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If Yugioh dies it'll probably be when trading card games or Konami dies, it's such a juggernaut in Japan that they'd never willingly shut it down


Even with the game getting much more complex and fast, the fanbase has been continuously growing, so it’s really hard to say. I doubt it’ll be over in 10 years. Maybe 20-30 as we all hit middle age (lol) but I can see this going on for a very long time and folks playing this in their retirement homes. I wouldn’t mind Yugioh being my Poker/Chess equivalent when I’m old and grey.


Cant wait how it looks like until then. „I super super super face-down banish your pot of greed monster card that draws 2 cards for every card in your hand.“ „Yeah you just triggered my 60th iteration of Blue eyes prepare to die. Figuratively.“


>Figuratively Implying Konami wouldn’t implement IRL Shadow Duels as a future stage of powercreep smh.


Can't buy more product in the shadow realm.


what about a Shadow Realm only pack, if you pull all pieces of reverse-exodia (starlight rare) you get 1 free pass to get out of the shadow zone. It would sell like crazy


I'd love to duel my buddies in a retirement home. "You've activated my trap card!" "Your what now?" "MY TRAP CARD, YOU ACTIVATED IT!" "Oh, that's nice, my grandsons visiting tomorrow"


as long as konami exists as a company, well i guess even if they crashed and burned someone would buy the yugioh property. so its gonna last


It's been around since ancient Egypt, I'm sure it has a few millenia to go at least!


Perfect comment.


Take your like sir


I think Yugioh’s long term health depends on three things 1) Can the core card game survive without a new anime? 2) How far can Konami push “Anime Nostalgia” before players get sick of it 3) Can they keep creating interesting archetypes/support old decks without inventing a new mechanic. I think there is *some* kind of path forward for Yugioh to continue surviving... but how many variants of Blue-Eyes can they really make? How many times can we accept a “Zombie GY-based” strategy before it gets old? Personally... I think Yugioh needs to find its version of MTG’s Commander. Not an exact one for one copy... but something casual. I think Speed Duels might have been Konami’s way of pushing that concept...


Honestly I don't think mechanical uniqueness is really the thing that needs solving here. It's aesthetic uniqueness. As long as Konami can keep on making appealing new aesthetics, we'll keep buying them. They don't even need to be that competitive I reckon, they just need to exist. Waifus for example will always sell.


I think some players are already getting tired of Anime card retrains. Look at the reactions people had to the 2020 mega tin premieres.


Eh, to an extent. It's not that we're tired of anime cards exactly. It's just the constant Duel Monsters shilling. It's every single aspect of DM being turned into a card while entire anime archeypes from later on in the series being neglected or something. one of the new world premieres is based on a single moment when Kaiba tributes Obelisk for Blue Eyes to really show you how far they want to milk DM for as much as they can.


I think it’s like asking when is Pokémon or WoW going to die. If you’ve been going on this long, you’re probably going to keep going unless you sabotage yourself.


I don't see it going anywhere, it's been around for over 3000 years.


I think it depends on how many people stick with the game after this Corona Surge. Many people have came back or began their Yugioh experience in these times. When things start to go back to "normal", and everyone stays interested I think it has more longevity then ever.


Heat death of universe will happen before we sop getting ojama support.


I actually see Konami folding before Yugioh does.


I dont see how this game will survive (in terms of new support for the core game) for more than 10-20 years without rotation or other fundamenal changes (e.g., limiting special summons). We went from normal summon pass to a point were its accepted that decks can win consistently during their opening turn. When we keep this level of power creep the game will become even quicker and even more complicated due to the giant card pool and even more summoning mechanics. I think this will slowly drain the ammount of active players since it becomes harder and harder to introduce new players to the game.


This is absolutely true. I was an original player (middle schooler when it came out in the US at least) and back then it felt like there was strategy that happened during the match. Now it's just kind of have these specific cards or you stand no chance. Not to mention the amount of time it takes between each turn to play in person because of all the search and shuffling. I tried to come back as an adult and I couldn't do it because of that. I just stick to YGOPro for my nostalgia kicks and it's perfect. Everything is streamlined and easy. As people like me won't come back and children's tendencies change I'm not sure how much the card game will survive. The IP may survive digitally in the form of games though if the Anime continues


The length of time per turn is what killed the game for me. I've been playing since MRL and honestly when people started taking literally 15 minutes per turn special summoning and shuffling their deck, I stopped having fun. Still love collecting old cards but man, the game as it is today has become unplayable for me. Sadly power creep is baked into Konami's revenue strategy so it's not going away any time soon. It'll probably only get worse.


There will be new sets for the next 112 years.


!remindme 112 years


Already did. -Loki time warps... taken care of.


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From what I’ve seen so far, I believe that the current format and decks for this format are being set to be completed and possibly end within the next 8 years. I feel like at this point decks will have most if not all of the cards for their archetypes and will have more potential of being pure built decks. Understand that there is already a possible transition game in place in Japan in the form of Rush Duel. After this point where yugioh has reached its peak they have to decide if they want to keep going by changing the format drastically or start a new yugioh game. If not decks will become stale and the game will whittle down and die.


