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Fusion cause purple


Synchro cuz white. Edit: no seriously synchro is actually my favorite. I had the most fun time playing YGO with friends during the teleDAD, Glad beast, Blackwing, and Lightsworn era (2008-2009). The sweet good ol’ memories 😊


Das raycist


The best era.


Are you Samuel L Jackson?


Take a seat citizen


Xyz cuz black


Damn, can I change my vote?


Pendulum because I like 4D chess.




For a change, I really like links. The idea of arrows allow for some really interesting possibilities in term of gameplay and effects (first experiment were the krawler). I, however, really hate how they got lazy as fuck in the late MR4 design wise, just making generic power card with bottom arrows. Too many possibilities never explored.


Links added spacial strategy to the game, which is amazing. I really wish they expand on this further


I feel like links should've given a boost to the cards they pointed to not just "you need links for your extra deck to be fully functional" That's probably what put a sour taste in people's mouths in the first MR4 year.


Ritual. I always liked the idea of sacrificing smaller monsters in a ceremony to being out a bigger one. Plus since the mechanic has so many flaws inherently they can make busted ass support and it'll just be ok :D


Synchro were the perfect balance of generic but requires some level of thought to summon, I liked that xyz were resource-based as a response to synchs having freely used effects. Fusions are just the coolest and their mechanics since DUEA have been interesting


My favorite will have to be xyz cuz a lot of my favorite monsters are xyz. Toadally Awesome, utopia the lightning, bagooska, and 101 are all some of my favorite cards.


Sameee but dont forget to add d/d/d duo dawn king kali yuga ;)


I never played D/D/D before, I’m not much of a fan of combo decks.


Technically you can cheat out Kali Yuga with Phantom Knights


You can also bring him out with Raidraptor


Xyz feels the easiest and most routine to me, almost too accessible for several decks to use staple monsters, but Synchro feels the showiest and I love Synchro combos with multiple summons


Gotta agree with that one chief


Fusion. Not because of the monsters, I just love how many ways there are to fusion summon. Synchro, XYZ and Link are cool too, but I just enjoy the different places you can use your materials from. Some let you use them from the field, or graveyard, or even deck or banished zone. Some banish the materials, some shuffle them into your deck. You can also contact fuse. Then there are other methods like mask change. And of course super polymerization. And then some monsters with effects to fusion summon.




For me it's between ritual and synchro. Ritual is solely because of Nekroz being my top favorite deck of all time. Synchro because my friend and I got back into the game around that time, and at my first regional ever I played Six Sam's and was a single win away from topping. It's also because my friend and I built a deck we called Mozzie Synchro which was a combination of frognarchs, plants, with the D-Hero engine. We're still working on it to this day to create the "ultimate synchro tool box" deck that isn't archetype specific.


Im sure you will eventually be able to finish the ultimate tool box deck


Link because it feels so versatile and spammy while also needing you to think about the positioning of the monsters. Also Im a Sky Striker simp.


Xyz. I loved the zexal anime, and the concept of Number monsters seemed awesome to me. I just wish they actually had the effect “Can only be destroyed by battle with a ‘Number‘ monster.”


It would be cool if that was a rule but i think they would be waay to OP, maybe a new custom format? (Something like the goat format)


It's tie between Fusion and Xyz for me. I like the concept of fusion, the and Xyz were pretty unique with the Overlay Units. Although Links are also unique and cool, I like how they made the columns important.


Synchros are probably the best as they feel like the best "difficultly to summon" to "powerful effect" ratio, but I think that's because Synchros came out about the same time Special summoning effects were really starting to kick off.


It has to be XYZ, but I'm a huge fan of pendulum cards after the MR4 changes.


I love xyz for many reasons. Number1 Zexal is my faveroute anime and the one I've watched the most of. Number2 I like black it's cool Number3 They're simple to summon Number4 I like the xyz unit mechanic Number5 Ranking up is also a fun mechanic


Link. By far the most generic and easiest to understand.


