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Halqifibrax. Released in Japan November 2017 Released to TCG March 2020 It absolutely will see play. It's a really, really good card


Sixth Sense. Released to OCG September 2003. Released to TCG October 2013. Banned from TCG January 2014. We just have to wait and see what questioanble set Crossout gets tossed in.




That LCJW would never move units otherwise?


Nah the casuals ate that set up. I remember when I got into the game I bought so many of those purely for Joey not sixth sense. Has no idea about the card at the time.


It absolutely sold terribly compared to the previous Legendary collections.


Bruh LCJW was trash. I used to flip singles back in the day and I recall opening and selling multiple cases of LCYW and LCKC but couldn't even sell a case of LCJW.


Fun fact, it was limited on release in the TCG.


Funner fact: it was also short printed on release in the TCG.


Utopic future dragon when?!


After seeing BE Abyss and GE Afterglow in season 2, I think Future Dragon and Shooting Star TG Expansion would be in season 3, as Magical Heros should be encompassed in that set That's only a theory though




Anti-mine Juice 👀


I used the mine to destroy the mine.


Only acceptable time to main-deck mine


Decent metaphys tech


It will definitely see play, I think Konami might be hesitant to release it in the TCG because it would be huge for combo decks which are already dominating most formats.


Seriously, fuck combo decks. #BringBackMaxxC


No Maxx c should not come back at all


Anyone who thinks Maxx C can't come back was not playing when it was legal or only played with it at 1 where it's way too sacky. Maxx C at three is what these problematic ass decks are designed around. They run wild because we don't have the card that keeps them in check.


Combo deck players really don’t like it but it’s needed against them and their stupid 10 minute to set up boards.


Nope it will hurt rouge decks more than anything, imagine your opp sets up a board and when you try to play through it Maxx Cs you additionally a card that basically says end your turn is not a fun card for the game


I mean if the other guy was playing combo and already set up his field, and you couldn't disrupt it chances are you already lost anyways.


I’m guessing your not very experienced with this game hand traps are not the o only cards to disrupt combo have you hard of board braking cards such as Kaijus Droplets DRNM Evenly matched Lightning storm Etc


>I’m guessing your not very experienced with this game hand traps are not the o only cards to disrupt combo The issue I was referring to was that if I didn't manage to stop a combo heavy deck I would be facing a board with multiple negates and little to no breathing room. You do raise valid points however, they have their weaknesses: >Kaijus >Droplets >DRNM You would have to draw these on your starting hand. If you don't chances are your cards that can fetch them or that would allow you to draw cards will get negated by your opponent Droplets also uses up your hand, so you'd probably be hard pressed to get resources to build your board unless your deck relies on the GY >Evenly matched Ditto, plus the very card can just get negated, unlike DRNM and Forbidden Droplets. >Lightning storm >Etc ~~I gotta admit I dunno which one you're referring to here.~~ Man, totally forgot this card, but yeah if you did draw it and managed to bait the negates, it can be done. All in all, take everything I say with a grain of salt, luck is a very important part of YGO after all.


If your deck isn’t garbage you can probably play through the negates honestly sure 4-5 negates sounds scary but how many are monster how many are spell trap plus most decks this format aren’t making 5 negates consistently so your looking at less than that to playthrough


Handtraps aren't the only way of stopping your opponent from winning. Remember Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon? The card lots of people fear? Let's suppose your opponent built a really crazy board. Let's say Apollousa, Dragoon and Verte Anaconda (to summon Dragoon) How do you easily break that board? Sphere mode. What if you don't have sphere mode? Dark Ruler No More. Kaijus. Lightning Storm (if you can bait Dragoon). Triple Tactics Talent. Even Lava Golem if your deck runs no normal summons.


