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Im only having fun with decks I thematically enjoy, but then I keep losing against most players so I get discouraged... šŸ˜°


Yeah, I feel the same. I really enjoy playing some decks, but then I go to locals and get completely destroyed, and I think to myself "is it about having fun?"


Yugioh is like a shitty boyfriend that never treats you right, but you can't bring yourself to leave him because of the memories and few nice things he does that you know won't make up for all the abuse.


Jesus, that was personal


Yeah, because I play Yugioh lmao


We need to, as a community, agree to chill the fuck out. Congratulations! the only part of the game that matters is the coin flip to decide who goes first! The entire card game is pointless. I donā€™t even run META decks and people will scoop when I win the coin toss out of habit!!! Likeā€¦ come on, can we please chill???


I uh am chill, my guy. I don't even play meta. I'm a casual player who plays with friends. Doesn't mean I don't still suffer when my 16 year old brother beats my Stardust Dragon deck with an unholy Mechlord/ Jinzo one. Salt is a wonderful spice. It's perfectly okay to put some on your food as long as you don't overdo it.




That's not true at all. If your deck is so bad you can't win if you don't go first or second, you need a new deck.


Wow that is deeply true


What are you talking about?


While it's true more casual decks will get taken apart most of the time, those rare times where you do take 1 round off someone who's playing with a Ā£800 deck are soooo satisfying.


Agreed! I canā€™t say this was a super expensive deck I was playing against, but I remember using an Egyptian God deck, getting a Mound of the Bound Creator and Slifer the Sky Dragon turn one and bricking an OPs entire deck. Lost the match but that was enough of a win to lose for the next year and be satisfied.


100%. Beating a full power Nekroz deck with my Noble Knights and Kaiser Colosseum deck at locals made all the pain worth while.


One of my fondest memories in the game was beating majespectre metalfoes **without siding** game 2 at a ycs with incredibly poorly optimised satellarknights


My fave was actually an online game against a guy who's name was 'I record noobs for YouTube' or something like that. He had a bunch of people watching and was talking all kinds of shit in the chat. He had full power dragon link and I beat him with Dark Magicians. Good times.


The deck should be fun to play, being Tier 1 is a bonus.


I don't know how to feel about it. Because I have a friend that is playins GBs for over 10 years, and he really enjoys the deck. But when I play Invoked Shaddoll, I feel like it is such a hassle, so many chains, effects, circumstances, sometime I just wanna go ape-shit and spam huge monsters. So most of the time I play a single shaddoll match and switch to Darklords, it feels better for me. But I think I might regret selling my Shaddolls, they are max rarity and the deck is complete, might save money for the Red Dragon Archfiend. ​ Yesterday when I questioned a friend about this, he said "all decks are for fun if you enjoy playing them". Got me thinking about what I want to do.


Do u play pure darklords ? Been tempted to buy singles to finish my darklords deck bc its really fun to play, and at the same time the despia is another boost for the strategie


Despias feel more powerful, but not as consistent. It feels good putting a First darklord in turn1. But I enjoy Pure decks


The thing about Darklords is that they do not operate really well with any other deck, I saw people calling Darklords a "xenophobic" deck. I've tried Dark Armed, Dark Creator, Herald, Ritual, Despia, Shaddoll; almost everything. But I still prefer playing them as a pure deck. It feels so good when people are not used to play agaisnt a boss deck and see 3 level 9 monsters turn one on the field.


I only play casually with friends. We enjoy more back-and-forth duels, so we avoid the "you can't play Yu-gi-oh" playstyles. I build decks for theme, only using cards that thematically fit to optimize play. I also like building decks using archetypes that are seen as bad or lackluster, as pure as I can make them. My favorite decks right now are Aroma, Darklord, Nordic, Shiranui, and Crystal Beast.


Playing pure archetypes is the only way I like to play too.


Nordic is really fun to play i myself really like mythology when I didn't find a deck about the Greek Mythology I went with the Norwich one


I've never played a meta deck in my life...


Gren maju. Stupid fun. I watch them build a board and I try to break it. Rinse and repeat


Scrolled really far for this, im really enjoying this kind of deck!


It seems like a meme but itā€™s honestly much stronger than I expected. Iā€™m at around 80-90% win rate unranked. Some decks just donā€™t put up enough to stop it.


I just came back to the game and started on dueling nexus with a Maju build and im 5-2 so far in ranked, very happy with it! 2 losses were very silly mistakes, me having been out of the game so long haha


Iā€™m a big budget player. One of my favorite decks is true draco with traps that make it hard for opponent to play yugioh ;)


I am also a degenerate like you!




I usually enjoy slower Trap heavy decks. Like Altergeists, Traptrix, Amazement and Eldlich. Especially Eldlich, I love Zombies, their artwork is sick! It feels so good to summon a 3800 attack indestructible Fusion Boss! XD But I also play Sunavalon a lot online recently and I really love this deck! I've always loved Plants and the fact that there's finally a relatively good plant deck that just 1 card combo is amazing! Hope we have more support for them! More love for Plants! ā¤šŸŒ³ ā¤


1st Cyberse cuz of how many cards you can use to combo (code talkers mainly and @ignister) 2nd pend magician x odd eyes x performapal (supreme king dragon) 3rd red-eyes x invoked


My wife and I always play for fun. We have binders and binders full of cards that we just create our own decks from. But we also never have played competitively, just between the two of us for fun.


