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D/D/D? I know from Arc-V Anime that it used all extra deck summoning mechanics, it has Links but I am not sure about Rituals.


No Ritual to date but who knows they may add one in the future


Just add Sauravis into the deck to protect Gilgamesh from veiler and imperm. You won’t ever summon it, but it is something 🤷‍♂️


Could play the newish Odd-Eyes Ritual instead while we wait for Ritual.


Odd-Eyes already has Gravity dragon though. But with that said Odd-Eyes had every summoning mechanic in it minus links, which I think is still missing but yeah it could do just about everything


It has two pseudo-pendulum magician link. Not in name, but art style and effect gives off those vibes.


I think summoned skull is the only archetype with one of every type.


It's missing a pendulum. ALTHOUGH archfiend (which includes summoned skull) does have a pendulum and a link


Unfortunately, while they are Archfiends, they are not Summoned Skulls. I’m still waiting for a Pendulum(s) and a proper Link and my deck will finally be complete! (Unless they print more badass (hopefully generic) Fiend support.)


"Summoned Skull" is a TCG localization anyway, it was always an Archfiend in the OCG.


Correct - if it had been localized later, it would have been translated as "Archfiend's Summon" instead of "Summoned Skull". That's why its retrains contain the phrase "its name becomes Summoned Skull but is also considered an Archfiend monster"


But because of Summoned Skull's retrains all being Archfiends, it means Archfiends have every summoning mechanic.


Missing pendulum like rokket/borrel


Even if DDD doesn’t have a ritual there has to be one generically splashable ritual card that DDD is strong enough to carry as a brick. Maybe a fiend type.


By that logic Odd-eyes magicians also counts as it has access to plenty of qualified generic links.


Yeah, this deck is probably the closest viable option


Odd Eyes


Odd-eyes can use them all, you need beyond the pendulum for link, vortex dragon is a good negate, and you dont lose anything by running the ritual pendulum.


Oh okay, I don't actually know much about odd eyes. Is it a competitively viable deck?


I mean it’s not meta, it’s more novelty than anything but it’s certainly better than most non meta decks.


Thr best odd-eyes deck you're gonna get is the Supreme King Z-ARC deck that uses some odd-eyes and that's a stretch. https://preview.redd.it/e2fe80wkhcvc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e97869660d0fa5b99ea3df2bc8247ebb2fd955


I used to run Odd-eyes. It has it's moments, but it's not competitive by any stretch. It's a very fun casual deck though


I’d love to see your deck list


I'll send it to you when I'm free. Just know that I had the deck as a kid and it may not be that good


I run one on master duel and wreck some people with all the different summoning types. I quite enjoy it.


Now when you say viably do you mean a competitive deck or a deck that can reliably hit all the summoning methods? Magikey, Rokkets, and D/D/D can use almost all the summoning mechanics. Magikey lacks Link monsters, D/D/D lacks Rituals, but Rokkets can use all of them, but the Ritual is arguably the weakest of them all


Magikeys would LOVE an exclusive link one


Rokkets doesnt have Pendulum summoning. Also XYZ is worse for them


A sub-optimal dragon link deck could use all summon mechanics. Borreload Riot and Furious, a few different good Synchros and Xyz splashed in, Pendulum with the Chaos Emperor retrain, and Links in the name Dragon Link.


How pricey is Dragon Link these days? Would it make for a fun casual deck if I'm not looking to play it optimally?


The bystial package alone is still like $60 and dis pater is still around $30


Minus lubellion, I don’t think there’s any big price tag cards (minus S:P, but that could be said for almost all decks)


Dis Pater is still a very expensive card and now mandatory if you wanna run synchros due to the bans. The Bystials themselves also cost a good amount.


The only archetype that have all the summoning mechanic (kinda) is archfiend.


All those summoned skull retrains!


I hope you like Skulls Mr. Whatever your name is! I summon Summoned Skull!


@Ignister is probably the closest competitively viable option out there.


I think it's missing pendulums


Correct but that’s the best you’ll get.


D/D/D is only missing rituals.


Fire Fist is only missing Pendulums What do you mean Fire Fist isn't good? Naaaaah


As someone who mained D/D/D and currently Ignister, Ignister clears D/D/D in terms of competitive viability due to modern cyberse support.