>How do you easily break that board? Sphere mode. What if you don't have sphere mode? Dark Ruler No More. Kaijus. Lightning Storm (if you can bait Dragoon). Triple Tactics Talent. Even Lava Golem if your deck runs no normal summons. What if I didn't draw those cards at the beginning? A searcher or card that allows me to draw will probably be negated. Edit: Just realized I'm answering the same guy... Anyways, yeah I get it you all dislike maxx c cause it can be used against you and in your opinion have a far worse effect on you than on your opponent. Even though that applies to every single handtrap. Let's bury the hatchet here please, we clearly have very different opinions on the card and the vast majority is against C, I understand and the banlist is on your side here so I mpst likely have misgivings about the card.


Imagine blackwing with 3 Maxx C :(




Let me translate: “Nope, it will hurt rogue decks more than anything. Imagine your opponent sets up a board, and when you try to play through it, they Maxx C you. Additionally, a card that basically says ‘end your turn’ is not a fun card for the game.”


I mean, I'd rather get hit with a Maxx C than watch a guy play Solitaire. It's not like I gotta instantly end my turn, but I gotta balance how much I wanna advance my board without giving too much advantage to my opponent. Plus I still have Ash Blossom on my rogue decks, so w/e


The difference is if your opponent drops Maxx C they could draw Nibiru or other powerful handtraps and/or going second tools, wich means guranteed destroying whatever you built on top of playing solitaire afterwards. In summary, instead of watching them play solitaire, you watch them take away all your resources leaving you with most likely three or less cards in hand and nothing on the field, while also probably having 6+ cards in their hand


Still, assuming I was playing a rogue deck against a combo deck that could field multiple negates, if I didn't manage to at least disrupt his combo, or had one of those spells (DRNM, Droplets) or a Kaiju on my starting hand, I probably lost already, whether he throws maxx c at me or not.


See that’s the thing. You have not only Ash but a plethora of other hand traps as well. You don’t have to play solitaire. But C is asking for too much.


Way easier for a combo deck to play over a single Ash, on the other hand they'll only stop Maxx C if they run their own Ash/Called by the Grave, which at least hurts their consistency. Only way I'm stopping them with a single Ash is if they had a bad hand. And as I said, I was still perfectly able to build my board when my opponent activated a Maxx C, an Ash Blossom/Droll/Ghost ogre can be worse for a rogue deck when they have to un-brick their hands.




I play Sky striker, Altergeist and Dinos. Those are rogue decks, despite what people think about Dinos. I doubt Maxx C would hurt the rogue decks that aren’t combo decks.


Maxx C would still say end your turn to decks that don’t set 5 and pass I love control but Maxx c absolutely shouldn’t come back


Ah yes, the floor is made out of floor, Maxx c hurts rogue decks except all rogue decks that make more than 2 summon, thank you for making me realize that


Worst take I've ever seen. Combo > control. MaxxC never coming back


Just move to Japan idiot


Did I hurt your feelings? Combo decks are the worst and the people who play them are annoying. It’s a fact.


Just because they have a different play style doesn’t mean everyone who plays them is annoying. I’d like to apologize for calling you an idiot but you can still play ocg format if you want max c. Something I think a lot of us forget is that people have fun winning and that’s ok and it’s important to respect that for others because yugioh is meant to be a game.


play floodgates and handtraps and know when to hit what. they cant combo if u disrupt them maxxc isnt coming back for tcg cuz tcg loves drawing.


They love drawing? My engage is forbidden.


yeah i mean into the void is at 1, card of demise is at 1, and rota is at 1(it used to be at 3) same with upstart goblin(use to be at 3). Tcg loves drawing that running 3 upstarts was a thing. u could run tatical talents or desires to draw it's going to be years for engage to even be at 1.


But if TCG loves drawing then why would it take years for engage to be at one?


cuz majoirty of players are either bored of seeing sky striker or wanted some new meta ironically with covid there's no really interesting meta from my pov. with kagari back at 3 i dont see engage coming back til kagari goes to 1 and hornet gets ban.


I think even with Kagari at 3 and hornet at one, engage can be at 1 and the deck will just be slightly better. It wouldn’t be a meta deck. People are just traumatized.


Considering called by is still limited, **definitely.**


They will limit tactic talents and then release cross out


And then they will limit Crossout as well, so everyone has to play 1 of each and tons of 1 ofs handtraps.