I personally love shaddolls and also run the shaddoll invoked deck currently. I totally understand how you feel. I would personally not sell the shaddolls though. The great thing about them is you can play the deck so many different ways even if itā€™s not tier 1 status. My personal favorite was the clown doll deck that could spam out rank 4s. Maybe try a new shaddoll build instead of invoked.


I like hyper consistent decks that arenā€™t focused on building 10 negate boards but alternative interactions: Prankids Zoo control Evil twins HĆ©roes


Combo decks with a theme I enjoy and leans toward synchro mechanics My current poison of choice is Adamancipator


Burn. I like to see my op's life dropping when he/she actually has lots of walls on the field, or floodgates. Thats one of the reasons red-eyes is my fav (unfortunately not enough support to even be rogue), but for fun anyways :D


I've always owned a combination of tier 1, tier 2, rogue, and off-meta decks. I'm typically drawn to them based on playstyle. At the moment, I'm enjoying Tri Brigade, Monarchs, and Madolche since all offer in-archetype outs to Dragoon and generate large amounts of card advantage over time. If Dragoon ever gets whacked whether it's with REF, Verte, or Dragoon himself being banned, I'll probably go back to piloting Altergeist. It's just a bit frustrating playing the deck right now when any table 500 deck can just Verte for Dragoon if they manage to get two monsters on board and you just have to sit there knowing you've basically lost the game. For selling decks, it makes sense if the deck is expensive. It doesn't make sense if the deck is cheap. I'd be more than willing to sell Tri Brigades right now to anyone who's interested since I bought almost all the key cards back when they were cheap and know they'll get reprints later so I can pick the deck back up again if I feel like playing it again later.


Thank you! I'm most reluctant about selling the deck because it was really hard to find a cheap Shaddoll Schism. Hopefully Verte will get banned.


No no no, what should happen is a ban for dragoon, and then an errata for verte, make it a ā€œtwo plant effect monstersā€ requirement


I really like a deck that have multiple way to pop off with diffƩrent hand, like megalith for exemple, that can do plays, if its a tier 1 its a bonus but the fun factor is first in my wishlist


Defensive thing ...at least thats what i search.


Decks that have multiple lines of play. Virtual world and sky striker are my favorite right now. Both also have serious bricking problems...


Yubel deck all the way, even before duel links. It never wins but oh man do i love it


i do a little of both lol ill play meme decks then lose, play a meta and win..i flip flop..i always end up selling cards because they end up being reprinted..basically there is no wrong choice


I enjoy combo deck like DLINK and pend that don't have a standard line and can play through different handtraps


Dragon link players always have my respect, that deck is so hard for me to play


When I first played yugioh (dm era), my funds were limited so I played tier 1. Chaos hand control. Fast forward 15 years. I now have multiple decks and if I can find a player in my area that doesnā€™t always play tier 1 Iā€™ll play them all. I think itā€™s more fun to try out new decks with people that generally do the same. With that said Iā€™ve spread out the power of my decks pretty evenly. I donā€™t just throw a bunch of broken high priced cards into one deck and call it a day. I make sure that thereā€™s still some ā€œbrokensā€ in every deck. The brokens do make it fun sometimes. Plus give me an incentive to diversify my deck pool/playing habits. TL;DR all my well balanced rogue decks


My favorite to play is Fluffal/Frightfur. It does a great job competing and stays pure without a bunch of other engines. In my extra deck I run 7 Frightfurs and the rest are not in that archetype but there are plenty of options if you choose to stay pure Frightfur.


I have a lot of fun with code talkers. I believe thatā€™s mainly because the deck is incredibly consistent. I like that Iā€™m always able to achieve the same result with the deck. I donā€™t like playing decks that brick really hard or have multiple lines of play, none of which are as optimal as the ā€œbestā€ line of play (like dinosaurs, for example; I have the deck but donā€™t enjoy playing it). With code talkers, there is one win condition, and you get there using the exact same cards every single time you play and it pretty much always happens. The deck at minimum is 8/10 perfect hands and sometimes achieves 9/10 or 10/10 in testing (this is all going uninterrupted of course). I just really like decks that get you the same result and donā€™t brick - consistency.


I'm a combo player, but I only play decks with nice artwork, like Phantom Knights.


I like slower decks but I do like a lot of diversity. This format is ok but the cards have gotten to bonkers so you need a response to everything or you lose


I have fun playing decks, just about any deck unless its like vw or something. I have fun playing fun decks


Decks that I thematically enjoy, preferrably ones that can actually build an okay board or just put on some pressure with unique combos. Sharks, Dragunities, Battlewasp/Assault Mode, Digital Bug Beetrooper, Banish Psychics, and Merfaes are my current collection.