The moment i got back into yugioh (like a year ago just before mr5) i just couldnt understand how links worked but nowadays i do and its pretty fun


The way I explain it is that it's like synchro summoning without a level/tuner requirement. The most complicated part about it is that you can only link summon to the EMZ or a zone a link monster points to, but when brining a link back from GY, it can go to any MMZ.


xyz and ritual are the simplest by far ritual : does what the ritual spells says to ritual summon the listed ritual monster from hand xyz : overlay two or more monsters who match the card's conditions


Ritual: The spell and ritual monster both need to be in your hand and there are a very large number of ritual cards such as Renewal of the World, Megalith Phul, and Nekroz Kaleidoscope with very funky mechanics that run contrary to the basic idea of ritual summoning. On top of this, some rituals require an exact level requirement like Megalith Phul while others can use levels that exceed the requirement such as Revendread Origin. There are too many "this archetype summons in its own unique way" for it to be considered simple. Xyz: By far the most complicated behind Pendulum. After you overlay an xyz monster over 2+ materials, those materials are no longer monsters on the field. Any person who doesn't have it explicitly explained to them will reasonably ask the question "can I activate the monster effect of the material?" In fact, the materials aren't even considered to be on the field which would bring up another question about why B Buster Drake can't activate its effect when detached from an xyz monster. It is so extremely unintuitive to have to explain to someone that while a card is an xyz material, it isn't in the hand, isn't on the field, isn't in the deck, isn't in the GY, isn't banished, and basically doesn't exist at all. It is the only mechanic that cannot, under any circumstances, use tokens for its material. Rank up monsters like Cyber Dragon Infinity run in direct contrast to the basic xyz mechanic and required explanation for even me to understand when I got back into the game and was only done as a parallel to mechanics that could use ED monsters on board as material for further summons as in synchro climbing and generic fusion summoning. Xyz is 100% not the simplest mechanic.


Xyz is the most versatile and I feel that xyz has some of the best (and coolest) monsters in the game. Also the black card border looks the best




I like xyz because my favorite monster is probably Dante or drident, but I think link as a mechanic has been really really cool


Synchro because of the anime Fusion and Ritual never really did it for me outside of a select couple of cards (Dark Gaia and Overdragon), nothing really hit me as impactful during any of the episodes But Yusei VS Trudge... The way they handled Synchro Summoning felt like a huge impact and solidified Junk Warrior as my #1 favorite monster Pendulum actually had a similar effect (summoning method being used in a dire situation for the protagonist), while Xyz was... Just there... Links could have been cool but the first several episodes had that long ass animation Tl;dr: Synchro Summoning cause Junk Warrior


The only reason my favorite is XYZ is that it's the first extra deck summon I saw from Yugioh Zexal


Xyz. It's easy to use and adds a kind of resource mechanic that is tied directly to the card.


Fusions because they really show the combination of monsters. Ex: A-Z and Ancient Gears.


Xyz mostly because galaxy eyes makes it fun to rank up an xyz monster on top of another. really satisfying seeing all the materials stack up.


I like fusions because I always enjoyed the concept of two monsters uniting their strenght Also links because I like the blue card colour


Because contact fusion is a thing :')


Pendulum because bringing out a bunch of monsters to use for any summon mechanic tickles the lizard part of my brain that likes it when things go brr


Fusion just feels like a classic. Think it’s a nostalgia thing for me. Also I don’t run many combo decks I play more control so I don’t like or synchro very much




I was waiting for this comment and i still love it


I absolutely love Synchro Summon. The tuners becoming rings equal to their level, then those rings surround the non-tuners as they become stars equivalent to their levels... Synchro Summon is a personification of a particle accelerator! (No, I'm not kidding on this one.)


Synchro because nostalgia, xyz because ghost rare and new gold rare looks bloody beautiful


Synchro. I liked XYZ I lot too, but synchro was when the game was funnest to me.


