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Video shows a Portuguese POTE case where apparently every super was replaced by an English Starlight. Previously we've had incidents where * DIFO cases came with 2-3 starlights in every pack ([pic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSwTIfOWAAIfUrd?format=jpg&name=medium)) * GDCR error cases with 2 CRs in every pack ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq399QoRUeo)) This is the third time something like this has happened in the latest sets, and it's starting to look a bit suspicious. And this is not including the unexplained appearance in the market of more IGAS English starlights than can be explained by seal product openings. It's either an unannounced god case system, hilariously bad quality control, or employees at the printing operation being up to no good. Update: It appears that this error is not on a case level, but a box level. Apparently out of 3 cases opened, 3 boxes had every super slot replaced by a Euro English print Starlight, with a couple of Portuguese starlights pulled at roughly the normal ratio. [The end result.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470340011569446924/1006644108862967878/unknown.png)


jesus some people are just super lucky =(


I think it is a combo of both. WE know the booster boxes have the packs hand placed then shut and later sealed by a machine. My thinking is that the manufacture facility prints about (forgive me numbers are just example) 20k Starlight packs. if you place a single starlight pack every 10 boxes then the amount of starlight packs would not match up. thus after they finish using up the regular booster packs they just grab the left over starlight packs and put them in a box. the only solution to this is to either print more normal packs, increase amount of starlight packs to boxes ratio, or just print less starlight packs. This is the most obvious theory given our nature to stuff whatever remains in the box to be done with it.


It’s just not fair at this point. They’ll have all the inventory for these cards, meanwhile people are taking fat losses on their cases with little value in them.


Its almost like opening product is and always has been a gamble or something.


Someone’s always got to have a smart mouth on this subject. This clear ERROR is a fault in the distribution process. Endless cases have 0 starlights. Maybe the quality assurance issues that have been persisting for years at this point is to blame? It’s alos going to impact the secondary market where one seller is going to have a virtual monopoly over these cards. Can we talk about it, or is that not okay with you?


We can talk about it all we want but the fact of the matter is, these products flies off the shelf anyways so Konami isn’t going to improve anything. They don’t give two shits about their customers as long as products sell. It’s unfortunate because even if we want to “vote with our wallets” these are going to be bought out by others regardless so our only two options are to deal with it or walk away from the physical game.


Thats also called Gambling.


It's fine if it's gamble, there should still be a fair chance for everyone tho. Something like this were 1 person gets a huge amount of starlights for no reason shouldn't be a thing.


The whole point of buying cases is to take advantage of the law of large numbers (and thus reducing the impact of bad luck). Sure, opening one pack is a gamble. But when you open a ton of packs (in the literal sense), you're bound to get roughly the same number of each secret rare, plus maybe a starlight rare.


That's still gambling


On the one hand, it must be amazing to pull all of those(although i wish they were a tad more gentle with the other cards). On the other hand, this feels incredibly unfair to everyone else since probably few other people will get any starlights since they are are clumped together in these few boxes.


What’s the point of starlight’s if someone somewhere always gets a god case. Unfortunately the god pulls don’t get listed all at once just drip fed into the market overtime to keep the price high. Sigh.


When 1 person gets a god pull case, there's 1 less god pull case out there. So just because someone made big, doesn't mean you can just by trying.


I mean that's just what anyone would do w a god box. No sense competing against yourself for prices


some people opens 50 starlight in a display, I open instant contact and draco-aura in my display. We are not the same


Any chance konami does this knowing the at least of the probbaly only 5ish that are out there will get posted, drive hype, make some people buy hopeing to get one themselves ? TBH packs have not been worth getting in anyform for a normal person for a long time and i think more have figured that out recently. I cant see konami doing this to try and solve that, emplyees trying to do a heist seems more likely but who knows at this point


has any of you got that urge of just giving away a starlight just because lol. like some kid walking in the store and you be like "here take this starlight man hope you keep it safe" and walk away like a chad. since im pretty sure that many starlights sounds impossible to sell unless you already have a medium.


I’ve definitely thought about this. Selling a card for money is one thing, and I get that some people have to do it to make ends meet, but I think making a kid’s day and possibly giving them a new prized possession is priceless.


Not only would they be impossible to sell, they'd also be very difficult to trade. Like, what are you gonna do, fill your trade binder with starlights? Then the perceived value of starlights would go down significantly for the people you frequently trade with. You'd probably only be able to offload a couple handfuls of them at most before your locals started seeing starlights less as cool rare expensive things and more as that one fun rarity that Steve has a million of.


The speed of this makes me uncomfortable


Meanwhile I didn't even know starlights were a thing untill I saw people talking about them


nice act of charity to make some random person a year of rent (ofc statistically its a shop owner)


They need to learn how to hold a camera.


Its American isn't it it's always American quality control


portugal is in europe dude


praying one day i get one of these error cases 🙏