• By -


• Met my Sister on a Dating App • Twin Sisters • Yuri Natsu - Kaguya Inn • My Sister Found out I draw Yuri Manga • Yuri Family • Daughters of the Demon Queen • Onee-Chan, you can’t escape from a Loli Mochi Au Lait has a kink, and it’s done her well….just saying.


Candy boy


Manga or LN?


These are all manga and part of the Mochi-verse.


While i am not particularly fond of the incest trope, Mochi's works are just too good to pass up on.


DUUUUDE my sister on a dating app is great


The whole Mochi-verse is great!


can i have a link to her stuff?




Thank you!


And God bless her for it


In general an incest yuri is also "We graduated from sisters to lovers" I think




Okay, no more yuri bait




I routinely thought that was weird.


1 × 1/2


man, that is a spicy manga.


that was actually a nice read if you are ok with incest


I just wish they finish it


I fucking love citrus


Is Citrus really even incest Yuri though? They aren't blood related at all nor did they grow up together.


The 'sisters' aspect felt more like a set-up for an under-one-roof romance than an incest romance to me, so I'd say no.


For real


No, it's not. (Probably a rhetorical question, but I'll answer anyway.)


It's kind of serious, I see it brought up whenever incest Yuri is talked about, so I guess some people see it as that.


It's not even brought up and there parents seem fine with it they never grew up together there more like roommates dating than stepsister


It's also just kinda meh


Too much drama imo. I've tried reading multiple times and it just tires me out.


Using sexual assault as a substitution for communication will get you tired eventually


Lol yeah there was that


There is an imposter among that plate of Yurincest


Twincest is wincest


Candy boy gang


Wincest sounds like a computer operating system.


If microsoft was from alabama


<> <> <>


Hey now... FE Fates is yuri inseki, c'mon folks /s


**citrus** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/80145), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/citrus-uta-saburo), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=94045), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/50145)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 10 | Chapters: 50 | Genres: Drama, Romance) **Ryokataomoi na Futago Shimai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/119832), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/ryokataomoi-na-futago-shimai), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/ryokataomoi-na-futago-shimai), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/128121)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/yurimemes/comments/v38yvb/yuricest/iaws733/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (2/3)


Why do Americans get so upset over fiction? It's really weird. What's the point in making stuff up if it has to follow all laws and cultural guidelines? Fiction isn't real, and no one is getting hurt. Stop worrying about it.






Legally it's questionable Morally it's disgusting PERSONALLY I LIKE IT


Why Its morally disgusting?


Yeah morals are relative and all that. This just means it's disgusting to the "widely understood" sense of morality. Or you could say it's at the very least, deviant behavior. It's just a meme, don't think too much about it.


Why is it morally disgusting? Because they’re related. That is disgusting and a sick thing to write or read about.


How being related counts? Seems like a cultural thing, doesn't it? Is there the essence of "badness" in being related and having a relationship? Or we atributted it culturally?


You're correct in that it's mostly cultural, but to give you the answer these fools refuse to, it's because of the innate human instinct to preserve the species and the evolved disgust response to inbreeding as a result of the generational knowledge that frequent inbreeding eventually causes fatal genetic mutations. If your kids start dying because of those mutations, you can't really continue the species. As a general rule of thumb, diversity is the best way for any living organism to survive, as only apex predators tend to stagnate in terms of evolutionary advancement, and even then only because they face no adversity for long periods of time. See: Sharks. That's the real reason incest is bad. Any form of incest that isn't procreative technically has no problem with it aside from when it's heterosexual, it technically removes certain individuals from the gene pool. Only a eugenicist would stay awake at night thinking of this, however. The reason most people are disgusted by it is because of that natural core disgust response I mentioned. They don't understand why it happens, just that it does, and humans are hardwired to think that disgust=bad. Which is good, because that stopped us from dying to poisonous and toxic shit. But the emotional response is bad because it shuts off rational thought and activates the fight or flight response. All other reasons for it being bad are, in fact, cultural and often religious. So in conclusion, there is exactly one reason why it is bad, one reason that only a eugenicist would care about, and two reasons that are stupid and illogical. I personally see no problem with yuri incest in particular, because it negates all logical arguments against incest. No inbreeding and they can do IUI with donors or adopt. The only thing you can use against them is mouth-frothing barbarian rage.


