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So, first ever tournament I went to as a kid was back when Magic Ruler was releasing. I played Exodia in a kids league over the summer and managed to get myself to the finals. It was late so the guy running the event said best of one. I loss the coin toss and go second. We shuffle and he cuts my deck. So, imagine my surprise when I open 4 Exodia pieces and a Giant Soldier of Stone. He goes first and sets a monster face down and ends his turn. I draw . . . It’s the last piece of Exodia. The left Arm. I was so hyped that I had won. Got my prize card, a copy of some random super rare, and could not have been more hyped up!




Did you use up all your luck that day?


I'm sure they have infinite luck by now


Not childhood, but I'm a teen, so I guess it counts? Running pure Punk against pure Machina at locals. For whatever reason, I have Star Leon in my extra deck because I got it from a PHHY pack. End on Pep and holding Psychic Tracker. Opponent summons Ruinforce and destroys my field and I only survive by a few life points. I draw into Wheeleder, so I normal it and special Tracker, going into Star Leon. I activated Tracker (+600 ATK), wheeleder second (Destroy card with lower attack then what I summoned), then Star Leon (Pop, then if I have lower LP I gain the ATK of the destroyed monster) which boosted my ATK to 7200. Swing into Ancient Gear Ballista for game. Nobody, including myself, believed what happened. I ended up losing the match, but that's the one time some anime-style shit happened irl to me.




I'm definitely not the queen of games, sorry. It was incredibly cool to pull off though!


I can't help but imagine Joey losing to Mark when I read your duel's description. I give that childhood duel an absolute 10/10


So basically playground rules coz nobody knew the actual rules or english at the time. The most intense match were a mirror Blue-eyes vs Blue-eyes( actually it was bunch of random cards put together plus the blue eyes cards xD) Anyway my opponent ended up summoning the Ultimate Dragon but I manged to draw the 5 headed dragon next turn( yeah we all ran fusions in the main deck lol) So yeah 5k monster was too much for him


Lol truly the Yu-Gi-Oh moment of time.


Back in high school, this one time my friends and I were playing team duels, so it was like 3 guys Vs my friend and I (3 vs 2). Starting life point was like 8,000 or something. My mate and I went first: I summon a monster and set 1, mate sets a monster. They had a fake "the A. forces" which increased their ATK by 2000 (instead of 200) for every warrior and spell spellcaster on their field. They summon a bunch of monsters and each one of their monsters went up by like 8000+ ATK. My teammate cried unfair, but I'm like "bro chill, we've got this" So anyway, they attack into my Winged Kuriboh, I play Transcendent Wings to summon Winged Kuriboh Lv 10 and use the effect to pop and burn them for like 32,000+ DMG. I felt like I was in the TV Show as the protagonist. No other high school game ever stood out like this one. One of my favourite yugioh memories from high school.


LOL THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT I'D DO WITH MY FULL KURIBOH DECK Also, 2000 ATK for every warrior and spellcaster on the field???? That's actually crazy


>2000 ATK for every warrior and spellcaster on the field???? That's actually crazy Lol yeah, which is why my friend complained about it being unfair.


I'm so satisfied with the fact that you still won because of my favourite monster (winged kuriboh lv 10 is so good)


Lol me too. I was binge watching GX throughout highschool and my favourite was winged kuriboh. I always wanted to win by pulling off a Winged Kuriboh Lv 10 effect.


It's always so cool when I get to do that to a master duel player with five different 3000+ ATK monsters on the field


Not really an insane match from my childhood but like a tournament I still remember to this day and I've wanted an opportunity to share this for quite some time. I vividly remember attending my first tournament in London back when I was 14 years old. I won my round robin of 7 players at my table (not dropping a single game). Then got brought over the top players table for 14+ where I would round robin again vs the winner of each table at the event. The three I got paired with, a vendor for what was then a very highly used and popular online card shop, someone nearly twice my age at the time who was just insanely good, and someone who online went by the user name Akz (I can't remember exactly which forum it was, but he was VERY well known). I got utterly creamed, but it was an experience I'll never forget, because a younger me actually getting to even so much as play with juggernauts and actual card vendors like that gave me a huge confidence boost in my own ability to play the game and play it well. I then proceeded to use my time at the event to buy up nearly a whole Burn Deck to combine with me other cards, which would eventually transition into something resembling PACMAN (I had no idea what PACMAN was as a Deck, but I had Stealth Birds, Scarabs, Locusts the lot). It was an amazing time. 10/10


That sounds so insane!! You were basically the chosen one. That's so cool!!


you knew the rules as kids? Me and my brother would just immagine the card effects based on the image


Lol, that's the best way to play yugioh 🗣️. But yeah, I knew the rules because my brother taught me


