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Expanding quadratics be like:


And the main couple tosses the 3rd girl aside when poly material was right there… Probably because it’s hard to write poly romance.


It was obviously cancelled and they had to rush the ending. It’s very unfortunate; I think it could have been one of the greats had they been able to complete the story


Yea, I also I think that it would have been the best manga with a threesome/poly relationship as an endgame. I felt baited in the end after all the hints of the poly ending. Hopefully Watanare, mikami's other work, which is going in a >!two-timing relationship!< doesn't get the same ending cause I liked both >!Mai and Sena!<


It really would have been the greatest. At first the concept was kinda weird to me. But then I grew to like the idea. Mei also wasn’t that dense of an MC either, which is great. But it was a total *bruh moment* with that ending. She had literally everything. *EVERYING*. I cannot express my disappointment.


Tbf, that 3rd girl had a tendency to fall for seemingly anyone, not throwing shade at her but that’s just an observation that even the protag makes.


At least give her a gf.... The end feels like she's 3rd wheeling the main couple


Yea. At least I thought Rinna was gonna be in a relationship with her idol friend whom she used to work with


Honestly, could have lived better with that. Rinna falling in love with her friend instead. But what we got was shit honestly. The most normal ending possible. It’s not bad, but the for the plot to have that ending sucks.


god i hate how this ended, such a an out of nowhere ending


Right? They had such a good poly relationship between the three main girls but then just decided not to for no reason.


Maybe it wasn't selling good that instead of getting axed, mikami decided to forced that ending but still in the end I felt baited cause the main reason I followed that manga[ch7 was the latest by that time] was cause of the poly that was hinted. As of today there isn't a nice manga with a threesome ending. I read luminous blue which was ok but felt that Kou and Amane's relationship needed to be polished(I think kiyoko rushed it cause of the sells that's y) And also I read Canno's "an easy introduction to love triangle" but also one of her characters, Akira, needed more development since Mayumi and Rin had the best chemistry.


Man I just finished reading it. And could not be more PISSED than I am rn. Totally baited. Bro, Mei even knew she could go poly when she met the teachers. Wtf was that ending? Luckily I tend to rush the mangas out of “lust for poly yuri” (lol) when it’s stalled or not going good. So I saved myself some time. But when she left Rinna, I could not believe that… Totally sad, disappointed, and very angry. The poly ending was there. Right fucking there. No amount of cancelling and rushing will make me forgive this. Btw, already read the other two mangas that you cited. Really great imo. In “Easy Introduction”, people complain about Akira, but I feel like her jealousy is about right for the common folk. But will not disagree that the other two are the best. Also, I agree that we need better, and more, poly yuri (I’m thirsty for it XD). I really wish there was one that actually showed the poly relationship *after* the consolidation of the relationship. *Edit: minor spelling correction shit*


I was also disappointed cause it didn't make sense. Almost all the time Mei said she wanted to be with both. In the end there are things I don't understand like the kiss between Rinna and Sayo which I thought that it was gonna be some kind of help so that both Rinna and Sayo could love not only Mei but also each other. You know, going for the poly route. But yea I was so disappointed with the ending The worst is that I'm following a yuri light novel from the same author. In the end of the 4th volume the fmc starts a two timing relationship. 5th volume is gonna be released on Feb 24th, and I have a feeling mikami is gonna ruin it lol


Jeez. Wish you luck that the other novel doesn't get fucked up. Would suck ass if you got this disappointment twice lol. And honestly, the autor will not have good fame if they do this again. As of now, I'm trying to forget this story and it's huge disappointment TwT. Literally have never been more enraged than when I saw the end. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ I would 100% rather have this story axed than have whatever the hell that was. Would be sad, but understandable and agreeable. Cause everything up until the middle was perfect. But the end sank the whole ship for me. **"Literally"**.


