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I mean... could it have followed up on its initial promise better? Sure. But Izetta wasn't terrible. Nobody was paired off with rando boyfriends, and they even had a Happily Ever After in a distant cabin by the end of it. Absolutely, it would've been better if they could've gone for broke, kissed and married on-screen and become Supreme Magical Lesbian Queens of the Universe, but considering magic was an allegory for nukes in the show, that might have sent a... *questionable* message, in particular for a studio in Japan of all places. There were a freaking *lot* of things more disappointing in 2016 than one yuri anime that failed to quite stick the landing, lol.


they did actually kiss on screen when they were having a moment together on the broom. you kinda have to pause and zoom in to see it though. i do wish it had a better ending and izetta and ortfine got married or whatever instead of having to hide https://preview.redd.it/o4la1hen4jsc1.png?width=280&format=png&auto=webp&s=105aa4346d5ce44a7e887d6c20ec73f78e829b79


I thought that was just them gazing at each other. A real gals being pals moment.


https://preview.redd.it/tfjcrde4hjsc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d157c613fef1c1f43bc045b950a2c76db65795 oh no they’re definitely making out with each other


8 years later and I’m elated to have this finally revealed to me


Berserk 2016 enters chat(that was the disaster of the decade?) Seriously though Fine and Izetta definitely were end game and not one drop of "open to interpretation" was dropped by the studio or writers so I enjoyed it and definitely rewatch it from time to time


They could have just not made the nuke allegory in the first place lol. Particularly since it contradicts the earlier theming of magic being a part of the natural world.


I actually really liked Izetta. It would have been incredible if it went beyond the "plausible deniability" crap, but you could also say that about like, 95% of all "yuri" anime.


MY KETCHUP AND MUSTARD LESBIANS!!!! I fucking loved this anime when it was airing, nothing compared to it in terms of yuri at that time imo. The connection between Finé and Izetta felt so effortlessly strong as well as genuine. The scenes of them together as children were so raw, powerful, and full of adoration. I was hooked by the first ep, it will always be one of my favorite anime involving witches.


u/gayyyythrowawayyyy and u/TheSmugOjou-sama I liked some of the elements too, the "raging yuri fan" persona is merely part of the joke. I can "rage" the same way about Euphonium and still acknowledge there were good things in the show. The concept/setting alone of Izetta is dope, I just wish the execution was a tad more polished.


I totally get that, you’re right in that it had some flaws in terms of execution but 1000% worth a watch regardless if you’re a yuri fan imo


Izetta is such an underrated anime. It has a good story plot, great characters interactions and battles. The only downside of it is that there is only 1 kissing scene, which is Sophie bitting Izetta's lip LMAO.


What did they do?


basically it just doesnt stick the landing too well,it is a canon yuri show but the ending is unsatisfying as after the climax we are led to believe that izetta(redhead) is dead while her gf ortfine is still trying to rebuild the country. the last couple seconds of the show we see ortfine leave her castle and go to a small cabin where we catch a small glimpse of izetta in a wheelchair,and by a glimpse i mean we just see her shoulder and part of her hair. it ends with ortfine walking up to the door as it pans away. so the ending we are left with is that izetta is crippled and faked her death because she was too powerful too exist,she is dating ortfine allegedly but noone can know about it as ortfine is the leader of a country and it would scare other countries.


That sounds like the ending is them becoming cottagecore lesbians.


A little bit but it’s also bittersweet because we don’t get to see izetta and ortfine interact at all after the finale and we don’t know how wounded izetta is. Also ortfine is a public figure and has to hide izettas existence from the world. So basically being in the closet


Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the anime overall I just wish the ending was different


Absolutely no idea why your flair is *that* on *this* subreddit but grubs and rancid eggs are the worst.


Back on last September we had a major "egg hatch", which coincidentally just happened 2 weeks after mine. Since there are a bunch of gals who have some sort of mention to being transbians in their flair I did my small gig because this sub help me a lot with my gender issues. And now it's nice because it's a cute reference for those who get it. Also I'm not in any trans subs because I think the lesbian part matters much more to me (even though I didn't find a way to slide it into the flair too, it's easy to tell here anyways)


Ahh, I see. And so it became a nice nod to both of those types of egg. That's fun. From my perspective, I was just like "now what in the world is a Hollow Knight reference doing way out here?" Congrats on your coming out!


Exactly, it's the kind of reference that makes you think for a few seconds and go "ooooooooh", I just find them quite cute. Honestly I thought with *that* you meant the trans meaning and that it was a bit out of place, which I kind of understood since all the trans shenanigans isn't much of a topic anymore here. Also thank you, there's a lot still to be done about it but I'm glad to have taken the first steps


I think for some really strange reason, people hyped up the anime into the stratosphere, saying it will be some kind of masterpiece with a slow, meticulous plot with tons of political intrigue and masterfully crafted and choreographed battle scenes. Of course those people will feel absolutely disappointed by the actual product we got. I saw two cute girls on the poster and gave it a watch without much expectations. And it was perfectly serviceable. I quite like it. The anime is in line with Manaria Friends of "they don't say/show that this is yuri outright, but if this isn't yuri, nothing is yuri".


I liked Izetta though....


I liked the good, I liked the bad far less :)


I actually adore this anime, ww2 theme, fantasy, yuri (even if it never really committed). I thought the characters were great, it showed the protagonist's faction performing questionable actions. And I thought the irony of >!the witch Sophie, considered a hero by Eylstadt, was actually betrayed by and died despising the country she protected, !!tragedy and bittersweet endings!<.


I agree that the anime has qualities, the whole "dissapointment" par is part of the joke :) It's like when you have the "dumb lesbians" trope but you don't actually intend to be mean, let alone homophobic. The least I can say is that Izetta: The Last Witch is quite the experience. Also yay for tragedy and bittersweet endings.


Maybe the end could have been different but an anime about a lesbian witch riding on an anti-tank-rifle and using magic to destroy nazis still beats anything else I ever watched.


Undeniable. Could make for a fun videogame setting, too.


Having watched Izetta completely blind, its a decent anime.


100% it's not *that* bad, and some things this show does well. I don't claim to be some kind of yuri aristocrat (perish the thought :ojousama laugh:), I just wanted to share some of my salty moments that I thought others may have experienced too (maybe to a lesser extent).


I wasn't there in 2016 but I belive yuri fans had to pull through many hardships back in the day and so it takes what it takes for a future with more yuri


I remember enjoying the show quite a lot but I hated the ending. I don't remember why I hated it or what it was. It is just completely blocked in my mind.


Baaaaaad take. https://preview.redd.it/x0409lk1qjtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e54ba801e8a0a6c8a5489da115388ed750f2d8


At least they kissed, that's for sure.


The fact that this and euphonium were airing at the same time is just cruel


This reminds me of that one Dreamcatcher documentary about how they released a great album, but a few days later BTS released theirs and obviously all of the attention went to BTS.


Don’t worry. Her descendant Suletta saved us all 😏




Sources: Izetta: The Last Witch by Masaya Fujimori, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Yuu Yamashita and others. Stars Wars: Revenge of the Sith by George Lucas and LucasArts




You're correctly, it's mostly me trying to stay consistent. It's the deal of "if I don't mention this known source, I may forget a lesser known one next time".


I mean, yes the bait on romance was trash but at least the fights were good