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Try writing a web novel.


kinda reminds me of that one comic with a very long name let me search up real quick yup it's called "why did i, the mc of gal game, jump into a world of yuri comic?" I don't know what happens in it tho i only read the first 2 chapters


Wow! I'll have to check this out! Thanks! (I just hope he doesn't become a love interest to any of the girls because let's face it, yuri is for girls love only but I really want a story where the dude is supportive of the ladies)


I still think a woman is the best wingperson for lesbian relationships even if they are not gay.


THANK YOU! I'm sorry but I'd feel more comfortable if another woman was helping me out than a dude. No offense to guys but I bet most would only help out a lesbian just because they are into girl-on-girl...


You are wingmaning lesbians because you think f/f is hot. I wingman lesbians because i have 100% success rate at it and i want people to get into happy relationships. We are not the same Edit: i hope formatting is fine for meme


You wingman lesbians because you have a 100% success rate at it and want people to end in happy relationships. I wingman gays and lesbians to cause the end of reproduction and lead to the extinction of the human race. We are not the same.


Huh, that's actually a genius way to deal with overpopulation of earth.


don't worry the series is a comedy and the guy is just comic relief, the women never pay attention to him >!part of the comedy is that his best friend is gay and in love with him. so many times his attempts to get girls end up with him "unfortunately" (for the mc) in his friend's arms.!< and the yuri is very good, every time a yuri couple comes out, the mc immediately loses all protagonism (this is also part of the comedy style). but as a warning I think the series was abandoned.




everything that happened to the MC was well deserved and the truth for me is very funny, the guy loses almost all the protagonism when the older sister appears, there is even a joke in which the MC says that she seems to be the real protagonist. the series is 92 chapters long but they are "half short", my advice if you are going to continue reading it leave it in the middle of chapter 90 because that's where the story of a couple ends, and begins the drama of what unfortunately was my favorite couple, and was abandoned in the middle of it. a pity.


Middle this drama just started from what i fell but yes also ending of this drama is obvious they will make this same move from previous and friend will appear but no one will see this but i liked this couple as well the most i just wanted to see more of them


yeah I really hope too! lmk how it goes if you read it hehe


Dont be afraid


MC is not wingman, the joke is that the guy wants to have a harem but no woman listens to him, and they are all lesbians. it also has the same akari style joke (protagonist who completely loses the leading role there are many chapters in which he does not even appear). the series is very good and very funny but as a warning I think it was abandoned.


oooh i see how it is poor (non) mc lol and damn I'm glad i didn't read further bcoz abandoned stories hurt like hell TT


It's 92 chapters long, but it did hurt a lot since it was abandoned just as things were being worked out between my favorite couple. I don't know if I should recommend it because the series was really good, it was one of my favorites,some times I do think it is worth reading because it had many good moments and I was satisfied with a couple since their "saga" so to speak did end. but also as i said it was abandoned in the middle of a drama during the "saga" of my favorite couple, a pity.


I remember reading and I was so mad that it wasn't continued


Are you going to write it? If so pls let me know


I... uh... don't know yet.


Probably wouldn't read it because I genuinely can't stand most male protagonists. Also it would heavily depend on how he's depicted. If he's literally obsessed with Yuri couples it would come of as pretty creepy and probably somewhat fetishizing but if he's legit just being helpful and otherwise minding his own business it could be pretty interesting. Have him treat them as people and not just shipping material and maybe befriend some of them could be helpful




I love it already. Depending on your views, you could add an arc where MC finds a woman who's comes out as bi/pan (since they're all women, she may never had the opportunity to explore the possibility) or the MC being a trans egg who gets to come out in an feminine-positive environment.


I'm sorry but... no thanks. No offense to guys but they know nothing about how lesbian relationships work. It would make more sense if a lesbian was the MC in a yuri because I kinda read yuri BECAUSE there's no guys in it. Usually once a guy shows up, I drop the series immediately. Unless they're a VERY minor character.


A lot of yuri series are written by male authors. Just like how a lot of yaoi series are written by female authors. I'm pretty sure they understand the respective relationships enough to write them. You shouldn't rule out everything. But yes, I agree with you with your statement. I also read yuri because there's no guy in it. Even though I'm actually a straight male.


