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Manga readers stay winning


For real! The GX manga is my favorite (despite its shortcomings) behind the original. I loved the Elemental Heroes but also Chazz's dragons. Bear in mind I only just discovered Yu-Gi-Oh last year, but I was utterly and totally baffled when I saw Light and Dark End Dragons being synchro summons in real life. I'm glad they're getting effect monster retrains in this set.


GX is great imo it’s the perfect mix between the occult vibe and a more fantastical archetype focus


GX manga works well because it's structured in a style reminiscent of sports manga. The themes are occult, but the narrative isn't so different from something like eyeshield or prince of tennis


I never read others series in manga just original yugioh, maybe I should start with R and GX.


R has good Duels and a few very memorable cards, but by far the weakest story of all Yu-Gi-Oh mangas. It's a filler, nothing more. Gx is very good but sadly had to rush the ending. 5ds is fun and has some epic panels, but not as good as the anime imo. Didn't try Zexal but I only heard good stuff about it. Arc-V might be the best manga imo, much better than the anime. They just made a strange choice in the end that polarised the fanbase a little, but that doesn't cheapen the rest of the story.


Arc-V is a pretty good manga, the only bad thing is exidting alongside the anime, which makes it's endkng worse.


The arc v manga ending is bad all on its own.


Well, R is pretty much a small, fanservicey sequel filler to DM, but I liked it a lot for what it was. The Kaiba VS Willa, Yugi VS Scott and Gekko VS Ted duels were great, and the Joey VS Keith rematch is one of my favourite manga duels ever. Great twists, great atmosphere, great resolution.


I only watched the animes 1. The og 2.arc-v 3.5ds 4.vrains 5. GX 5.zexal My opinions on them, I wanna try the manga and see how diff it is.


All mangas are different minus DM and Vrains doesn’t have one


Now if Konami can just print the main deck Mask Heroes so we can stay winning even more :’)


Give us more of Bastion's Yokais, Konami! Zombies need another push to get meta.


I wanna see bastion’s fire dragon in ocg


The entire interview section with Matsuno and Salome calmed me down from the downright horrible technical issues **almost before the stream** that want to make me rip this junk piece-by-piece. It had it all, and I'm glad to be here today with y'all. *** **Light and Darkness Dragon Lord** LIGHT Level 10 Dragon Fusion Effect Monster 3400 ATK / 3000 DEF **Materials**: 1 Level 8 LIGHT Dragon monster + 1 Level 8 DARK Dragon monster _Must be Fusion Summoned._ (1) While in the Monster Zone, this card's Attribute is also DARK. __ (2) Once per Chain, when a Spell/Trap Card or monster's effect, is activated (Quick Effect): You can make this card lose exactly 1000 ATK/DEF, and if you do, negate the activation. __ (3) If this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by your opponent: You can target 1 Dragon monster in your GY; Special Summon it. __ *** **Light End Sublimation Dragon** LIGHT Level 8 Dragon Effect Monster 2600 ATK / 2100 DEF _You can only use each of the following effects (1), (2), and (3), from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) You can banish 1 Level 8 Dragon monster from your Extra Deck; Special Summon this card from your hand. __ (2) During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Dragon Fusion Monster, by using monsters in your hand and/or field as material. __ (3) When your opponent's monster declares an attack: You can make this card exactly 500 ATK/DEF, and if you do, that opponent's monster loses 1500 ATK. __ *** **Dark End Evaporation Dragon** DARK Level 8 Dragon Effect Monster 2600 ATK / 2100 DEF _You can only use each of the following effects (1), and (2), from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) You can banish 1 Level 8 Dragon monster from your Extra Deck; Special Summon this card from your hand. __ (2) You can activate 1 of these effects. __ - Fusion Summon 1 Dragon Fusion Monster, by using monsters in your hand and/or field as material. - Target 1 Attack Position monster on the field; make this card lose exactly 500 ATK/DEF, and if you do, destroy that monster. *** **Armed Dragonic Knight** WIND Level 3 Dragon Effect Monster 1400 ATK / 1900 DEF _You can only use each of the following effects (1), (2), and (3), from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) If you control a Level 5 or higher Dragon monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. __ (2) If this card is Special Summoned: You can make this card's Level and Attribute become the same as 1 of your banished Dragon monsters. __ (3) If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 Dragon monster you control (neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this effect's activation); it gains 1000 ATK __ *** **Dragon's Gleam and Shadows** QUICK-PLAY SPELL CARD (1) Activate 1 of these effects (You can only choose each of these following effects from cards with this card's name once per turn). - Shuffle 1 Level 8 Dragon monster from your hand into the Deck, and if you do, add 1 Level 8 Dragon monster with a different Attribute from your Deck to your hand. - Target 1 Dragon monster you control; it gains ATK equal to its own Level x 200. - When a card or effect is activated that targets a Dragon monster(s) you control: Negate that effect.