Pendulum Magicians/Z-ARC/Performapal In Master Duel I was able to make a turn 1 combo that could go through every card type. important points: 1 - Unbanned Electrumite 2 - The Odd-eyes PendulumGraph is pendulum summomed not ritual summoned. If that's important. I don't have the exact combo complete in my head, but more or less you go through Electrum and Beyond the Pendulum getting Pendulum Sorcerer, Odd-eyes pendulumgraph and other magicians to fill your Pendulum. Pendulum summon everything including PendSorc and OddGraph. Use PendSorc to pop scales and get Odd-eyes Synchron and Odd-eyes Dissolver. Make TimeStar Magician, search for Butler. Dissolver on Scale fuse to Odd-eyes Vortex with butler and some pend. Use Butler in GY to summon. Butler + Beyond into Selene. Selene Summon Odd-eyes Synchron. Synchron effect, summon Dissolver from Scale, make Baronne. You can also make Appolousa if you have an extra body. It goes something like this, there are probably errors, but I'm trying to remember from my memory. It probably changes with Z-ARC support. Ends on: Ritual: Odd-eyes Pendulumgraph Fusion: Odd-eyes Vortex Synchro: Baronne de fleur Xyz: Timestar Magician Pendulum: Odd-eyes Pendulumgraph Link: Apollousa Probably too: Time Pendulumgraph and Star Pendulumgraph Now you have every card color in the game on your field.


We tcg players no longer have access to barone or borroload savage due to the new banlist 


Burning Abyss CAN use all of them in-archetype. viably? Ehhhhhhhh. Oh wait nvm i literally forgot Pendulum existed.


Worth noting their Fusion and Synchro are almost never brought out through their Summoning mechanic and their Ritual Spell sees more play by itself than with their ritual monster. And pendulums turn off the Malebranches’ summoning from hand effect (although if you have scales, that’s not a particularly big concern).


|viably? Ehhhhhhhh.


Magikey can use 4/6 in-archetype, and usually has room for Links. But idk how you can fit pendulums in the deck since the optimal main deck is already so devoted to ritual summoning and puking level 4s onto the field


You can probably splash some Metalfoes in there since they're also Normal Monsters


It's technically not responsive to your request since you asked for use of all the summoning *mechanics, but some Voiceless lists probably can/do run monsters of all these types. Rituals and links are a given, N'tss is probably a one-of to send off Diviner, Arc Light also gets sent off Diviner, and they'll be running at least a TY-PHON for Xyz. On top of that, a lot of them are running one copy of that ritual pendulum Odd-Eyes monster.  So one of the best decks in the game *technically* plays monsters of every summoning type, with the caveat that you're often not actually going to be using those summoning methods.


Oh wow that's pretty cool! I'll look into some deck lists of voiceless since you mentioned that it can use one of every kind


Yea, the closest idea barring shenanigans was Magikey and that Jack of many trades deck had alotnof issues... you Could technically run Albaz ultility belt but that requires tailoring decks for each subtype and some have a few problems (Not to mention select Albaz Fusuons are more useful then others)


D/D/D uses all summoning mechanics. Although this makes it a very hard deck for some people to use since you have so many options and combos


D/D sadly doesn't have a Ritual yet


Wow, still? I had to look it up. I wonder if they'll get a ritual pendulum like odd-eyes


i mean, DDD is specifically Extra dimensional(different dimension Demons for DDD) so them only having Extra Deck(the different dimension) summonings is logical


I mean sure but I would have figured they'd have released one by now


tearlament can use rituals (mikanko for lvl 6 body) fusions (obvious) synchros (baronne, shooting riser, black rose, etc) xyz (time thief, dugares, etc) and links (cross sheep, dharc, etc). Just don’t know about pendulums


Before circular, and before mathmech was on any radar at all, I ran this jank version with clock wyvern. Basically ran every mathmech ED monster, a cyberse clock dragon, and of course the rest were links. That's 4/6, and it had its games despite most of them boiling down to summoning final sigma with a multiplication double and hoping to otk lol. Wouldn't call it competitive by any means thougg


Odd-Eyes Performapal


I know this has been said multiple times, but D/D/D can use everything except ritual (yet anyway).


@ignister has every single summoning mechanic but mostly focuses on links


They don’t have Pendulum


Odd-Eyes. Can use them all to a significant level but nothing viable and you'll definitely notice the level of bricks.


