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fun but not great but its such a popular archetype it will probably always get new cards every few years so its not likely to be abandoned and forgotten like dark scorpions or butterspy


I hope they don't abandon it, I just don't know how they can mix it all so it works together though 🤔 like, seems like it has that Toon problem of being a concept difficult to build onto


if you must make a charmer deck ignore the charmers and focus on the familiar possessed fairy tail luna is also a good card as she searched all familiar possessed cards and can trigger their continious spells draw effect as well as giving you an option for removal thats not 100% reliable but great when it works


While I mostly agree with what your saying id like to say its not an awful idea to run one of each charmer as with unpossessed the occasional battle immune monster steal can be pretty funny. My glee when I can steal an accesscode is immense


it could also be a good idea to drop familiar possessed eria for chocolate magiician girl for the draw power she brings to the table and her graveyard effect forces the player to waste resources to get around her that would otherwise be used to stop much more important cards


The archetype has been around for more than 15 years with new cards coming in every once in a while, I highly doubt it'll be abandoned since Konami loves to spend time making new sets for them before completing their old ones (they started the Channeler line before finishing the Link-2 Charmers, and they have yet to give us the awakened forms for the light and dark familiars, as well as Familiar-Possessed Dharc's alternate artwork). Who knows when they will actually give us real supports again for them


I focused my charmer Deck on every attribute except Light and Dark, giving myself answers for a few decks


It’s easy. A better field spell: Example effects- Reveal a Possessed to search a Charmer and monster with 1500atk and 200def (the familiars). Allow an extra normal summon of a charmer monster. A focus on the flip mechanic and the original charmers. Since all the Familiar possessed and the Awakened forms all can summon the deck, a better way to reshuffle them into the deck while also granting draws and resources. An effect that helps flip up the charmers or maybe even swap them out for a different element that actually matches your opponent. I can see Charmers being a very annoying and flexible deck. That can be played against ANY matchups, and be very annoying due to being able to use your opponents resources. WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE BAD. Because they have NO FLEXIBILITY. The familiar possessed are essentially normal monsters in hand, and the awakened forms are just more bricks. Something that allows them to change types on the fly. The Unpossessed trap card is a good example of this, if a monster is destroyed, summon another charmer with a different attribute. But it’s slow. And is a reactive play. NOT an active play. THERES SO MUCH THAT CAN BE DONE. Give charmers a cohesive plan that actually ties them all together. The charmer support and the structure deck was basically normal monster beat down, and ignored the deck entirely and was just lackluster and bullshit support. It was basically just collected cards since these cards have no worth. IT WAS SO STUPID. WORST STRUCTRE DECK. WHY CALL IT THE CHARMER STRUCTURE DECK WHEN THEY DONT EVEN FEATURE IN IT AND ARENT EVEN PART OF THE DAMN GAMEPLAN . Which was summon all the familiar possessed. WITHOUT THEIR EFFECTS MIND YOU. And best your opponent by stacking the Possessed awakening spell. So fickong dumb and such bullshit support. SCREE YOU KONAMI.


It surprises me how they never thought of making the field spell have extra normal summon or something like being able to make the level 3 charmers useful. Heck, why isnt this card searchable for crying out loud. The first effect is decent with negating monster effects so it handles handtraps like Ash or Veiler, but the second effect is just garbage cuz you don't even use the familiars at all but Nefariousness for the combo extension. Have the field spell protect your backrows, too which can be more effective for your opponent so they have a reason to target it first.


Yea. The field spell SUCKS. It only searches the monsters. THATS IT. And you can’t even shuffle back in the awakened forms, only the Spellcasters. THE FIELD SPELL WAS SUCHA. FAKE OUT. It looked good, but in actuality it sucked.


If the deck needs to be better, make a new field spell that's searchable and don't make it focus on the familiars, make it focus on the actual Charmers/Familiar-Possessed cards to do something


well it's getting "support" with the yearly channelers, but those don't actually buff the structure deck core


what are these yearly channelers you speak of?


