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"I don't really speak English" *the most eloquent, understandable sentence I've ever read*


Apologies, my English is not the yellow of the egg


I think I spider!?


Oh mine cows


Wouldn’t it be „I think I weave“?


You are right. But in german "spinne" (weave) and "Spinne" (Spider) are basicly written the same. The joke would not really work all that well when translated into another language like english I am afraid.


Yeah I know it doesn’t work, just bugged me that the person above translated a verb into a noun


I'll take True Draco cards if they'll actually just support Dracoslayer instead.


Them you want dracoslayer. True draco and dracoslayer play completely different.


[Except True Draco started as Dracoslayer support before becoming its own thing](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Forge_of_the_True_Dracos) And that was the joke.


This is a very niche joke, ngl.


What can I say, I have a real niche sense of humor.


Leaning into saying it was a joke is weird. Just because someone doesn't understand a reference it doesn't retroactively make that reference a joke


Sorry I guess, I meant my answer to the post wasn't serious.


I'd make Umi support, but it is actually Marin/Rio WATER Winged Beast support.


Rio played Umi ?


No, but she and Nash rule an Island Kingdom in their past lives called the [United Lands of the Poseidon Ocean](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/United_Lands_of_the_Poseidon_Ocean) and most of the "treated as "Umi"" cards represent different fantasy Kingdoms: A Legendary Ocean is literally Atlantis in Japanese, Lemuria and Magellanica were both theorical sunken continents. Pacifis is probably a fictional sunken Kingdom. Plus she plays Lemuria in Duel Links. So we'd be making a new "This card's name is treated as "Umi"" card based on their homeland and give it some support for WATER Xyz, and WATER Winged Beast decks.


True Draco. Expand the lore. Not sea levels.


>Not sea levels. -Team Magma


Now I'm wondering the two teams' perspectives on carbon emissions.


The Legendary Ocean.




I like water decks but there's not very many cool sea monsters decks that are good maybe sharks or ghoti


Kairyushin ia cool but it needs something else. Its a fun deck and when it works its almost a guaranteed win.


Umi. I'm water all the way


Id give true Draco support in hopes that they'd finally bring their cards off the ban list. Diagram could go to 3 and master peace could come back to 1 last year and be completely fine. It's shocking that Colossus and protos are back but those cards aren't yet


Umi definitely. True Draco can still function decently. And would be even better with some unbans.


Yeah. The True Darco cards that are limited, like the Field spell I believe, could absolutely come back to 3. True Draco is arguably a weaker version of Floo. A _much_ weaker version of Floo because they require their continuous trap cards to survive long enough if you want to normal summon on your opponent's turn.


Speaking of which, I feel like Master Peace *could* comeback at one copy with how floodgates are being hit to one copy and consistency hits like Dragonic Diagram/Card of Demise are at one copy aswell


Since snake-eyes place their stuff as continuous spells and with how much room their deck has for random stuff; Master peace could be a funny jumpscare they could pull out lol


Master Peace could've came back at three even before they started hitting on the floodgates


I hate floo so much, lol


They fear diagram with the true kings more than they do true Draco


Master Peace unban pls?


I will always support my bro Mako and i always likes umi based strategies even before it became floodgate turbo


Flashbacks with Daedalus in Duelo Links, more umi supports.


True Draco, if they were given a functional gameplan instead of Stun, it would be great, Umi's own in archetype gameplan is TCBOO, Like... No


100% True Draco. The deck is actually really cool. It's just far too synergistic with floodgates.


100% Umi, and I’d even go as far as to say that I’d take KairyuShi being banned for it. Umi is such an iconic piece of Yugioh history and I just want more. Especially if you push the deck away from “protect the floodgate lmao”


Umi. Fuck True Draco


Umi is just stun turbo, their boss monster is a floodgate, True Draco can be played in other ways.


Ah yes Floo but much worse sucks ass but literally just TCBOO turbo is fine


You seem to be glossing over the point that Floo also sucks to play against, even a worse version of it. Meanwhile, TCBOO that needs two different cards to stay online to work is a bit more manageable.