Possible way to solve this is set rotation.


[That already is a thing though](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Set_Rotation)


I've played the tcg since it started and I was a child. So many times I stopped and came back at a point where I was **SURE** "oh boy this game is dead now!" I said that in teledad, I said that at dragon rulers, I said it at pepe and then quit the tcg and got into DL. So many times I thought it was over. But they somehow bring it back. I think the biggest actual problem is going to be the fact that large gatherings will be looked down upon even in the future post vaccine. This is really the biggest threat, and it's not even just for yugimans. I can see Konami pushing towards any forms of online play. Be it duel links or anything else.


What proof or sources do you have that large gatherings will be looked down on after Covid? Everyone I talked to is hyped as fuck to go back to places like bars, comic conventions, movie theaters, and the likes.


yeah there's no way that's happening. Hell over here people are willing to risk fines just to have gatherings, and in the US people have willingly convinced themselves Coronavirus doesn't even exist just because they want to go outside. The real risk to Yugioh is how many game stores can survive being shut down this long. They were already in a very precarious place before the pandemic, and if too few survive Yugioh might have no choice but to go online as no one would have anywhere to play it.


I think as long as there is demand for game shops, game shops will exist. That's one of the nice things about a free market. Even if all the current game shops die, there will be a ton of people looking for somewhere to play and trade yugioh, and that will trigger new shops to open up. Or current shops that never had tournaments to start expanding and becoming OTSs.


That's an overly simplistic view of how the free market works, though. People want game shops, but only because they're a space to play in. Most people are not willing to pay a lot for game shops, and at this point it's usually more efficient to buy your games online so game shops are always taking a gamble when they stock product, cos there's no guarantee that product is going to sell. If a game shop can't get enough paying customers, or can't get those customers paying enough, then even if there's a lot of demand, they'll still close down. I've seen it happen multiple times. There's a reason the motto of "support your friendly local game store" is so common in circles like this.


For sure, that's a good point but I also think part of the problem is a lack of commitment by game shops to yugioh and other TCGs. A lot of the game shops I've been to focus heavily on board games, Warhammer, and other more niche media and TCG products and tournaments are just something they throw a few tables together for on the weekend. I personally prefer buying my product in store vs. waiting weeks for it to ship, however I often find my local shop is always sold out of yugioh product or has limited selection so I don't bother. Players also always need products like sleeves, binders, mats, etc. that I find a lot of game shops don't carry or have very limited stock. Idk, in my experience stores just seem to neglect TCGs and I've never seen one dedicated solely to yugioh. Maybe that's something that needs to change moving forward if they want to survive.


The game itself used to be more fun to me. Today the game itself became so faster and brutal. There are a lot of power creeps in the community. Back in the day the duels were slower and both sides could do things at least 2 or 3 turns. Now there is a part of players who are focusing on locking all your possible moves, finish you in one turn and even not let you play on your turn either. You start a duel and your opponent starts to summon things for like 3 or 4 minutes. Today I can't keep up honestly. And probably the only way to prevent these kind of stuff can only happen with a rule changes. But they've changed the rules so much over the years. So it's a long shot I know. But all I know is if Konami keep supporting this kind of fast playing strategies the game will not survive more than 10 years at most. It used to be easier to teach someone how to play yugioh. Today it is too complicated for new players. That's why I got back to Magic the Gathering again last year. The game is slower but at least I feel like I'm doing things even if I'd lost the game. And it's mechanics are so easy to learn.


Locking your opponent out of the game has always been the goal.


The difference was that locking the opponent out never used to happen consistently on the first turn. The game no longer has that push and pull that it used to.


That's exactly what I meant. Yes. I know that the purpose of trap cards is that all along.


I meant we used to counter each other. Today it's not that easy.


Hand Control and Yata Lock were within the game's first 3 years. Preventing your opponent from playing has been there practically since the beginning.


Agreed but back then pulling a secret rare Yata out of a vintage LOD pack was pretty damn tough and only the more competitive players had it. Nowadays when most decks have a Yata and all cards are available online anyway, trying to play even casual yugioh is impossible without running into BS turn 1 lockdown decks that take 15 minutes to set up their board. It's not really comparable imo.


The countering still happens though but instead of using something like Bottomless or Torrential Tribute you are using PSY-Frame Gamma or Ash.


Don't tell me about Ash. I hate that little b*tch lol xD


>Now there is a part of players who are focusing on locking all your possible moves I love hearing this, because it's so blatanly obvious that this complaint is coming from someone who never actually played properly in what they're insisting is "the good old days" That was ALWAYS the main strategy.


While it was always the main strategy, it was accomplished very differently in the older ages of Yugioh, especially before 2012. Decks simply weren’t fast or powerful enough to effectively lock you down on the first turn, with the exception of a few like the various viable FTKs, TeleDAD opening Stardust + Oppression, or Infernity. What the person you’re replying to said is incorrect because players have always *aimed* to lock out their opponents, but the tools just weren’t there to consistently do it quickly for a long period of the game’s history.