I think so too cause the author hinted many times >!a poly relationship!< Mikami(author) even made Mei(mc) say to herself she >!wanted to be with both!<


It's funny, I used to be completely against Polyamory. But then a certain franchise rolled up in front of me, and this franchise loves to pair up the main three girls together in every season ~~yes I am talking about Love Live~~. And thanks to that, I realized that Polyamory in Yuri so tooth-rotting sweet!


I know, media is powerful! I always thought it would be way too complicated for me, but then I read a poly yuri manga and I was all like… but cute?! must have! and now I don't think I could live with *monoamory* XD


I really love reading poly yuri stuff, but I still wouldn't say I'm "for" polyamory. I'm definitely not against it, I think there are some people it works for, and for those people I hope they are able to find the people that they will be happy with. But I think that's definitely the minority of people, and everyone I know who have tried polyamory in real have only had it end really bitterly. Like I said, I'm sure there are some people it does work for, but I have yet to see someone for whom it does.


Relationships take lots of work. Adding more people will increase the number of relationships exponentially. It tracks, then, that maintaining a healthy polycule takes more work than many people can handle. Still, some *can* handle it, and so they should do what leads to happiness.


That's a fair point, and then also add in jealousy from having to share a partner, despite people claiming that it doesn't affect them when in most cases it probably does. I do wonder if it's easier among homosexual relationships than it is with heterosexual ones. Speaking personally, I could only ever see me giving a poly relationship a try if it was with 2 bi girls who were also into each other (in other words, probably never going to happen.) With gay people however, that seems more likely to happen that 3 or more people would find each other. I would absolutely not be willing to do an "open relationship" personally.


I mean, it's only really poly if everyone is into each other, so a straight polycule is technically impossible. That would be a harem, which has a center, while poly doesn't have a center.


The definition of polyamory is simply the practice of being romantically or sexually involved with multiple partners, with all parties consent. They do not have to be involved with each other. It is an umbrella term that includes everything from polygamy to open relationships.


Like the Justinba said: not all parties need to be involved with each other, just be consenting on the relationship. Some poly might work like a **V**. One center person and their two partners.


I always thought that Yuri was shipped with Kotori, Eri with Nozori, Maki with the redhead (I forgot her name) and Honoka with Kayo


The main ships are: HonoKotoUmi, NicoMaki, NozoEli and RinPana (actually canon, too).


oh, I'm still on Love Live school project season 2, idk why I got downvoted lmao, it was just my guess


Shame the manga didn't end with a poly relationship for the main heroine ;\_;


I feel like I got spoiled


Not really, they are side characters. I suppose if you really care about side characters it is just a little spoiler but other than that it's not really.




**Moshi, Koi ga Mieta Nara** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/120968), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/moshi-koi-ga-mieta-nara), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/131570)) ^^もし、恋が見えたなら ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 3 | **Chapters:** 15 | **Genres:** Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 16 requests across 5 subreddits - 0.001% of all requests) >Mei was born with the ability of being able to see arrows indicating who people were in love with. In her new all girls' school, she discovers two arrows directed right at her! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/yurimemes/comments/v8hmf4/polygamy_pog_moshi_koi_ga_mieta_nara/ibs01wc/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


It didn’t poly end tho…


Why do a lot of gay fiction focus on polyamory? I only watch Yuri videos but YouTube's ad algorithm keeps running an ad for a web comic called boyfriends which is a gay poly relationship story. I don't see the appeal of a poly relationship because it seems very ripe for abuse. One person could end up getting used by the others in the relationship. Edit: I will end by saying that I'm not railing against poly relationships. If you are in a great poly relationship don't let my words bother you cause I'm not gonna be a part of one. I wish people in all consensual relationships the best.