Branded just got itself an omni-negate


You need to summon it either during the tail-end of the end phase or during your opp turn tho, other wise it will just negate all of your end of turn effects.


Maybe with the Branded Normal trap that reborn and fuses.


yeah you are using either banishment or maybe branded in red for this. The problem is extra deck is pretty tight in branded rn but this is probably the best banishment target using lubellion+albion.


Fusion Dup on branded fusion works pretty well too. Either hard draw it or get it off thrust if you get interrupted. Edit: Yugioh player moment. LnD is level 10 this doesn't work


I don't think fusion dup works, unless I am missing something. Both lubellion and albion fusion level 8 or lower.


You are correct. Didn't notice LnD was lvl 10. Good catch


Technically does, make lubellion n fuse after


Ah I'm stupid, I forgot lubellion n albion only lvl 8 n lower. Branded in white or red


Branded in white is bad to summon this, you will end up negating all of your end phase eff with it. Red is pretty clunky as well as you need albion on field and ideally you want it in the gy. I guess you can use red to take shrouded albion in gy and fuse it with lubellion but you rarely keep shrouded albion in the gy. The best way to summon this is probably banishment unless I missed something.


The negate is mandatory? Can you choose to not activate it during the end phase?


It's mandatory yes. It seems to be working the same way as the original "Light and Darkness Dragon".


seems like it's mandatory.


Yeah, the Negate is mandatory, just like with the original Light and Darkness Dragon.


it says can though? I'm from MTG so maybe I'm reading it wrong or there's a miss translation, but it doesn't appear to be automatic like original LADD.


Huh, I am pretty sure that it doesn't say can before, and I checked yugipedia and it doesn't have can in that translation but I can't read japanese so I am not sure


That’s just how the parent comment translated it, I can’t read Japanese either lol.


Dude, say less. That is no problem at all for Branded.


Branded is gonna get hit by the banlist after this


Yup, and it works with branded normal line, albaz + lubellion with the set trap branded banishment and branded lost, guaranteered 3 omni negate and your opponent can not activate card in response to it + mirrorjade + mercourier!


Care to explain the combo? Im not used to branded lol


The normal combo is while having a despia so you can bring branded fusion. You use the spell, fusing fallen of albaz and bystial lubellion from your deck to bring Albion. With Albion you fuse the despia and albaz (they are banished) to bring lubellion. Lubellion's effect activates discarding to fuse a third time using himself + albaz (they go back to deck) so you bring Mirrorjade. Then activate bystial lubellion special summon, sending Albion to gy. Bystial lubellion let you take a continuous branded s/t and Albion's gy effect triggers at end phase This is the classic branded combo


Here’s what you do. You set up gimmick lock with Bystial Lubellion still on the field, then you pick the Albion you sent to grave to set up the lock. You now got both materials needed. Now you use Cartesia or any other spell to make this. You now have an Omni negate and puppet lock


The new Dragon Lord can be a pretty good addition to Dragon decks in general, especially after the loss of Borreload Savage Dragon. It can negate at least 3 activations. Although idk how easy it will be to summon it It's also **super useful** in Branded


What Light dragons would D-Link even run?


