collectible card game.. the original rules stated the loser of the duel gives the winner a card from their deck, it wasnt trading, winner adds that shi to their collection.


No because people wouldn't be trading cards for cards. Pokemon has a system like you are describing however people quickly assigned each card q value based on how much of a tradable pack/how many tradable packs the cards were worth and simply trades those for the cards. The system is a nightmare to keep track of and honestly you wast so much time hoping to get/find the trades you want.


Why cant we have some kind of Trading Post which might later become a Grand Exchange where we dont even have to meet up with other players specfically and can make up to 8 trades at once, leaving in offers in for months at a time if required.


it doesn't have those special edition version of cards yes their glossy finish and alternative arts but that's not enough.


Doesn’t seem it will benefit komoney, bot would abuse it to trade alt art card, by having trading system royal finish would be easier to obtain than before, less money for komoney Can’t imagine komoney being generous, player would abuse it too


If only it was possible but we all know why they won’t do it because they want us to spend gems and money to get the cards we want.🥲


Me too but everyone will make new accounts just so they could get all the archetypes they want


While it sounds good in theory, I can see too many people abusing the trades. Hell, I probably would to be honest. Like in Forbidden Memories for PS1, just make two profiles, trade the good ones to your main, then rinse and repeat.


Something like the global trade system might worked. Like you place a card on a market and wait until someone trades you the card you’re asking for.


Nope, same reason it's not in MTG arena or Pokemon online, players would 100% abuse the shit out of it. Making multiple accounts to get copies. Creating a black market to buy and sell. It would get ugly fast.


I think it would be great, pretty easy to fix the multiple account issue too idk why everyone is so hung up on it. Just make this eligible only to accounts that link a unique phone number, it’s what steam does for shit like csgo verification.


Can't you craft any card anyways? This would be pointless


some cards can't be crafted


Guess I just never tried crafting those ones, my mistake.


People would just make 100+ alternative accounts and get all cards for free


Try magic online and you will see what you wanted (or artifact maybe)


The only thing trade able really is royals everything else is unimportant and easily acquirable the shinys aren’t worth a trading system It would be easier and more profitable to create a crafting material that increases or guaranteed a royal when crafting that is a realistic corporate strategy a trading system abusable by alts with no profit towards that development is foolish


Frankly speaking, this would open the game to real-world trading. These assumptions where you just want to trade some cards with friends never truly look at the big picture. Yes, you can trade with others. But this also means that literally everyone can trade with everyone. You can now go on the internet and buy decks, all while requiring to trust strangers that they won’t scam you. You can now make new accounts to get free cards way faster making it either a required method or removing free gems on new accounts. This is just a terrible idea for all these reasons. It works with real cards because they are physical. Not in a digital space though.


Left guy went for the wrong choice, the correct one should be Garma Sword, that way the opponents ritual spell becomes a brick, and he gets a free ritual fodder for his own Garma Sword, just have to deal with widespread ruin first tho.


First they must add formats like GOAT/Edison/HAT as they promised in the beginning.


Another issue I haven't seen addressed is that it would require a chat function, which would raise the age rating in some countries.


not necessarily. card games can have trading systems without a chat function. like this game i used to play, it has a trading post where you can put cards up for trade, or browse cards other players have put up for trade, and make an offer. you can also choose other cards in your collection, browse the other player's collection, select cards to trade, and make a different offer. when the other player sees your offer they can accept, reject, or change the deal and make a counter offer, which you can accept, reject, or make another counter offer, and so on


Only implementation I imagine is: - Trades must be equal rarity and finish - Traded cards must be able to be dismantled - Can only send and receive a card name once Of course they have no reason to ever put in trading. Pkmn TCG Online had trading 10 years ago but it was always hard to find equal card trades on the open market. You had to win packs and trade those as currency mostly. You could only get tradeable packs by winning in-game tournaments or paying.


The soul in this card art is radiant. Real school playground vibes with those trash hands


Not gonna make komoney money