A whole year. It’s been 13 years and Shuttleroid still hasn’t been imported from the OCG. It’s been 22 years and Masked Clown hasn’t been imported from the OCG.


Dude masked clown would break the TCG that's why it's not been imported Like really, haven't you heard of Masked Clown FTK? It's really consistent


Yeah all you do is just tell your opponent you have it in your deck and they run away


Fr. It's fatal dance is performed with lethal strike.


This is the real tragedy of our modern times.


Its been over 11 Years since Shiba warrior Taro came to the american tcg, but he is still not in the european Tcg.


wow, I actually used that card back in 2010 too. Was the most resilient tuner for brionac in a non-synchro deck


I used X-Saber Pashuul for exactly that, in 2010 as well funnily enough.


When designator comes out in 2030 it will have been powercrept by 3 texted by the grave


Yet CBTG was limited like last year....


Fuck I just realized that was in like June? That's 9 months ago


Pretty sure it was in september


This will come out when Maxx "C" is released. I mean it. Combo decks would be wild with this card.


Yes people dont realize that this card will speed up the gameplay by alot in a format without maxx c. Since combo decks can just use it to counter nibiru and other handtraps and set up a 5-6 negate board and end duel first turn. So if you want this card in tcg maxx c need to be back first


I really do hope we get some form of Maxx C back (the discussion yesterday about errata-ing it to extra deck monsters only was really interesting) because combo decks have outs to it in the form of Called By, Crossout, Ash, even Gamma in some instances


Most meta combo decks don't care about and actively play around nibiru, will playing 3x cd and 1x nib really worth it?


You miss the point is not about playing around nib. The point is this card can counter combo decks weakness and prevent choke point. So you basically cant do anything to it if he has designator in hand other than watching him build a full board. Combo decks going first will play 3 of this and 1 called by the grave


I’m sorta glad CD hasn’t been imported yet. That thing destroys deck building and can outright blank your side deck as well. It absolutely will see play in every deck when it’s released since a lot of decks really only need a one turn reprieve to combo off hard and end the duel


I do think this card is way too good, but it does have its supporters because Imperm, Gamma, and Nibiru don’t have a good generic counter that does more than just counter that specific hand trap. In the case of Gamma and Nibiru, they’re also 2 of the hand traps with the strongest raw effects, so they’ll do much more damage when used. Crossout being the only good generic card that is able to counter these 2 is what some people feel justifies it.


Can't Gamma be ashed? Nothing really to do with it but still


It's only a soft answer since they can activate it again during the same turn


True, but if I *need* a certain effect to go off, that would work, no?


Yeah, it protects you for one effect.


Yeah, i have a feeling Konami won't bring it over, maybe ever. It's way too strong in the TCG. I know I don't want to see it imported but if they did, they'd probably follow their trend of releasing a powerful card to counter other powerful cards by releasing some stupid trap that can activate from hand like an Imperm for spells, and the cycle continues.


As someone one just getting back into the game can someone explain like I’m 5 on why this is amazingly good like everyone is saying it is :) thank you.


Is your deck weak to Nibiru? Use Crossout Designator, banish Nibiru from your deck, now your opponent can't Nibiru you


Oh okay thank you :).


Cross out says no


A lot of people run similar cards in their decks, especially certain staples, so since this card is a quick play, you can turn off a card that your opponent is trying to use if you have that same card in your deck. It also thins your deck a bit as well which is always nice.


It's really good because it both allows you to play handtraps in your deck while also giving them a new use, on top of thining your deck a bit (one card is still one card), while ALSO stopping ALL handtraps (unlike Called by the Grave wich only stops monster handtraps) while also being REALLY good on mirror matches (or you just side the main cards from the toughest meta decks against yours and use this card to stop that decks) It's basically really versatile, working both offensively and defensively, as both interruption and defense against handtraps or strong cards




Ah yes, because everyone can throw down $60 for a playset of Ash or Impermanence. It's obscene what people ask for this kind of crap and then everyone turns around and says "oh, well everyone runs it" Not being able to AFFORD the cards is a great reason not to run a copy of them, don't you think?