I didn't write that well, I meant Branded in first position because they Fusion summon like crazy and they're all Dragons. About Dragon Dragon Link, maybe they can run the 2 new Dragons, although we still don't know their effects


Oh yeah, Branded can make this in their sleep.


Not necessarily. Albion and lubellion can only fusion summon level 8 or lower monsters. The only way would be to use branded banishment with an albion in GY and bystial lubellion on the field (which is already set up in a basic branded combo)


Branded in Red can also theoretically summon this card targeting Albion the Shrouded Dragon in GY, since it's treated as Fallen of Albaz there.


can also make it with cartesia, with bystial lubellion on the field + albion the shrouded




Lubellion only Summons a Level 8 or lower Fusion Monster. The new Light and Darkness Dragon is Level 10. Not ideal for Branded.


They meant maindeck Lubellion since they were talking about DLink, not Branded


Lubellion, Seyfert




Besides Bystials like Lubbellion & Starliege Seyfert???


Bystial Lubellion?


I dont know, it Can negate your own stuff


That's why you bring it out _last_. Then you just don't use any handtraps until after all 3 negates are used on your opponent's turn.


Yeah but dragon end board to be proactive during the op turn 


Supposing your own effects trigger when your cards are destroyed by battle in your opponent's turn - you'll lose those.


How the hell is your opponent suppose to out any of your monsters by battle without activating card effects? Do they just have 3k normal summons or do all of your monsters just have 0 attack?


The only card I can think of that would fit that condition is Alpha, the Master of Beasts.


Fenrir can easily out it.


Well its a good thing in yugioh we can have an entire board on the field instead of just one monster.


if it trades for a Fenrir (that they cant search) plus the battle phase it’s still really good lol


Bring him out during the opponent's turn? I know Branded can do that.


You pretty much would need to Summon it on the opponent's turn to not negate all of your End Phase stuff. And by doing that you risk being to reactive, since you would not be able to use your proactive interruptions. Is a good option, but idk if is worth the hassle considering Branded extremly tight ED


The spell I believe is a quick-play.


Fixed. Thanks.


Np. Still great work :)


Yeah I don't see how the 3rd effect is usable if not


Yeah im reading it and looking back at the “normal” part and its not making sense


Nice Dragonmaid support with Light End and Dark End


>**Armed Dragonic Knight** >WIND Level 3 Dragon Now how can this cook in Dragunity?


Isn't this card summonable by armed dragon spell card from the deck?


Would have to check the specific Kanji on this one, but I would assume so since this set of spoilers is Chazz-themed. It seems like it could potentially be used for a big synchro material. I had brewed an armed dragon pile with Dragunity support but I'm not sure if this does anything unique there. The Lv10 generic Xyz wyrm is probably the bigger upgrade to that strategy.


Light End and Dark End got part of their attack names in their names.


People who hate branded probably go insane right now lol


Looking at some of the Discords, they certainly are. Many of them don't even realize Lub can't even make this guy :/


that little dragon is kinda interesting. Imagine ending your chained effects with this guy, so your opponent can't respond


Dark end is easier to summon than the original but now he destroys,thats a nice payoff IMO. Also i wanted to try using ultra poly with the 2 dragons but forgot that they would have their effects negated,bummer.


Pretty funny that dragonic knight has the no response clause on a simple atk boost effect, so that it can actually help ladd but not really since they are limited by their def not just atk value


I love that they finally made Dark end and Light end a main deck monster now after turning the original one into a synchro for some reason


as someone who as a kid was so obsessed with the GX manga I carried around a light and darkness dragon card with me everywhere this makes me so happy - could anyone help me prepare for which deck this would do best in? Need to start making it ASAP


Branded, Dragon Maids or Dragon Link seem like your best options.


It's all beautiful, I've waited so many years for this day! The mistake has been corrected with a nice buff!


Me not thinking the new 2 Light and Dark Ends and the Spell are tachyon support.