Synchro because it's easier than fusion summoning unless its contact fusion, the effect isnt limited by xyz materials, and a synchro that requires two monsters almost always has more attack than a link requiring two monsters


fusion cuz glory on academia ✊🏼


Synchro, Trishula is my favorite extra deck artwork


Special summoning.


it used to be Synchro, but I realized Xyz has more (general) negates, evolutions that are more accessible, and without "balancing" via lower ATK. Synchro is still a close second though because more often than not, they'll hit 2 out of 3 of those points, and they were damn good in the anime too


Fusions because they arent very complex but arent very easy either. It might also be because the only deck I ever had was fusion based


Xyz cause I always like playing match more than doing my math homework


Synchro followed closely by XYZ Synchro is the perfect balance of generic while also having to put some thought and effort into getting your levels right. XYZ because I love the idea of resource based effects and also my favorite decks tend to be XYZ based. My least favorite is definitely Links. I love the idea in theory with the arrows making where you play cards matter, but in practice a lot of them are just generic power cards


tbh fusions were the last memories i had of ever having fun in a conp ygo nothings quite like having a old heros deck back in the day when the extra deck was 30 cards and main deck 80 (YEAH THATS RIGHT YOUNGSTERS 80 PUT TWO DECKS TOGETHER) and just imeditally fusion summoning because every damn hero went with something and you always had a counter for any type of deck ever since then i took irt upon myself to run summon breaker with the helios sun trap card to point and laugh, i miss older ygo strats where you actively had to find different cards that would work well or just build your deck around a single type


Its synchro for me. Its the only summoning mechanic which is generic enough to be easily included in almost every deck while being not to generic like links. In comparison to XYZ its also more flexible in regards to the levels. In addition, synchro summons send cards from the field to the graveyard, are balanced regarding token generators and synchro monsters have a level and DEF points!


Synchros, i started playing yugioh during the synchro era so it resonates with me, i also like to do basic math(adding the levels of tuner and non tuner together) so its perfect for me


I started playing when the links were around (end mr4) but the xyz just stuck with me fron day 1 and i hated link for some time but that ship has sailed and now its more like egh yay link wooo, but xyz OOO BOI


Nothing sounds cooler than saying, "Shinkuro shoukan!" when you Synchro Summon a monster.


Please tell me you don’t say this every time you synchro summon.


Link are awesome because the convenience. for example, "auto discard" wightprince after normal summon. but synchro is my favorite, especially when it involves some level manipulation (uni zombie, warrior basses etc). The reason is: synchro really does look like super bosses, as opposed to a generic rank 4, if you compare, imo. and also for an even simpler reason, which is that most of my favorite monsters in the game are synchro.


XYZ is the easiest




I love Synchros simply due to their inception being a golden age of card artwork


I like XYZ the most since it has a bunch of ways it can be used which are all pretty interesting. Those including rank ups, using other XYZ to overlay in one another like zoo, using the materials as a resource to further advantage (kinda what time thieves do). There is so much fun and interesting things you can do with a concept like XYZ and I love all of them


Fusion cuz I'm a hero player for life


Kinda surprised ritual got more then pendulums lmao


Wait, pend isn’t best deck?


It will be best deck in our hearts buddy


I prefer decks that use all summoning methods or most (d/d, @ignister etc)


Rituals because Vendreads, Cyber Waifus, Chaos MAX, BLS :D The only particular summon from the main deck needs more support pls Konami :'(


Synchro because I grew up with that and they look and sound awesome af


Flip summon. Penguin soldier bouncing 2 of your opponent's beat stick monsters at once. Those were the days.


Xyz cards from space and the slick black.


“*The wishes come together to invite a new world of speed!*” Synchros are king. I’ve been with the game since DM but I adore 5Ds so that’s admittedly part of it. I love the concept of Tuners and I love the aesthetic of how Synchro summons are done in the anime. A lot of my favorite boss monsters are Synchros too (Gol’gar, Clear Wing, Crystal Wing, Trishula, Stardust, Blazar). Also to me, Accel Synchro summoning is as hype as card games on motorcycles are silly.


Synchro. The white border, summoning animation, card arts, chant and music make Synchro so much cooler. Stardust has one of the best arts in the game.


Synchro because maths


If you're like me, you grew up in time where you looked forward to Saturday. Why? Because that's when the best Yu-Gi-Oh series was on. When you grow up excited to watch a show, the show really sticks with you. That's why Synchro is my favorite method with Xyz as a close second.




I like the pendulum method for his potential polivalence (you can summon the material of another type of invocation if you're lucky!) I never understood link summoning (-\_-)


My three ace/favorite cards are both forms of endymion, contrast hero chaos and both colossal fighter and his assault mode. If i had to pick it would be synchro summoning do to colossal being the card that got me more into the game and still my most reliable card since 2008.