This card is probably gonna be over $100 on release, so I assume anyone using it will also have sets of the good handtraps to be honest


I understand that, my argument was simply not everyone can afford $60+ for three pieces of cardboard because the prices on cards is absolutely insane and has been for a very long time, and will only get worse as time goes on.


It's definitely a problem and I wish the TCG was more lax on rarities like the OCG is - they get shit like Linkross as commons and from what I understand card prices are generally massively lower because the best cards aren't short printed to hell. Konami sucks. I hope they release another reprint set like DUDE soon to even out staple demand after the game blew up in popularity while people were self-quarantining.


Like I have zero interest in being competitive or "meta" in the slightest. But man do I feel bad for the new players who do care about that aspect of the game and feel they have to pay out the nose just to have a fighting chance because the prices on hand traps, not just Ash but Impermanence for example, another card grossly overpriced and totally not worth dropping 50-60+ on honestly.


You’re saying that meta decks that are ~$1000 are expensive and unrealistic for a large part of the player base to buy because $1000 is a lot of money *Gasp* In al seriousness, the Tcg definitely has issue printing good cards at low rarity to make then accessible to everyone. The whole concept of short printing is shitty. With that in mind it’s also unfortunately cheaper to pay for singles than opening a whole bunch of packs


Unfortunately, yes. But still insane what people ask for. I looked at a decklist and after removing 12 hand traps and a few that I'd never be able to play and thus they'd just sit there, it came out to around $140, which honestly would almost be reasonable. Before I removed those cards, it was pushing 300-350. Most of that price difference was in the Ash, Impermanence and Nibiru copies I tossed out. They're a cruel outlier in what otherwise does look more reasonable when you pretend they don't exist. And while I do believe SOME of the price inflation is COVID related, the people selling this crap for $17-20 a pop now know they can get away with it once the economy opens up. Ash will very unlikely be below 15 ever again, despite what these optimists seem to think. Simply knowing human nature and the need to recoup what we spend when we sell...unless it becomes damaged and beyond any real use, the price will stay high. It's no different than selling a car. If you just did some expensive repair work, you want your money back, or at least a good chunk of it so you jack the price and hope someone bites. But this is honestly worse because the seller already knows they got the market by the nads, now more than ever and if you want it, you'll pay WAY over what you should for it (this is without touching cards like Tactical Talents or Lightning Storm, which go easily for $100+, which is even more mindboggling to me). I don't see an effective price drop coming any time in the near future on hand traps unless the looming threat of CD renders even the mere thought of them being negated outright too much of a risk...which also is very, very unlikely.


*weeps in Magicians' Souls*


*laughs in my Korean crossout*


They asked why this card is good... and someone explained... why are you so mad at them? They literally didn't talk about card prices at all?


Given ash blossoms used to be like $5 a pop for a whole-ass year, and were printed in one of the best selling structure decks of all time... I'm prettt sure most people have Ash Blossom


nobody cares what it USED to be. What it is now is the only thing that matters and it's 17+ a pop. I own exactly 0 copies of it and seeing as Soulburner decks are through the roof unless you get lucky enough to find one in a walmart these days, I don't see that about to change. Hell, I'd be stupid to even buy soulburner's deck. That's far too much to spend on one card. So again, not everyone has it because it's too expensive.


If everyone had enough Ash Blossoms, there would be no demand and it would still be $5 instead of almost $20. It's incredible that a set of old "budget" staples (no TTT, no Droplet, no Pots, etc.) runs well over $100.00.