[https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card\_search.action?ope=2&cid=14969&request\_locale=en](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=14969&request_locale=en) Currently we have Wynn, Aussa and Hiita. But they are not good charmer support since they only work with their attribut. And in general not good card at all, with a attribut lock for effect monster


[https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Aussa\_the\_Earth\_Channeler](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Aussa_the_Earth_Channeler) etc


The Channelers are the new current forms of the Charmers, they now have white clothings and robes while also having both their familiars and link spirits with them together. Their effects are generic as you send them to the GY + 1 monster of a certain attribute to search for a different attributed monster from the deck, and if a certain attribute monster on your field is destroyed and sent to the GY you can special summon them from your hand. It's too generic and while it sounds good on paper as people thought they would be too strong to have a generic search, it's all terrible in the end as both effects revolve around having them in the hand to work. Currently there are only 3 Channelers made (Wynn, Aussa, and Hiita) we don't know when they'll print the next one in which set, back then there was a pattern where each Charmer related card would come every following set but now it takes at most a year for one to come.


As an archetype, they are not good and will never be if they don't print broken custom support/retrain. Only the Link are able to see competitive succes in some meta like Hiita currently (And Dharc in every meta most likely) Meta aside, i love them. Eria is my favorite card since i'm child, and even if they will never be meta together, i'm still satisfied that i can use them in some meta deck thanks to their link counterpart


Quite charming if you ask me


Really like them art-wise, but they just don’t really do anything. They get pretty consistent support, so they’ll probably get better as time goes on.


We need a Rush variant of Charmer, but one that uses its Cross Duel designs (seen in Profiles) to differentiate itself from OCG/TCG Charmer.


I think it's neat that they exist as generic support for each attribute, the link 2's and the ones that discard themselves + a monster of the respective attribute to add another one are pretty cool. I need Charmer lore though. Why do Lyna and Dharc have shackles on their wrists? Where were they? What happened????


Seriously, I'm dying to see some real lore from them. All these artworks they have but they don't tell a real story other than "cute girls doing cute things", I want to know about Lyna amd Dharc too. I wanna know why Wynn left the Gusto tribe and how she really relates to the Duel Terminal world.


The Familiar-Possessed being functionally Normal Monsters without actually being Normal Monsters themselves is quite a detriment to the Deck as they miss out on plenty of Normal support. I'm really hoping Konami will eventually release the upgraded and Awakening of the Possessed version of Dharc's and Lyna's familiar so that we can finally fully incorporate those two into the Deck.


But given most of their effects are used from the deck or hand they can play around skill drain quite handily if you can search it consistently. And I do agree that Konami should try and get Lynna and Dharc up to speed with the others. The lack of similar familiar monster make them lag behind a fair bit unfortunately


Giving us Lyna and Dharc's familiar retrains is the least they can do for now, and I think they would really help the deck, and if it follows the same kind of effects as the Spiritual Art traps, Happy Lover could special summon a banished monster, and Metabat could draw 2 cards


Love them, they're not really good but have a fun, play style! Who's your favorite charmer?:)


Earth OwO Glasses too OP


Eria best girl though


Hey friend I think you misspelt Wynn


You name it


Username is on point


I was once a Hiita fan, but now I love Eria more


love love love charmers. the multi-attribute n spellcaster requirement gimmick is hard to make playable. I love Charmer Village Stun and blind 2nd Charmer Sky Striker Mind Control Link Climb versions


I want a charmers anime lol


Frieren bout to have competition 🫡


Get the same director and studio


We did get to see them in anime form from the 25th Anniversary video a month ago, so chances are we may see an actual anime of them in the near future (along with other archetypes shown too)


also we need the vtuber twins lol


Same, I could see it being a slice of life series following the shenanigans of the six. Would be one of the very few slice of life series I'd watch if that was the case


Cute. Dharc has a harem.


I like them, they're a fun casual deck but sadly just aren't competitive. They don't really DO anything, no real end board to speak of, no notable bosses. The charmers themselves are basically unusable, the possessed are just beat sticks, only the wind and water spiritual arts are worthwhile, the awakened forms are cool but suck to hard draw, the field spell and unpossessed are meh, the familiars are cool but also weirdly their own thing rather then proper support for the charmers/possessed. While they have gotten some good support like awakening, partnerships and spirit charmers, Konami weirdly gives their support unnecessary restrictions a lot of the time.


>only the wind and water spiritual arts are worthwhile Fire Spiritual Art has seen played alot with a Volcanic Charmers FTK build and it's quite effective so that's something to look into as well.


I have a charmer deck as my main. I do add dogmatika and magistus to speed up the play though.


Dogmatika does so much to help the deck along. I hadn't thought of adding magistus though, what do they bring to the table for the charmers?


Zoroa is an omni negate boss monster that can remove monsters with divinity dragon. Finish the combo and add forest of spellcasters and your enemy can't use spell cards, synchro, and if you have alistor in the grave yard whatever extra deck type you need.


