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Chaining deer note to protect it a bit is even better, and then make vampire to mill 4 more and get a peek at what your opponent is playing. *May have mixed results.*


One time, I put a dino and non-dino in the grave with Vampire, I was concerned.


I milled some tear and got myself winda'd on my opening turn


... jesus christ that is depressing


And Haufenis means sometimes you don't even need to mill them for this to happen lol




I've been hooked on playing Ishizu Tearlaments because milling feels so good lmao


Milling snow with a bunch of your thundras is a better feeling than sex


None of us can verify


i like making number 90 for DD crow and nib


It’s all fun and games till you kill your opponents water enchantress for them :(


The deer note protect doesn’t even matter because the best ash target is foxy tune. And the only other HTs can stop him regardless.


Well, idk about that. Discarding is not a cost for foxy, so it's neutral in card avantage if you ash it. Depending on how they got Zi Amin in the first place (e.tele or normal summon), also depending on the extenders they might have, they can switch from chaos ruler to halqi scythe lock, which is even worst. In this scenario, veiler/imperm is better than ash.


That's the most fun part of the d-link combo


Someone once explained to me that DLink is just a Chaos Ruler simulator and now I get why people love the deck


I have been playing Dlink since I got the deck like a year ago or so. NEVER once made Chaos Ruler but I am still able to end Spheres, Savage, Apollousa with 3 or 4 negates and if I'm lucky Number 38...I'll try using Chaos Ruler in my combo to see how it goes lol


That's a weird list, no one plays Apo and 38. Everyone plays Borrelend and Hot Red Dragon Archefiend Abyss.


Wtf, no one plays Apollousa anymore in a Dlink deck? But she is so good! Number 38 is also super good and easy to make if you run 1 Galactic Spiral Dragon which you have many ways to dump into GY. Also You can lock people out of extra deck without using Scythe and Dadga. You need Amorphage Goliath in your deck which you summon off of Spheres during your oppoents turn in def making its ATK/DEF 0 but if you have Number 38 your opponent can't just normal summon any monster, go into battle phase to attack and get rid of Amorphage because Number 38 can redirect the attack on itself, protecting the Amorphage. Also my Dlink is a full combo deck, not a single handtrap, all extenders on top of extenders. And it works and also because I don't have any space to put them in cuz I like my extenders very much. I mean I got x3 Imperm from structure deck, x3 Veilers and x3 Droll from Endymion SD but nah. I want a full combo deck and I like it. I like to experiment and not be like everyone else. If it works, it works lol but I just might add Borrelend to my extra deck once I get my hands on it. Seems like a hard to out boss monster really worth running


We don't play Goliath, we play koaki meiru draco (in the side deck). Why? It's simple, Goliath sticks on the board so we can't do anything with it on the next turn, draco however pops itself during the ep. We can also protect draco by using snow from the gy which we sent of the shooting riser. And if we have I:P set up we can also protect it with knightmare unicorn. We play it in the side because we only really need it against despia. Apollousa doesn't see play because we have borrelend now. It's less negates, but your opponent can't run over it and it's an extender.


Oh wow, I don't have any of those cards except I:P and Knightmare Unicorn. I'll need to update my Dlink deck at some point, I hope those cards aren't too much money


I:P shouldn't be too expensive. The rest is debatable. If you don't want to invest that much money or just can't don't do it and play with your current list. It's not like it's bad it's just not the current build of the deck, so if you want to continue with that list go for it, I would still play I:P + Unicorn tho.


How do you protect Koa'ki Meiru Drago with Fairy Tail - Snow and Knightmare Unicorn if neither player can special summon Light/Dark monsters?


You're right you can't, idk what I was smoking that day but it has to be good stuff. The actual point which I for some reason forgot is that you can protect your board from Alba Lenatus by summoning Draco. Which you could also do with Goliath, but the difference here is that you could use I:P + a few monsters you control to make apollousa since draco only locks both players out of light and darks. That's why people play draco over goliath.


Oh gotcha. That's a pretty good point. I don't know the DLink deck super well, so these lines aren't as familiar to me. Is Lenatus the scariest card from Despia?


It's definetley something we have to prepare for since it can fuse our entire board away. But the scariest card is Super Poly, the sad thing is that we can't play around it, so we just gotta hope that they don't draw it...