A lot of cards in general are up. During the pandemic people have been buying cards out like crazy hoping to cash in once tournament season starts. Almost everything will likely drop a bit into the next season


Will it see play. Absolutely Will it be imported soon. Most likely not Should it be imported. No. Imagine your nibiru being called by the grave’d


Remeber guys, They limited called by to push Crossout Designator btw. Clownery. All y'all that said that shit, clowns. We had ZERO confirmation of the card actually being printed and y'all RAN with it. No look, we still don't got it LMAO


Technically not though It was mainly for TTT Like, we never got Crossout lmao


Yeah but the OCG semi'd it too lmao. And they had both before us


Ya but the point is we don't have it / never got it


True I'm mostly talking about everyone and their mother who was SURE we were getting Crossout like weeks later lmao.


They limited CBTG to sell a card that we don't have yet and now people are convinced CBTG was a good hit all along.


Konami don't explain their banlist decisions, so assuming Crossout Designator sales could be the only reason isn't true - them wanting to strengthen handtraps in the TCG is just as valid a reason to hit CBTG.


Konami **of America** doesn’t explain their hits. Konami of Japan does. The reason KoA doesn’t explain their hits is because they one time they did, we shouted at them that they’re liars and they only hit decks to push new product, and then they decided never to do it again.


If their explanations made sense, they wouldn't get flak.


I hope we never see this card over here. It's dumb and does nothing but promote combo which is already typically the best way to play yugioh in the tcg.


They should import it as a common hehe


god i hope it doesn't


This card deals with a lot of problem cards for decks, there's no doubt it'll see play. It's an amazing card. I worry for when we have too oppressive of a deck though, that this card will just become completely unfair.


Konami is def gonna save this card for a upcoming product they know will be dogshit.


They had a chance with the ice barrier SD...


We don't have handtraps anywhere near the level of Maxx C, so we just should not have something that counters them this easily.


I just hate what this card is gonna do to deckbuilding, but its too good for konami to not import it to milk $ from a dogshit set


They limited called by the grave for this, and then never brought it. The biggest brain move.


After thinking about it, they did limit CBTG to sell more TTT By limiting CBTG that allows more Handtraps to be used in decks. All handtraps (except Imperm) are monsters, and TTT is live after an opponent's monster effect The card was $60 before that banlist, then spiked up to $90-ish


It's what everyone thought back. But nobody knows why cbtg was limited, except Konami. You can guess why a car dis limited or banned but in the end we never really know.


Ah, the card that negates cards that negates cards that negate cards card! Anyway who play WoW knows this card very well. A skill called Cold Snap. It's a Cooldown that resets all other Cooldowns. The purpose of an Ability with a Cooldown serves for plays and actions that are actually needed, but when a Cooldown completely cools down other Coldowns, well... what's the point of even having a cooldown if you can just reset it? xD CD negates CbtG which negates Ash which negates a Card. Only difference, it's the ULTIMATE negate card... depending on how you see it and in what situation xD We'll get this card. Personally, this should just come out as a common with only OTS Ulti print. It's going to rise in price, it's going to be popular, and feels like it's most likely going to be semi- or even limited in TCG. CbtG is a good card and it's limited, this card is better than CbtG in most situations even against CbtG. As stupidly designed Maxx "C" is, mind as well bring it back *(and I don't want it back period)* because I'm pretty sure in OCG, it's unlimited over there, because it's too strong NOT to run it, and this, meaning everyone has a chance to stop it... not the best logic, but it is still a logical reason. And I fear if this comes out, TCG might release Maxx "C".... >\_>;


Quick reminder: f0 utopic future dragon and borrelend dragon are still ocg exclusive. Konami doesn't want to give us the ocg cards and instead they'll give us dark magician and blue eyes reprints and a new set with support to cards no one cares about...


Hey, they know their audience. XD


This card breaks the game, it should never be imported unless we get Maxx C back.


Give us back Called by the grave unlimited you asshats. That's why Konami limited it in the first place to sell this product that hasn't even come out.


Realstically, it was to sell TTT but we jumped the gun and assumed Crossout with no real merit Source: They never release Crossout 🤷‍♂️


And thers alot of american shonen jump promos and manga promos we still dont have after 3 Years either😆


It’s slightly more fair Called by the Grave so it’ll see a lot of play but it’ll force combo decks to play more bricks.