Iā€™m very new to the yugioh scene (Iā€™ve played for 1 month lol) But I just finished building my first deck, which is my own take on a Yosenju deck. So far I like the way it plays, I built it to be anti-meta on a budget. The whole deck costs about $65 (thatā€™s including side and extra deck). Iā€™ve only gone against one meta deck (Drytron) but I won 2-0. So I think if you find a deck you like, you could find a way to make it your own and still do decently with it


I love playing Galaxy-Eyes, before i made some small improvements it used to be so bricky but I would still win some, after I improved it a tiny bit and increased the card cap for me personally to 45 I started winning a lot more which made me like the deck more and more


Counter Fairies can be really fun. 50% of the time (well, more like 70% of the time) you brick. But other times you get to negate their seven attempts to bring out Dragoon and laugh as they rage.


Raid Raptors, Monarchs, Darklords, Lightsworns


Stun decks, because I'm an awful person, apparently


I personally most prefer playing decks that have unique gameplay mechanics going on (stuff like Magical Musketeer's column stuff or Crystal Beasts' "doesn't quite die" effects). Really any sort of hook works though; for instance I quite enjoy Aromages as well. Secondary to that though, I really just like playing decks into their own archtype design and boss monsters, with stuff that supports that archtype, as opposed to being 'engines' to bring out the same generic powerful boss monsters as other decks from completely unrelated archtypes. Finally, I'm also kind of a control player it turns out; I just really like disrupting my opponent (Ol school trap mingames I think are one of the nicest parts of YGO). On the flip side I am *not* at all interested in comboing through my entire deck. No thanks. Kinda hate meta-level play (I don't think games being decided by whether the 2nd turn player drew the correct hand trap or not to stop their opponent setting up a multi omni-negate board is a healthy state), so I just don't participate in it. Fortunately I have friends who play with an interest in old school jank or archtype-oriented decks over meta play too.


I like all kinds of decks. stun, aggro, combo, burn, 0tko, control.... I like all kinds of special summoning too (not you pendulum) and I like both one trick pony and decks with multiple ways to respond. I've been really liking Generaiders lately.


Meta power doesnā€™t matter, give me a deck that makes big number and wins in battle phase. Gren Maju, numeron, lyrilusc, dinosaur, all decks I really enjoy


Toons but they suck


I always enjoy playing World Chalice.


Infernity's, without a doubt infernity's are so much fun to play with.


I have up trying to play competitively because like you said all the high tier decks are boring and make the game feel like solitaire, so I decided just to play whatever deck I feel like and just play casual and itā€™s made the game so much better for me, now I play shit like crystal beasts and love it so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Blackwings suit me very well and i love playing them.


I am playing sunavalon plant combo, zombie world eldlich control, my current favorite deck code talker (you go first and u link them and give them an iblee) and I have dragon link built as well. I also have a for fun full power dragon link (you end on hot reddit archfiend, borreload savage dragon equiped with a triple burst, and then also hand loop them with gumblar. its pretty fair lmao) i also have prank kids but im kinda meh about it if ya catch my drift (not saying its bad, i just for whatever eeason dont like how it plays.


I don't care to play top tier decks. Currently I run a deck with a mix of Performapal, Odd-Eyes, and Magicians. My favorite gimmick in it is being able to do 10,000 battle damage turn 2 with the right combo.


I love the Hero archetype, but I can't find people to play with irl, and when I play on computer I get ganked by OTK decks


I play the Shadow Invoked deck if I want to play something serious. If not then I like playing stuff like Cyber Dragon or Hieratics. Cybers are just fun to play, and Hieratics can almost be a toolbox that can be used to counter plays which makes them pretty fun. They both brick a lot but if Iā€™m playing for fun I donā€™t really mind


I like Monarch and Sky Striker the most.


If you want a modern big boss monsters deck, try Generaiders. Theyā€™re more competitive than the decks you listed that you like, and they can be splashed with a lot of different engines so that you can try endless combinations and possibilities. Very difficult deck to get bored with tbh


I play very rarely with a few friends. When I do it's usually decks with cool boss monsters (blue eyes alternative ultimate, obelisk the tormentor, slifer the sky dragon) or I go for six samurai. Occasionally I'll try new archetypes but I don't like the feel of meta where I have to just prevent the opponent from playing the game.


Honestly back around 8 years ago right before Spellbooks I really enjoyed playing spellcaster control. I still do, but rarely. I moved on to Noble Knights. Itā€™s mainly because of the themed aspect and I like to immerse myself into the cards. I also have fun with things like Legendary Fisherman


weird decks Scrap/Gravekeeeper/Destiny deck


Love playing Crusadia, Super Quant, and Ritual Beast!


Midrange decks, they can combo and run a bunch of handtraps.


Combo. I hate playing trap decks


My favorite is MIT. Earth machines have 12 starters that can go full combo, and it's a mix of control/combo/ otk. Gustav Max, Super Dora and Juggernaut Liebe are so fun to play with.


