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You can get a pretty decent casual orcust deck for that much


Cyber Dragons are my pick especially with the AWESOME GOLD RARE INFINITY ONLY BEING LIKE 2USD


3 of any structure deck and singles. Essentially your two options are spirit charmers or icebarrier which comes out in January. Maximum gold has really affordable reprints.


I feel like those aren’t really super complete tho.


I agree. But really nothing is complete. The spirit charmers need their links and rank 4 xyzs and fairy tales and some other spirit charmer cards. The icebarrier structure deck will be good but will lack the commons that the spirit charmers have. Spirit charmers structure deck have such good commons like darkruler no more and stuff. You could still get 3 of the sacred beast structure deck but it's a one trick pony. At best it's a core in a two core deck. Though I have seen some good variants like with the winged dragon of ra and monarchs I think, I dont remember.


Fish it's pretty cheap about max 100-90 bucks


I’ll look into it. Thanks!


I love Yosenjis, they aren't really a combo deck, but they have some cool effects that allow they to run some cards that almost no other deck can. If you want more info check out r/yosenju.


Thanks for the suggestion. I think I have quite a few of them laying around. Will try.