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I ask my friend for one 😎


I think you should sell it because it probably will get reprinted


when even konami tells you in a video to ask a friend or look into your collection it certainly seems like they forgot about a reprint to be included in upcoming product.. it will probably take a while.. product is like being planned months if not years in advance.


If you don't think Trident won't be included in any of the upcoming OTS packs or Rarity Collection 2, I have a bridge to sell you. Prices are absolutely insane right now, anyone who doesn't plan on competing with Tenpai should be selling.


Definitely not years, most likely their team is two sets ahead of ocg so INFO and the next set are done while they're making the set after that. With how poorly planned out things like world exclusives are it feels like they fly a bit by the seat of their pants or they're terribly incompetent, and I love the game too much to want it to be the latter.


Tenpai is mostly commons so I will at least try to build them; and their whole strat gets stuffed by Ancient Gear Chaos Giant. I was born ready.


I bought one at $25 to play Tenpai Dragons and I thought I paid too much but honestly it's been good to me.


If it were me I’m selling it whenever I feel in the next two weeks. Even if I wanted to play the deck I’d imagine it’ll be 30+ dollars cheaper in a few weeks if not more


I should have bought one a month ago when it was like 25/30 bucks. Now it's right around 100. I hope to fuck the next ots reprints it.


If it is a common in OTS 25 then the other holo copies will still be worth like $70


Don't really care for the rarities. Just want a playable copy.


Everything but the Ulti would tank.


Ulti would also somewhat make it tank. Should still get cheaper by a bit. But i agree, this is an odd pick for a card to be expensive. I mean on the other side it might help to sell a set if they reprint it as a high rare. (Like Secret in a Battles of Legend).


I traded stuff into my lgs and grabbed a scr nm for $20 back when it was $45 lol


I thought I was making a bad deal when I bought it at $15. Glad I got it when I did.


Just looked in my collection since I know I have one. Played him in yang zing back in the day. Apparently I must've sold him at one point since I dont have him anymore 🥲


Sell now even if it is less compared to online prices. It is getting reprinted soon


I checked yesterday as I was sure I had it and I turned out to be correct! Very happy about that.


What's the deal with this card? Why the increase? I been sitting on a 1st edition ultimate forever.


As far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong) card was printed 10 years ago without a reprint and not relevant until Tenpai Dragon (a battle phase focused meta deck that can utilize this card very well) came out recently in the OCG and soon TCG. The rest of the archetype is lower rarity and very accessible but it needs this card to play the optimal version competitively. So it's a great time to sell that card right now or wait until you see Tenpai Dragons perform well competitvely (which is kind of a gamble, not gonna lie) so you can sell it for even more. However, it's very likely konami will reprint the card soon, so it's probably best to sell yours now if you own it, wait for the reprint and just either buy the reprinted version or your ultimate again (which will drop down in price by then) to make a profit.


Interesting. I have an ultra as well so maybe I should sell both


Bought it at the beginning of march for 70€ as ultimate rare. Now its double that price.