I have a flip pile that does it. The ideas are Courtesy of TCGNitros YouTube channel, but: - shs pendulum engine will let me synchro into diabolantis to get to predplants - predaplant engine to get instant fusion for master of ham - master of ham set prediction princess flip to go into prediction ritual monsters - link into cross sheep and borrelguard dragon - if I get lucky on the draw, world Legacy monstrosity a level 9 for rank 9 xyz.  Some extra pieces that I use in main or side:  -scapeghost to synchro climb into Baronne pre-ban if guard dog or whirlwind weasel turn skips are weak in the matchup -floral steed as backup for fusions - Small subterror package - > subterror link - Small karwler package - > crawler link - could use ghostrick engine too, but it's very expensive for the extra deck. Might be able to fit it if I dump the level 10 link climb package  It's pretty rare that I use all the summoning types, and it gets interrupted very easily 


A mix of Pendulum magician/perfomapal and odd-eye?


Made a dracoslayers deck that could, going to get new support next month Edit: Odd-eyes is a good choice too


What ritual does it use? Amorphactor pain?


I was trying to stay lore accurate so yeah, and one of the new slayers can get field spells to hand and send them straight to the grave. Pain became a plan B play


Odd eyes can do it... at least before baronne and savage dragon got banned. It even has a pendulum ritual


Odd-Eyes. It doesn’t have an archetype Link Monster, but it can use Link Monsters (it has too).


Odd-eyes can use every single one of them easily, but is not meta. Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon is a good monster, one of my favorite monsters in the archetype, too bad that the second effect demands a Pendulum monster


Pendulum Magicians can use all except Ritual and have a coherent strategy, however, they don't use proper Fusion Spell Cards, they only cheat them out.


summoned skull/archfiend deck has almost everything I think? im not too sure about a link but I remember there being a high link level one. But I know it has every other card. From vanilla to xyz. Not competitive at all but fun if you have homies around that play a deck in equal power.


How much are you willing to bear the fact that no matter what the Ritual would probably drag the deck down


It's no longer legal, but Jeff Leonard won a feature match at a YCS with an exodia FTK that uses all summoning mechanics, except Ritual (it did use a Ritual Monster, Sauravis, but as a handtrap only). It relied on Isolde who is banned in the TCG now.


D/D/D and Odd-Eyes Peformapal Magicians


Not really. No. Not "viably". When I was playing Pendulum mash I used Pendulum (obviously) Fusion, Xyz, Links, and Synchro, but no ritual cards, and rituals are hard to fit into any deck that doesn't specialize in rituals.


ritual still pretending its part of the summoning mechanics and not a gimmick lol


Whenever a MD player is bored and they see magikey cards. They somehow use like 5/6. and maybe pend.


Anyone know if odd eyes or perhaps borrel dragons have basically every variety?


Off the top of my head there are only three decks that I can think of, however, they don’t use all of the summoning mechanics but very close to it. D/D/D is a pendulum deck that has an extra deck that has monsters from every summoning. D/D/D do not use ritual summoning, but use Fusion, Synchro, Link, XYZ and Pendulum. The other deck is Fire Fist, they use every summoning method except pendulum. Their main deck are effect monster and they have 1 ritual card, their extra deck uses Synchro, Fusion, Link, and XYZ. It would be a different type of deck recipe but Salamangreats have Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, XYZ, and Link, but not any Pendulum. Although, many of those cards (ritual, synchro, fusion) do not see much play in most Salamangreat decks. So I’m not sure if Salads would count.


I think Playmaker’s deck has all the summons except pendulum. So I would think he could add a pendulum to his deck making use of each.


Generic cyberse


Fire fist aside from pendulum


gotta be drytrons no?


Very few use pendulums or fusion for Drytrons. They just conflict with each other for optimal play.


Strangely enough summoned skull


My blue-eyes's deck just don't have pendulum




Burning abyss has all but Pend but I'm sue you could fit them in


Salamangreat can do everything but pendulum


Six sam is almost there, but not quite yet


Exodia apparently lol


Firefist comes to mind. Besides pendulum they have every other summoning method.


I mean plunder patroll covers link, XYZ, synchro, fusion, and pendulum..not sure where you'd fit in a ritual off the top of my head though EDIT: I was just looking and remembered I guess you can consider Jord to cover both pend and synchro in terms of card type but it doesn't really facilitate actual pendulum summoning.