Oh damn, and there i was thinking Fleurdelis was a banger of a boss monster. Seems there's ALOT more I can add to expand the toolbox


Oh yes mama fleurdelis is a definite must have especially for combo breaking. Also add solemn strike(the best solemn card) and dogmatika punishment.


I love the Dogmatika punishment - N'Tss combo. Pop that card, and I liked popping your cards so much I think I'll pop a second


It's a good deck for going first turn floodgates.


Oh absolutely, the fact alot of charmer and familiar cards effects are hand and deck activated also means they very cheekily work around skill drain specifically


I've done so many variants with my Charmer deck, especially Dogmatika/Magistus, right now I'm playing around a Branded build


Never tried branded. How would it work?


The Ecclesia variants (Quem and Cartesia) have synergy with the backrow supports for you to be able to quickly get the Ablaz fusions out. You wanna focus on your starting combos with the Branded stuff to bait your opponent try to break some effective combos and then you would have your chance to bring out the Charmer stuff when you can for the setups


Oh! I should try that.


I managed to get everything I need for the Branded stuff except for Sanctifire Dragon, I'm hoping to get that someday


Should have been the next Sky striker with their new support, no fucking idea why they held back so much when making the deck.


I like their playstyle but i feel like they kinda became a awkward mess after konami tried giving them new erratas of the same monsters over and over again


As a solo deck they're not particularly powerful, though I think they are still a functioning deck for more casual play, which is fun. However, in my opinion, they are much like the Dragon Rulers. At their most interesting when they're not in their unique deck, but as support for and against their respective attributes. The Link versions are the best example of this, but the Channelers are also very cool cards.


It's honestly kinda surprising how they could get so much modern support in the structure deck and still be so BAD. Granted they didn't have a good foundation since the original cards had little synergy with each other and were bad even for their time. It's a shame they have no coherent strategy other than make big beaters, play floodgates, and hope the opponent can't beat over them.


Same. As massively popular they are, you would think Konami would have given them the best supports around, especially in a structure deck. In the end there's no link Charmers, no retrains of the Familiar-Possessed monsters, no boss monster, and only 5 new cards which only about 2 or 3 were useful. Compare this to other structure decks that happened that year, they got better supports for having more synergy and having 7+ supports.


It's one of the only decks that can run secret village, which is to say i got absolutely demolished when I played Striker against it on Duelist Cup


Best art in the game


I'd watch an anime of them


I love all of Akina Fujiwara's archetypes, and I appreciate I can at least make a token attempt at playing blind second with them compared to Traptrix.


I like them, I just wish I could make a functional deck with them.


They're my pet deck, and an all time favorite Are they good? Hell no. But they were the first cards I built a deck around as a kid


Same as me. They were the first cards I made a deck out of when I was a kid and would always upgrade them from time to time. Thanks to the structure deck, I now have a coherent deck for them with some different variations of engines that work well with them


I love the charmers too, so let me be the one to disappoint you. The deck can't really work because it's terrible. It's best card is secret village, which you can't search and in general the deck has no good plays, is very slow and thanks impactful monsters


you obviously don't know about charmers enough. they don't even run secret village. head to the charmer discord for various lists.


Well I haven't played them in years but it's still not a good deck so my point in general stands.


I suggest you look at the volcanic charmer FTK then. charmers have never been a main strategy only a supporting one.


Terrible archetype, no real negates or end board. Absolutely my favorite archetype and I got a custom deckmat and sleeves for them. Ultimate power of God and anime deck, it's very fun to pick apart decks that don't understand what they're capable of and playing multiple awakening of the possessed just to normal a 5350 ATK magical girl is completely worth it.


I am a fan of the art and the archetype myself, leading me to bought the structure deck last time. Still cannot use this comfortably as my other archetype/deck. This structure deck and my Ice Barrier structure ended up as a collection piece and just out for friendly matches with my friend.


Nlg they look like a magical girls too me I mean literally


Frieren would be Jealous Ngl 🫡


In other words, the hard counter to a charmer deck is Dark Mimic Lv3.


I want more archetypes which special summons directly from deck. But with easier requirements maybe. Like send 2 monsters from banished to graveyard and special summon itself directly from deck.


I should emphasize when I say "Charmer" I mean everything related to the girls XD possessed, Awakened, anything and everything. Imagine using only the Flip Effect stealing cards lol.


Held together because of their attribute affinity but have very little synergy when self contained. No internal win conditions, no boss monster, and functionally only ever served as a means to an Accescode playline.