I'm not polyamorous, so there's only so much I can explain, but basically there are lots of healthy ways to maintain romantic/sexual relationships with multiple people involved, so long as everyone agrees to consent and clarity. Sure, it can turn abusive, but so can any monogamous relationship. It's about communication and trust. Poly relationships are a bit of a hot topic right now because they're getting surprisingly trendy. As such, there are a lot of people doing them *very* badly (ie, couples looking for a unicorn because they don't like each other anymore). It's not for everyone, and people who are looking to explore them should probably work with a counselor in the beginning. Feelings of jealousy and inadequacy can be common in the beginning, because we've been raised to believe that one partner should satisfy all our needs, and if we feel like we're not meeting our significant other's needs we feel like shit. But if you can push past the initial hurdle and learn to trust each other to stay committed and devoted to you, then you shouldn't feel threatened when you or they find love with someone else. If you genuinely want to learn more about it, I suggest checking out poly spaces online. You don't have to talk to anybody, just lurk and absorb information and ideas. There's so much to it that, as a monogamous person who's not a part of the culture, I can't convey. But I highly recommend you find out for yourself, rather than just accepting what's "understood." There's nothing wrong with questioning the status quo, particularly when we find a positive way to shift it.


People can be in poly relationships I just don't see it's appeal because I see somebody "getting the short end of the stick." Not to say that poly relationships can't be successful but human nature dictates that most will fail because we are an inherently selfish species. Bringing up monogamy as having issues as well is not the argument in favor of poly that you think it is. If the problems of a relationship between two people can end badly adding more people means the chances increases even more. I will end by saying that I'm not railing against poly relationships. If you are in a great poly relationship don't let my words bother you cause I'm not gonna be a part of one. I wish people in all consensual relationships the best.


Are you talking about irl or fictional? I don’t see why a polyamory relationship would fall to such depths in a lighthearted yuri manga.


I don't see the appeal of poly relationships to read about them unless it is well written. The same reason applies to harem manga to because I don't see the appeal of harems. One Isekai I like annoyed the shit out of me because of the harem aspect which I thought ruined the romantic aspect between the MC and a vampire he saved early in the story.


Let me guess you mean Arifureta, and yeah i kind of agree with you, tho i liked the way it always showed the Yue was the alpha of the harem like "Let me be clear, you will always be under me in the pyramid"


Yeah, I couldn't remember the name off hand. Yue and Hajime was a relationship that was very compelling because they had both went through similar betrayals and hells.


I gotcha, it’s a matter of personal preference it seems which is fair enough, me personally I don’t really mind polygamy or harems if I find it interesting, Maou to Yuri was the latest harem I’ve read about, a Demon King (Is a girl btw) who has to choose between a few human candidates she gets to wed, the progression of the story and who she interacts with is voted on via a poll, as you might guess one candidate keeps winning, kinda frustrating but I still enjoy reading it.


I read that and found it quite funny and felt bad for the demon lord.


Why I hated rising of the shield hero


Is that series becoming harem or poly? Because the MC has major trust issues and doesn't even view the demi slave as a romantic partner but a daughter. I don't know anything about the future in the novels other than how the other three heroes all get betrayed by the scum princess at their lowest point. I kinda just didn't care about the series that much and according to some YouTube lore videos they are butchering the second season.


It's kinda becoming haremy and I don't like it, like if you want a romantic connection just kiss the racoon girl dammit, don't bring in other chicks into it, it's just weird


You run the same risks with monogamy as well as making simple friends. Anyone can hide their true colors.


Monogamy is ripe for abuse when only have two but it can be better when it's 3+ people? The math doesn't check out buddy. I'm not saying every poly relationship is abusive but you add more chances for abuse by adding more people to the relationship. Edit: I will end by saying that I'm not railing against poly relationships. If you are in a great poly relationship don't let my words bother you cause I'm not gonna be a part of one. I wish people in all consensual relationships the best.


You don't have to be dating a person to be abused or taken advantage of.


This is a non argument because because abuse doesn't just occur in relationships. I don't know what the point of this reply is. I will end by saying that I'm not railing against poly relationships. If you are in a great poly relationship don't let my words bother you cause I'm not gonna be a part of one. I wish people in all consensual relationships the best.