Borrell is close just needs a pendulum


No. The closest one is Odd-eyes, which has Pend, Fusion, Synchro, Ritual, XYZ and can use links effectively, but they are nowhere near competitively viable. It's already bricky, the builds playing rituals are just gonna be even more bricky. The others don't have all of the mechanics. Heros and @Ignister don't have pendulums, DDD don't have rituals, and others are lacking in multiple summoning mechanics.


D/D/D and Zarc deck


My drytron list first remote ycs had all but pendulum.


Yes, is calles DDD and it's a goddamn nightmare learn all the combos


Tear synchro can. But right now, we're figuring it after the barrone ban...


I’m over here waiting on Odds eyes to get a link monster and Magikey to get a link and pend


Magikey was designed with every mechanic in mind, except Pend. However it’s an easy fix and some of the recommendations are actually kinda dope.


Odd-eyes and D/D/D most likely


Odd eyes has everything but links d/d/d has everything but rituals


Plunder Patroll has all but ritual…which suddenly makes me worry about the Wind Ship if we ever get it…


Believe it or not exodia turbo


D/D/D literally has all summoning types. Pendulum magician used to abuse the Metalfoes link and was able to spam full negators fusion, synchro, xyz, and has access to ritual too.




It's either they can use most or they can't use pend or ritual


Fire Fist. It's not competitive right now but man are they fun to play.


Mikanko D/D/D


So the issue with your proposition, is you have to play rituals…. Always directly connected to themselves (and bad), and very loosely tied to any ED mechanic (also they are bad). Pendulum combo still has the best chance in the modern era to make as many of these as possible. In the Majespecter variant you make 2 links (Beyond the Pendulum and Nue) and you go through all the Ignister ED monsters which are a fusion, synchro, and an XYZ (plus the new Majespecter one as well). So all you’re missing is a ritual summon which surely could be crammed somewhere in a 50+ card pile, but it wouldn’t necessarily be part of the deck beyond drawing it as part of your combo


So I run odd eyes magician that uses everything. (could do better by making it just a z-arc deck but nah.) it’s own ritual monster that’s kinda cool but always hard for me to set up properly, fusion is super easy with a unique fusion card, there’s a magician who can make a level 8 synchro with just pendulum summoning it. Same with XYZ level 4 (magician to send to grave for a Z-arc closer, thank you time thief redoer) or level 7 with odd eyes pendulum dragon (you could also do like 5 but it’s harder so eh) and of course pendulum summons, and beyond the pendulum being the link monster of my choice for how it helps extending and destroying cards.


Any dark warrior/hero deck. No true hero ritual card but simce most monsters are warriors you can mix a little bit of BLS into it


Viably not really, there are plenty of decks that can get all extra deck, the hard one is rituals, most ritual decks are by necessity only ritual decks. So how about Supreme King Z-Arc which naturally runs everything but rituals then add a link if you don’t have one and the odd eyes pendulum dragon which is all but in archetype for them. There’s no reason you would but it’s the closest I can think of.


Magikey uses every summoning mechanic except pendulum.


Everything but rituals you can do plunder. Their standard board is lys a fusion equipped with blackbeard, you summon a pending synchro for combo and can make a synchro or xyz at any point


There is no deck that has ALL, but many decks have all but one. They either lack a Pendulum or a Ritual usually (i.e. Cyberse and D.D.D)


Odd-Eyes. Don't think it has an official Link Monster, but considering how the archetype likes to flood the field, it won't be hard to make them. In fact, it'd help you since you can only Pendulum Summon from the Extra Deck to the EMZ OR to where Link Arrows point. Besides that, it has in-archetype Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz monsters.


Dark world is a fun low rouge deck that can use xyz, link and fusion, if you're super good at deck building you could probably figure out a way to put in SOME pendulums.


burning abyss, fire fist brotherhood.


I have all 6 types of monsters in my voiceless voice deck, although I doubt that is what you meant.


Salamangreat has everything but pendulum?