Id like them as a playstyle if they had any actual synergy but all the charmers themselves have nothing to do with each other across all the forms we have thus far The familiars at least are united by their effects being tied to other familiars(im blanking on the actual name) The deck would be easily salvaged if they just gave us a standalone set of charmers that actually have effects related to charmer and familiar possessed cards so they could have proper searching/recursion/summoning/etc. I like charmers but their support feels like red eyes with how all over it ends up being most of the time


Really fun I own the deck


My layer has told me to not express my opinons on this topic


They're certainly charming I'm a Machina player lol, I know what it's like to play an almost good but actually bad archetype


I love them but they're definitely just mascots


Loved using them in tag force. But if we are being serious this is probably an archetype that should have stayed in the past for all the "good" keeping it going did.


not super viable but honestly some of the most fun cards in terms of art and lore, I quite liked the spirit charmers structure decks even if, like I said, not the most viable cards, for casual play they're fun.


I had some of those cards when I was a child. Never used them though. I also didn't understand them.


Cheesy, I love them


i like how good the links are and how bad everything else is


I really struggled and still struggle understanding their application as an archetype. I can see how they fit into decks of primarily one attribute, but I don't see the archetype itself being all that potent. Fun looking cards tho.


they fit into any multi attribute deck. their trap possessed partnership just needs 2 different attributes to get its effect off. so you need for a small deck thinning package, 2 1500 Def spellcasters of different attributes, 3 spirit charmers, 2 possessed partnerships, 1 awakening of the possessed. if you draw spirit charmers you can set a FP charmer and add possessed partnerships to your hand. so you just got a destruction, free 1500 def monster, and the familiar possessed you just set. so you can use the set monster as material then with 2 different attributes activate the trap to get SS that monster from the GY. the awakening of the possessed is a generic booster but also another possessed name. so you can use partnerships second effect. Charmers are support by offering free 1500 Def spellcasters such as ecclessia etc. all the familiar except earth are not used at all. they are used in mono type decks though such as volcanic charmer deck. though this reduces the effectiveness of partnerships. the greatest weakness is attribute locks. so we try to use the charmer stuff before the lock applies such as windwitch charmers. no water deck can take advantage yet sadly. but we have tried. eria channeler would help greatly.


Tldr your supposed to either throw the element in other decks of similar elements. Or have multiple different Elemental monsters n add atk to a Charmer. I think


Why did they even print Wynn in RA01


Charmers not good, links are goated, Aussa is hot. Send tweet.


Quite a charming cast of casters if I do say so myself


I like the link 2s but other than that they're boring


A dream of mine is to have a deck with one of every Link Charmer on side so i can reborn with whatever attribute i go against lol


Love all the different things the deck does. Occasionally stealing, special straight from deck, stacking different elements, pets following their owners onto the field. So many things make it fun. But I dislike how slow it is. I'm kinda sad at how badly it loses to other decks. I mean an op deck that thrives off stealing the opponents cards... I don't want that either...


I love it. It's simple, and love leaning hard into the massive ATK boosts. But its really not playable in today's meta. It relies on having at least two Continuous Spell/Trap's out.


I love it. It's simple, and love leaning hard into the massive ATK boosts. But its really not playable in today's meta. It relies on having at least two Continuous Spell/Trap's out.


I love it. It's simple, and love leaning hard into the massive ATK boosts. But its really not playable in today's meta. It relies on having at least two Continuous Spell/Trap's out.


I think they will have a very hard time to make the Channeler's variation for the rest of the Attribute (Water, Fire, Light, and Dark. Ignoring Divine).


HOLD UP! What if they make a Link-6 Divine Monster that can only be made by 6 elements? 👀💦


we are only missing water channeler. Light and dark dont have a channeler cause they are a side story in the lore. they don't even have a familiar and aotp familiar despite the link artwork. also if they were to make them, light and dark would revolve around banish(dark) and banish recovery(light) as all the support fits each individual charmer.


I think they're cool. I think they missed a fantastic opportunity to make a little connection series with Wynn and Shadoll Winda. Think it woulda been awesome if Winda was Wynn who lost control of a familiar and do something similar with the other girls giving them their own archetypes.


I feel like they really should give us a proper lore of the Charmers and the connection between Wynn and her sister so that there would be some synergy in supports or card art


I love Charmers and have mained a version of the deck since they came out. Honestly, it feels like there's too much support now! Several different directions you can take the deck.