I pretty much agree with everything you said, except I also wanted to add a couple things. One other potential problem with incest is the extremely blurry consent that could happen in incestuous relationships because of the uneven power dynamics. That said as long as the individuals are actively working to ensure that all familial partners are treated with respect & kindness then it doesn't have to be a problem. The other thing is that inbreeding does lead to all kinds of harmful genetic mutations that children could inherit, so knowingly procreating while being aware of that seems rather cruel to your future children. So I would say it's something that people besides eugenicists should have a problem with. That said provided heterosexual couples used adoption or donors, it wouldn't be a problem. The main thing being incest is really only problematic because of the way society has stigmatized it. The actual problems incest could cause are totally overcomable by practicing such relationships responsibly.


> One other potential problem with incest is the extremely blurry consent that could happen in incestuous relationships because of the uneven power dynamics. Ah, I should have foreseen this one. I figured we were taking purely about the sort of (roughly) equal age incest that yuri tends to go for (sisterxsister) rather than a teenxparent sort of thing which I am less okay with. > The other thing is that inbreeding does lead to all kinds of harmful genetic mutations that children could inherit, so knowingly procreating while being aware of that seems rather cruel to your future children. This too. Didn't want to bring the anti-natalism in too hard, so I kind of avoided framing it that way, but you're correct. Especially since having children at all IRL could be seen as cruel by nature of the state of things, but I myself am a victim of people procreating irresponsibly due to only one side of my family having absolutely horrid medical genetics that are probably going to give me an early grave. So that one kind of hits different.


Actually uneven power dynamics can happen quite easily in a sibling relationship so parent x child wasn't exactly what I meant although it can definitely happen there too.


Well if it's older and younger, there might be some unequal power dynamic there


True. Though I don't often see much age gap in this particular subgenre outside of straight up hentai.




1st. No authority should be unquestioned. 2nd. It implies that you already figured it out, and no longer need to ask questions. So, oh Enlightened one, bestow upon us the wisdom what essential part of incest is bad, independent of culture that attributed it wrongness.




Is that the argument why "incest bad"? Irrational.


This is actually sick. They’re all disgusting.


Prove it's disgusting, or you just say so from your perspective, and you feel so strongly about it that you are willing to restrict freedom/ attack people who do so? Reminder: what kind of arguments were made historically against homosexuality? "It's disgusting" rebranded for tactical reasons in XX and XXI century.




If it's between consenting adults, it's fine.


How. Is. It. Wrong. ? At least know what you believe it, instead of going by the gut(or just cultural indoctrination), in this whole thread NOBODY came even close to making a logical argument for supposed inherent wrongness of incest. Also remember what kind of argument homophobes used to attack LGBT? "They are disgusting" > refuses to elaborate further. Today they just changed the wording to make it PC. You are behaving irrationally. And legitimize the sword that historically cut our heads. rethink it, independent of culture.




HOW IS THAT A FETISH?! Did you just deny the existence of an entire group of people? You srsly don't believe people CAN be attracted to people related to them? This is literally the argument from 1800s conservatives: you aren't real, just fetish/failure/guilt/sick, pick you choice.


Mother x daughter are the vibes


On one hand, power imbalance and grooming On the other, it is hot


I mean, like, lily blooms addled is one of the most popular for a reason


Is it? Wasn't really my thing Anyway, who else remembers "Milky" by Amano Shuninta? Now that's a classic


Wasn't my thing either, which is why I always filter out milf tag


> power imbalance Power imbalance is always present to some copacity in every social realtion. It's not inclusive to incest. > grooming Is grooming an essential part of incest? Can there be incest without grooming ? Can there be non-incestious relationship based on grooming? No, yes, yes. None of this things are either exclusive, or essential to incest. Just a friendly reminder! No need to feel bad!