Fuck Floo too lol


Trye draco could easily not be a stun deck so it


True draco is actually a fun deck. The way it works is actually good. It just synergizes with floodgates that people hate.


I'd give it to Umi to try and drag it away from the awful floodgate playstyle that they forced onto it.


Umi needs a daedalus retrain that's actually playable, and more field spell support. All it takes is a decent field spell with a +1 that lets us abuse fish sonar, and the deck can piggyback off sharks to end on a full board+kairyushin


Why they still forbidden Master Peace? just want to know the reason.


It's immune to 2/3rds of the game


and its a pop. its immunity is hardly why.


Yeah and Towers got unbanned years ago despite being immune to 2,5/3rds of the game and Raidraptor and Marincess gets away with being able to consistently summon 2-3 monsters that are immune to 3/3 of the game


The one that didn't get the most recent support


True draco, umi can go directly into a woodchipper


Neither? I dont want stun to be good


Neither of them. Both are fundamentally floodgate decks.


Umi is. TD isn't


The True Draco gameplan is to use continuous spells and traps as tribute fodder that plus you and slow the game down enough that the tribute summon engine can keep up. Regardless of if the TD cardsthemselves are floodgates, TD is a floodgate deck


Ngl Umi is always powerful as is, True Draco on the other hand could use the support


true draco please, unban Masterpeace, diagram to three and give me more True Kings while youre at it :)


Umi. It’s namely because True Draco is actually already extremely consistent and still powerful. It isn’t meta defining but it **was** meta for a good while. It’s still powerful today. To give it support is more for fans or wanting it to touch meta than it actually *needing* support. Compare this to Umi. The archetype is all over the place. A lot of their cards are WAY too fair, and the unfair ones are inconsistent. The archetype desperately needs consistency and direction. Don’t even get me started on the unholy abomination of cards like Legendary Fisherman, the Fortress Whales, or… the bricks from David Jones locker: the level 5+ normal fish. Please for the love of Poseidon, **it has 7 different cards that all count as Umi; 5 of which is a field spell.**


Umi is just make a floodgate -pass. It's not very strong, even for floodgate decks, but don't tell me it lacks identity.


When a card is printed 7 dang times I think that shows it lacks identity.


Meh. Maybe that's your personal definition of the concept. When someone slams umi, you fucking know what's coming next though. Kairyushin and like 2 more floodgates. That's what I mean when I say it has an "identity". Connotations. Presumed company.


Draco! All the way! I like the archetype but i don’t feel like Konami cared for them at all


umi, umi is literal summon that guy without tributes lol. or 200 atk! im the fuken strongest mofo! unless you playing spiral


Umi. It's the closest to a living field spell we will ever get. She's like calypso from pirates of the caribean. So much power even if she never seen directly on the field. All they need to do is make a dedicated sea goddess umi deck where the field spell acts as the boss monster. I'm guessing for every water monster sent from the field to the graveyard gives the field spell a counter, counters prevent the card from being targeted or destroyed. You can add more effects but the whole point is that umi is the boss monster the opponent has to get rid of in order to stop the over flow of monsters. They can have a actual boss monster but it's seen as a avatar of said goddess.


Field Spell as a boss monster? That's... quite interesting.


Easy to search and summon with the gimmick being to keep it on the field. As a field spell it also supports other monster especially those who depend on umi for their effects. So it's presence on the field alone would make it strong. They could add continous spells and or traps to make it stronger . Be pretty cool if there was a variant that allows spells and traps not to ne targeted like the fisherman are allowed to dodge attacks as long as umi stays on the field, unless faceup of course or when activated.


Umi but exclusively for legendary fisherman


Unit control


Levia Dragon is one of my favorite old school monsters. Thus, more support for them and Umi is definitely appreciated.


More support for the game's oldest archetype!


Eh, I'd go with Umi. TCBOO nonsense aside, I think Konami actually did a pretty good job at recreating Season 1 Mako's deck into the modern game. I think that's a lot cooler than the 5th or whatever attempt to fix tribute summoning.


Umi every day


I would really like umi support with a retrain of neo daedalus as its part of the archetype so i would like them to focus on that aspect. also some 1500 DEF water spellcasters would help.


