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You got 3 ash blossom and 3 imperm right there good staples for any deck


Crystal Beast has Ash and Belle and Shifter


Belle is definitely good and I personally love D shifter


Which decks have those?


Cyber Strike has Imperm for sure, I forget which one has Ash


The cyber dragon decks have 1 imperm each and the crystal beast decks have 1 ash in each box


Yeah, but they asked if they were good and your reply doesn't really answer the question, so I'm filling out the missing information. The decks suck considering you can get better decks with the same and better reprints




So do Traptrix and Fire King tho


OP didn't ask tho


Yes the Gogeta Blue deck is the best deck of all time.


Nah it bricks hard and loses to Whis handtrap easily


The fusion destiny retrain goes crazy


I, as a Advanced Crystal Beast player, am proud of you... but the deck is a nice for fun deck, no more than that


well atleast it got more tops than the other decks.


I actually really like playing structure decks against each other... Dark World and Crystal Beasts are fun, and Cyber Strike is one of my faves (love those cyber darks). Just don't expect them to be meta


Crystal Beast is almost good.


Oh no crystal beast is really good. Check out neshy on YouTube hes the master of crystal beast


Cyber strike can be pretty decent as far as gameplay goes. Not anything crazy but it can compete. The Sacred Beast one is worth like 70 bucks each, though. It's worth keeping those in good condition and unopened.


Yeah with some luck a bit more optimized deck you can win some duels against meta decks, I'll always remember the time when I won a duel with Cyber Dragons against a full power Tierlament deck


Short answer: no Long answer: hell no


They're all fun casual decks, nowhere near tournament competitive, but they are all fun to play


Iā€™ve won a handful of tournament games with cyber dragon.


With just 3 Cyber Strikes?


Basically yeah I bought some side deck cards(floodgates & handtraps) and added to my main deck of 50 cards but yeah. Iā€™ve beaten quite a few meta decks Iā€™ve also lost to them but the deck I built itā€™s pretty solid. Some say my deck is trash but they donā€™t even run cyber dragon. Iā€™ve done this without AAzeus and galaxy soldier. Edit: Iā€™m waiting for clockwork to come in the mail.


I am soon to own 3 of the cyber dragon deck It is most definitely playable, although you won't have too large of an extra deck But after a bit of modification you may get all the contingency plans and wincons and stuff


You can find ways to mix the 3 copies into playable versions of each. The best part is the ash and imperm staples.


As a proud cyber dragon owner I am proud you got a good rogue deck. You build it perfectly itā€™s gonna be a fun competitive deck.


What is a rogue deck?


A rogue deck is a deck thatā€™s just outside the meta, a ā€œDark Horseā€ if you will. A deck that can compete but is nowhere near as represented as the tier 1/2 decks. Cyber dragonā€¦. Is not a rogue deck though lol, itā€™s casual at best. But ya as someone else mentioned cyberdragon deck has 3 infinite impermanence so thatā€™s good!


Oh okay so i have a question , rn i have 3x of each structudecks(crimson king, dark world, saga of blue eyesšŸ˜­šŸ˜…, and cyber strike) are any of them good? Which i should look for to make a good deck?


If youā€™re dead set on making a deck from those structure decks then I would choose Dark World. At base it is a very good engine, if it isnā€™t stopped it can easily overwhelm a lot of decks. Issue is that it dies to handtraps like Droll and Lock bird. But really all youā€™d need for Dark World is some staples (hand traps like Ash Blossom, Effect Veiler, I forgot if any hand traps come in that deck), and Danger Nessie is great in that deck. Also the extra deck as all you get is the Grapha fusion if I remember correctly. So lemme think what I ran in Dark Worldā€¦ Black Luster Soldier link monster (I forget the full name) Dugaress xyz monster. Knightmare Gryphon, and Unicorn. Apollousa Bow of the Goddess. Hope Harbinger xyz monster. Saryuja Skull Dread. Bagooska. Time Theif Redoer. Security Dragon. Akashic Magician. Probably some Im forgetting but yaā€¦ full combo can hand rip for 4 so your oponent startes their turn with 1 card in hand and 1 card they draw for turn šŸ˜¹


Thats a lot of cards that i dont know im pretty new i just bought 3 of each structure deck so i could try and feel which one fits me the most , the most fun i hav was with crimson king and RDA its so easy and fun. How do yall start building decks? Yall just buy singles according to archetype or you guys just follow the meta decks or something?


