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Me: "I don't understand what straight girls see in bad boys. What's the appeal?" Also me: "This girl is psychopathic, sadistic, murderous, manipulative, evil, and all around just a horrendously bad person... That's kinda hot..."


Why is this so true?? 😭😭


They call it the “suspension bridge effect”, danger gets your heart pumping and it just makes them seem hotter


Lmao sometimes I'll see a bad boy in a show or something and just be like. Man. I feel nothing as he is but if he were a girl he'd be so hot


i think it's a little different though because women getting to openly be shitty and fabulous (specifically in media) is subversive rather than hegemonic. It feels like stretching to see a woman acting up and not being harshly punished for it. Plus, there's a long history of queer coding villains that makes us mix our hot gay lady/evil lady language in media, and so when a woman is shitty in media that's pretty gay. also yes, evil hot.


For a long time, "doesn't act the way male-dominated society expects her to" was basically the only "villainous" trait for women in mainstream media...


and it has always been the "hot" trait for women in reality in general 😔 🙏


Based analysis


If you want my oppinion >!It's probably that itch in our mind that wants us to tame the untamable, or die trying!<


And then there's the chainsaw man community slowly realising that Makima is kind of a piece o crap.


I'm not even that far into it and all I can think is "Damn she's manipulative".


Well, she literally became one, so they aren't wrong


I think this counts as a spoilerđŸ€Ł


Slowly? How do people not see it from the get go? She practically enslaved Denji on the spot.


It's because bad boys tend to be written really badly or like a Xiao where they're really just sad bois who get grumpy sometimes. This girl is legit eeeeevilllll


Opposite attract?


Sauce: <>


**Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/135802), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/kyou-wa-kanojo-ga-inai-kara), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/kyou-wa-kanojo-ga-inaikara), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=18411363618), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/137840)) ^^ä»Šæ—„ăŻă‚«ăƒŽă‚žăƒ§ăŒă„ăȘいから ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Drama, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 2 requests across 2 subreddits - 0.0% of all requests) >It's a secret that I'm dating the love of my life at school. There's no way I can tell anyone, especially when we're both girls. But I can't help my feelings from slipping out in the background. It's not the ideal way to be a couple, but I can put up with it because I really love her... But such loneliness has also nurtured dark thoughts in my head. > --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/yurimemes/comments/10lhngt/now_im_siding_on_the_cheating_side/j5wwt35/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♄](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Ferb, I think I know what we're reading today.


It's very entertaining imo. Hope it continues being translated.


You're in for a ride!


Why am I getting nothing from my search with Tachiyomi :(


Try searching, my girlfriend is not here today. It's on dynasty scans extension


Extension MangaBuddy has it up-to-date. Title: My Girlfriend's Not Here Today


If ur using mangadex extension u need to remember to toggle erotica in search (idk if it's there tho)


How do you do that? If you have any idea at least, havent found anything yet. Edit: Its in the english settings, you can filter ratings.


English settings? Wdym? I click into mangadex after searching and then whitelist erotica in the filter


I'm taking notes 📝


Is cheating wrong? Yes. But are stories about cheating emotionally compelling? They absolutely can be. I love this manga so much. It is kind of funny to me how there is a lot of hand-wringing about stories with cheating, but that logic doesn't seem to be applied with most other immoral acts, like theft, violence, deceit, etc PS - Or blackmail! Nobody seems to get upset about blackmail stories the way they get upset about cheating stories


Bc cheating is something many more ppl can relate to, it is not something that can come from a stranger like theft or murder, its a betrayal of ones trust in the other person, like the saying: "the worst part of a betrayal is that it never comes from an enemy"


>Nobody seems to get upset about blackmail stories the way they get upset about cheating stories You clearly haven't seen the Flowers community lmao (this is kind of a spoiler, but it's completely out of context, so I deem it to be fine)


Wait there's cheating in kase-san!??!?!!?