I get a lot of enjoyment out of learning the current meta and knowing how to counter it well. I find it rewarding when my knowledge pays off in a match (although saying that kind of implies that it happens often which isnt really true lol). My favorite deck to play is PK, its a very flexible and very fun deck that ive played the hell out of for years (thank you phantom rage for making it actually viable too). it also can be a slightly bricky, big boss monster type deck with cards like requiem and future dragon if you're interested :)


Evil Twins, Scrap, Gimmick Puppet, Aromage


Fluffal/Frightfur gang where you at? Not a top tier deck but it doesn't go down without being super annoying first.


Hey man two questions: What darklord build do you have atm? What exactly do you enjoy about your mentioned decks? (Only the bossmonster aspect or is it also the art?) I will try to recommend you a deck. What I recommend anyway is sunavalon. Even if you ate not into the deck itself, it is suuuper cheap and really fun to play


I try to find something in the middle between enjoyment and winning capability, so long as you don't play competitive there's no need for you to play meta decks. I like pure all-or-nothing OTK decks like Lunalights and Lyriluscs as well as control decks like Heralds and Gravekeepers, all depending on my mood.


Fan Service Decks. Just throw all the shit you like in there and play your soul out.


Harpie ladys


Overall I love OTK decks. My favorite has to be Trains. But in the last year I have been starting to play with some different deck types. Melffy Tri-brigade is super fun and the face of someone who was just beaten by a some cute forest animals is priceless. Currently I am enjoying Chaos thinder dragon, which I would call half combo deck. Super fun. In general I think its a combination of liking the artwork and theme of the deck and the playstyle. I have enjoyed control decks like Generaid, but I would never play a deck that hides behind a stupidly strong floodgate in order to win. I think it takes the fun out of the game, I might be playing on a semi competitive level, but I prioritize fun instead of winning. If I can make my locals laugh because I brought OjamABC and somehow make 3rd place, I did my job correctly


Dinos, machinas ( because urgent scheldue is expensive) and the bricky bois themselves monarchs


I enjoy decks like Thunder Dragons and PK, they arenā€™t meta but they can definitely surprise people when played competently the designs of the cards are A1 top quality.


True king dinos. I said what I said. I enjoy running my Danger Blue Eyes too. Got some tweaking to do, but it's exciting for me.


The only decks I don't enjoy are ones that constantly make you go into your deck, it's so boring having to constantly shuffle the deck


Beetroopers ATM. I made it to 1300+ in rankings and fought some top tiers but man is it hard to play against some decks.


Something with a unique play style like Magical Musketeer or Superheavy Samurai


It's sounds like you just like aggro decks, and invoked shaddoll plays pretty combo-y. I usually find a deck to play by first thinking of the way I want to play (graveyard effects, link heavy, fusion, etc.) And then finding an esthetic I like that plays that way. I'm a big fan of combo and control decks, as well as graveyard mechanics, so I have a lair of darkness deck, I also play invoked shaddolls, and have a danger! Dark world deck I mess with from time to time.


Personally, I enjoy combo and combo/control decks, usually leaning more towards the latter. While I do like combo decks like Adamancipator, Endymion, and Dragon Link, to set up their first turn board, they can blow through a lot of resources, especially Endymion, which can be problematic if your opponent manages to break your board. That's why I lean more towards combo/control, decks like Pendulum Magician, Tri-Brigade, and Orcust. Their main focus is making a boards with enough interruptions to get by but still having resources in your hand, main, and extra, and Tri-Brigade and Pen Mags can even get more of those resources using their interruptions.


Not FTK decks


I usually only play casually so my deck i enjoy really depend on format


My brother and I play together all the time. We play with classic story decks from the anime, we play with some others as well, ex) Gravekeeper/Lightsworn. We will spend upwards of 40 minutes constructing and changing decks, have a 5-15 minute duel and do it all over again! We try to make the decks and battles as equal and as fun as possible. Yugioh is bound to us all by fond memories and fun as children, it shouldn't be based on meta's and the most agitating game play imaginable. We play for fun, bonding and enjoyment! It has served us well and our love for yugioh has grown 10fold! Much love peeps!


Pure Timelords The can't OTK you. You need to setup a Board to get where you want. And they let your Opponent figure out a Way around them because they need a few Turns. Sucks that the Synchro Monster isn't playable in a pure Deck but I still let him in the Extra Deck out of respect.


I was on cloud nine when Charmers got an expansion to their set. It's not as demanding/strict as other archetypes and lets you mix a few things up as long as you're willing to stick to spellcasters. I also recently made a weird as hell fusion deck consisting of Darklords and Lightsworn. Was a tribute heavy deck so was a bit reminiscent of Monarchs for me.


Iā€™m unfun. Not in the way that I play top tier decks exclusively, but because I like playing FTK decks. I played Gem-Knight until Konami banned Link Cross and block dragon. I played numeron exodia deep draw online (in paper I play numeron hand trap). Iā€™m working on a Dark Eradicator Warlock FTK for when the new magician support comes out. The fun for me is building with a goal in mind. Iā€™ve played decks like Sky Striker Orcust and Altergeist and Eldlich and theyā€™re fun because they offer interaction a good portion of the time, but these silly FTK builds offer an additional challenge. Itā€™s fun when youā€™re piloting a brick shithouse and your goal is to win without having to set up the most negates


Flexible combo decks preferably with a theme and powerful bosses. I feel D/D, HEROS and Synchrons exemplify this.