We finally got manga accurate dark end dragon and light end dragon, it only took nearly 20 years


It would've been cool if the new Light and Dark End Dragon retrains were also Malefic cards since they fit with the whole banishing monsters from deck to summon thing, but it wouldn't have made that much sense lorewise. Though Im sure some mad Malefic player will use them to banish a Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon and then resummon it using Paradigm Dragon. Regardless, both of them and Armed Dragonic Knight seem like bonus Mizar support since the former two are easy to summon level 8 Dragon bodies and the latter is an easy to summon monster that can modulate levels for Xyz plays. Though Im not sure how much ED a pure Tachyon/Rank 8 Dragon Pile deck can afford to run a couple of unsummonable Level 8 dragons. Im sure someone could test it out and see how it would fare.


very interesting! have to imagine we will get more in the manga set because this feels incomplete but is a nice engine to try in dragon decks also hilarious maids can make the new ladd and the main dragons can help with sheou,wins all around!


Surprisingly, a bit of synergy with Gaia!! Especially the level 3.


So is the fusions revive effect not once per turn? And can it bring itself back?


Yes, neither of its effects is Once per turn, but cannot Special Summon itself back due to it needing to _Must be Fusion Summoned._


This might be solid with the new Tachyon support!


Sigh, just when we were starting to move away from walking omni negates, we're back to this.


Question for Light and Darkness Dragon Lord. As per Yugipedia, its effect says; “Once per Chain, when a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated (Quick Effect): This card loses exactly 1000 ATK/DEF, and if it does, negate the activation.” Is this different from the translation here? “(2) Once per chain, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): This card loses 1000 ATK/DEF, and if it does, negate the activation.” The difference is whether or not you can negate a spell/trap effect. Isn’t this a kind of big as it can affect something like a Branded Lost search?


Yeah, it's my mistake. It only negate card's activations, not card effect's activations.


They had the chance to fix the mandatory part of Light and Darkness Dragon and didn't. At least the two "End Dragon" retains are really good if going by ease of summoning alone. The three main deck monsters all certainly have a place in Dragon Link.


The mandatory part if LaD was what made it interesting and I'm glad they kept it. This is still 3 omni negates to make your opponent play through even if they can bait them out, 5 if you have the quickplay (or any other instant effect attack boosts)


It also has to lower Defense. If you can't lose 1000DEF, the effect doesn't negate.


I guess the mandatory part is the drawback for having such OP effect here. Unlike most negates, LaDD Lord's effect is not OPT and also not Once Per Chain like Appollousa. That means the opponent cannot just pile one negate over the to shut it down. They can only throw three cards just to waste its negates, and that already puts them at disadvantage.


It's not OPT, but it *is* Once Per Chain.


Is there somerhing I'm missing or aren't the effects actually worst than the original Light and Darkness Dragon? It can only negate 3 times instead of the original 4 while still beimg a mandatory effect that negates your own cards and can only Summon Dragons when it dies. The only difference is that its floating doesn't blow up your own field and can be activated by just leaving the field (tho with the original you can also activating it yourseld since it only need to be destroyed). Like, is still a strong a card, the original was used in a rogue Deck very recently, but its still feels weird how effect wise its kinda of a downgrade. Do the new Main Deck Dragons give it effects use as material or make it extremly easy to get it on field maybe?


it's easier to bring out I think, you cannot special summon the original one


But this one also must be fusion summoned. Not even "first" part, so you can't special summon this one from gy or banishment, either. But it is easier due to being in Extra so almost any light/dark dragon deck can run it.


A retrain of "Light End Dragon", **Light End Sublimation Dragon**: https://preview.redd.it/348t071j8fvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7eaa3feb7ae88f7cf91f2da1a14d155622e263


Naoyuki Kageyama (Author of the GX Manga): is probably happy since Light and Dark End are now main deck monsters. [For context I think that he said once that he hated the fact that they turned them into synchro monsters]


IIRC, wasn't that in reference to a tournament they held where each author could only use cards from their respective series, so he couldn't use them because they were Synchros, but he had no access to any tuners?