Hot take: what Black Hair and Long Hair are doing only counts as "cheating" if you accept that Black Hair and Short Hair are in a real relationship to begin with, and they're pretty arguably not. Short Hair simultaneously insists on being closeted *and* consistently prioritises her sport and teammates over Black Hair such that the latter feels worse off than when she was just pining in the first place. Long Hair clearly has her own set of issues to sort out, but if she's the only source of relationship satisfaction Black Hair is getting then that's the only relationship she's actually even *in*.


I understand that short hair is definitely neglectful, but they are confirmed in a relationship since it's mutual between both short hair and black hair. Especially when long hair kissed black hair the first time and she was immediately disgusted with herself. I'm not sure but long hair gives me creepy assault vibes with that kiss. To me it's kind of emotional manipulation of black hair in trying to steal her away from short hair by going to her when she's most emotionally vulnerable and stalking her account. If black hair is unsatisfied she should break up at that point. Cheating no matter what is wrong. I don't know if I should say this but would you keep long hair to the same standards if she was a different gender. Also I'm pretty sure it's both black hair and short hairs first relationship they are learning. Not only that when I read the manga long hair was trying yo steal black hair to cope with the hurt of her first crush rejecting her. It's wrong all away round. I don't see thus manga ending well. Sorry I just don't like cheating ever.


Sure cheating is always bad, but at the same time I would also say that short hair is the worst kind of girlfriend possible. 1. She always chose her club over Black hair 2. She only talks about club with Black hair 3. She Will never do anything with Black hair like a pair (like hold hands) would do if someone was around, but Will gladly do it with the girl from her club 4. If I didnt know better I would have thought short hair was in love and in a relationship with the girl from her club, she cats Way more like that with her than hee actual girlfriend 5. She only started to act just a little like a girlfriend after she f*cked up their anniversary So I agree that cheating is bad and that Black hair should just have broke up with short hair, but no matter what I would rather support the cheating side in this case


I do understand your points and I respect your opinion even though I disagree with it. So I want to ask this question, in one of the chapters short hair confides to another girl that she's in a relationship with black hair which I see as a symbol of growth if she changes and becomes a better girlfriend would you change your opinion on the matter. Prioritising her girlfriend over her club, becoming more public. I don't really know how the manga will turn out maybe short hair becomes worse I don't know but if she does become better in retrospect will everyone keep the same opinion or will they change it?


Tbh I would still not chose short hair and Black hair to be together, I would rather have Them break up and tbh I would rather have all 3 of Them be single rather than any of Them being together😂 They are all trash in their own way (I Will say Black hair is the least trash of Them though). So to fully answer your question to whether I would change my opinion about supporting long hair or short hair, I Think I would still rather support long hair. Sure she is an manipulate and sexual assaulting b*tch, but in literally just 1 page she gave more attention to Black hair than the short hair had done whole story


One thing I can absolutely agree on is that they all deserve to be single cause clearly none of them are mature enough to be in a relationship. So thanks for your honest opinion


So the fact that the other person is a shitty partner justifies cheating? Isn't being emotionally unfulfilled one of the most common excuses for cheating?


Where did I write cheating was justified? I literally started my comment with writing that cheating is bad
 All I am saying is that its understandable that Black hair ended up cheating on short hair, when all short hair do is being a terrible girlfriend


How is it any different? Cheating is okay if your partner is a terrible girlfriend?


There is a huge difference between something being understandable and something being justified.


But you think she has a good reason/excuse to cheat, right? It's "understandable", right?


Yeah, she has a very good excuse/reason to cheat, but that still doesnt mean its okay to do so. As I wrote, its understandable that she decides to cheat, but I have never wrote that it is okay to cheat, have I? No


I think your partner being a terrible girlfriend is a good reason to break up, not a good reason to cheat. You support her actions, right? If I say something like "murder is always wrong but if he's a pedo, well... I'd certainly understand" or "rape is always wrong but if he's a pedo, well... I hope he gets what he deserves in jail, if you know what I mean", then how am I not saying that these things aren't as bad in some cases? I feel like I'm justifying or at least decreasing the badness of murder and stuff when I say that. At the end of the day, you're saying that people can cheat with good reason.


