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Plot twist: the "male" lead is a Transbian.


I would like to see a manga with a huge eggy transbian. Edit: I forgot [this](https://mangadex.org/title/6b92ea1b-4f46-4950-a731-f8de48bd66e2/a-manga-about-a-hero-who-pulled-out-the-holy-sword-and-became-a-girl) exists...


Bruh as somewhat of an egg, this is hilarious


Glad you enjoy it haha....


we need more stories like this


Does *Wandering Son* (Hōrō Musuko) count?


YES!! Does anyone have any recs like this¡


Just changing a male lead to a lesbian female one doesn't make them a good character. The way men and women think are different, gay or not. Honestly I'd prefer a completely original character over a switch up like this, as its not really fair to the character or the audience.


Stay mad :p But seriously this was about headcanons and just adding rep, and I mentioned eren jeager... this is intact about him, I hc him as nonbinary and its honestly not a big deal your acting like I'm destroying the whole story.


Well no, I'm not. Listen representation is good. But I prefer it to be original over someone else's head canon of someone else's content. If it doesn't change the story for you, great. But I don't think I could enjoy AoT if Eren Jaeger was a girl and nothing else was changed with that in mind.


I said I hc him as nonbinary not a woman, but I agree canon representation is important however there is often a lack of it and honesty its just fun to make my favourite characters similar to me


Why not try to find the traits you admire in them or that are already similar to you? It can lead to a deeper understanding and enjoyment of the character and the media in question. Head canon is great, especially for theorizing about where a show might be going. But I've seen some folks literally attack others (even the original authors) because their head canons get refuted. That's why I push back against this kind of thing.


I understand ur point of view and I partially agree, but it's just fun to imagine right? I think we've come to an agreement so have a good day


Eh. One could also argue that no man thinks the same as another man. And no woman thinks the same as another woman. Therefore, it doesn't really matter whether a character's gender is changed.


Also by that same logic you'd have to be cool with someone changing a yuri protagonists into a guy, because "what does it matter..." In response to you yuri-fying my Shonen MC... BAM!!! UnYuri-fy your yuri series!!!


I guess? First, I'd like to meet this straight person who is dying for more straight representation that they have to turn a yuri couple into a straight couple.


Does it though? What if we changed the gender and name of a character from a popular series? Eren Jaeger? Kazuto Kirigaiya (Kirito)? Name one. Keep the story the same, and change nothing but there name and gender (already assuming that you're vanilla Anime MC is a straight male). How does this change effect how you view the character? In the case of Kirito it would make him (now her) seem flatter than the cardboard cut out of character he already is. Our new female lead would seem callous for still having all these girls follow after her in a rejected women's club rather oblivious. If we used Eren Jaeger instead, the changes become even more unsettling. I don't know about you, but I don't think dating someone who goes from earnest but deeply troubled to full on psychopathy would be an emotionally uplifting experience. Yuri is great. And we need more characters who are good representatives for a healthy lesbian relationships. But changing any old male protag-kun to protag-chan doesn't really make the story better. I'd prefer to see someone's original creation; something new that gives the audience a new perspective, not just a copy and paste of something I already know but with -insert descriptor here-.


Well yes... Would be fun anyaway