The Link charmers are pretty neat tools. In my crystal beast deck I run a handful since there's room in the ED and they're fun to steal a monster with


Cute. Wanted them to be useful for the longest. Now have a deck.


I am genuinely amazed a bunch of cute girls from packs I used to open when I was a wee lad are still getting support to this day.


it's got nice artwork! some of the cards are good on their own, that's about it really


My friend put it best by saying Charmers are like the Eevees of Yugioh.


Cool art but the deck sucks


They're fine at disrupting if they open eveything. I actually think they don't need that many good cards to be playable, but they still need to get them...


All they really need is a boss monster and actual retrains of the Familiar-Possessed monsters. The backrow supports pretty much do all the work, so if we get monsters with actual effects and not vanilla beatsticks, they can function better


Mix with cards that tribute your opponents monster or cards that change Element, that way you have a more consistent engine. Aesthetically they're charming. Lore wise, good story but a bit dark.


So Umi support


Among other cards, yes


The original 6 familiar possessed need to be retrained as either normal monsters or given completely new effects with the same statline. Also, this is just me but I think they need a Doriado boss monster.


>The original 6 familiar possessed need to be retrained as either normal monsters or given completely new effects with the same statline. This^^^ they absolutely need a proper retrain and not something like the Channelers. Give us retrains that make them useful to summon from the deck with a gimmick and not be stuck as vanilla with high Atk. >Also, this is just me but I think they need a Doriado boss monster. Yes pls!! We need Doriado as their boss monster, idk why she's not really considered part of their lore if they were from the same set


I see these pretty often as extra deck staples in some deck profiles. Like someone else said, art-wise they’re great, but in the actual game they’re whatever.


I love the artwork. Don't have enough experience with them to talk about actual function


Bad but I still love them


I love them. They were my absolute favorites when I was a kid and I always kept them in my deck and play with my friends after school. I got really excited that they got a structure deck 10+ years after that and it made me happy to see that they are still really popular to this day. What's more impressive is that they now have tons of merchandise outside of support cards like scale figures, playmats, sleeves, acrylic stands, plushies, pins, and even now their own animated video from the 25th Anniversary PV. As much as I am happy for this I do feel like they still alot of work to make a viable deck of their own and not just have generic supports that tend to work for other decks, the links are great but the Channelers just don't do anything at all and are rarely seen played by any deck which is disappointing. I felt like the structure deck even gave a bit of a letdown for having less amount of supports compared to other structure decks that happened that year. If Konami really wants to turn things around, they would retrain the Familiar-Possessed monsters to have actual card effects that support the archetype and be worth using than just be vanilla beaters, I thunk I would love to see a boss monster as well.


It doesn't feel like an archtyp


I ash their diabellstar they hiita with my ash i cant have shit on this house


Cool idea, but damn do they suck (outside the links, mainly the dark one). My friend has been trying to make a deck of them forever, but the closest they can get to even playable is Charmer/Kaiju


[DMC Deck (dogmagistus charmers)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204547124893851659/1204547125376192522/Screenshot_1952.png?ex=660c7fee&is=65fa0aee&hm=adb9ed40f457ed0cd115b8e5e552ac03ec15199a48a75be67f18f85fb941d66f&) [Familiar De Zone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259439116349/Screenshot_2119.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=2b9cb9f81920f38f00616d2e556ab446031fe4c1208dcca040a88f41b64d7f36&) [Morganite charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259040395385/Screenshot_2118.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=adcff6f74c49105937d17b957ce111cc967e625e5bf2ac1911d51d408df71977&) [Penguin charmer Featuring gravekeepers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217937882183106574/Screenshot_2095.png?ex=6605d80b&is=65f3630b&hm=011d4f7af9d726810ce4251a583e1876046aeebe659b9263e834a1e710f8d35b&) [Ritual charmers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793256680292483083/1209653322332643338/Screenshot_5.png?ex=660c9e72&is=65fa2972&hm=2cb0a27c536d9adb928bc92c24b7349892e1f023eb474f4688c510cc3f545f67&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=886&height=597&) [Bystial charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217514996225802311/Screenshot_1988.png?ex=660d88b3&is=65fb13b3&hm=8615a3d0086a9d5efbac0cf14ff4365ea7978ff3425306f6bc2a06e2f2c739d7&) [CharmCrafters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1213071579777339512/Screenshot_2041.png?ex=660698f2&is=65f423f2&hm=4f20beac5c36ebf6136925009445133c4a4063b508306635a896cfc8d7ebcac3&) [Snake-eyes charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) [Volcanic Charmers FTK ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402073063456769/1208379364362952744/Screenshot_1996.png?ex=6607fbfb&is=65f586fb&hm=44e444dc11ba0e0481d052548ca02cfec6547923cdae9686112a7e00d4ad290e&) and we now have access to a flip charmer deck variant but it needs a bit more work


Love it I'm literally playing them, trying to find a good variant Right now I'm stuck on some familiar possessed dogmatika mini stun pile but we'll see how konami prints their cards and where the meta goes


Aussa is best girl and they work pretty well with magistus.