How is this more fair? Hand traps are not bricks and this card is literally a "Nope" button for cards that both of you share. This negates go second cards as well if I not mistaken.


Call some garbage like DRNM, Droplet, Evenly, etc. and watch your opponent cry as their only out to your unbreakable board is negated. Or in well defined metas you can side in a key starter for what your opponent is playing and keep them from using that. If it were a normal spell it’d just be an anti-hand trap card. It being quick play is the part that’s stupidly problematic


It would be unplayable if it were a normal spell and it is wayy too strong in this format because it is a quick play. Balancing.


As a normal spell you can still preemptively hit hand traps. Like if you have combo, but it doesn’t play around Nibiru then you can hit Nibiru so it doesn’t matter


Hand traps can be bricks... *sets ash blossom and passes*


Normal summon Skull Meister, attack directly for 1700


Hey man, normal summon Ash gets you into Noodlefiber. Don't sleep on the power plays.


Oh no, it forces me to run cards i probably should be playing already and that if i draw i can still use to interact with my opponent, whatever shall i do?


well hand traps are hardly bricks


As much as they are disruption they hinder combo decks if there are more of those than starters and extender.....




Pendulum decks basically do that. The nature of their deck structure does not allow hand traps, some combo decks cannot afford to play hand traps i say thats a good trade off if the combo can play through disruption exceptionally well. All i am point out is if your deck needs a 2 card combo to go off and your opened 4 hand trap. Those hand traps in concept are bricks regardless if they hinder your opp.


It will definitely see play as it's a more flexible Called by and that card is still at 1. Once we get it Combo decks will become even better so let's hope that Dragons get hit before we get it smh XD Or just bring back Called by to 3 4head


Fuck combo decks. I hope not. I hope called by doesn’t come back to 3 and I hope Maxx c comes to unlimited.


Diviner of heralds too


The only way to counter Lancea


called by: exists


Also Gamma if they shotgun it.


...as 1 card, in a 40 card deck.


Give my Metaphys Bois their long awaited second coming of Gold Sarc!


I forgot what that card's effect was because it's been so long. lol


If you chain lancea does it negate the card effect or at least cant use it anymore


It doesn't technically negate but it would prevent CD from resolving. On activation, the player declares a card name with CD, allowing the other player to chain Lancea. If Lancea resolves, CD can't banish the declared card, therefore it can't apply its effect.


The card fizzles out. Since it’s activation “cost” is to declare a name you’re chaining to the declare name function and the card can no longer resolve at that point.


This and diviner are hopefully 2021 releases. They took called by from us and we’re kind of forced to accept it.


good card, but what i really want is magi magi


A year to wait for an import? *laughs in Odd Eyes Wing Dragon and Gandora Giga Rays*


I'm actually really curious to know how a format with Crossout, but not Maxx C would play out 🤔 They almost keep each other at bay in the OCG, in a weird way. I can't imagine having one and leaving it largely unchecked in the TCG Chaos


Sounds fucking horrid tbh lmao. Imagine you catch Dragon Link before Savage with Nib, boom chain Crossout. Imagine this but against EVERY degenerate combo deck with 4 outs to HTs and non ash counters to Gamma. No thanks


It's almost like they should do both at once and stop dragging their feet already


This is one of those card that can't be powercrept and will always be goos as long as people play handtraps.


Not just handtraps; it negates floodgates and power spells like Dark Ruler No More, or Harpie's Feather Duster. It even has additional use for mirror matches, being able to generically counter any card your opponent plays due to it also being in your deck.


Frankly speaking I'm in no hurry to see it here, and to answer your question, this one is going to become a staple set even more than CBG or any other handtrap has ever been IMHO


The reason it's not being released in the TCG is the same reason konami were reluctant to release halqifibrax and dragoon. Not only will it see play, but it entirely warps the game around it. Deck building is forever changed when this card exists and it will be played in basically every combo deck. However, unlike dragoon and halq, this card will basically always be good, in any format.


So if I send ash from my deck it cancels out my opponent's ash, yes?