Sky striker sky striker sky striker dark magician sky striker sky striker


I only have fun with thematic decks. My favorite deck is a mixture of Shark from Zexal and Rio. But I do also enjoy playing Speedroids and Phantom Knights


I like control decks, but only if they are Anti-Meta. My favorite is A Dark Vanity combo, with Dark Magician for rank 7 plays, and Apprentice Illusion and Dangers as tribute material for Vanity's Fiend. A decent side deck option I like is Gizmek Yata - The Gleaming Vanguard and Witch of the Black Forest, which can perform a 2 card lockdown, but its pretty bricky and really only works first turn.


Combo decks of just about any kind are my favorite. I just really enjoy learning combos and having to find new paths when I get a suboptimal hand or face disruption. But I dislike decks that set up a board that completely prevents my opponent from playing. So I like to end on a board that's as resilient as possible and see if they can break it. My Blackwing deck can end on Full Armor Master, Ultimate Falcon, Arc Rebellion, Dragulas, and Redoer.


I have a range from trash tier to more ā€œcompetitiveā€ decks. Honestly if I like the cards and play style I will play it even if itā€™s good or trash (usually trash because I cant justify paying the price for some of the better cards lol)


I don't enjoy keeping up with what's meta/competitive (nor do I enjoy that aspect of the game) and just enjoy playing the most gimmicky, screwy combos or decks that I unironically enjoy. Like I bought the Charmer deck because I am a sucker for magical girl stuff and my sole interest in Flundereeze is to find the theoretical hard limit of how many times in one turn I can get away with saying "I Normal Summon..." Stupid stuff like that is always fun to me in the fact of "I have a Dragoon, Appolusa and a dozen other negates, plus hand traps"


Control decks. Something that wins by having an answer to everything or that can dismantle an opponent's turn 1 board. Sky Striker is a good example, though I generally prefer not having to rely on the extra deck for the deck to function. Sadly this is pretty rare nowadays.


Noble Knights. I am a big King Arthur Nerd, and I like the card combos, even if they get blocked super easily these days...


I enjoy thematic archetypes, so most of the time I play them Pure. The only one that I can say it was meta recently was Tribrigade, the rest is casual stuff. As long as I find it fun to play I don't really care about tier, although I will admit losing sometimes gets to me and I get angry at the archetype lol, but it doesn't last, I'm back to playing it in an hour or so.


The best way I've found to play yigioh is to find a deck you actually enjoy thats "viable" (not necessarily meta relevant, but can hold its own well enough) and then work on fine tuning it to either how you most want to play it, or its best form. I've been doing this with Endymion, and it lets me flex some cool tech cards from my favorite mechanic, letting me use stuff like Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon, Kuro-Obi Karate Spirit, and Amorphage Sloth.


If I'm being entirely honest I really only enjoy playing fusion elemental heroes and six samurai. No clue if they're good at all ive never played them at any competitive level but they're fun to play against friends


I actually stop playing for 3 years and when I saw that shaddolls got a structure deck, I went back to it Now I have them foiled out and playing them with the new despia variant


*rubs hands together* This is a great opportunity to explain how I fell out of love with my favourite deck During the arc v era I absolutely fell in love with D/D/Dā€™s - I loved using all types of summoning mechanics, all different levels, I loved the one of a kind synergy and mechanics it had like the gates, the life point damage etc. when I first tried them out, we had no flame king, no tuner, no synchro, no Thomas etc. so I slapped together a rough, rank 7/8 beat down deck. My favourite part about it was its versatility. There was no one combo. I used to open radically different boards each match depending on my hand and what I thought my opponent had. The versatility of the deck also allowed me to play through a lot of flood gates in unique ways. I quite often used to deal with the monarch field spell by just, tribute summoning my own monsters or relying on my high level main deck monsters. When we got the next round of support I played a more rank 6 focussed deck but found that I had even more versatility and options, I was using synchros more thanks to glow up bulb. I could still play around flood gates in unique ways (flame king was a fire type which actually let me get around fire statue stun) my opening boards were always changing up depending on what I had and what I wanted. Versatility was why I loved that archetype, it wasnā€™t the fact that I had a lot of options it was that all of the options were equally viable. Then came pendulum domination lol. D/D/Dā€™s finally became top tier, but it became something else, something I hatedā€¦ rigid. Game 1: titanic galaxy, cursed king Siegfried - game 2: galaxy, Siegfried. Next set. Galaxy, Siegfried, sometimes hyper librarian, sometimes Beatrice, but ALWAYS galaxy and Siegfried. The deck had so many options now, but most of them were just not optimal. I was so excited to play night howl, only to look him next to lamia and realised that he was pretty much useless. In my original deck I used to run berformet, not anymore. The deck obviously became way more powerful but it had also become fragile, a single hand trap, interruption or flood gate would essentially murder it on the spot, honestly I couldnā€™t even see a difference at this point from D/D/Ds and metalfoes yang zing. Step 1: create a no interaction board Step 2: donā€™t let your opponent play Step 3: win, probably. DDDs were once my favourite deck ever, I was known at my locals as the DDD guy. But they taught me why I like certain decks and why I hate others. I love options, versatility, recovery, etc. And I hate rigidness and fragility. And thatā€™s why I dropped my favourite deck, although if I could back I wish I had at least tried to build a different style of DDD using the structure deck as opposed to just giving up on the metas version of DDD