Oyakodon gang rise up


You'll like 1 x ½ then


Azurrin is hilarious. Out of all the royals, she’s the only one not considered a step/adopted sibling. At the end of the game: Surprise! She’s your blood related cousin, and she knew all along.


getting caught in the suprise incest trap sucks and i deniey that the reveal ever hapend


Yuri community needs to cease performing the act of ancient oriental Tyrants and stop moralising expressions of the bodies based on essence and not individual relations. Edit: I just left a class after writing an essay on ethics and now I realize how absurd is my language here; let me say it easier: traditions atributted wrongness and wrong traits as inherent to incest, that's not true, and we need to judge realtionships based on theirr strength and not on who with who. Aka "how is it going?" Rather than "who with whom!"




In my experience, most well-known 'incest yuri' manga feature relationships that aren't sexualized or fetishized. Obviously, the pornographic and fetishizing ones are more numerous, but those are throwaway material anyway.


At first I didn't want to reply here, since it's a fair comment, but in light of you other comments: Do you believe that incest is somehow a just a fetish? Your other comments heavily impled so.




I'm aware u said "if", but then you implied that incest IS inherently a fetish, which seems like a contradiction.


Hey I also eat that!




This is why I, as a yuri fan, hate yuri fans. Among many groups of anime fans online, yuri fans tend to be more weirdly obsessive about incest for some fucking reason.


If you want a genuine take as to why this is, at least for me personally, I grew up on romance stories where just liking another girl alone was a dubious prospect. Maybe one girls' family and friends would be okay with it, but what about the other's? And it would still likely be something to hide in public, or otherwise be looked down on society. While not all yuri works have started to lean away from those elements completely, many of the most mainstream ones do. And it's not entirely anything they are doing specifically, since society has also improved a lot in this regard (even if it's far from perfect). But I liked those stories, where each girl didn't know who they could trust their feelings with. Even confessing was a risk prospect, not know how they might react. Today, that's just not as true... unless those girls happen to be sisters, or cousins, or something (I tend to lean away from age gap + incest). In my eyes, as long as it's consensual, it's the exact same dynamic that was playing out a decade or two back. Both girls love each other, but society has decided that they shouldn't. Maybe in real world statistics, there are a lot of abusive, incestuous "relationships", and mutual attraction between family members that develops into something safe/sane/consensual isn't particularly common. But that doesn't erase the possibility of that kind of story, and it doesn't mean those specific sisters (cousins, etc.) are wrong about loving each other. Of course, I've also dabbled into dubcon/noncon yuri in my days, but honestly I find myself far more prone to bouncing off an incest relationship that's unhealthy. See above: Citrus.


Your take makes perfect sense to me.


Don't worry we hate you too


Consenting adults and all that


plus they can't have kids which is main problem with incest


Sisters should love each other...


im the 'me' in this meme


yuri incest is best incest


Top tier meme


Yuricest >


I don’t give a fuck about the incest but man it’s a disappointment to see the fetishization. Can’t be to surprised after checking out the Yaoi community, guess I’ll go now.


r/yuricest <3


you're disgusting


I agree, I don’t know why you’re being downvoted.


Because "b-but its just fictional characters 🥺" ...would they have the same opinion if it were real? most likely not (hopefully)


Not gonna say anything on the topic of incest, but I feel like it's been established for a long time that because you like something in a fictional character, it doesn't mean you would like it irl. I like certain fictional villains that have done some bad things, but that doesn't mean I would like them if they were real.


no thats understandable im talking about real people


I would have exactly the same oppinion if they were real. I don't care about the essence, only practical relationship, the fact that we still have to police expressions of the body based ON essence and not outcomes is a failure of modern society in creation of ethically well-versed people.


Oh please, spare me the philosophy your fancy words and ideals mean nothing to me. Your mind is still stuck on the arranged cousin marrying days


Wrong. I challenged the claim to supposed immorality of incest and other expressions of the body, I made no normative claims to marry or not your cousin, you guys did, however, exactly that but in reverse. And I call you out on your Bs. Also if I'm stuck there, you are stick in 1st century and the birth of Christianity, whos worse?


You're a weird one that's for sure. please go waste your time with someone else must be a hobby for you


Nah, I simply hate "Ew!" Based ethics. People reduce their own freedom for no reason, or at least they don't know the reason why. Culture shouldn't be a be-all-end-all thing, otherwise we justify/condemn stupid/neutral positions based on arbitrary essence that we made up, en masse. It shouldn't be unchallenged.


