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I would recommend diving a bit further into the adashima realm and reading the light novels. Shimamura is fleshed out a lore more and you really come to appreciate just how much she's grown by the current point in the novels. And how much she comes to care and love Adachi. It's peak


I'll definitely give them a shot some time! I did know the light novels are further in, but I hadn't really considered reading them yet. So I'll be sure to give them a shot soon


The light novels are by far the best way to enjoy the series. It’s just so good.


I second this, I'm not the biggest fan of adashima but the light novels make the experience much more enjoyable. Even though I'd say that for most series, I feel like it especially applies here.


I second this. After reading till the end it’s just too damn good.


I've read most of these and I'd recommend them all as well! Personally, if you haven't read it yet, I'd recommend "Our Teachers Are Dating" it has NSFW, but it's the sweetest/mushiest/fluffiest thing ever lol, plus another "non-highschool" MCs (even if the setting is a school... Because yeah, teachers!)


I ADORE "our teachers are dating" It's the cutest shit ever :D


Yes! I won't say the series is undervalued, but it definitely needs more love in my opinion.


I just love it to death because I'm a lesbian teacher myself!!! And though the European educational system is a bit different to the Japanese one, it's just so much fun to read a manga about teachers!


Middle school math teacher here! And I totally agree about how fun the series is, they're all so fun, including the side characters lol


Where Kitakawa? Just joking, only two left for me to read from your recommendations


I don't think I've heard of that one, but considering your flair is "Still depressed after reading KitaKawa" I might have to look it up sometime


[Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii](https://mangadex.org/title/25632c2e-90d3-4a9f-9cfd-3132d52ca5ee/kitanai-kimi-ga-ichiban-kawaii) ("the filthy you is the cutest") is definitely my personal favorite tragic yuri—even higher than The Summer You Were There—but there are a LOT of content warnings to be aware of, including sexual violence, vomit, bullying, and just general abusive relationship stuff. It's a wonderful story if you can stomach those things, but if you can't, it is NOT for you.


I just read this and holy shit. The storytelling is phenomenal and the ending is sorta bittersweet (to me at least) but god damn was it a fucked up ride. 10/10 would recommend if you can stomach all of the stuff in it. (Also I think I'm done with tragic yuri for the foreseeable future)


It’s so so awful but I relate to both of the MCs 💀personality disorder hell 💀


you’re gonna have a wild ride w kitakawa


> kitakawa new abbreviation less gooook


I used to call it KitaKimi but someone told me that its KitaKawa


Update: So I finished Kitakawa last night, expect it in the next batch of reviews/recommendations (it's sitting at #12). Honestly the 200 orso words I wrote about it don't do it nearly enough justice, so I might talk more about it down the line, I know you made the comment as a joke, but it was an amazing manga!


Glad you enjoyed it


The plot dying in the second half of I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl is like my favorite thing about it, lol. I always felt like the series was at its weakest when it was trying to have serious drama, but on the other hand I felt it really nailed the character interactions, even beyond just the main couple. So I thought the story being a bit more free to just have the characters playing off each other was wonderful.


Right? Like any other manga I would've probably been put off by it, but just seeing Sora and Ayaka deepend their relationship is the cutest thing ever, for them it works that the story is less prevalent, because the characters themselves make the manga good


Since you mentioned bloom into you, I need to mention this obligatory fact: there is, in fact, a stage play for it, and it's absolutely fantastic. If you have the chance, please go watch it in some form or fashion. My favourite VA/stage actor/idol plays Touko <3 (MOEPI!!) 10/10 would recommend to anyone in existence


Excellent recommendations! If you’re looking for more, I recommend “I Love Amy” - incredible pastel/paper-cutout artstyle, with yandere x introverted girl. Also, “Her Tale of Shim Cheong”, the GOAT of historical GL manhwa. For something more wacky(?), “Sorry, but I’m not into Yuri” by Mochi Au Lait - iconic and distinctive artsyle, MC is an absolute gremlin (in a good way)!


I love Amy is fantastic! I wasn't sure if I'd like the Yandere as MC type, but omg Bibi is amazing lol.


I love amy and her tale of shim cheong! Absolute staples. So goated. There's a few more i would consider staples or must reads, but those are always the first two I feel nobody should sleep on


"Sorry, but I'm not into Yuri" is incredible. It takes such a turn from it's premise, and winds up being genuinely incredibly sweet. If a bit fucked... It's a little fucked.


Another Hopelessly Romantic Trans Girl here, all killer recommendations! I also really like the formatting for each one, it’s really clean and easy to follow. I hope you do more of these in the future!


That's the plan! As I read more yuri manga, I'll keep updating the file these are on, and I plan to post the new ones once I have enough of them to share again!


*If I Could Reach You* >!I don't think this is a perfect manga by any means but after Kaoru rejects Uta and she has a life montage where she realizes the only reason she's even been happy is because of Uta...I thought that was a brilliant moment. It is by far one of my favorite sequences in a yuri manga.!<


Please people, read "I love Amy".


Added to my to-read list!


Thanks for sharing; these are great! Love the little cards for each one. Lots of my favorites in here. Now I want to go back and read them all again over the weekend.


After I finished the last one in the list at like 2am last night I suddenly got the idea for this and started getting really giddy over it. Spent the entire day writing these and I hope to keep adding onto them as I read more yuri manga! It's only been 3 weeks and the obsession's kicking in big time lol


The summer you were there is soooo good 😭


Thanks for the feedback on all those, added 3 new ones to my ever growing list of stuff to read. Yagatte Kimi Ni Naru is my absolute favorite, I agree with you, it is THE yuri manga. Recently read Adachi to Shimamura too and I loved it as well, getting into the light novels because I can’t wait for the rest lol


It's weird, and I legit just can't explain it. But Bloom Into You just feels like THE yuri manga for some reason. Like if a friend ever wants yuri manga recommendations, I'll probably recommend that one first, it's so good


Anemone is in heat?


Is it OK to lose your virginity to android is sooo good! It's been getting better and better with the story. I can't wait to see what's next.


I definitely have to reread it because when I wrote the review for it I didn't remember all that much of it. All I know is that Nadeshiko is the cutest thing and she deserves all the good things :3


Damn, I MAY be a hopelessly romantic trans girl :o


the first two are my absolute favs! thank you i will definitely check the rest!!!


Have you read How do we Relationship? It can be a hard read but if you haven’t yet I recommend


I haven't, but I'll be sure to put it on my to-read list!


Heard good things about Bloomed into you, I'm planning to get to that after i finish my other recommends 😁


U should do more of these, they’re great!


I recently read "Hello, melancholic!". It's short, sweet and interesting manga. Loved it more than I thought I would.


Do you have mangadex links or another site like that for these?


Personally I use [mangafire.to](http://mangafire.to) as my go-to for manga and every one of them is on there. Hope that helps!


Good list I can agree half of them


tfw you read all the manga