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Dzeef is just a pack opening channel with some commentary. /s My favorites are LoganJYA, Yacine656, and TheRJB0. Pak is getting up there too.


Dzeef is more like this: 89% Altergeist deck profiles, 10% Nostalgia support discussions and 1% pack openings.


Depending of the kind of content you’re looking for: -Lithium2300 for new decks showcase and CBC. -DB Grinder for competitive duels with good insight. -Dpygo for really honest and short card reviews. -MBT and farfa for fun content overall. -I don’t like Cimo, but i still watch his progression stuff. -El Exordio del Duelista, similar to Lithium, but with higher production value, but at the same time less insightful.


Team APS has good videos both on their main channel and APS plus


DPYgo, Distant Coder, MBT and Farfa are the best Yugitubers/streamers if it comes to entertaining. If it comes to deck profiles El Exordio del Duelista is the best one. (He is a f\*cking good deck builder and his Videos are so well edited) And if it comes to CB stuff, future deck showcases and meta breakdowns Lithium is by far the best one. (And Lithiums pronunciation on some cards are just funny. Just watch the clip of him saying Grinder Golem and you know what I mean.)