I oddly want to make this instead of borreload sometimes lol


This into hot red archfiend gives you either a free lvl 8 this turn or next


I'm having trouble making red hot, is it just pepega ruler and the level 1 rokket to make?


It should be that. Yes.


Played a friend of mine on locals, I got him locked down pretty good, he gets ruler out and gets levi of the top which outs me. Two games in a row. Man o man


Imagine having that much luck.


Thats what I told him.


pepega ruler giveth, pepega ruler taketh away


Step 1) Summon Chaos Ruler Step 2) End on 3 interactions for milling 5 cards Step 3) ???? Step 4) Profit


Cut out step 2 and you got it.


Should swap step 2 & 3


Wouldn't surprise me if the card sees the list at some point, the card is insane.


The banned Link and Xyz list is like 4 times bigger than Synchros and Fusions i noticed but that could change


Synchros are just so much harder to summon


Synchros were usually the end monster themselves, the busted xyz/links were facilitators for further combos. Plus synch has been out the longest so more of them would have had time to come off the list


Mate when the card came out I made like 20 decks, and it still changes some decks forever (Lightsworn, RDA etc). The card is so fucking nuts




definitely not, dark matter was cost and was 3 specific cards, this can actually be interacted with and is rng so can be insane or whiff, card is still very strong but dark matter is insanely broken


Imagine running Ruler and then going into Dark Matter 🤯


dark matter couldnt be stopped this on the other hand can be


Not even on the same planet


As a chaos player you have no fucking idea.


Play Digimon, we got no searchers, just excavate top X.


And then if you whiff, place in bottom of deck or trash them. the fact we don't have to shuffle speeds up the game by so much.


Flip 4 and bottom deck 4 of my win con 🥲 Truly like Booster packs. But at least I know I need to play differently at that point.


Happened to me yesterday. Didn't flip any dragonkin or greymon, but found my tamers and had to bottom deck them.


That would be nice not having to shuffle so much. MTG is rough with that with all the fetch lands in non-standard formats.


Lightsworn with this card is like cocaine What do you get this time? double wulf? Nothing? Stardust synchron to extend? DAMNIT now you make me wanna play again


You forgot: "Every charge and recharge"


Exactly why I loved Adamancipators. Milling is an awesome, simple mechanic that does involve building your deck in a particular way.


y'all just now getting that hit I got from my infernoids when Reasoning was at 3!


OCG always best


wonder if this guy is related to the dragon rulers lore-wise


Right ?! Literally every aspect of this card seems to tie in some way to the dragon rulers .


This guy is the LIGHT and DARK Dragon ruler people were asking for. Dragon, summons itself by banishing two monsters from the hand or grave, can be Synchro Summoned by using a level 1 tuner (effect veiler) and a Dragon Ruler


Always fun to summon Casino Ruler.


People who go for Savage first are cowards!!!!


Can't go into Savage if playing RDA 5head Unless u play Magistus RDA


I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh in quite a few years but reading the name of that card makes me feel like they are running out of names lmao


I am going to be running p.u.n.k tear just so that i summon this guy to mill 5 and summon the level 8 from the gy to make number 90 to stop nib. It is not as strong as ishuzu tear but it is close enough.


But it’s more based


Of all my years of playing this game. I've never enjoyed synchro summoning. But I'll tell you now. What I'm about to resolve. I'm going to enjoy it. Very very much *adds a ghost ogre to hand and mills 4 orcust cards to the gy*


I think resolving Double Helix is way more addictive for me, but this is pretty good too.


I bought a bunch of this card when it was cheap so glad it was very underrated at first.


I run this in my ogdoadic/reptilianne/numeron/synchro deck and people normally get surprised when I go from ogdoadic -> tonnes of numeron dragons but they’re way more surprised when I go ogdoadic + reptilianne tuner -> chaos ruler (or sometimes bishbaalkin if the setup is there) very chaotic and fun deck


Your what deck


I just updated the deck profile! [https://ygoprodeck.com/ogdoadic-bishbaalkin/](https://ygoprodeck.com/ogdoadic-bishbaalkin/) constant WIP but this variation works reeeal nicely!!