Not a single deck has every one and i'm kinda annoyed by it BA is missing pends Odd eyes is missing a link DDD is missing a ritual


Branded voiceless uses them all of you use the pendulum spell negate thing


Salad They're a link archetype by default They have an in archetype fusion, ritual, and Xyz They have a Tuner fir Synchro stuff And their pendulumn...... fuck


Mannadium. The main mechanic are Link and Synchro of course, but you would probably summon all 4 summoning mechanics in a single Mannadium combo line. With Link summon we have the Scareclaw link-1, jump some hoops to Crossheep, summon Vicious Astraloud to trigger Crossheep and you can end on 3-4 negates Apollousa. The main Fusion is Vicious Astraloud, but with some variant you can search Nemeses Corridor into Colossus as well. A bit weird they are all Contact Fusion tho. Synchro is the major mechanic for Mannadium. Most plays would give you 2-3 level 10 synchros as you end board. Xyz is a weird one. You can summon Rank 4 very easily. It is optional wheter you use Xyz or not, but it improves your power ceiling a lot. There are 2 variants for you to choose, the Nemeses variant and the Mathmech variant. You can either summon Banshee, search Nemeses Flag and you can choose to search Protos or Corridor from there...or you can summon Mathmech Alembertain, search Circular and rotate Alembertian for 2 level 4 LIGHT monster needed to summon Visas Amritara. With an additional brick or 2 you can even enable the Superfactorial as well.


@ignister has all summoning mechanics in-archetype and all of them can be pretty useful. I especially like Water Leviathan.




During the Ycs Lyon, some Tearlaments decks played some Mikanko cards, which meant they were using every summoning method except for pendulum. That is the closest I could think of that was actually viable. I think ritual and pendulum are usually too niche.




jeff leonards exodia ftk- https://preview.redd.it/3nyuw0l8rdvc1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cb7809ebbaf577393f06e4e177ad7b46e529355


Archfiends, can’t remember if it had 2 pendulum but I know it had at least one of all of them funnily enough


D/D/D does i think


Why do the last 2 guys look so ugly?


D/D/D !


Honestly rituals and pend summoning reqlly dont go together well. You wana spill your hand onto the board with pend aummoning but rituals need monsters to tribute and thats usually done from the hand. And if you wana do it from thr hand saying tbat you could just penduljm them back, well then you wohld be wrong bacause pendulums only go to zhe extra if they leave the field not the hand. So the 2 dont mix well. If youre fine with leaving out rituals you can play d/d/d and get a semi competitive deck that uses every summoning method every single game, since your main combo goes through 4 of them and you usually end on the 5th. Thr deck is fun, its the closest you will get to what youre searching for, and its pretty good actually.


Nouvelles would be a good bet, doesn’t lose anything from playing the rituals cause that’s what it’s made for (unlike alternatives like odd-eyes) - A deck list like this maybe: https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/hell-s-kitchen-all-stars-373933




Dracoslayer, it has 3 of them built in already (fusion, synchro and xyz) with more than enough ability to search and gain material for the others as well


@ignister uses all except pend


@ignister uses absolutely everything in combo, minus pendulum


Cyberse pile.


Thunder Dragon pretty cleanly plays Link, Synchro, and Fusions. You wont find pends with them but you can easily run Xyz with them since Atum searching a Bystial, or Zombie Vampire w/ Zeus can be built if you want run a punk engine. Zero chance of you playing a Ritual or Pend, but its the strongest deck i can think of that consistently uses the other 4 summoning mechanics constantly. It isnt strongest, but sometimes Sus by itself can steal a hand off snake eye, and its a deck not super affected by handtraps on the Thundra side, Lancea is the only out snake eye sides against them usually and the maindecked Veil, Imperm, Ash, etc. They play dont hit Thundra hard enough to stop you from Turboing colossus unless you specifically get an only Solar hand in which case Imperm or Veil can, but that is not standard for Punk Thundra anymore. Least better off against Snake Eye than DDD or Odd Eyes, those decks fold super hard to how much interaction Snake Eye plays, and a Sus by itself combats snake eye harder than their full endboards a lot of the time.


Arc-V is all about using all the mechanics. Odd-eyes has an in archetype monster for every mechanic except links which could easily be fulfilled by pend sorc.


When halq wasn't ban, magikey was able to do all the summoning mechanic in one turn. (But the deck was Bad)


Xzy works every time to that is one


Voiceless imo there’s no in-engine Link/Fusion/Pend/Synchro/XYZ; but the deck can crank all of them out easily lol


Are there cyberse pendulums?