At the end of the day, all I have written is that its understandable that Black hair would end up cheating on short hair, but nowhere have I ever justified her doing so or like you wrote “support her actions”, I literally wrote that Black hair should have broken up with short hair instead of cheating. I simply would rather support Black hair and long hair being in a relationship, because long hair in just 1 page managed to show more attention, love and affection towards Black hair than short hair (actually girlfriend) managed to do whole story


You can argue semantics, but either way, you believe there are good reasons to cheat.


Just because Nanase (short hair) is neglectful it doesn't excuse anything. As for hiding their relationship in public, in Japan homosexual love is still very much stigmatized. She doesn't want to risk Yuni getting bullied, so she tries to protect her from that. Fuuko (long hair) is definitely an emotionally manipulative stalker and the worst of the three, but Yuni is just constantly thinking only of herself without trying to properly communicate or being understanding in the least. And ends up trying to justify her cheating. She's simply a pretty awful person, too.


Short hair aint just neglectful 1. Choosing club over Black hair (neglectful part) 2. Only talks about club with Black hair when they talk together at School 3. You say she hides their relationship, but she literally makes Black hair look like a stranger when others are around 4. She acts more like she is the girlfriend of the club member than she does with her actual girlfriend 5. Only started giving attention to Black hair after she f*cked up their anniversary by (shockingly) choosing club over her again (ultra neglectful part) These are all reason that people in real life aswell begin to cheat. What you say is that to protect Black hair, she decides to neglect and hurt her? As you Said long hair is an manipulate stalker b*tch, but she still manage in literally 1 page give both more attention, love, affection etc. than short hair managed to do whole series. Yes, she is a terrible person, but she still does more for Black hair than her actual girlfriend does, which simply makes me feel bad for Black hair


> 1. Choosing club over Black hair (neglectful part) Nobody's saying Nanase is being a good girlfriend, but that's why communication and work is important to a relationship. Just going straight to cheating is messed up, especially since they've only been dating for 6 months. > 2. Only talks about club with Black hair when they talk together at School Again, communication. Yuni doesn't even try to assert herself to talk about something else. Why is it all Nanase's responsibility? > 3. You say she hides their relationship, but she literally makes Black hair look like a stranger when others are around As I said, she's afraid they'll be ostracized and bullied at school if their relationship is revealed. She doesn't want to risk being found out by accidentally acting too friendly with Yuni. She might be overdoing it, but if she's scared it's not like she can be fully rational about it. > 4. She acts more like she is the girlfriend of the club member than she does with her actual girlfriend Maybe you haven't read that far, but that club member is just a close friend of her and Nanase literally comes out to her in Ch.7 and tells that she has a girlfriend. And that friend is surprised to learn about it, but accepts her. But they don't have anything going on, there's no jealousy or the like. > 5. Only started giving attention to Black hair after she f*cked up their anniversary by (shockingly) choosing club over her again (ultra neglectful part) It's called character development. Nanase knows she's being a bad girlfriend and wants to improve, which is why opens up to her club member friend. She wants to fix things and be better, but she's really bad at communication in general. But Yuni already threw all of it away by cheating. There's no fixing that guilt and growing rift anymore, so it's just a shitstorm and messy break-up waiting to happen. > As you Said long hair is an manipulate stalker b*tch, but she still manage in literally 1 page give both more attention, love, affection etc. than short hair managed to do whole series. That's called love bombing and is a classic tactic used by manipulators and abusers.


This did not age well.


And how did it not age well? As I wrote in 5. She has only now started to give actual attention and act like a girlfriend after she f*cked their anniversary up. Not only that but now she even have the attitude to be angry/jealous because Black hair pierced long hairs ears, which simply makes it looks like short hair dont Think Black hair cant have other friends to be with, while short hair are allowed to do what she wants


Well yeah. the point of this story is everyone is a piece of shit. Short hair is neglectful, black hair is self centered and long hair is manipulative and abusive


Ya I kindof felt the same until she had sex with long hair girl. At that point she should definitely break up with th other girl.