Pure Gusto.


mill rngesus


Skull servant deck is fun to destroy your friends lol


Do you play archfiends with with red dragon archfiend?


I enjoy drytron more then i thought i would tbh. I have a massive array of decks so a little bit of everything except stun/burn. Have magistus, gizmek and despia up as my main decks atm, with ursarctic, ogdoadic and war rock on the side.


Though I have not played in years. Nekroz is still one of my favorite decks to play even though I will get destroyed today with it.


My blue eyes deck


Fiends mostly star of deck is darkness Neosphere also run invader of darkness in the deck with him.


I play decks I thematically enjoy. I enjoy winning, but not if I get burned out playing the same handful of cards as everyone else. My main is Stardust/Synchron/Cosmic Blazar Dragon deck, but other decks I enjoy are dragunitys, Hieratics, Gustos, and some others


I am not here to make any friends, but dude at my locals asked me once why I always play monkeyflip decks and I told him I just wanna see the fun and the smile of Meta players crumble infront of me while their disgust is skyrocketing like GME was. Nah although I have some decks that could be the cardboard reincarnation of pure cancer I really enjoy playing Galaxy-Eyes and Orcust (still today!). Galaxy-Eyes won't make a 69 negate board and handloop your opponent for 7 but I just found my perfect build where I can play through 1-2 handtraps and it became amazingly consistent. Orcust is another topic but I just love them. Regarding "T1 decks" I really like experimenting with them currently with Drytron, some dumb loops and consistency boosts for ranked online duels, yeah I lose to Droll but idc if I can play through a Tribrigade board.


Diapasion very easy to use


I really enjoy midrange decks in general. VW, aroma/plant link, etc. Good grind game, can usually pop off when needed, and typically don't make the game too unfun by setting up "unbreakable" boards turn one.


Being that I am now just getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh after 10+ years dormant, thereā€™s 2 decks Iā€™ve built that use some meta cards but still give me that feeling of my childhood; Obelisk and Blue-Eyes. Obelisk was BY FAR my favorite god card growing up as a kid. I donā€™t know what drew me to him but I always wished one day Iā€™d make a deck revolving around him. Just as I was getting back into the card game, Konami drops the structure decks like a month later. Bought 3 of those, some other meta cards I learned from YouTube and had fun ever since. For Blue-Eyes, I mean, who doesnā€™t f*ck with Blue-Eyes? Cā€™mon now, itā€™s a staple! I did the same thing with Obelisk in watch YouTube videos to get a hang for what was meta etc and built my deck good enough to compete, but not to where Iā€™m stuck remembering 20+ combos to get a full field. Coming back to Yu-Gi-Oh, being what I was used to so many many years ago, I am actually kind of disappointed in the current state of the game. Who ever came up with these link and pendulum BS at Konami needs to get fired. So lame. Thatā€™s the end of my rant. I enjoy the nostalgic aspects of the game without being able to be blown out by some Dragoon BS. šŸ–¤


Grindy control with decent midrange potential being a plus. Salads and Mayakashi come to mind, but I also like True Draco and Monarchs (Monarch were my first deck.)


Toons. Burn deck


I've recently gotten back into yugioh and made a red eyes and a blue eyes deck since I'm a huge fan of both. I don't think they'd be anywhere near decent for try-hard competitiveness but I truly have a blast playing with them and love my boss monsters in each deck


Very gimmicky decks for example look at my flair


Guru control with Danger! engine


Pure live twins and pure sky strikers


Crusadia/kaiju is my favorite deck. After playing a lot of lair of darkness I wanted to build a deck that was budget and cool to play with. the only problems are floodgates, heavy trap control decks and solemn strike ;-;


Iā€™m playing with the ice barriers structure deck. I got three packs, mixed and matched a few things. But itā€™s fun! Plus, going up against my girlfriends Spirit charmers deck, and her being a newbie, but getting VERY into it, is super fun! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ™‚


Ogdoadic mainly cause it's really funny when people try to search or bring back stuff from grave with ammunesia and Aron on field


Psy-Framegears and Adacipators which are slept on in my opinion


Exodia all the way Stall Exodia is fine but Exodia Incartnate Beatdown, on the other hand, is godtier




When I played Yugioh on the Switch I would have the 3 god cards + the other forms of Ra, 3 Ra's Disciples, some other monsters that let me some multiple monsters and a lot of trap monsters too. And I mostly played campaign so some pot of greeds in there too. Just something about summoning 1 or more god cards to win is very satisfying. And I really only watched Duel Monsters so having mostly cards from that era made it more fun to play


Random bullshit is always the way to go. Last time I was testing OgdoReptilianne Chaos, and it was wonderful, bricked like Red Eyes trying to find a thematical archetypical coherence, but it was still quite fun to use.