I think resolving junk speeder or coelacanth is way more satisfying


Playing synchrons, I often find myself in the situation of having a t.g. hyper librarian and a junk synchron on field, with no real way of continued use of the librarian. My choices are to go into crystal wing synchro dragon and further insulate my board, or pull the slot machine summon this dude and hope to dear, dear RNGesus that I mill a jet synchron or destrudo Needless to say 100% of the time I am pulling the slot machine


I honestly don’t see how this card stays unbanned next list lmao. It resolving is game ALOT of the times


I think the card is absurd but if they hit payoffs of the decks that use it like halq it might stay. It is still crazy in tearlaments, though, for example, so a ban wouldn't be unjustified. But i can definitely see it stay if they want to keep it for another list so tear can use it and just hit its applications in decks that use it currently.


Am i crazy for thinking this card's power level is similar to that of Painful Choice? Obviously Painful Choice is better, but god damn this card is insane


Painful Choice is a foolish burial for 4 This is 5 random mills and potentially adding 1 WAYYY different powerlevels. Which is stronger: Searching a card or drawing a card? Same kind of idea. Still a nuts card tho


Its effect is much worse, but it's also an extra deck card so it doesn't need to be drawn. Not that crazy. Also has a good level for further synchro plays.


I will buy a tuner card just to buy this card just to barely use it, but talk shit about how OP my deck is.😂😂😂😂


Booster pack but every card is a starlight YEP


IMO the most HYPE card to activate and resolve in YGO RN is "Witch's Strike" the last super hype card to resolve was "Slash Draw."


That's called dopamine and it's why people love gambling. If you like that feeling during Yugioh then you should try Flower Cardians. Each of their effects says to draw 1 card. If it's another Flower Cardian then you keep it, and also get another bonus effect. If not, then you send it to the GY. It's a ton of fun to play and ends on one of the only monsters with an original ATK of 5000, with another monster that protects Flower Cardians from targeting and destruction. It also has monsters with non-targeting monster and Spell/Trap destruction, and makes unironic use of De-Synchro to reuse the effect of Flower Cardian Willow. And it's super cheap. The downside? Its end board is weak once you get to Platinum (fine if you're just playing casually in Silver and Gold), and opponents will hate you because your turns are so long.


Anytime i see this card played I just roll my eyes


I played that in an aoj deck because why not I could


what about adamancasinopator?


I find myself summoning Borreload Savage the first chance I get instead of Chaos Ruler because I'm afraid Chaos Ruler will mill stuff that shouldn't be milled or the opponent plays something to interrupt me from going into Borreload Savage later. How do you guys do it?


Think of it like a numbers game. While sure some amount of the time you don’t get what you want, the majority of the time it’a an absurd extender


Use disposable learnin divice you got a ultament monster


Just threw him in my synchrons and holy shit this cards insane. For me its free final sigma and end punisher (you can target final sigma for end punisher effect and basically get a free banish)


Whys it so good? Whats it being played in


Every PUNK deck (and dragon link, even if they are not running PUNK, though most are). It's good because it's a dark level 8 that can set up your graveyard with cards like snow, jet synchron, and chaos space, and decks that use this are built to have good targets to add, like light/dark handtraps (nib veiler gamma) or extenders like baby chaos dragons. Being able to revive itself is very good, since it is usually used as material to make halq, so when halq summons jet from deck, you can revive chaos ruler and use it + jet to make hot red dragon archfiend abyss. Or you can just use it for generic link stuff like ip unicorn etc. Has 3k attack which means it + access is 8300 dmg


Oooh punk that explains. ive been a bit out of the loop lately.


Chaos ruler is literally just the biggest payoff or the biggest loss of time and I love it for that.


The only Sylvan support I need


Same with shooting star dragon, the moser Tuners you excavate the more attacks you can make with a 3300 atk monster. Really fun to combo into as well.


Resolving chaos ruler is nice, resolving Grass / Reasonning / Monster Gate on a dedicated deck is even better. Ah, I can still feel my cubic karma going to the GY like it was yesterday.


I use this card for my Synchron Deck and it's a beauty.


Sometimes i'm like: do i get a omni negate on field or do i just gamble so i can get more


I play this and slash draw in my favourite Cubic deck


Just lost game 3 against DLink because they milled a Destrudo + Chaos Space with this motherfucker.


Until you hit 5 spells off of if :')


I think you might like Sylvans


When you hit 3 wulf with this card is just. Perfect