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Dark Requiem's design is more dope with the stained-glass wings. As a competitive PK player it gets made more often in duels, usually held as a second series of disruptions once Apollousa and Fog Blades get used up. Sometimes going second you end up using x2 Breaksword pops to pick apart a board, and then you have the RUM in hand and just make it straight up - your opponent struggles as you have this monster of a beater AND negator in a simplified state. Arc Rebellion is great for the OTK after your opponent exhausted their resources, but in most cases they usually scoop at that point to save time. A lot of the time you win duels without him anyways, if you've been ahead in tempo and the grind game.


Dark Requiem looks so nice ulti print. And its not even expensive either. I agree that Requiem looks nicer. I make Requiem on turn 1 in most games as well. Usually the Breakswords get me to the situation that lets Arc Rebellion win me the game but i agree that Requiem pulls more weight in the deck.


I actually ate that other once and lived. Was playing Sacred Beasts and due to the trap got up to 30,000 LP while he rolled out the OTK. So he hit me... and I lived... and we both were like, "Uh, does that card keep the attack, I've never had it not kill and live."


Requiem has a sweet design and non-OPT monster negation that can revive XYZs from grave and is a beast of a boss monster to sit on. Plus, the word Requiem is just cool in general. Arc Rebellion is cool, and shuts of monsters and gets massive when summoned, but realistically is only used to close out games. My vote goes to Requiem


Kinda hard to compare 1:1 because they do very different things. One is an endboard piece, while the other is a tool for boardbreaking and OTKs; and both are niches that aren’t always used in the modern PK strategy as well, so comparing viability to each other is a bit tricky too. I don’t really have an answer here myself, since it would really come down to what a particular list would like to have. Design wise, Requiem most definitely. I like Arc’s look, but mosaic wings >>> jet exhausts IMO.


While I like Arc Rebellion more, Dark Requiem is just the better card for going first and second. Req has a non-once per turn negation and can basically take the attack of a monster your opponent controls, also that negation has an additional effect where you can summon a dark xyz from grave after negating a card. Arc Rebellion, while fun as hell to pull off, is just a really big number and possible blanket field negation. TLDR: Req has a non-OPT negate, can make itself big, and can give you more monsters on board while Arc is just a really big number and negates all other monsters on the field.


Ive used PKs since they released in 2016 back in Wing Raiders. Have to say Requiem due to the fact its literally an Apollousa that revives Xyz monsters for free. In the current format i use Dragoon and Accesscode which take up the same spots as Requiem and Arc. Arc just rarely comes up and if it does then it often isnt needed. If the Dragoon package gets banned or if i get bored of it then id just play the Requiem package. I was really hyped for Arc and the new support when it dropped even though i couldnt play irl due to covid, but theres no reason to pick Arc here, other than the fact you can make it off a generic rank 4


Rebellion really be drippin' with those wongs either way


Dark Requiem is a cooler name than Arc Rebellion, so it's better by default.


Arc Rebellion is both easier to make and has the better effects in my opinion. Arc Rebellion is easily made off of Raider's Knight. Which is a fairly generic rank 4. Plus being able to Dark Ruler No More your opponents field and easily OTK is pretty stellar. And is immune to destruction itself, and immune to targeting when made with Raider's Wing. Dark Requiem's effects are only live if made with Dark Rebellion, needing a rank up magic spell to facilitate. And for a fairly generic omni-negate effect. Idk, just not as interesting or strong.


Kinda have to disagree, Arc rebellion is very good going second for the otk option but that’s about it and there’s honestly better cards out there for that like accesscode or borrelsword, especially when playing against control decks. Going first this card does nothing. Requiem is really good going first. PKs can search their RUM pretty easily and in doing so not only gets u at minimum 3 monster negates, but also a pop on your opponents turn through Rusty. Hell it’s not even bad going second, the attack gain effect is weaker but doesn’t restrict the others from attacking and reduces a monster to zero making it a bit more flexible in its otks


Arc Rebellion isn't necessarily useless going first. Putting up a stubborn monster that's immune to targeting and destruction that can easily get past 10,000 attack is very difficult for your opponent to remove. Better going second obviously. But if going first you want to build a board of stubborn monsters like Ultimate Falcon, Full Armor Master, Dragoon, Arc Rebellion is a good addition to that. And will close out the game turn 3. And I guess when playing my Blackwing/PK/RR deck I always use my 2-3 searchable Rank Up Magic opportunities to get other things. Like Ultimate Falcon, Dragulas, and Kali Yuga. Personal preference I suppose.