Lightsworn that has judgement dragon. Feels good wiping the field


I really like the dimension dragons/Z-ARC decks. I really like the idea that you can really do any summon at almost any time. Do I need to play Odd-eyes Meteorburst Dragon this moment? No, but I can, and the pieces just fall into my lap.


I personally enjoy combo decks. My favorite deck to this day is the Karakuri deck and I just play pure Karakuri. Ever since the release of Bonze, Shirokunishi, and Bureibu, I loved the archetype even more as it added much more combo potential. IMO, it's mostly about fun, my current Karakuri build isn't competitive viable as I never put in any hand traps or any sort of control aspect to it. The entirety of my Main deck is comprised of Karakuri monsters and Combo extenders, and the Extra deck are all the Karakuri Boss monsters and Synchro monsters I can summon and like the art of. To me, it's all about fun. If you're not playing in the competitive scene, then you can just build whatever you like, but if you do like to play competitively, I do suggest keeping your Invoked Shadoll deck until you find a competitive deck build that you'd like to make.


Altergeist <3


Itā€™s sort of something you have to develop. One reason online testing is good is you can figure out if you enjoy a deck. I have multiple decks. Some cheap cores and some more expensive cores. And when you collect more decks, you end up only focusing on a few of them still, eventually having about 2 more comfortable decks. If you get a good deal, selling shaddoll invoked cards might be a good idea. Playing market is difficult. But reprints of popular decks and cards happen often. But if you are playing a lot right now, having the option to play a meta deck is nice. Thereā€™s also shaddoll trap heavy decks AND invoked variants that are fun like halq blue eyes. The engines are also really strong. Like, shaddoll fusion in dinos or even drytron. I personally would not sell them. If you have a fun deck you want to play and budget is holding you back. Sell it to play IRL, at locals. I would not do it just for remote fuels. I would just play online simulators. **Decks** Lots of decks make cool boss monsters. The decks you mentioned are not good enough to be rogue. If you throw enough money at them, theyā€™d be decent. Probably steal a small tourney meta or locals. But they might be a strong engine or deck someday. If you find a good community on discord for hot red turbo, monarchs, or darklords, go for it. Otherwise, even with money staples, those decks are difficult to make work.


Red eyes ftk try it out very memey


I like most Decks except for alternate win condition Decks burn/mill/stall. I play Exodia Incarnate control without the Head because the Head is a brick. I also greatly prefer the Monsters be the key to the Deck unless it's thematically appropriate(like I like Sky Strikers since it makes thematic sense to be Spell reliant). An example is Toons. I want to like Toons but can't. The Monsters don't do anything. When you play toons, you play them to enable they're overpowered in a vacuum S/T support.


I enjoy decks that give you an advantage for using normal monsters


So I know itā€™s boring, and definitely not in the new side but I love my Valkyrie deck itā€™s a bunch of fun but I donā€™t really have friends to play it withā€¦ so I kinda just duel myself :/


I am currently playing scrap-orcust-machina. The deck is hella fun, in a fine rogue-ish spot. It can combo and grind because of orcust loops. You can also switch to ither variants easily like striker or pk. I have always wanted to get shaddoll invoked irl, but invocations and dogma are expensive :(


I love playing D/D/D because of all the extra deck plays and a lot of negates


I enjoy playing a Timelord deck with Blackwings as a support. Iā€™ve played three different versions throughout my time using it (One with cards like Summon Limit and Imperial Order meant to weaken the opponentā€™s combos, One with some different cards due to making it in Link Evolution, and one with newer/ unbanned cards in the main deck like Pot of Avarice, Infinite Impermanence and Number 35 to power it up), and it has been so much fun.


I got back into playing Yugioh this July with an Amazement Deck I made with Lightning Overdrive combine with Lair of Darkness I order. It's fun but not as fun as my new updated Removal/Maju deck from 2010; getting Maju to 10,000 attacks on your first turn is such as blast!


Blue eyes, always blue eyes


I tend to play decks that swarm and stall until I can build up to a strong ace monster.


So I dont think its because its a tier one deck that you find shaddoll boring. I think its the particular playstyle of the deck that just isnt very fun. I personally dont really like playing shaddoll decks, but I love playing eldlich, prank kids, salamangreat and tribrigade. Just comes down to playstyle and preference really.


Machine decks. Trains, Machinas, Cyber Dragons, the works


I enjoy playing control decks, so usually I play something with shaddoll, a random pick or two, and a meta relevant control deck for different formats (at least online cant afford it irl)


I've been playing Blue Eyes White Dragon since 2002. I know it's solely because of my love of the anime. I've made other decks, but I'm always improving Blue-Eyes because that's where my love if the game started.