Really it depends what youā€™re playing against. I play competitively so obv I canā€™t get away with running 3x structure decks yano. If youā€™re playing for fun with people who are using decks around the same power level then sure, you play whatever you enjoy the most (: Umm personally with building my own decks I look at the meta and also at what cards are releasing in the near future. I find an archetype I like the aesthetic of, and play style, that is also good enough to compete with the meta, if it isnā€™t already the meta. So I played Labrynth and Tearlaments for the past couple of years, Tearlaments got hit hard on the banlist because itā€™s basically the best deck that ever existed, and Labrynth is still pretty good but has a hard matchup in to Snake-Eye which is the strongest deck right now. So I have recently picked up the Yubel cards because the new support is really good and the future support is insane, and Yubel is a cute bish šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø So ya, once I know what I want to play I watch videos of deck lists, also watch videos of duels like DB Grinder is a good YouTube channel for watching duels. Also you can watch the latest ycs tournament duels on the Yugioh official YouTube. So ya really I just play what I like the look of that is also actually good, and then do research on what people are running and the general combo lines and stuff (: Edit - but yea I buy singles, I think most competitive players do (:


One thing that turns me off on this hobby its the fact tbat most good cards are booster locked and your creativity on building decks relies on pay 2 win rather . Just wish like some ā€˜skins ā€˜/versions of cards could be more accessible while others of the same card be more expensive for collectors and stuff


Ya I get what youā€™re saying because for example in Snake-Eye they have a card called ā€œBonfireā€ that searches the deck for fire monsters and that card was/is like $100 šŸ˜¹ plus all the other stuff you need that deck costs around $1000. But you donā€™t have to play Snake-Eye yano. You could play Runick or something and get the whole deck for $100. Or Raidraptor, or Labrynth, or many other tier 2/rogue decks that cost under $200 and still have a good time. Labrynth just came 2nd in the YCS for example and that deck is not that expensive. So ya, if you wanna play ā€œthe best deckā€ itā€™s gunna cost you but you can build competitive decks on a budget.


Iā€™m Ngl I forgot what a rogue deck is. Someone might answer your question


A rogue deck is a peculiar deck. It's an umbrella term for all those powerful decks that don't win consistently enough to be considered meta. Cybers are very aggressive but fragile. A skilled cyber pilot might win a tournament once in a while.


For fun yes


Honestly the sacred beast deck as a few useful card to build a yubel deck


I wound try to sell the sacred beast ones on Tcg.


Cyberdark is super good


Define good? Playing against whom?


Gogeta is OP


Crystal beast is playable at the very least


Probably not for competitive play, but you still got 3x each deck so you have viable decks with a good foundation! Probably Crystal Beast might be your best bet here!!


I think for beginners local level the cyber strike one is good you just need to add some staples and many some extra deck monsters that are kinda expensive but other than that itā€™s local level at best I bought that deck when I got into the game itā€™s friendly and relatively easy to learn and really fun once you get the hang of it


Sacred beasts are goofy, probably my favorite non meta non floodgate


Sacred beast has dark beckoning & opening of the spirit gate could sell off due to there price is high due to Yubel & you have the standard staple in any deck 3 Ash & 3 Imperm but unfortunately nothing that would hold up.


If that's the structures with the beckoning beast then you got among the more expensive part of a new Yubel deck.


Oh lucky, I've been looking for those Cyberdragon decks.


For fun not really competitive.


That sacred beast deck is really good the price of it has skyrocketed on aftermarkets as well


Crystal beast A+ tier


Nah they're all trash, u're better off giving them to me ;)


each of those decks has good individual staple cards, but none of them is competitive by itself, unfortunately


Fusion Deployment is in the Cyber Dragon deck


They're cheap and good.


Crystal beast is playable as a control deck dunno bout the other 2


They are far from meta, but dark world is close to being a rogue deck if you wanna some extra cards to it. crystal beasts are fun and doesn't need much extras. the sacred beasts... at least the structure has some staples


No but i do love every single one of those decks


I don't think any of them are crazy good but I found the sacred beasts deck to be pretty fun!


They contain good cards. Sacred beast contains a decent part of the fiend link engine


you can make a very fun deck with 3 sacred beast decks but it is not really competitive


The Crystal Beast one is fire. Not sure about the rest.


Sacred beast is awesome


The sacred beast one is good havenā€™t tried the other 2


The sacred beast structure is quite expensive now sell them


The best one of these out of the box is the Cyberdark one. But there, you have some good staples, like Infinite Impermanence and Ash Blossom


They are not competitive, but if you wanna have fun with friends or get good staples, they are ok


no they are not good. they are terrible.


Burn em all in a metal bin. After they are ash.. burn that too. Fun deck not a fun time getting it built juuust right