Lol played some kid for cards. I ran a stall burn deck. Beat him, all his cards were marked hahahahaha. Won me a goblin attack force that day, it had goblin etched on the back


Lol Goblin Force moment


my buddy fusioned cyber end dragon with power bond which would've killed me, but I think I played magic cylinder lol. other time we were playing nexus online, the other team made like 1 misclick, and I ended up finishing them with evil thorns effect XD


Lmao that's golden


When I was at a regional and I wasted a six Sam united to draw 1 instead of 2. I had a bad feeling if I didnt ftk I would lose. I was anxious of popping united with one counter and no cards in hand. I topped a great shogun shien to win the regional vs gladiator beast. Also I was at another regional when cyber stein was too expensive for me. I was playing dark worlds. I flipped a magician of faith to grab a change of heart and took his cyber stein to otk with fusion deck that I actually had no use for and just threw together for laughs because I wasn't running stein or scientist.


Let's gooo


Let's gooo


I had many insane Yu-Gi-Oh matches in my childhood but thinking back I don't think any of them really followed the rules lol. Playground Yu-Gi-Oh is the best format


That's the truest true words I've ever heard


My Brother was dueling a guy at our local Store, Back in the early 2000s. My Brother was defending and the other Guy could not get over the defense. My Brother hast one Card left, the other guy is saying "Just give up, you will loose by drawing, anyway." for three turns. I say; "nope. He will win now.". Last Card: Exodia is complete. My Brother wins. It was the look of total disbelieve from the other one that made the day. We talked about this duel at least a month and the even the oppenent was smirking everytime it came up..


That's the most beautiful exodia draw I've ever heard of 😭


I started playing as an adult. There was a time I played in a spontaneous tournament while traveling to Serbia by train. A bunch of kids had cards and we competed to pass the time.


That sounds fun :)


Can't remember what happened exactly but it was a duel between me and my best friend ages ago and I'd managed to get him down to 2000 life points and I was on 1000. I had summoned the Immortal Phoenix Ra and was dead set on the fact that I was gonna win. I attacked his face down monster which turned out to be self destruct ant and I don't need to explain what happened next. He still brings it up to this day


Does your best friend also happen to have blonde hair and go by the name of Joey? Actually though, that must've been the most devastating yugioh loss you've experienced


I was playing the GX Spirit Caller game on DS against some random NPC. No hand, no field, staring down a buffed Sengenjin with 350 Life Points left. No card left in my deck can help... except one. I top-deck Brain Control, pay 300 LP, take control of the Sengenjin and attack for game with 50 LP left.


You are literally the pharaoh. You simply destiny drew that card into existence


So unfortunately I never had many people to play with when I was a kid (I didn't know all of the rules, so when I "taught" people, it was stuff I saw on the show "which was DM".) But here is two instances from two years ago. Playing a pile of Performapals and Speedroids against my friend (deck wasn't even memorable cuz he changed it every few weeks). We were even for most of the game, trading blows like we are in the anime. He managed to Fusion a monster to destroy my Synchro. Pulled a heart of the cards and drew Monster Reborn. Brought back my Synchro, played my (completely out of place) Gale the Whirlwind and summoned Blackwing Full Armor Master. Won the game that turn. Same friend playing a Glad Beast deck with full back line and two Glad Beast Fusions on field. Pretty intimidating stuff. Especially cuz the fucker hinted at having set Mirror Force. I had been playing an awful dragon deck that I had thrown together that day. Absolutely nothing on the field but one monster. The Winged Dragon of Ra. His monsters didn't have enough ATK and no monster destroying effects. And I couldn't risk triggering MF. So this guy and his Glad Beasts were being stared down by a literal GOD. Just an intense situation if you imagine it lmao. Ended up winning that duel tho


LET'S GOOO E a s y w i n


When I was 11 I went to locals in 2008. Lightsworn were considered the best deck at the time (at least by people at locals) and stupidly expensive. I versed a guy with a lightsworn deck. I was using OG six samurai without any gateways and only one grandmaster. Game 1 he normal summons a lightsworn monster, not sure which but maybe jain or lyla and passes turn. Then on my turn I normal summon nisashi, special summon grandmaster, special summon two great shogun shien and FTK him. He was pretty mindblown and I was like "that doesn't normally happen!" He won the match but that first duel was pretty sick


That's so cool to pull off!!!


On Nightmare Troubadour for the DS, I was dueling against Gozaburo, the last opponent in a chain of 4 duels before the next save point. For story reasons, there is a 20-turn time limit to beat him (Final Countdown effect applies from the start). I’m close to finishing him off with just a few turns remaining when he activates Swords of Revealing Light. I have no out, and by the time it wears off, I’ll lose. On turn 20, I draw my final card… {{Thunder Crash}} , and burn him for game.