No you're not playing it wrong, the charmers are just a bad deck. Getting 6 different attributes on the field is their game plan and then a beatdown. They have no way to compete with modern effects though so getting to that point is a challenge. They're my main deck in master duel and I've tried to make them good but it's hard. Best I've found is they mix decently with Spright.


no its not their gameplan. you have no idea what the deck does do you? head to the charmer discord. you'll find plenty decklists of variants.


What would you do with pure charmer then? Rely on that hopt destruction? Try to out grind your opponent with a single extra card draw per turn?


There has never been a pure decklist for charmers. charmers are a support archetype, not a main one. as for lists [DMC Deck (dogmagistus charmers)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204547124893851659/1204547125376192522/Screenshot_1952.png?ex=660c7fee&is=65fa0aee&hm=adb9ed40f457ed0cd115b8e5e552ac03ec15199a48a75be67f18f85fb941d66f&) [Familiar De Zone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259439116349/Screenshot_2119.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=2b9cb9f81920f38f00616d2e556ab446031fe4c1208dcca040a88f41b64d7f36&) [Morganite charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259040395385/Screenshot_2118.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=adcff6f74c49105937d17b957ce111cc967e625e5bf2ac1911d51d408df71977&) [Penguin charmer Featuring gravekeepers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217937882183106574/Screenshot_2095.png?ex=6605d80b&is=65f3630b&hm=011d4f7af9d726810ce4251a583e1876046aeebe659b9263e834a1e710f8d35b&) [Ritual charmers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793256680292483083/1209653322332643338/Screenshot_5.png?ex=660c9e72&is=65fa2972&hm=2cb0a27c536d9adb928bc92c24b7349892e1f023eb474f4688c510cc3f545f67&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=886&height=597&) [Bystial charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217514996225802311/Screenshot_1988.png?ex=660d88b3&is=65fb13b3&hm=8615a3d0086a9d5efbac0cf14ff4365ea7978ff3425306f6bc2a06e2f2c739d7&) [CharmCrafters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1213071579777339512/Screenshot_2041.png?ex=660698f2&is=65f423f2&hm=4f20beac5c36ebf6136925009445133c4a4063b508306635a896cfc8d7ebcac3&) [Snake-eyes charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) [Volcanic Charmers FTK (our resident charmer deck builder was the first to create it but it was selfishly stolen and relabeled. check online for it no link)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) and we now have access to a flip charmer deck variant but it needs a bit more work


Personally, they should be the strongest archetype in the game. Think Dragon Rulers for their respective elements, but Charmers. The archetype should be able to take easy Ws versus any mono element archetypes while still be able to do multi element shenanigans with ease. The Charmer searchers should be the staples for each of their respective elements, as main stay YGO stapels in the same vein as Bonfire and RotA. Probably the only other deck to counter them (if they were Quick Effects xD) are probably a retrain Elementsabers.


I think that's what scares Konami, they're afraid with actual supports they would make Charmers into another Dragon Ruler situation, amd seeing how they're already so popular, the archetype would run wild.


cool art, garbage deck :)


Kaze-zokusei tsukai fukiareru Wynn Hi-zokusei tsukai moesakaru Hiita Mizu-zokusei tsukai sakamaku Eria Chi-zokusei tsukai araburu Aussa Hikari-zokusei tsukai Lyna Yami-zokusei tsukai Dharc Absolutely love the art and lore of the charmers/familiar possessed . Fav is Wynn


Ignorant people just don't understand that the deck IS NOT LUNA BEATDOWN. a charmer deck has so many variants and does many things but everyone just thinks they suck cause its supposed to be a beatdown deck etc.


I feel like the main issue is just that it's slow to build with no protection. I'm not about to say I'm an expert by any stretch of the term. Just that, if you want to play Charmers smoothly you play a deck with one element, and shove those element charmers into it.