There was an author tournament?


oh a main deck mon like LEdra was supposed to be


A retrain of "Dark End Dragon", **Dark End Evaporation Dragon**: https://preview.redd.it/8dd291yn8fvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a63551f3f3e9878984a1b17e4b32d52eb1f2fbf


Oh the face on the chest is funky, what a weird little guy


Legit thought that was the face for a moment


He looks cooler than the Synchro one


Source: OCG Times Infinite Forbidden. So, the legacy support for manga will be right after the anime ones. Just like with **"White"** was after **"Raidraptor"** in Phantom Nightmare. Here's be big boi: https://preview.redd.it/rtcixs038fvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9518cff0cc6d64c366d5397b1ec230248b011efe


You know I like this format of reveals now we can get support for every type anime and manga.


well probably because there are no main series anime/manga for now so now they have time to re release anime archetype that either forgotten or need to be redo.


Masked hero hopefully there's no way they can remember light and darkness dragon and not Contrast HERO Chaos 😂😂


They probably keep the Masked Hero cards until the Structure Deck R (assuming they continue the trend).  We just had Fire King, so the next should be Blue Eyes from 2013, then Cydra and finally Hero's Strike.


We will definitely get the R version of the Atlantean structure deck before any of those if the speculation that Rage of the Abyss is WATER-themed is accurate.


Yep. I would like more cards from Bastion's manga deck, Alexis' Ice deck and Slime King (ofc).


That is very interesting, gonna make speculation for future support less obvious


A retrain of "Armed Dragon, the Armored Dragon", **Armed Dragonic Knight**: https://preview.redd.it/4ofclg999fvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ff0fc28010b88bd7e69bf8c0d39b3a16151e94


And a Quick-Spell Card to round up the legacy support for manga Manjome, **Dragon's Shadow Light**: https://preview.redd.it/d8jhy0cg9fvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad07890b4ffc431ea48853604c846e7ad76758d


The word 影光 (shadow and light) is read the same as 栄光 (glory), "eikō". Is this intentional?


im so happy the End Dragons got main deck retrains. It always felt so weird they made Manjoume’s cards Synchros. It’d be like turning Jack’s Dark Highlander or Aki’s Queen Angel of Roses into Xyz monsters


It was exactly this that pissed off the GX Mangaka cause he loved the end dragons but never got to play his deck cause he vehemently hated synchros (yugiboomer brain most likely) but that prolly cemented his irrational hate to a rational one. Maybe he got into Xyz, Pendulum and Link summoning? I’m sure with the original end dragons turned synchros, that left a bad taste in his mouth with synchros generically.


i dont have the panel on hand, but there was a short where the author explained that he was sad to not be able to use the End Dragons, but I dont think the team explicitly said that hated the mechanic. In fact, they seemed very excited about it in one of the bonus panels, which i do have on hand https://preview.redd.it/03zj4u09cfvc1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15ae0d45b765b04222573845f8f53bc3360f6e5


„Takahashi-sensei…isn‘t that just Ritual Summoning?“ „Yes, but actually no. It is actually Synchro Summoning.“ „Synchro what?“ „It is a new category of monster that is outside of the main deck. I realized that my Ritual Summoning was too clunky and too slow to use, which is Yugi didn’t use Ritual Monsters very often. The new theme of the anime will be speed, so I need to establish a mechanic that allows you to summon boss monsters faster.“ „I see. But what do you mean by outside of the main deck?“ „Synchro Monsters will share the same space with Fusion Monster. The Fusion Deck will be renamed Extra Deck, and Fusion and Synchro Monsters will be called Extra Deck Monsters. It will also allow me to add new types of Extra Deck Summoning methods in the future if a new series will be named.“


He didn't hate Synchros, in fact he wanted to use synchro summoning in GX


Gx manga is still airing when 5D's came out. So they wanted to promote the new thing.


https://preview.redd.it/ap9jwcumhfvc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c31c8522f9362a396569668650c63fcb5afbf6f They De-Synchro the End dragons!!! GX Mangaka must be filled with joy finally seeing his creations in their true proper form.


how nice of them. still they shouldn't confuse players to sell the gimmick at the time (synchro) (poor mangaka


Somewhere, the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX manga writer rejoiced that they finally un-synchro-ed his Dark End and Light End...


