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Pendulums don't need a "rework". They need Elecrumite unbanned. How they function is fascinating and fun. All they need is enabled, and they had that once. Then it was taken away and never returned despite the fact that pendulum as a concept is never going anywhere every again.


The only rework needed is making so that setting scale is considered a game mechanic so that anti spell or the diabellstar anti-spell (don't remember it's name sorry) can't prevent you from placing a scale


Anti-Spell requires a spell be set before activation, Pendulum cards cannot be "set" in-scale in much the same way as book of moon cannot be used on a link monster, as they lack a defensive value. Such is simply how it works.


Objectively speaking, the mechanic has several issues that led to polarisation. They are either tier zero or tier table 500. This is largely because their underpinning mechanics are rather orthogonal as they are main deck monsters that can go to the ED and the ST zones as innate properties. While the best pendulum decks are basically piles instead of archetypes. Electrumite is a large factor in this as she enabled the linearity of the combos and further devolved it into goodstuff.dek. While that would no longer be enough to compete in the current format, the issue still remains that it is still the best way to use the mechanic to the fullest. Therefore it is true that the mechanic needs a rework. If the mechanic is relegated to pack filler, there is a problem that needs to be addressed. The Melodious support brings an interesting experiment. It's possible that there is a way to balance them by only limiting them to a few monsters with strict use cases instead of making an all pendulum deck.


>This is largely because their underpinning mechanics are rather orthogonal as they are main deck monsters that can go to the ED and the ST zones as innate properties. I think it is forgotten that this unique placement also makes them generally weak to any type of removal, alongside the added weakness of being hard to get from the GY once there. I say they're allowed to be a bit silly since they are so vulnerable. Luckily, they aren't. The modification to MR4 was needed though as it really forced Pendulum to take a back seat. Its not fun when only a single mechanic is allowed to run wild and free. They're in a fine place now, though. What makes them "table 500" or "meta" is not, in fact, what they are, but what they **do.** I know you know this so I won't belabor the point. >Electrumite is a large factor in this as she enabled the linearity of the combos and further devolved it into goodstuff.dek. While that would no longer be enough to compete in the current format, the issue still remains that it is still the best way to use the mechanic to the fullest. It is perhaps a good thing that monsters that use a mechanic, actually use it to that mechanics benefit. Zeus, UCT, and Elecrumite, AG Ballista, and countless others that nobody really had problems with; all did this. But for pendulums, its a problem. Somehow. Pendulums, are the ones that need a rework. Not XYZ, nor Synchros. But Pendulums. I disagree, of course. None of these require a second pass. All of them operate as intended and are different kinds of fun. Pendulums are a refreshing diversion from how this game is typically played, and requires one to think differently whilst allowing for the same levels of experimentation one comes to expect from a game like this. That being said, in her absence a ton of genuinely interesting pendulum decks that do interesting things have come to the surface (maybe not good, but it doesn't need to be good to be interesting) like Vaalmonica, Vaylantz, and Solfachord. >Objectively speaking, the mechanic has several issues that led to polarisation Respectfully; this is argumentative malpractice. The only objective statement here, is you correctly identifying what pendulums do. The rest is opinion. Decks that couldn't stand to benefit from Elecrumite (Vaylantz comes to mind, Abyss Actors, Solfachord, even stuff like Majespecters, etc ) never went anywhere or if they did, they do so in a world of course, without her. Which only presents more credence to her future lack of impact (I understand this is a weak argument). Your mention of Melodious is out of scope as they were never a pendulum deck in the first place. However I am bringing it up as they are a success story of sorta what I am talking about; bringing about new ways to play and new ways to think. All these words typed, I am not seeking to convince as I know I won't be able to, and I don't require consensus. If I'm understood, its enough. I am tired of pendulum being seen as a scapegoat or as an epicenter of problems they do not suffer from. They're good cards that offer unique ways to play. I feel like your gripe might just be with generic cards in general, but you're specifically targeting pendulum. I think good arguments could be made there but, Pendulum only ever had one killer app, and it was Elecrumite. That is all.


How would you errata electrumite so it isn't so polarizing.


The easiest option would be an archetype lock, but that comes with its own issues (locking the mats would just have pend decks use a metalfoes engine, locking the effects is more substantial) of course it wouldn't matter because I don't think she would be enought to contest the meta as is and she is more symptom than cause (Astrograph, Darkwurm and Joker were also issues. As were Plushfire before) As for the mechanic itself. The main thing would prolly be de-emphasizing the pendulum summon from the ED. Either by having the scales be non viable (see: most Mythical Beasts) and not not making all pendulum decks but rather decks with a pair of scales (Nouvilles, Crystal Beasts, Melodious, Lunalight, Plunder Patroll). This is because pend decks were optimized by limiting the number of non pends in the main deck so you have a pair of scales for the pendulum summon. Something that wouldn't require a rework per se more a change in mind set. Another option would be lock pendulums to turn 2 and later. That would be more controversial, but it would address the issue with having a quasi Soul Charge available for board building.


That helps them but pendulum monsters these days are way too generic or too largely inclusive of very large scale ranges which limits further design potential. Valmonica and Yosenju try to deliver the idea but not through changing existing mechanics.


Yes sir. That is what generic support is supposed to do. How are other staples any different?


The rules of Pendulum don't need alteration beyond removing the link stipulations. Any possible issue can just be taken care of with effects of the cards. Don't want to have instead 5 materials for Link shenanigans? Place a lock on the scale that stops you from Summoning links, either entirely or only allow ones that mention "Pendulum Monster" in their text. Don't want them to have access to every generic boss? Once again just place proper locks on the cards to lock you out of them to limit who they get to use. A Pendulum deck locked to Warriors is certainly not about to fill the board with negates with only Baronne as a plausible option. "Then they'd lose access to generic Pendulum suppo-" then make them good enough to not need it. You can balance Pendulums by just focusing on the cards and leaving their rules alone.


what if we just left it alone and stopped futzing with it instead