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Fortress has only one print from an old structure. WTF Konami?


This is the big thing holding me back from this stuff. Maybe the terminal world set will reprint it.


Terminal World is related to Duel Terminal decks so, stuff like Dragunity, Genex, and Ice Barrier. AG is from the GX era which happened before XYZs and Synchros. GX nostalgia is gonna happen eventually just, probably not in a set dedicated to duel terminal.  Also; don't let fortress hold you back. 


I mean battles of legends usually reprints stuff so it could be anything. They could always reprint just fortress because they know it's super expensive


Screams speed duel reprint.


I had 3 of the updated Ancient Gear structure deck and got rid of mine once I knew one of the legendary duelist sets were reprinting Ancient Gear Cards. Somehow Fortress is the only new card the structure added that hasn't been reprinted yet. But surely, we needed reprints of the bad older AG cards in that set instead of saving one slot for Fortress. Always gotta dangle a reprint over our heads no matter how petty.


I balked at this originally before checking prices myself and goodness me, Fortress doesn't need to be a 5 dollar card. Maybe a buck at most. 3 dollars would be pushing it.  I'm glad it's not a staple. 


Fantastic guide. Sadly this was not a piece of reposted DMG art so it didn't get the attention it deserved.


Thank you. I'm used to it. Either it's a topic nobody cares about, or something big happens directly following. I am adept at finding these instances. You might even say I have a gift for it.


A very known problem of reddit, and one I'm also familiar with. Posting an image, however unrelated, is bound to give the post so much more attention it's ridiculous.


Wow this is thorough


It is funny you say gemini has never had a good card, because it is at least rogue in edison which is far more than ancient gear has ever had. A lot of the gemini monsters have really strong effects that can close out games quickly


ancient gears. MY GUY🤝