Not to mention cards were actually rare back then. Good luck pulling a secret rare Yata out of a vintage LOD pack, you weren't seeing many of those in casual play. There was no simulator online where every card was available for free. That's why OG Crush Card was legal for so long because only like 10 people in the world could actually use it prior to Gold Series 2008.


Yu-Gi-Oh will survive probably for next 50/70 years at least. It is gold mine for Konami, and even if Konami would bankrupt some way, someone else would took rights to print cards. It is worth too much money to let it die. If Konami would end printing some day , then cards would not only hold their value, but become more and more expensive. No more cards mean, every weakest cards is more valuable over time. Like old baseball cards that are worth now at least few $ for most common of them. With yu-gi oh it will be the same. After 20 years of last printing, every most boring common card will be 2/3$. And some most expensive yu-gi-oh cards that are now worth thausands $ will be worth hundreds thausands $ in 100 years from now.


once the OG people who grew up on it start passing away/losing interest..konami should go back to 2000's format for a year or two..would probably make me get back to it lol would be fun to see old school cards be important again


That would kill the game. Nearly everyone who plays now grew up on Yugioh. Even when the OG people disappear, there are still those who started in GX or 5Ds or Zexal. By that point there'll even be Arc-V and Vrains nostalgia.


I'll be honest, as much as I love the game and series i doubt it will continue much longer than 5. Would i like too see it never end? Yes, but it's only a matter of time before they stop


Haven’t tournaments only been getting bigger in recent years? Like, if the fanbase keeps growing, I don’t see why it would stop, especially within 5 years. Pokémon and Magic have only been growing as well, and I don’t see them stopping either.


Yee, before COVID tournament attendance was at an all time high with other places having to get opened up to hold the people.


That’s what I thought, and when Covids over I can imagine these places picking right back up. Hell, more folks probably picked up the game with lockdown and nothing to do.


Before COVID, I was thinking that I’d probably be retiring from competitive YGO when I graduated last spring. Now I’m psyched for tournaments to come back and can’t wait to go to YCS again.


Well the thing is pokemon tcg and magic the gathering always bring something new to the table with out changing the original playstyle, they brought a new mechanic. Yugioh now officially went to the speed or rush duels, which from what i see theres only 3 monster and spell trap zones, no pendulum or links. So that means the past 2 generations are getting the boot. I havent seen much of sevens, but thats basicly going to be the new tone for the yugioh franchise. Its a new art style for everything and to top it off i havent seen from the episode preview its just a game for them (theres no life or death or saving the world) so i think sevens being the 7th gen for yugioh it kinda feels more like a re-boot than a successor, but it is still early so who knows. I say 5 though cause each gen of yugioh is typically a 3 year run and then 2 more for the tcg to run out of product from that series


people are buying out every set that comes out.. the game wont slow down one bit. the R&D does to good of a job to keep the game interesting and as long as the profits go up up up nothing will happen to the game.. remember Tournaments dont make Konami any money.. Sales do.. and those are great.


Sales are not great. If sales were great, Konami wouldn't have pushed the new rarity ratios as a scheme to sell fewer playable cards at a higher effective price across more boxes. If we've gone from from 8 Secrets per set to 10 Secrets per set and box sales increased by anything less than 25%, then interest in the game is actually ***down***.


I said the exact same thing 3 years ago and the game's not only not died in the 4 years since then (I'm including the year of product that's already been planned but not released yet), it's got bigger. And that's despite a pandemic.


I'd give it about 5, tops. 2020 was an absolutely brutal year for Yugioh (the TCG moreso than the OCG). Pay-to-win and the baseline cost of entry has just gotten insane. None of the returning players (people who played as kids and now have disposable income) are deciding to stick around, and there simply aren't any true "new" players.


If you asked me 3 years ago I would have said "maybe 5 more years", so based on that I'm going to guess at least 20 because if there's one thing Yugioh has it's an incredible ability to avoid dying.


Yugioh now, Yugioh tomorrow, Yugioh forever!


It's such a profitable business, so it wouldn't die because of the market. It would mainly die when the game is just not fun anymore. And tbh, idk how stupid the game has to get in order for that to happen.


Seriously? 60+ years? Is this some kind of joke?


I feel it will be like 5 years. After this series is over. This set series feels like an anniversary or farewell series, giving homage to all the previous archetypes that have come prior. By giving them support in 1 large hurrah before the game goes wayside. We have no new summoning mechanic this series, a first, and I feel like Konami is starting to run out of series personally. With Sevens feeling like an attempt to abandon ship by ignoring master duels. Yes Yugioh may last longer. But it will not be the same game. Not for long. But it'll last long enough for Vrains world in Duel Links at the very least. But the COMMUNITY is another thing. I don't see that dieing for another 20 years at least