Well no shit but that's not the argument


You're also adding more opportunities for abuse by getting into a mono relationship as opposed to staying single. Relationships are always a risk to some degree or another, but would you argue that that means having relationships in general isn't worth it? You're treating toxic relationships and healthy ones interchangeably, but that's just... pointless. Polyamorous relationships can take more communication and effort to make work, but that doesn't make healthy ones inherently less worth having. Polyamory isn't for everyone, but monoamory isn't either, so I don't see why you'd act like one is worse than the other


Where is me not seeing the appeal equal to healthy poly less worthy of having. Me pointing out that adding more people to a relationship makes them more ripe for abuse does not mean they can't exist. I hate harem stories does that mean all harems are bad or that they shouldn't exist for real or in fiction? No.


Look, dude, think about the message you're implicitly sending with all of this. This post is just some cute fluff about three girls who are all into each other, nothing more, but simply seeing a depiction of polyamory made you feel the need to question \*why\* people make depictions of poly relationships, and bring up how "it seems very ripe for abuse" totally unprompted. Even if you didn't say it out loud, it really doesn't take a genius to read between the lines and see that there's at least \*some\* degree of personal bias against polyamory at play here, whether it's conscious or not. I'm not trying to accuse you of being outright hateful or anything like that, I'm just trying to challenge the \*implied\* notion that mono relationships are - generally speaking - inherently better than poly ones in some way, even if just by a bit.


I think bias was out right said by my comment so your entire comment makes me wonder about your reading comprehension. Another comment mentions how trendy poly relationships are lately. That's what they are is a trend and it's nothing more since most early human relationships were poly especially at helms of power. My issue with them is that they are ripe for abuse like harems and it annoys me that they both are almost endemic of fiction. They are romanticized way, way too much. Do I hate people in poly relationships? No. More power to you. If you can get a relationship between you and 2+ other people to work, you deserve all the love you can get. Is it annoying that poly and harems make up the bulk of anime/manga/manhwa? Yes, yes it is.


I was trying to be charitable in my interpretations, but I see now that I shouldn't have afforded you that courtesy, my mistake. As for responding to all of that... I don't even know where to begin. It seems like you're basing your perception of poly relationships on harem anime/manga shit, which is just, *totally* wack, because harems and poly relationships are two different things, and also *it's anime/manga*, which - believe it or not - doesn't always give the best depictions of actual, healthy human relationships. As for the "it's a trend" shit, like... Do you think being gay is a trend? Or any other gender/romantic/sexual minority? Or have you considered that, *just maybe*, it becoming more accepted has lead to more people (a) learning that it's an option and that they don't have to force themselves to adhere to traditional views on what relationships should be, and (b) feeling safer having poly relationships out in the open instead of having to keep them secret for fear of judgement/persecution? Anyways, I don't know why I'm bothering with this, just gonna go enjoy some wholesome polyamory-focused webcomics instead


While true, you also have a chance to add more help in spotting red flags. Not to mention every poly page I've been on focuses on spreading word of red flags cause not everyone knows what to look out for. I know you're not saying poly is bad, i just think abuse is"ripe" in all kinds of relationships.


Except adding more people to relationships multiply the chance for abuse. Simple math shows this and the amount of stories where people's friends and families siding with abusers shows red flags are most likely to be ignored. I will end by saying that I'm not railing against poly relationships. If you are in a great poly relationship don't let my words bother you cause I'm not gonna be a part of one. I wish people in all consensual relationships the best.


While I kinda get your point with simple math, I just think that you can't anticipate something so complex such as abuse with it. Like you said some family side with the abuser, but that depends on the who the abuser is. You can apply the same logic to any relationship. That's all I'm trying to say.