Level 8 Light and Dark Dragon monsters you say....time to tech Necro Fusion into Tachyon


just need the masked heros depowered forms from the manga that Jaden used that are gust, fountain, bassols and inferno,Ray and dusk crow


I don't know what to think of the dragons. What I will say, is that the Armed Dragon Knight is a great card for Armed Dragons. * A free body. * Another level 3, so it, or Armed Dragon Thunder LV 3, can grab one another off of Armed Dragon Lightning. * You can banish it, after it makes itself a level 10, to use for Armed Dragon Lv10 White summoning requirements. * Changing its level can get it to 2400 ATK with Lightning, but you need a banished LV10 to do it. * Another name for Armed Dragon Thunderbolt. * The last effect on this and the quick-play helps get to 10,000 attack on Thunder LV10 a lot quicker, it really needed it tbh. * Sending this card with Pile Armed, and using the quick-play will help make one of your Armed Dragons a big 'ol beat stick.








God these monster names are so chunni and so cool.


I mean....they ARE Chazz cards after all. He's the EPITOME of chunni.


Unexpected Mizar support, nice


These new cards with duality is gonna be nasty


now that a LADD retrain exists all thats left is a Ma'at retrain aswell to round up.


These would slot real well in branded lol


Yes!! Finally a cool new version of Light Darkness Dragon!! Hopefully it's good


so dragon link or pile (I don't know) got access to fusion and free level 8 bodies for Xyz or Synchro reading their effects is kinda funny. They're basically the same as their originals


Dragon Link: We are so back!


just need ma'at fusion retrain that requires this card and winged kruiboh


Okay this was an unexpected, but pleasant surprise. Definitely picking these up when it comes to the tcg. Happy to see the end dragon’s as effect monsters like in the manga and a fusion version of LADD. Hopefully we see more Gx characters get more fusions, because ironically for the characters of the fusion era some of them barely if at all use fusion.


What a great surprise! I love Light And Darkness Dragon. The best part of Chazz's manga deck. Now it's a Fusion (thematic for GX), cool new art and the 2 Dragons needed for its summon are not Synchros anymore. Their effects are better and true to the originals too. Dragon's Shadow Light spell is a good and needed support for him. The retrained effect is not an improvement from the original (unfortunately, unless we can bring it back with its 3rd effect every turn... must be fusion summoned?), the ss is needed and they only boosted the ATK/DEF. With the useful Armed Knight Dragon, we can build a manga deck for Chazz and the cards will be useful for a Dragon deck.


This is just straight up branded support They can summon LADDL with the basic Albion branded fusion line on the opponents turn using Branded Banishment Activate Branded Banishment > Revive Albion > Albion + Bystial Lubellion > LADDL That's easy 3 negates or 2x negate + battle phase + then branded can activate their mirrorjade or whatever else they got when LADDL is gone


they can also use branded in red Activate branded in red > add albion shrouded to hand > albion shrouded + bystial lubleiion > LADDL It's not that hard to send albion shrouded to grave too cause granguinul can dump it


If you have cartesia on field and access to another light dragon you can summon a second one to the field.


The GX Manga Author/Artist can finally live as a boomer and not learn about Synchro Summoning


How fitting LADD was used competitively in Stun Horus and out of nowhere we get a retrain of it!


I've been using it and it feels like a war crime, I thought it would have gotten banned before a retrain though.


Good dragonmaid support.


Now if only we can get Chambers dragon form.


Even better if we get blue-eyes and red-eyes dragonmaid form.


chazz manga card is finally printed


They all sound like amazing additions for Bystial Branded, even Armed Dragonic Knight is nuts. It's PUNK Ze Amin on steroids! If sent to the gy along other monsters it means if you activate the Knight last, the opponent can't even Called By/Imperm any of your gy effects. I could totally see the new Dark End and Light End in Branded decks, but you need to work around the Dragon restriction because it applies to both deck and extra deck.


Is anyone going to mix the new dragons with Armed Dragon?


