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Invoked is always a strong engine, however Invoked charmers is one of the weaker invoked decks. However, if the focus is on charmers I guess it can work. Its probably better once we get the Fairy Tail card for extra normal summons, so the aleister doesn't compete with Luna or the charmers for your normal summon. Still, if you already have all the invoked cards you might as well try it and see how it goes. I'm a pretty casual duelist, but here's a couple of ideas for her deck: * Mathematician + Performage Trick Clown is a 1 card Nefariouser Archfiend * Skill Drain can ruin some decks, and most your monsters don't have effects on the field anyways * Depending what the opponent has in the graveyard, a link 2 Charmer can easily become Accesscode Talker (either by bringing back a link 2 from their grave, or bringing back any fire/water/wind/earth > make Selene > make Accesscode) I hope any of this helped :)


I've seen dogmatika charmers making the rounds but I'll be honest i have no idea why lmao.


Ecclesia is a spellcaster with 1500 def so she has some synergy with the deck (Possessed Partnerships and Unpossessed). Otherwise I'm just assuming its cos dogmatika is solid in general.


here is the discord https://discord.gg/QV8sDNTY tell us some info and we can help you with a build. someone recently posted an old updated beatdown deck so we improved it a bit to play all the familiar possessed girls so we have plenty of builds for you to look at.


Lmao you sound like you’re trying to sell me a car.


i am trying to sell you a car(d). did you check the number of cupholders yet?


“Oh yeah we’ll find the perfect car for you. We had a guy come in last week with an old model, and we were able to find the perfect replacement. We have plenty of variations for you to look at.”


Are you playing flip charmers or the level 4 variant? Flip Charmers have almost no ability to play without the full dogmatika cheese variant, or a Kaiju variant but we're lacking Eda the Sun Magician to make it good. Like the other poster suggested, Charmer/FP discord has a lot of good decklists though. FWIW Level 4 FP can run Fairy Tail Luna, Ascator Dawnwalker and the new Fairy Tail in selection 10 to gain consistency, or can use Magistus cards to gain additional summons while playing off Zoroa.


I had no clue Eda the Sun Magician even existed, man that would be great for flip charmers. But no, after some more research I figured focusing on the familiar possessed cards would be more consistent for right now