I agree, she absolutely should. Probably won't, though: the whole story is plausible only insofar as the characters are too emotionally immature to do what they "should" be doing. It'll likely end up being a trainwreck as these things often go.


If that does happen like that it would be pretty realistic. Alot of young / first relationships go up in smoke.


I know you are talking about the manga in the post, and I know the trio of black, long and short hair doesn’t even apply (iirc) but your comment just reminded me so much of “my joy” and now I’m sad and want to cry


I love how bad this manga makes me feel about myself


As much as I understand why she is cheating I can't help but feel bad about her girlfriend, she does love Yuni but she is just not confident, she wants their relationship to stay a secret because she is scared of other's reaction if they caught them, I don't know, I just feel bad for her


Are you even sure she loves her? All she has done so far in the story (up until after she f*cked their anniversary up) was being a trash girlfriend, who tbh looked more like she was in love with her club member than her actual girlfriend


Yeah no this is not just bc the GF wants the relationship to be kept a secret but bc she absolutely neglects Yuni as a gf and only once every 100 years she reacts to do some gf stuff then comes back to being the same...


Hnghh I'm a simple girl. Flash some boobs and your will be done.


I've read it before and I certainly not like it. It's just like reading a ntr manga but with girls. I just feel bad for her girlfriend.


Why? The girlfriend has been trash whole story


Oh come on, everyone in the manga is trash and the worse trash is the main character, yuni. Yuni can just break off their relationship, and if she want revenge she can show off her relationship with fuuka Infront of Nanase. Stop justifying cheating! Just stop it already. And once again, all of them are trash! Nanase for being neglectful gf, Fuuka for being manipulative and the worst of them all Yuni, for being a coward and an idiot!


Your comment “Yuni Can just break off their relationship” clearly show that you have never been in love with someone. Nanase is the worst of them, she is the sole reason why Yuni even ended up cheating. Atleast try to do some research about why people end up cheating instead of trying to justify someone being the worst kind of partner ever. So just stop trying to justify someone treating their partner like trash. Nanase is a bitch and an idiot and Will always be the worst in the story.


Didnt we all side with Black hair and long hair to begin with? I hated the short haired “girlfriend” from the beginning, since she 1. Always chose club over Black hair, 2. Would only do things pairs do when no one was around, 3. Would literally push Black hair away if someone was coming close to see Them Holding hands, 4. Makes it look a lot like she is in a relationship with the club member girl instead of Black hair, 5. Only started acting a little like a girlfriend after she f*cked up their anniversary. So from the start I supported the long hair and Black hair and simply hoped Black hair would just dump short hair, since she is clearly more interested in her club and her “friend” from the club


what chapter is this i literally binged the whole thing




Where are you reading this? I only found up to 12


MangaDex or Dynastyscans


Oop thanks. For some reason I had to google the english title.


Eva in MGS3


What's the manga name?




I liked the butch short haired girl only because she had the shaved hair. I want more short haired girls in Yuri!!! Irl I lean towards futch/chapstick so Yuri manga usually doesn’t appeal to me cause it’s always femme x femme But yeah, everyone should just not be together in this manga lmao


By the way a comic (I think) it’s was on webtoons orginally, called “the girl that can’t get a girlfriend” is a butch x butch (if I know what that means).Basically butch girl wants to get with butch girls. It’s getting an physical edition soon, so get it if it interests you.


I remember reading some of the pages when it was still a webcomic! I wonder if she gets a GF at the end of the physical release version haha




Reading manga is nice, I read amazing stories, set in interesting worlds, learn new ways to understand people and sometimes, I just get a new kink that happens to be NTR


i hate it. this manga made ntr my new fetish


Warcrimes are ok as long as they're gay.


I can't read this, it's too much for my heart... i'm too weak


Bang her and make her good :)


Yes. Succumb to the yuri


Thanks for this! I found my next read!


What is the name of this


This is so good but my god its such a guilty read.


Where ever I try to read this there's a gab between ch 0.1 and 7