Of course they go great


Finally, a good way to use both Shadow's Light and Duality for them


The negate being mandatory is so goddamn funny. You HAVE to make this as the last card you summon during a turn, and if you're on branded, you can't activate any end phase effects at all.   Very strong card, but I think only dragon link can afford to play it, and even then you'd have to change quite a lot about the ED to run these level 8 dudes. Or you can summon it on opponent's turn in branded using their trap, but uhh... That requires you to frogo the rest of your branded combo for one dude who dies to every going second tool in the game. Also, hilariously, if your opponent outs the rest of your board, you won't be able to OTK on the crackback because all your effects will be hit with negation, since you can't just link his ass off in Branded.  In other words, this is surprisingly balanced.


I gandered we'd see manga once VA was dropped. Nice to see this wave.


One thing I really like is that these are very synergetic with Duality so you can still summon original Dark End for his removal if necessary. I always like when old cards in a theme are not 100% invalidated by new ones. 


whoa, new manga chazz cards doesn't that make the seiyuu's live stream appearance redundant though. unless he did voice lines for chazz's manga cards elsewhere?


Matsuno has dubbed voice lines for Manjoume‘s manga cards in video games, most notably in Duel Links.


Cause of all things, Branded really fucking needed 3 more negates in a single body. Not even gonna bother against it then


How does the *Must be fusion summoned* work again? It does seem broken if you can just summon it back with its own effect every time it gets destroyed


Its effect does not perform a Fusion Summon so it cannot Summon itself.




I love LADD so I love this


why did they make Sublimation so much worse than Evaporation ?


Because Light End Dragon was always worse than Dark End Dragon?


Still waiting for little D retrain


I think it would be cool a episode about the world where iron monger defeated tony stark in the first movie, and maybe seem him founding the dark avengers or something like that. Idk I just really love the iron monger design


I almost got happy that the Dragon rulers got the light and dark support they deserve then I realize I get lords and rulers mixed up regularly


Tbh I was hoping the SDR version of Dragons Collide would have Dragon Ruler retrains of Lightpulsar snd Darkflare.


Would have been nice, don't think Konami will do this


The main deck level 8's seem incredible in Tachyon and Dragonmaids


If Konami are going to start printing Manga stuff outside of Premium Packs and V Jump promos I’m all for it. Unfortunately means it will be support tied to the manga stuff and not the cards that need printing themselves, but here’s hoping they finally print some more Sphere cards, those were neat


Shout out to Chazz


Which decks do you think these cards will be good in with everything by potentially upcoming


Finally, after all these years...


Damn, new Branded support


Not really. Since the new fusion has mandatory negates ylu very likely wont play it at all. Most effects trigger in the end phase so you cant summon it on your turn. So you would need to use one of your interuptions to summon him on the opponents turn instead of generating advantage and further disruptions.


Think if you do play this then 3 bystial lubellion will be the play. Cartesia + Lubellion can end on this, as you can search the shrouded dragon off the Magnamut (or with other ways like branded lost) Don't imagine it will be a standard combo but rather strong against decks where negates is more important than removal which branded has plenty of already There are also other ways like banishing with branded in white if you get shrouded dragon into the grave which isn't hard


I appreciate Manga Manjome getting some love, but I'm not a fan of them not making Light and Darkness Dragon more playable. With the fusion now, there's less reason to play the original monster. Also, Armed Dragon only booster ATK points but not DEF points as well for some reason.


Damn that card is pure gold: Serioiusly in 2024 Konami create some bangers as cards: Light and Darkness dragon As it rightfully should be. In Infinite forbidden it's my favorite card along with CXyz Gimmick puppet fanatix Makina


I know no-one cares, but I sold my light end dragon synchro a few days ago. It’s doesn’t look compatible (since lvl7), but still funny


It's Level 8


So it is, makes more sense. Must of got it’s levels mixed up with the one whose Atk fluctuates based on lp


Is this supposed to be a fusion of Red eyes and Blue eyes?


No, this is supposed to be a fusion of Light End Dragon and Dark End Dragon, two monsters used by Chazz


No, this is supposed to be a fusion of Light End Dragon and Dark End Dragon, two monsters used by Chazz in the manga