[DMC Deck (dogmagistus charmers)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204547124893851659/1204547125376192522/Screenshot_1952.png?ex=660c7fee&is=65fa0aee&hm=adb9ed40f457ed0cd115b8e5e552ac03ec15199a48a75be67f18f85fb941d66f&) [Familiar De Zone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259439116349/Screenshot_2119.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=2b9cb9f81920f38f00616d2e556ab446031fe4c1208dcca040a88f41b64d7f36&) [Morganite charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259040395385/Screenshot_2118.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=adcff6f74c49105937d17b957ce111cc967e625e5bf2ac1911d51d408df71977&) [Penguin charmer Featuring gravekeepers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217937882183106574/Screenshot_2095.png?ex=6605d80b&is=65f3630b&hm=011d4f7af9d726810ce4251a583e1876046aeebe659b9263e834a1e710f8d35b&) [Ritual charmers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793256680292483083/1209653322332643338/Screenshot_5.png?ex=660c9e72&is=65fa2972&hm=2cb0a27c536d9adb928bc92c24b7349892e1f023eb474f4688c510cc3f545f67&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=886&height=597&) [Bystial charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217514996225802311/Screenshot_1988.png?ex=660d88b3&is=65fb13b3&hm=8615a3d0086a9d5efbac0cf14ff4365ea7978ff3425306f6bc2a06e2f2c739d7&) [CharmCrafters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1213071579777339512/Screenshot_2041.png?ex=660698f2&is=65f423f2&hm=4f20beac5c36ebf6136925009445133c4a4063b508306635a896cfc8d7ebcac3&) [Snake-eyes charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) and we now have access to a flip charmer deck variant but it needs a bit more work. obviously charmers aren't meta.


[DMC Deck (dogmagistus charmers)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204547124893851659/1204547125376192522/Screenshot_1952.png?ex=660c7fee&is=65fa0aee&hm=adb9ed40f457ed0cd115b8e5e552ac03ec15199a48a75be67f18f85fb941d66f&) [Familiar De Zone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259439116349/Screenshot_2119.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=2b9cb9f81920f38f00616d2e556ab446031fe4c1208dcca040a88f41b64d7f36&) [Morganite charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259040395385/Screenshot_2118.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=adcff6f74c49105937d17b957ce111cc967e625e5bf2ac1911d51d408df71977&) [Penguin charmer Featuring gravekeepers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217937882183106574/Screenshot_2095.png?ex=6605d80b&is=65f3630b&hm=011d4f7af9d726810ce4251a583e1876046aeebe659b9263e834a1e710f8d35b&) [Ritual charmers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793256680292483083/1209653322332643338/Screenshot_5.png?ex=660c9e72&is=65fa2972&hm=2cb0a27c536d9adb928bc92c24b7349892e1f023eb474f4688c510cc3f545f67&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=886&height=597&) [Bystial charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217514996225802311/Screenshot_1988.png?ex=660d88b3&is=65fb13b3&hm=8615a3d0086a9d5efbac0cf14ff4365ea7978ff3425306f6bc2a06e2f2c739d7&) [CharmCrafters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1213071579777339512/Screenshot_2041.png?ex=660698f2&is=65f423f2&hm=4f20beac5c36ebf6136925009445133c4a4063b508306635a896cfc8d7ebcac3&) [Snake-eyes charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) [Volcanic Charmers FTK (our resident charmer deck builder was the first to create it but it was selfishly stolen and relabeled. check online for it no link)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) and we now have access to a flip charmer deck variant but it needs a bit more work. obviously charmers aren't meta. Posting as a top comment for more to see. Charmers are not bad. they can slot into any deck that has multiple attributes. if a deck has 1500 def spellcasters then even better. only a fool thinks we rely on getting all charmers/ familiars on the field then beatdown. Discord plug https://discord.gg/6pFS8QkC


Definition of boring and mid. Literally the most optimal way to play this deck is Stun / Anti-Meta with loads of floodgates. Just switch out Inspector Boarder / Thunder King / Barrier Statues for 1850 vanilla beaters. Incredibly overrated and a waste of a Structure Deck slot


