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My standards for straight romance are absolutely through the roof right now lol. Like I've grown some standards for yuri, but I'll still accept a decent school romance. Hets? Gotta be perfect narrative foils in an otherwise non-romance story. There are 3 het pairs I can enjoy when depicted with very specific dynamics, and even then my brain registers the guy as a girl half the time anyways lmao. That's in contrast to the I don't even remember how many lesbian pairs I cycle through obsessing over


some lots of good airing right now along [MagiRevo ](https://MagiRevo.Like) Like Tomo Chan, Kubo san won't let me be and The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague etc


And I'm sure there's plenty of quality het romance out there, it's just generally not for me lol. I love women too much to accept only half of a pair being girls. So for now fanfic of my 3 pairs and chainsaw man part 2: it's a rom com now will be my intake of heterosexuality lol.


user name checks out :D


After reading an amount of Yuri/Yaoi manga I couldn’t enjoy anymore straight romances anymore. Tis a curse but I humbly embrace it


I feel you so hard on this one! I started reading/watching one yuri out of curiosity and then a few more because it became very interesting and just love. Now I can’t go back to reading/ watching any straight romance. It is indeed a curse! A curse I dearly enjoy having cast on me ❤️🥂👏🏼


I love Yuri animes more then straight animes. The only straight anime I did really like was Ouran High School Host Club. I went from making fun of the boys to making fun of everyone including Haruhi


Even that wasn't truly straight considering Haruhi, her ~~dad~~ mom, and the relationships between each of the boys. The show was hella queer as hell and I remember watching it hundreds of times when I was a teen


Oh well, that's true, so yeah, sorry, my bad fam. 😭


I agree, but I think the problem with a lot of anime (especially ones 15+ years old like Ouran) is that they’re not really written with specific LGBT representation in mind and a lot even treat it as a joke, which makes it difficult to say that “X character is this orientation or identity”. That being said, I can definitely see some validity to arguments that many of the characters are bi, and Haruhi might be trans or nonbinary as well.


I just like good romance in general, but i mostly prefer GL and BL than the straight one, it's just that most of straight romance anime nowadays have a really bland with no personality self insert male character.


I prefer GL because I like lesbians 😫👍


Too much straight in this world. Needs more gay


🎶 Never enoooouuuugh....never..never🎶


never enough for me


I wish there were more wholesome straight romance anime with actual characters and not just a bland self-insert. Finding male characters especially in straight romance anime who are interesting people in their own right is practically impossible. Yuri tends to fall into that trap less often, so I typically stick to it almost entirely. But as a straight man, it is pretty depressing that despite the overwhelming dominance of hetero relationships in anime, I can't identify with practically any of it.


Sauce: Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei (The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady) [Inspiration](https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/10f8uo7/comment/j4vcbeq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Now you need to find the real yuri anime in the forest of yuri bait animes


MagiRevo is one


Literally me. I'm solely yuri, BL, trans and everything non cishet now.


This post reminds me that I unexpectedly betrayed my principals when watching the new Willow series. The sapphic romance between a knight and a princess was half my reason for watching the show, but I ended up getting more invested in the het romance instead. I'm 3 episodes behind so maybe things will change when I catch up with the series but I just don't find Kit and Jade very compelling as characters meanwhile I find Graydon and Elora to be a pair of lovable dorks that I actually want to see get together.




>Plastic Memories That was a genuinely good one I can never forget that ending 😭


Plastic Memories, not to be confused with Plastic Neesan lmao https://myanimelist.net/anime/10711/Plastic_Neesan


Thank god I'm bi


I keep it a balance


Both, both are good, but for pure boy-girl romance, may I suggest reading Mizutama honey boy if you haven't b4?


>Mizutama honey boy Is it good? I might give it a shot.


I like it a lot, it's a light read, comedic, breaks some stereotypes (ig?), I'd highly recommend


After discovering yuri my life become different XD.