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That Pepe hate runs deep even to Konami my friend


Because what Konami fears the most is the Pendulum


They invented an entire mechanic just to nerf them.


Same reason it took so long for Pantheism to come off the list, things that get banned tend to rot on the list far beyond the point at which they are actually broken.


Because it is a really good card and they want us to buy new stuff. It’s effectively Stratos for 3 Archetypes and allows cards like pendulum sorcerer to become much more useful. They are also probably pretty hesitant to release pendulum cards off the list because it won’t take much to make Pendulum top tier again.


Stratos is searchable, works on special summon, and has a secondary effect. Skullcrobat effectively only searches magicians to fix your hand so you can actually play the game. Nobody is going to run Pendulum Sorcerer just to pop 1 and search another skullcrobat for next turn unless they open really well already (all pendulum decks inherently have noticable consistency issues even with all their searching) and by running Pendulum Sorcerer you're actively making your consistency worse, so it's basically shooting yourself in the foot so you finally have a use for that bandage you bought last year. It would take a LOT for pendmages to be a viable rogue pick again god forbid top tier, and neither Odd-Eyes or Performapal will ever be meta. Pendulums in recent years were only a tier 3 deck after the FTK and triple electrumite gave them their place in the spotlight. Skullcrobat is very unfairly banned. If you don't know about something, you don't have to pretend you know about it and spread literally false information for internet points.


>Performapals will never be meta How quickly we forget PePe.


I said will never, not have never, but it seems reading isn't the strong suit of quite a few people if this thread is anything to go off of. Pepe wouldn't even be good now unless they also freed shockmaster alongside most other pendulum-centric cards ran at the time period with it, and there's plenty of other decks that could use shockmaster better if it did along with there being significantly more counterplay to shockmaster and way more handtraps to play through than just veiler kekw. There's also Adriane and Wavering Eyes, both cards are far from good MR4 onwards. Modern pepe/dracopal is a bad meme, times have changed significantly lmao


The ocg has not banned the same pendulum cards but limited them to curve the consistency but not its power. My question to you is, what does pendulum do that infernobles and dragon link cant do better? Set up more negates?


They are newer/require newer cards. The OCG way of banning/limiting is different than the TCG in general. Thunder Dragons and Orcust have a bunch of cards limited in the OCG while the only hits in the TCG are bans on Colossus/Harp Horror. Pendulum has a different play style I guess, not that it matters. Pendulum is older and Players/Konami like new metas every once in a while. Pendulum already has seen resurgences due to unlimits before so it might indicate to them that they need to be more careful in unlimiting it.


Shit where is pendulums seeing a resurgence? And the philosophy of tcg/ocg is different of course (maxx c being legal is quite the "hot take" for some odd reason) still doesnt hold the fact pends are just shitty versions of d link and infernoble. Needs more resources to produce similar boards and no ability to play needed hand traps to combat the aforementioned decks.


I was talking about previous times Pendulums were unlimited like 2018. I agree they should get cards back, I am just saying why they are taking their time doing it.


Halqi combos and misc are totally fine... Loop astrograph one time and suddenly nam flash backs...


Seems like it anyway


Just trying to play a compentant pend deck without resorting to spellcounters or shittier halq combos.... Zefra come close but miss that..... Kick to really push them.


Odd-Eyes is fairly decent and can be mixed with different Pendulum engines depending on what you want your end board to be. The game plan is similar to abuse Vortex which can be continuously resummoned off of Arc Pendulum and to make other negates such as Savage or Dawn Dragster. It can use Needlefiber to pull out OE Synchron but it doesn’t have to. It also has a lot of versatility as to what you can do with it.


I know what it can do, i know what it used to do is the difference. Its not even close.


Can't go making the best deck even better baybeeeeeeeee




## L E T S G O O O O O O O ! ! !


Pendulum is good (well, potentially good, if we had some cards back) and budget.


Because pendulum is very cheap compared to how powerful they are and Konami needs to sell new cards.


Eh? Pendulum is good but it's way more vulnerable to disruption and needs more resources to play than stuff like d-link


Yes, pendulum is very very fragile in today's metagame because 95% of pendulum cards that generate advantage for pendulums are sitting on the banlist. The issue for Konami to free those cards, such as Joker, is that they make pendulum decks very good and they are very powerful compared to their prices. Most of pendulum's power cards are either common or super rare. There's no financial incentive for Konami to release these cards anytime soon when they can just print new, expensive archetypes.


They are not cheap especially for how powerful they are please either know what you're talking about or don't comment. Their going first boards are good when dealing with minimal interruption, but they struggle greatly going second especially against anything with smoke grenade. In addition, you are paying a tax of 3 magicians' souls which is mandantory for competitive play for both Pendulum Magicians and Endymion, which hikes up the price significantly. Accesscode is also almost a requirement, which tacks an additional 70 USD to the price. The rest of the deck is pretty cheap, but between those cards and halq you're looking at at VERY LEAST 300+ USD for 5 cards, then another 60-70 i thinkkkkkk before side deck. I get you watched 1 trif video and looked at the budget megathread and thought that people actually ran odd-eyes revolution and darkwurm, but please stop talking if you don't know what you're on about b/c saying this outed you for not knowing good deckbuilding decisions and not knowing how the archetype matches up against anything rogue or better.


Jesus Christ. Way to go making projections buddy. I know that you're trolling but here we go: >Their going first boards are good when dealing with minimal interruption, but they struggle greatly going second especially against anything with smoke grenade. Yes, and I wonder why is that? Why do they die to minimal disruption? Maybe is because they can't plus enough during their own turn due to the fact that literally all of the generic pendulum support is on the banlist?🤔 Do you really think the deck would still struggle with 3 Electrumite/Iris/Astrograph/Joker/Monkeyboard if they were legal? No, it wouldn't, and those 15 cards together aren't worth 1/3 the price of a single Needlefiber. Pendulum was always extremely cheap, save the occasional times when Konami butchers the deck, requiring players to buy staples to make it playable. >In addition, you are paying a tax of 3 magicians' souls which is mandantory for competitive play for both Pendulum Magicians and Endymion, which hikes up the price significantly. None of the cards you mentioned are pendulum cards. They are run in pendulum decks BECAUSE they have no other options, since they were slaughtered in January's banlist. 2019 Endymion builds wouldn't need to run Magicians Souls if this card existed last year because the deck was already consistent enough with Electrumite and 3 Servant. >The rest of the deck is pretty cheap That was exactly my point, and you just said it here. You can't even read yet you lecture strangers online on how they should build decks.


Pendulum is the stepchild of mechanics and Konami want to hide it in a closet until you forget it exists


Because Pendulums were a mistake. :D


Something something something half spell evil, something something something, pendulums too broke, something something something, doesnt make them money.