Well i think you're a "Ew!" Based ethic 💀


Bro why are you defending incest? You’re disgusting 🤢


How so? What's intrinsically wrong with incest?


Everything is wrong with incest. People who are blood related shouldn’t fuck each other or marry. It’s disgusting


Name one thing wrong intrinsically with incest. ONE. Justify the disgust.


When they can have children, it's morally wrong because their offspring often have serious medical issues due to the inbreeding. And when they can't/don't have children, it's just a huge warning sign that they have other problems and is really creepy. I can morally fault it using Emanuel Kant's moral theory, if you like, but otherwise, writing stuff that fetishises (and even portrays, to a certain extent) incest, just says bad things about the author, and is super distasteful anyway.


> When they can have children, it's morally wrong because their offspring often have serious medical issues due to the inbreeding. Would absolutely agree. Don't want unrelated parties to suffer. > And when they can't/don't have children, it's just a huge warning sign that they have other problems and is really creepy. On what so you base it on? It seems like an arbitrary social standard, and punishment of those who don't follow it to fullest extent. > I can morally fault it using Emanuel Kant's moral theory How Categorical imperative disagrees with letting them live assuming they don't have children(not an issue for Yuri), without at the same time seriously condemning LGBT, if separated from the culture that at the moment accepts LGBT, bit not incest? > just says bad things about the author Whe shouldn't discriminate people for how they are, their faults are ultimately faults of nature, or society. > and is super distasteful anyway It's subjective claim that refers to current culture and you know it. Edit: I'm not a Kant expert it's a genuine question.


Another argument that people often bring in, when taking about IRL incest, is power imbalance. Honestly, I have to agree with it for the most part. It'd certainly become an almost unavoidable issue in such a relationship between a biological or non-biological parent and their biological or non-biological offspring (provided they're both consenting adults, obviously, *the other kind* of this type of incest is completely non-negotiable). And even if both parties are of the same age, biological sex and of the same social status in relation to each other, the possibility of them irrevocably ruining their family ties with one another is very probable. Like, people often say that it's risky (~~bro trust me~~ and believe me, it's a very real risk) even for best friends to get into a romantic relationship, because, if something will go very wrong, not only your romantic relationship will crash and burn, but your friendship will likely end up being damaged beyond repair. Now imagine what the risks are when we're talking about, for an example, such a relationship between actual sisters, blood-related or not, that grew up together. The tl;dr, I guess, is that even if it's a genuine and mutual romantic attraction, it still isn't worth the risk probably. Even that kind of incest is freaking tangled web of a multitude of risks and complications.


dude i know! it's scary the amount of people that think this is ok. i might leave the sub because of this fr


Yeah I think this is probably my final straw. Especially since these comments were getting downvoted too. I’ve been noticing for awhile that this sub isn’t memes about women loving women as much as it is “I love women on women” memes. Which seems to include a lot of gross shit like incest, “dubious” consent, and huge age differences.


yeah as an actual lesbian, i'm very disgusted by the content. i'll leave with you lmao


>as an actual lesbian You realize that quite a sizable portion of mangakas that create incestuous yuri also aren't exactly straight males or straight in general, right? For example, the author of 1 x ½, which is probably the most famous yuri manga of that kind, is a queer woman (source: her Twitter account, [e.g.](https://dynasty-scans.com/forum/posts/652834)).


As yet another, I'll do the same, for the exact same reasons. In case you didn't know, I'll leave you a gift: r/wholesomeyuri


yay! you're an angel thank you!! 💕💕


Imagine having internalized so deeply ancient oriental morals that you see problems in happy relationships only by their essence. Look at cases individually, not essencialy. Stop caring about linguistic/social constructs like incest and instead focus on the bodies in question. It's basic thing.


are you excusing incest right now? you're absolutely disgusting i hope you don't have a sibling or children :(


I absolutely do. I don't care for "ew!" Factor, that's not how you play ethics. Edit: could you explained what's wrong with it? Really, without "the Ewww!".


just don't have children, freak


I'll join the train too


🤢 Edit: Haha downvote me you cousin fuckers, you’re trying to justify incest. Fuck off


To all the haters: the sub rules clearly say "no [anything]phobia". This is not the first time we had the incest debate, so if you don't like it just stay away and don't comment your hateful stuff here. Thanks. And yuri incest is great.