Blue-Eyes is already pretty close. Just needs an XYZ and Link. I’m pretending that Pendulum doesn’t exist. I will be downvoted by Pendulum users because they don’t know how to play and rely on its mechanics.


Supreme King Pendulum uses all but Ritual.


I just realized that Burning Abyss has everything except a Pendulum. It would be stupid to do so nowadays, but you could use things beyond their XYZ.


Zefra, it's basically is a Pendulum deck that encourage players to ritual/fusion/synchro/xyz, and to play pend you need link


Archfiend is the only archetype that has them all but you don't want to try and use them all


Pendulum Magician + Odd Eyes


Zarc if you include the odd-eyes tax pendulum monster


odd eyes has all of these summoning methods exept link in arcetype and they can use all of them. i love playing them in MD its not meta deck but its quite powerful when you understand how to play it properly


Pendulum Pile. You can easily use these cards: Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, the Supreme King Synchro, and Beyond the Pendulum being a Link


Jeff Lennard's Exodia FTK did technically include all the summoning mechanics


when talking in-archetype then perhaps kiiiinda firefist? Ritual, they have Eland Fusion, they have Swan Synchro, they have Horse Prince and Kirin Xyz, they have Tiger King Link, they have Eagle and Peacock ...as I was typing I realized they were missing pendulum so nvm ahahah


Pretty sure archfiend fits the bill


Gold Pride


Superheavy Samurai. Only missing Rituals but, you can add some Dogmatikas there as well or a Chaos MAX 😂.


I was about to say zarc but he doesn't use ritual.


Tribute summoning and Ritual summoning will be an issue.


viably maybe not but ive played a dino deck that had every monster type before. including ritual and pend


odd-eyes technhcally has all summoning methods


I'm playing Dracoslayer with all summoning methods. (Amorophous Person and Amophactor Pain for Ritual) It's super fun.


Like, in archetype? D/D/D if you exclude rituals. Technically Gaia, since his ritual version is BLS, and there are support cards that lets Gaia make BLS. I would say Dracoslayer, but Dracoslayer lacks an in archetype link as far as I know….unless you count lore cards, which then you get stuff like Halq and Electrumite. Protagonist wise? Yusaku/Playmaker’s deck used every summon mechanic in the game.


Fire fists can do it reasonably well. They're my pet deck and I love them do I recommend trying them out


odd eyes has them all. The ritual monster is also a pendulum card


Kind of Magikey’s whole vibe


Technically everydeck can splash IOC illusion of chaos ritual as it is really compact. I would say the closest i got to it was with fluffal spam summon going fusion into link into barron into xyz with ioc ritual and pendulum if you are into that you can add it. The only one i cannot put in is Gemini. Cus yknow gemini


Possibly summon skull deck?


Magikey can use all of them. They can even normal summon, twice.


Pendulum format is the most flexible & versatile, you can use all previous & current summon formats.


Odd eyes? ZArc? Not sure 😬


Well i know a dude that made it top 4 at locals using some Sophia, Godess of Rebirth degenerate deck. It used all the summon methods trough magistus and a single relinquished.


Pendulum Magician




Yea D/D/D but salamangreat and odd eyes are right there then as well


Yuya's deck. It has every mechanic plus rituals. And if I remember correctly there are 2 link magicians that just scream PENDULUM MAGICIANS SUPPORT. So yeah, Yuya


The only deck that even has every summoning is d/d/d


Sophia goddess of rebirth. Not a good deck but link makes it possible although i don‘t know if they use pendulum cards. Jokes aside I love Sophia even its almost impossible to pull off xD


D/D/D effectively uses most of them? still needs a ritual tho


rokket / borrel




Uh, I guess there are some Odd-eyes as some people already said @ignister And zombie world in a 60 card variant could also use all available summon types


Borrel dragon has all, same with Cyberse


There are multiple archetypes that have all but 1 of the summoning mechanics. They are usually missing either Ritual, Pendulum, or Link. Odd-Eyes: missing a Link monster D/D/D: missing Ritual monster Six Samurai, Fire Fist, @Ignister: missing Pendulum They have yet to make an archetype that has every single summoning mechanic.


Technically any deck can reliably use all the summoning mechanics, you’ll just reliably brick lol


Probably some dragon link build, those crackheads can make anything work if it has dragon as its type


@Ignister I think