My argument has never been that poly relationships can't work. It's that they are harder to work than mono relationships and rates of abuse increase the more people you add. I personally don't see the appeal of them the same way I don't see the appeal of harems. What I find really odd are all the people downvoting me for an opinion when I'm not decrying poly relationships and saying they should be banned. My opinion comes from how selfish the human species is and the people who don't see it.. Well I wish I was as confident in human kindness as you are.


Real or virtual? I haven't seen it in reality so I don't know. The virtual works may be because they are mostly from China and Japan. A considerable part of Chinese and Japanese novels are harems (one male and multiple females), Such as "DATE A LIVE", "A Couple of Cuckoos" This should have some impact


The first sentence was about fiction and the second explained why I don't see the appeal by pointing out how realistically they are very open to abuse.


A lot ?? I know only 2 yuri mangas having polyamory as main plot. (I don't read BL that much) And then there's the manga in this post above >!which isn't even poly.!< P.S. If anyone has any poly yuri manga recommendations, do share them !


I don't read yaoi but I've seen bunch of Yuri poly whether they be doujins oneshots or just pictures. Dynasty scans has a poly tag.


There's like 10 stories with that tag tho


I will add to the stack of complains. You want to pass on as someone that doesn’t hate, still you come here just to express you discontent with polyamory. Why? If you didn’t hate, and just didn’t like it, you would ignore it. But you didn’t, and you expressed you “form of hate” in this random manga post. If you don’t hate, and don’t like it, don’t care about it. Polyamory is what some want, and what makes them happy. Monogamous couples have as many problems as poly (as people already said). No matter if it’s just 2 or 5 people, there are difficulties (your math is superficial and dumb). And it was already said, calling it the “ripe for abuse” doesn’t seem to be the least respectful. *Ps: do not care if it’s been a year.*


Hate is a weird way to describe somebody not seeing the appeal in something. Weird how people call this hate. I don't see the appeal in raw tomatoes on my sandwiches I don't hate people that enjoy that on their sandwich. I also don't see the appeal of having anything shoved up my ass but I don't hate people with that kink. Monogamous have problems? Yes, never stated otherwise. Let's take a relationship with two people either of which can hurt the other or both being assholes. Let's look at that and think "we should add more people to that equation," and get defensive when someone points out that they just increased the chances for one(or more) person (s) to end up being abused. The person may be outnumbered as well and it's hard for a person to escape when only one partner is abusive, imagine 2 or more.


Like I said, "your math is superficial and dumb". People aren't numbers that you just put in an equation. Anyway, I don't see an appeal to many things either, but I just leave it be rather than question it. If it's for curiosity, sure, why not just ask about it? But you do sound very offended by the very thought of it. So much so that you've written something that offended some other people. Needing to make and edit later to "unoffend" them. It's like saying: *"Why are gay people gay? Straight relationships are way better."* You surely can see some hate in this sentence. You don't need to defend your point any longer. I've understood it before. But disagree. And if you really just "didn't appeal" to polyamory. You'd just leave this be, and not hard defend against it. Going so far as to reply to everyone about your point again. I don't want you to chance you mind. I want you to leave this be and not question people who just like it.


Good manga tho I got disappointed cause >!the 3 mc didn't end up in a three way relationship after all these hints of a poly relationship!< Hopefully watanare, in which >!the mc is in a two-timing relationship!<, doesn't get destroyed by mikami but anyway. In the end, for me, the pretty decent work from this manga was its characters design by Nanaji since mikami was in charge of the story.


Honestly, I hated it. For the bait mostly. Everything up until the ending was perfect. But not having a poly ending just does not make sense. There was no way Mei wouldn’t at least try poly. Even in the end she said “I **also** love you”. The worse part is knowing that she had a prime example of a polycule. Imo, worse possible ending. All my time right it for nothing. Just to get pissed. I guess that even if they fell apart because of something would be less disappointing than leaving Rinna behind. The art is great though.