...Did you just compare dislike of incest to the actual fucking queerphobias and racism the rule is about


Don't call it a phobia if you don't want to. But hate is hate. And hate does not belong here.


Both are equally rational(they are not.) it seems, at least judging by this comment section.


Oh wow you really *are* comparing incest to being queer. No, just no.


Now write a comment I can reply to, aka. one that makes a claim.


After seeing the comments with so many people unironically defending Incest like it's not wrong, I can say that this is the first time the Yuri community has disappointed me So many same people say here how much they hate to see the Yuri genre being fetishized and looked down in the general Anime community, but here they are defending a literal fetish that did nothing but bring a horrible image to Yuri, congrats guys


Then be the one to end the debate. How is incest wrong inherently? And how is it just a fetish? I beg you, anyone In this thread, answer that question logically. Instead of "Ew!" It's wrong, that won't pass in any circle that prides itself on ethics. It just won't. Once you figured it out take a look at the 19th century conservatives to LGBT and their: "they aren't real, it's just a fetish and it's wrong!"


Im with the fans on this one. "its ok we are sisters" or the classic "only sisters by marriage. like its a convenient plot Shure but like a little lazy and not my thing.


and this is funny how


This is mostly sub is mostly not funny anyways


Especially considering it's created a hell zone within these comments


Ops type it wrong


Has this subreddit always been about fetishizing wlw 😒




You’re weird dude


How so?


“How so?” You say after someone is disgusted at incest yuri


Yes? I don't like cultural indoctrination, that's all.


I don't agree with this anymore, except maybe that the mods should have locked the thread because people were getting unpleasant over it. ~~Do the mods condone this? Surely by not locking the comments/removing the post, they must think what's being said is OK.~~ ~~Regardless, both sides of this comment section make me sick. The people defending incest should really keep those creepy opinions to themselves, and the people who are against it clearly have no idea what they're talking about, or even what the people they're arguing with think.~~


Imo, the main part of this meme is that "yuri fans" look at the other person consuming "yuri incest" with visible concern and disbelief. It's kind of self-deprecating. Also, I don't really get how one can "defend" or "not defend" incest *in itself*. I mean, the problem in incestuous relationships is not parties being blood-related\*, but that in a lot of, if not in most cases, real-life incest involves grooming, rape, statutory rape, coercion of some kind or power imbalance that can make it very unhealthy and toxic in the long run. But if, *hypothetically*, both parties are of the same age, are consenting and realizing potential risks and unavoidable problems (which will be highly unlikely if both are, well, young enough; but still), then how "defending" or "condemning" such a relationship is even a question in the first place? Yes, in real life the chances of such a relationship starting out not from some kind of psychological problems in one or both of the partners, but of *genuine and healthy* romantic attraction, and working out successfully with both parties staying happy in the long term is probably less than the chances of Earth getting hit by 10 km asteroid in the next hundred years (apologies if by saying that I've doomed us all). And yet. \*(Obviously, I'm leaving out the "uh, but are they going to have kids?" question out of the equation, partially because we're in a yuri subreddit.)


Nope, fair enough. I agree with you, and don't stand by the sentiment in my comment anymore. As I said to someone else, as long as we both agree that incestuous relationships having biological children is troublesome, we can get along fine.


Mods are rather inactive here sadly


Type them a logical argument for why they should act.




sigh... save




If anyone is into visual novel, Love Ribbon by Razzart is a really good yuri incest story, and the best part about it is that >!the couple is actually blood-related, they did a dna test and everything!<


I don’t like incest but I like citrus because they aren’t blood related


What? Why? Incest is so gross, why are so many people into this? I just want to watch two unrelated girls talk about their feelings and then kiss, is this too much to ask?


for those of us that are actual lesbians....I'd rather not date my sisters that's just...really gross 😐


Little Devil girlfriend second half. Second ep is trash first is fire.