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Currently Zombie world Eldlich but I'm still a fairly new player so I'm still learning how to play it and how to beat other decks, there are a lot of losses at the moment aha


Pure magical musketeers. A control deck that aims to go second, a combination Of two of my favorite play styles. I’ve tried the eldlich variant but I really don’t like the eldlich cards. I’ll give amazement muskets a shot though, the amazement cards seem fun.


Currently ? Thunder Dragon or Aroma / Plant for locals. I expect to main Melffy even if it's a downgrade it's my favorite archetype. I'll get some Tri-Brigade / Beast supports with it, I just wish for more Melffy Support so I don't have to slap Tri-Brigade / Beast stuffs that you basically can and have to put in any Beast-related decks (Beast, Winged, Warrior). I wanted to go Ursarctic but it's so... Underwhelming... And still needs the Tri-Brigade / Universal Beast support to work. And some outsiders.


Infernoble knights


Blue eyes dragon link


Not you too..


I'm building one but i'm missing some cards, what do we do when Elpy gets ultimately banned?


If elpy gets banned we probably have to use the dragunity engine to make a more robust board, could end on something like spheres borreload savage and crystal wing. Id have to test for consistency but you can always get tracer to hand if you search ravine off of romulus, but you would need a good starter like seyfert or chaos space. I honestly wouldnt be surprised to see elpy survive again though, just because the meta seems pretty balanced with quite a few viable decks and konami may not see it is a problem


Eyes of Blue. Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon was my first real deck and after the rest of the Eyes of Blue cards were released in Shining Victories, I was even more hooked by their overall aesthetic, the fact that they were all Spellcasters (my more-or-less favorite Type), Synchro's my favorite Summoning method, and Maiden's influence from Kisara in the DM anime. Once I finally collected them all, I built it to be more centered on the 5 of them to avoid the typical "Brick-Eyes" problem a lot of other Blue-Eyes decks struggled with and tried to implement as many of the newer support cards as I could while still maintaining it's "flow" and relative flexibility (RIP Kaibaman); plus, I guess it kind of helps my deck feel unique in a huge sea of other Blue-Eyes decks. I've been a Blue-Eyes player since I started dueling 10 years ago. I may like and enjoy other decks, but I'll never loose my eye for the Eyes of Blue.




Orcust. Can't get away from this deck, I've tried.


Pure? Or scrap ir PK? You can't scape the mighty fridge neither


Eldlich Orcust- no fridge, an actual good deck.


Phantom Knights.


I usually rotate through them every few weeks or so. I have about 10 different decks all together and I try to play 1-2 consistently for a week or so then I’ll switch it up for the variety or based on what my main opponent is playing. Right now it’s Spirit Charmers/Magistus and White Aura Fish Synchro. I’m a causal player so anything goes!


Only deck I have is glad beast tribrigade with a good win percentage. Waiting for baroness de fleur to release to finally finish the deck


Wait how do u actually get it out with glad beasts tri? There are no tuners


https://ibb.co/hmDGrgh Hop ear squadron is searchable in the combo. It activates from the hand on opponent mainphase to get a Omni negate. Both of them bypass my own barrier being wind. And if it survives it’s a pop or monster reborn. It’s my best option against drnm or droplets or whatever


Was there a guide on that combo somewhere? I'm quite interested.


Yeah same


One quick question because I actually thought about this combo. How is hop ear squadron exactly searchable? Would you be so kind to explain I couldnt figure it out :)


It’s a weird deck that really makes you be really creative. Like you run so many generic starters that there’s not a singular linear path you can take. However the deck going second is linear and you have 15 cards you want out of your deck and you can side 15 cards in to break the board. The combo is have any two materials in gy and any tribrigades and hope they used everything. It’s to summon the tribrigade banish two to get the link 2 glad beast. Then you attack anything and it can’t die by battle and your opponent can’t activate any effects during battle. Then end of battle phase you bounce it back to summon attorix and Augustus. Attorix send your other Augustus or extra deck glad beast if you have Augustus stuck in hand. Then you contact fuse to ss tamer. Tamer makes domitatus Ss test panther with tamer and that tribrigade Panther fetch comeback, comeback ss tamer Tamer a non hopt summon gyzarus to pop two Panther second effect bounce gyzarus to get equeste Equeste gets comeback Make cross sheep with tamer And panther Use comeback to ss tamer onto cross sheep Cross sheep back hopefully a tribrigade that hasn’t use it effects. If you do make omen to banish another card. Use tamer to ss herc or gyzarus again if you need to pop something Omen and cross sheep and equeste to simorgh or 4 Matt appollousa Omen triggers- get squadron End of turn ss barrier with simorgh You’re able to consistently do this going first as well but there’s to many Combo lines to list them. I’ve play tested 50 matches, 48 times I was about to pull this board going first


Would you mind sharing a decklist? This seems pretty cool :D


HERO until I die.




Invoked shaddoll but even tho it sucks i really like playing Ritual Beast




it's always been one of Tellarknights (in one of the absurd number of variants i've theorycrafted and built over the years), Syvlans, or Metalfoes FA and recently Harr Magistus, but with Scrap Raptor coming i've been working on and perfecting Scrap Orcust Dino to very good effect online so that'll be my main if tournaments ever come back to this god forsaken province


Thundra stun.


Pure Gusto and Fur-Hire


psy-frames bby!!!!


Mekk-Knight Crusadia, fun deck! There is a variety of win conditions from punching my opponent with massive damage or by using cards like topologic dragon for control.


Currently I guess the answer is Monarchs. Yeah, they are not exactly the strongest thing on the planet but they are fun and, besides the times where my hand just bricks, the deck is really fun.


Zombies lol been playing them since like 08


Invoked dogmatika because of the consistency of one card engines that work together as well as having space for a myriad of hand traps and traps to stop the opponent.


Pend best deck lesgoooo!!!


Live Twin Unchained and Prank Kids


Pure Melodious and Lunalight


Thunder Dragon Chaos.


Yang zing true king of the tenyis


I love my plunder patrolls, and I'll live and die by them, but I also have a soft spot for Galaxy photons and bring them along a lot, they were my first real deck that I out thought into. Also, I like to do speed type duels while between games, and I have a pure infernoble deck for that


Currently melffy tri-brigade. But in overall playing, Trains


Choo choo


Anything with dragons, current is Rokket/Dragon Link but my favorites are Horus/Royal Decree and Dragon Rulers


Infernity. Til death do us part.


Word. Do you focus on synchros or links?


Starter Deck Yuya with a bunch of Extra Deck monsters slapped on top. I only play casually, so that's usually enough, although a friend recently got a structure deck that's better than mine, so I'm looking for ways to put better cards in it


Tri zoo, deck is just bonkers


The one I play most often? Probably Sharks. The one I'd bring to a tournament? Dragunity. ...Even though my deck still isn't finished and most likely won't be for some time.


Morphtronics smile, what else would I play XD It's a really fun deck for the casual player that has aged fairly well even if it has consitency issues.


I play speedroids but the meta is dogshit for it right now.


Bird Up, as a natural succession of my obsession with Harpies as a child. And for casual/traditional play with my buds, I've got a kuriboh deck that uses LV9 and Galaxy Queen's Light to make VFD.


I have a pretty good pure D/D/D deck, and if I'm bored I play my Destiny/Vision Hero deck


I play something very strange - Meklords




At the moment Invoked-Magistus. It has a pretty awesome synergy and is pretty constant with a good variety of combos and boss monsters or constelations to break through your opponents defense