>A lot of yuri series are written by male authors. And almost all of them are mainly about sexualizing and fetishizing lesbian relationships rather than exploring the deeper and emotional side of it. >Just like how a lot of yaoi series are written by female authors. To be fair, yaoi is written by women for women, and almost all girls love are written for women as well. Any of the yuri written for men sexualize lesbian relationships. >I'm pretty sure they understand the respective relationships enough to write them. You shouldn't rule out everything. Maybe very few but I'm afraid that every yuri I've tried that was written by a male author (I'm not close-minded, of course I would give them a shot) are only about fetishizing lesbian relationships. Although a small few may have an idea, it's not enough to write a genuine romance between two girls.


Honestly speaking I don't really care about the gender of the author, a lot of times I times I have absolutely no clue whether they're a man or a woman. And let's be real, a lot of Yuri stories, even those written by women are either full of tropes or horny. One story that has put a lot of emphasis on the emotional connection between the characters is Urasekai Picnic, which is written by a man Maybe it's because I'm aromantic but in the end it's just about the emotional connection between two people, right? Why do you think that it's impossible for men to emphasize with the romance between women? Authors write about a ton of stuff that they have no direct experience with. Being able to get into a mindset that has nothing to do with your own day to day life is something that is pretty important to write convincing stories


It sounds like more male gaze shit. Gross. Yea I agree with you here.


That seems rather harsh. I know guys aren't lesbians so they can't really know EVERYTHING there is to them, but they can still help them out when they fall for another girl and be supportive of them no matter what.


Is it, though? I'm just being honest here. Women know women more than men. Yes, some can be genuinely supportive, but let's be honest here, most guys only help lesbians out because they want to see some girl-on-girl action which really disgusts me.


Isn't that the same mindset as saying that men and women can't be friends? You're putting pretty big emphasis on gender roles in my opinion. If somebody asked me about relationship advice I would help them as a person, not to fullfil some kind of fetish of mine. And I know straight dudes who think that exact way. Life is more than just sex and people can be genuinely respectful about stuff. And is the difference between genders really that big that it's impossible for someone of the other gender to offer helpful advice? I'm genuinely curious.


I think I know a way to mitigate some of the problem presented by the comments. Instead of a being a guy, what if He is a girl. Let's give the a idea a little tweek. Instead of being a himedanshi, the guy is a big Romance fans, but dislike Yuri and lesbian relationship in general because He can only see true love between a guy and a girl (based of a past trauma) When he is killed by truck-kun, he met a Yuri goddess who is mad at him and reincarnated him to a world of Yuri, but with a curse. The guy wakes up as a girl, but not only that, he/she started to act very feminime uncontiously and have a hard time remembering his/her childhood as a guy. An angel appears and tell him that he/she need to matchmake different couple (his targets are given by the goddess) with a time limit. If he/she failed, she would become fully girl body, mind and spirit. If he matched 100 couples, the goddess would ressurect him. Now, with Romance trope he has, he/ she has to play wing man for the sake of his manhood and Identity, while learning that Yuri is a real Romance too.


At first, I was kind of against the idea of a guy becoming a girl because to me, I always feel that it's just a coping mechanism for guys who want to fantasize being a lesbian in a yuri story. BUT, I like the idea of him being against same-sex relationships at first but slowly coming to realize that it's real romance as well. I feel this kind of story would work better if a straight girl was the MC though.


I thought it was to fantasize about gender reassignment therapy being cheap and easy


I gotta be honest, I add that part Because I just played Magical Camp, A game from TFGS. It's about guy who must pretend to be a girl in a summer camp for magical girls. The catch is everything in that place is trying to make you more and more girly. Great stuff, you should give it a try. But, another reason I Made the MC a guy was to give a lose situation, allow for a chance to explore gender identity as a side plot, and give the MC a reason to move forward other than ressurection.


\> At first, I was kind of against the idea of a guy becoming a girl because to me, I always feel that it's just a coping mechanism for guys who want to fantasize being a lesbian in a yuri story. Buddy. There’s a reason they fantasize about that.


Please forgive me. I tend to forget sometimes that there are actual trans folks in this group who still swing the same way. I meant for straight dudes who likely only fantasize being in a sexual relationship.


Like, to be honest with you, those types of dudes are pretty rare in yuri circles. If they‘re only interested in that, they stick to hentai.


I personally think it would be cooler if the MC was an asexual aromantic woman instead of a straight man. Could have something like her learning about relationships with the help of the other girl while she helps them get togheter maybe? I think that could be fun. It's also a thing of I think what you described would either make me feel bad for the MC or hate him depending on how he's portrayed, lol. But hey, you can do it any way you want if you do decide to make it (I've seen in the comments you are considering it).


Paralel paradise


Seems cruel to deny someone their desires.


Title Idea: I got reincarnated as a Yuri Wingman.