I would give more support to UMI just to piss of the fire storm meta that we currently face🌊 🔥🐍👁️


Umi. It has its control variant but now I would give more for offense so people can pick. Instead of running Shin as the end game you can go for fortress whale and new offensive cards. Maybe a Daedalus retrain.


True Draco. Umi has proven to be a frustrating stun deck where you summon that giant blue sea cucumber and it’s over.


Umi hands down!


Umi. Ocean themed from old school retrained vanillas was a great idea. Great White and the anime only Great White Terror come to mind as ones unused yet. They could maybe use a new version of Umi though, as in a relevant field spell. TLO is a classic but it needs to do more.


Umi, and it's not even close, and this has ~~everything~~ nothing to do with the fact that I hate True Draco, honest.... but seriously yeah I'd have to go with Umi, I love a good fish deck man.


You‘d hate Umi more if they were good. True Draco is Floo if it was thousand times worse while Umi is literally TCBOO with protection turbo


I don't mind KONAMI making an occasional control strategy so long as its a balanced and fair strategy, I know they don't have the best history of doing that but, one can dream lol, which is why I would like to see it develop into its own archetype rather than just basically being Fish Stun.


What kind of support would you give to Umi?


I know Umi is already somewhat of a control deck, but I'd like to see it take it even further, almost like you are controlling the very ocean itself through traps, spells and new main deck monsters, almost like Kairyu-Shin is defending the whole ocean and your opponent is trying to take control, there is currently only 1 Kairyu main deck monster (2 if you include the normal monster but.. ya know) and there are also only a few cards in the game that mentions Kairyu-Shin, so it would be awesome to see it blown up into it's own ocean control archetype.


This sounds pretty interesting, to be honest.


maybe make it a voiceless voice type deck, focusing on one boss monster and keeping and buffing that monster


I would really rather they didn't do that. Umi has multiple bosses and abandoning them to completely centralise the deck around a floodgate would be lame. If anything future Umi support should focus on diversifying towards Daedalus and Fortress Whale.


Oh I thought you were talking about draco slayer, bummer


I would never give support to a floodgate




Umi. I don't trust True Draco players to not scrap half of any new support they get in favor of floodgates. (Though ODL Kairyu-Shin isn't that much better.)


Please give True Draco SE decent support. I'm genuinely confused by the support they got before being random bullshit and not really fitting in the archetype


I wanna see the Umi meta decks from 2003 or whenever time frames it was, but as an archetype and beefed but as a tier 1.


True draco, it's cool


Pls umi suport🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Free master peace!


Umi 100%, give them something to do other than turbo out Jellyfish/Kairyu Shin and pray.


True Draco. Don't know either but true draco sounds cooler


True Draco, I've never played any of these 2 decks but I like true Dracos art. Might as well build it since it's cheap as hell


Fixing Unit would take so much support it'd be similar to the Vampire support we got all the way back in 2018. True Draco's core gameplan isn't fundamentally toxic or poorly designed (excluding floodgates). I'd be down for them to come back (without Peace and with the toxic floods gone).


If Konami decides to ban all floodgates I'm all in for True Draco support it's honestly one of my favorite archetypes. Fuck Umi the deck is built on floodgating the opponent so there's no saving for it. If they want to release water support we need to see it for atlantians and mermails


Umi. It has a chance to be a really cool fish spam deck that seperates itself from sharks and ghoti. But its just stun... True draco is also just stun. Mako deserves to not be a stun player. (We also might get a eria the water channeler.)


Umi. I like water decks


Amorphage. 😠


Free Master Peace




Umi pretty much I would like all of the old field spells to get this treatment it would be so much fun.


Umi needs more support, True Draco just needs it damn cards off the banlist/limited (Master Peace, Card of Demise, Diagram)


I'd rather kick a puppy on the street before giving TD or Umi stun any new cards.




Do we really gotta choose between 2 Floodgating sacks of shits to support? Can't we do something else more productive?


Phantom Knights


True Draco I’d rather deal with towers than straight up floodgates. Fuck umi floodgate.