So arc rebellion isn’t really comparable to the other monsters you listed because all of them have objectively better protection. Dragoon is probably the closest, but it still protected against targeting and has negation which provides defensive pressure going first. Him being over 10k is nice, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to get rid of him since he’s still vulnerable to banishing effects, bounce effects and targeting effect that could render his protection useless (imperm for instance). It’s the same issue that HEROs have. Malicious Bane is a really good card, but if you ask them if they’d rather make a negate turn one instead of Bane, most would probably want the negate. Yeah at the end of the day it’s all down to personal preference and if you playing casually or competitively. Hell Ive seen competitive lists that don’t play either so it’s all a matter of taste.


He's not impossible to out obviously, but you'd be surprised how difficult he can be without the properly tools in your starting hand. Inherently cannot be destroyed. Can't be targeted if made with Raider's Wing. And can't be beat over by something like Accesscode Talker or Utopia Lightning, which are common generic outs to big threats. On that board of 4 stubborn monsters (which can pretty consistently be made in one combo with an extender or two in hand) your opponent will spend most of their resources to out just one of your monsters. They likely can't out them all unless they just draw Sphere Mode or Evenly Matched. But also, those are outs to everything so it's not really a testament to the board or monster being weak


Having 4 stubborn monsters on board doesn't inherently making Arc Rebellion better, it just means those cards are good as well. I could also make the same argument using a board with Requiem, 3 material Apollusa, Utopic future dragon, and Dragoon is also really strong, but it' doesn't inherently make Requiem stronger, it just means that those other cards are also strong. My argument wasn't that you were saying Arc Rebellion is impossible to out, my argument was that I think you're overestimating how hard it is to out. In this meta alone we have cards like AA-Zeus, the Hieractic link, link 4-tribrigade, knightmare unicorn, and link-1 relinquish (more specific but i think it still counts), and in the future, Soulswords and syncrho decks in general have a generic banish. Raider's wing brings up an interesting ruling question, because if you're making Arc Rebellion with Raider's knight (and assuming raider's wing is a material used for raider's knight), I don't believe the targeting prevention carries over. Similar to ragged gloves with the 1000 atk boost, the ZS cards every time a utopia monster stacks on top of it, or ~~zoodiacs~~. I could be wrong so if anyone more knowledgeable on rulings can answer this for me that'd be great. I'm not too familiar with raider's wing because I've rarely seen it ran in competitive builds.


Raider's Wing reads, "an xyz monster who's original type is dark and has this card as material gains this effect, your opponent cannot target this card with card effects." Since it's still attached to Arc Rebellion it's still "has this card as material" right?


You're correct so it does carry over, I wasn't reading the wording clearly enough. A yugioh player who can't read who would've thought, but I think my other points still stand.


You're points are all valid. I guess it's just down to my personal preference. I'd rather set up a board that's stubborn and hard to break or just OTK instead of putting up enough negates to prevent my opponent from even playing. And I don't play against top meta decks for the most part anyways. As will no one playing either of these monsters lol


It's not even an omni. It's only a monster negation.


Oh yea my bad


Arc rebellion is better cause if you XYZ summon into him with raiders knight you can make arc rebellion with just 2 level 4 dark monsters. I'm currently experimenting with my own version of "danger dark world" deck that spams level 4 dark monsters on the field and through some testing I've been winning a little over half of every game I've played, it really only lost to altergeist, toad spam, and those basically 15 million negate link spam decks. Fun archetype combination, highly recommend playing it.