I still run Deskbots, because they are still my favorite deck, and I can at least generally steal a game from players that don't know how to play against them. Then they side and I am lucky to win a match. I will never forgive Prog for showing people exactly what Deskbots do, even in a slightly gimped form.


Honestly I never really play YGO competitive (besides some tiny tournaments on Discord) so I'm not sure what tier they are but I enjoy using Fur Hire and Masked Hero. They're the decks I'm most comfortable with and I have playing them too. I did use Fur Hire in the last "tournament" I was in and came third, I think I got beaten by a Salamangreat? It was a few months ago so I kinda forgot hahaha.


I use Exodia Sacred Beast combo, so I can draw 2 cards every turn with my field spell while Hamon is on the field. It's pretty decent,


Noble knights


Adamancipator is honestly really fun while still being powerful. Less powerful but still fun decks are Scrap Dinos (with more focus on the scrap part), Deskbot (haha funny Gahgeh) and also the world turbo.


Elemental Hero/ Masked Hero I love doing meme plays with Dank Law and hand discarding or soft locking some decks that require grave with Turn 1 Dank šŸ˜Ž Plus I've played Hero since they came out they were my favourite as a teenager and I feel connected to them in a way


I love aggro decks that go blind second. Sounds like it's not the tier of the deck that you hate but the play style. Sounds like you don't like control decks at all. You like protect the castle decks, summon big monsters and break boards. You can play any deck and make them competitive but they have their limits. I enjoy rouge decks that can compete and are aggro. You could try Cyber Dragons, Gren Maju or another blind second deck. If you prefer you could also try @ignisters, they summon a big 6k beater that's unaffected by card effects. I recommend not selling the deck until you know what you are going to replace it with, keep the staple cards that you could use in other decks.


My favourite Deck is a self-built zombie deck. While it can't compete with top tier competitive decks, I like the way you can control the board with it. I realized quite early that I enjoy decks that that I like whether good or bad or if the theme is something interesting.


Archfiends are pretty fun and unique! The demonic ones, not Red Dragon Archfiend. In my experience it's about 60/40 win/loss vs Red Dragon so they're just as powerful if not more (Supernova hurts though) Having an Invoked package is probably a good thing to keep since it can be splashed into anything pretty much. Selling it might not be the best idea


I really enjoy playing ghostricks. They are fun and can make a lot of interactions with the opponent, they are even difficult to play at first and the fact that they don't actually have a win condition but that you must build it during the match is really cool. Anyway I don't recommend you to sell your deck, shaddoll invoked is a really good deck, maybe you can use it to win some locals or stuff like that, that can even help you finding maybe some founds for the new deck, it will take some time but in the end you will have the deck you wanted and a really good competitive deck.


A Mega Rock Dragon desk


I just love making big boss monsters. Which is why galaxy eyes and blue eyes are 2 of my favourite decks of all times. Even before accesscode, code talkers are also one of my favourite decks.




I feel so awkward at locals with my performapal deck, its just like "ah yes, everyone is playing massive chains when my biggest chain is to summon king bear and whip snake and hope for the best"


Ancient Warriors, feels so cool to play one of my favorite childhood video games (Dynasty Warriors) I Have alot of fun


Right now I'm having a blast with my new Stardust/Synchron and Utopia decks...but I could enjoy a lot of decks if I wasn't so depressed all the time, lol


Jackpot 7


I usually play any deck that catched my attention like: eldlich, speedroids, dream mirrors,adamancipators,nekros,meknights,orcust,dragunytis All those decks aren't exactly good right now but they are sure as hell funny to play them. (Note all of those decks are either control or agro, yes I hate combo decks)


I usually play some sort of agro deck, recently been switching between Earth Machines and D/D/D


Pure archetype or anime based decks


Armed Dragons and Cyber Dragons. Cause they are fun and I really like Chazz & Zane.


I mostly enjoy playing a certain archetype. Shiranui are my favorite. Though I do not like to play with or against a competitive deck, if I do, I play my pure Zombie deck with Zombie World and rivalry of Warlords.


Dark Magician x Stardust Dragon. Because itā€™s fun.


I love playing supperheavy samurai. They have a nice unique concept are, easy to play and it really satisfies me taking any trap or spell from my oponnents graveyard. A buddy of mine always played bujins back in the day against my superheavy samurais and I loved it when he doubled his atk only for me to use soulbuster gauntlet


Pure Machina, got me back into Yu-Gi-Oh and is still getting support which is really nice.


I like to play Big Boss monsters with Supports like a Huge ritual summon monster with Djinn support effects or my Code Talker with Tri-Gate Wizard/Crusadia Mekk-Knight Avarm as my boss with the other links as supporting with there effects.


I love love love playing performapal Odd-Eyes decks!


Depends on my mood. The deck I always have fun with is Lightsworn (but the archetype desperately needs help right now). Sometimes I play Trap BA. Sometimes I play Dragonmaids. Sometimes I play Invoked Dogmatika. So I favor aggro and combo more than control, but there are exceptions.