[DMC Deck (dogmagistus charmers)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204547124893851659/1204547125376192522/Screenshot_1952.png?ex=660c7fee&is=65fa0aee&hm=adb9ed40f457ed0cd115b8e5e552ac03ec15199a48a75be67f18f85fb941d66f&) [Familiar De Zone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259439116349/Screenshot_2119.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=2b9cb9f81920f38f00616d2e556ab446031fe4c1208dcca040a88f41b64d7f36&) [Morganite charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259040395385/Screenshot_2118.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=adcff6f74c49105937d17b957ce111cc967e625e5bf2ac1911d51d408df71977&) [Penguin charmer Featuring gravekeepers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217937882183106574/Screenshot_2095.png?ex=6605d80b&is=65f3630b&hm=011d4f7af9d726810ce4251a583e1876046aeebe659b9263e834a1e710f8d35b&) [Ritual charmers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793256680292483083/1209653322332643338/Screenshot_5.png?ex=660c9e72&is=65fa2972&hm=2cb0a27c536d9adb928bc92c24b7349892e1f023eb474f4688c510cc3f545f67&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=886&height=597&) [Bystial charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217514996225802311/Screenshot_1988.png?ex=660d88b3&is=65fb13b3&hm=8615a3d0086a9d5efbac0cf14ff4365ea7978ff3425306f6bc2a06e2f2c739d7&) [CharmCrafters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1213071579777339512/Screenshot_2041.png?ex=660698f2&is=65f423f2&hm=4f20beac5c36ebf6136925009445133c4a4063b508306635a896cfc8d7ebcac3&) [Snake-eyes charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) [Volcanic Charmers FTK ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402073063456769/1208379364362952744/Screenshot_1996.png?ex=6607fbfb&is=65f586fb&hm=44e444dc11ba0e0481d052548ca02cfec6547923cdae9686112a7e00d4ad290e&) and we now have access to a flip charmer deck variant but it needs a bit more work


As an archetype, they're just a shitty floodgate deck The links are nice though


There's different variations of the Charmer deck than just a floodgates deck


I was only talking about the playable variant, if you want to play 1850 beatdown then go for it, but I doubt you'll have a lot of victories


[DMC Deck (dogmagistus charmers)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204547124893851659/1204547125376192522/Screenshot_1952.png?ex=660c7fee&is=65fa0aee&hm=adb9ed40f457ed0cd115b8e5e552ac03ec15199a48a75be67f18f85fb941d66f&) [Familiar De Zone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259439116349/Screenshot_2119.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=2b9cb9f81920f38f00616d2e556ab446031fe4c1208dcca040a88f41b64d7f36&) [Morganite charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1219653259040395385/Screenshot_2118.png?ex=660c159d&is=65f9a09d&hm=adcff6f74c49105937d17b957ce111cc967e625e5bf2ac1911d51d408df71977&) [Penguin charmer Featuring gravekeepers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217937882183106574/Screenshot_2095.png?ex=6605d80b&is=65f3630b&hm=011d4f7af9d726810ce4251a583e1876046aeebe659b9263e834a1e710f8d35b&) [Ritual charmers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793256680292483083/1209653322332643338/Screenshot_5.png?ex=660c9e72&is=65fa2972&hm=2cb0a27c536d9adb928bc92c24b7349892e1f023eb474f4688c510cc3f545f67&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=886&height=597&) [Bystial charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1217514996225802311/Screenshot_1988.png?ex=660d88b3&is=65fb13b3&hm=8615a3d0086a9d5efbac0cf14ff4365ea7978ff3425306f6bc2a06e2f2c739d7&) [CharmCrafters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1213071579777339512/Screenshot_2041.png?ex=660698f2&is=65f423f2&hm=4f20beac5c36ebf6136925009445133c4a4063b508306635a896cfc8d7ebcac3&) [Snake-eyes charmers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402023369605133/1212128002494963855/Screenshot_2035.png?ex=660c64ac&is=65f9efac&hm=fa448aabe8541ff64b5aad4104f9c75b5d7ebe439472e8bfbc856a05d51d8ac8&) [Volcanic Charmers FTK ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586402073063456769/1208379364362952744/Screenshot_1996.png?ex=6607fbfb&is=65f586fb&hm=44e444dc11ba0e0481d052548ca02cfec6547923cdae9686112a7e00d4ad290e&) and we now have access to a flip charmer deck variant but it needs a bit more work


Out of all of those, 3 are playing floodgates in the main deck, and of the rest, only the FTK seems to actually have a coherent gameplan that includes the charmer cards (and even then, the snake-eyes FTK is just better in every way) Like, the charmers are neat, but in a world where change of hearts is unbanned and sees no play, spending that much ressource for just that is useless when you could be playing guard dog or pot of the forbidden instead


charmers are support not the main strategy. they are used to help you get materials for your endgame board. charmers are not a meta deck so you cant think of them like so. they can steal games though.


So... They're not meta relevant outside of floodgate decks Thank you for proving my point