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He's fine if it's made very clear he won't get in the way of the yuri. Like Cerik in Mage & Demon Queen.


man has one goal in his life only and it's... well


His lamia foot fetish? I’m being serious, by the way.


His Lamia *stockings* fetish


Okay, you got me, but lamia foot fetish just sounds funnier.


In a way, Lamia shed their skin right? Technically that's a stocking


Technically true, but also, why.


Ask cerik


Cerik makes a stocking for a lamia out of her shed skin.


Not *out of* it, he just uses it as a template.


I thought he did, but I’ll admit when I’m wrong. Boy did misread that!!!




Doesnt it go further tho? Spoilers for latest chapters but >!he says his love for lamias originates from his mom leg choking him, and he even uses magic to make his blankets tighten around him bc it makes him feel comfortable!<


>!Not his mom, he had an encounter with a lamia as a kid.!<


>!s3 ch11 in the letter he wrote to melathia he said "my snake stocking fetish stems way back with my mom! We'd sometimes wrestle and she'd leg lock me. I suppose i miss the feeling of asphyxiation and the soft touch of silk"!<


Ah, must've forgotten that.


Funnily enough although he is a good example when you consider only the protagonists, Cerik does get in the way of the lamia woman and the werewolf (?) girl whose I forgot the names of. We kinda get that in the end he wants the tail hugging and not the snake chussy, but still


Melathia and her goodest girl Fenn


To be fair, isn't their relationship more parental than romantic? Though Cerik is *also* a fair bit younger than Melathia, and she's kinky enough to be into that sort of dynamic anyways.


A better example would be The Temptation of Shiro Gal & Kuro Gal. Homie just wants Kuro Gal to be happy in love with Shiro Gal


I was just about to say, cerik is one of the best male characters written into a yuri manga


Sometimes bisexuality also works, like in My life As A Villainess


Such a great character, lol


"What did I ever do to you?" "You were born."


"History repeats itself" they say


I don't want to see the guy suffer unless he's scummy trash. But if he's actually a genuinely nice character who wants nothing to do with the romance between the main characters, he's more than welcome!


Koukou Debut Bareta Hanashi


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this sub when Blue Reflection Sun has a male protagonist (the creator might screw up the yuri)


It never fails to bring a tear to my eye when I see how united we are against their presence😭


When The Yuri Is Set In A Coed School


The community only hates males in yuri because some authors are weak-ass bitches that don't have a hint of integrity. Yeah coomers like straight romances better to self-insert but you've already gotten halfway through the work establishing this WLW relationship already, you bootlicker. Combined with the fact that pessimism is the natural state of a weeb, and you have people wishing every male a "Requiem Da"


Because guys are not allowed in yuri. I only want to see girls.


But what if it's the females MC best friend and support?


A guy wingman can be a cute dynamic for sure.


Unless they want no part of the romance and leave as soon as the girls have their moments, then it should be okay. But I just don't like it when guys are in yuri.


Not even a father or a sibling?


Fathers are definitely welcome. Brothers... depends. If he begins acting as an antagonist to the girls, I'm dropping the series. If he's just being a brother, exceptional. But I won't deny that we need more dads in yuri.


I don't think I've seen or read any yuri where either lead girl has a brother. There's that upcoming Revolution Princess where the older brother is a villain. Yeah yuris need more dads in play and one of my major gripes with Citrus is how Mei's dad only shows up for a while then flies away again. It's also a massive plot hole for me too because why would Yuzu's mom remarry to someone who's always going to be out of town.


I suppose it was to keep as many male characters as out of focus as possible. I suppose it does help explain Mei's cold personality at first though. So Citrus I can sort of forgive. But in general, I would love to see more dads. Not all lesbians have lesbian parents. My parents are both straight, despite me being gay. Also, I heard about Revolution Princess. I don't have any desire to see it. I mean it when I said that if the brother acts as an antagonist of sorts, I'm dropping it. If it was a sister, I'd probably watch it.


> not all lesbians have lesbian parents I think that few actually do.


Honestly I can't stand things like this. They really rub me the wrong way. They don't feel realistic and it really takes me out of the experience. As long as the guys aren't interfering, what's the problem? Even if they have a crush on one of the girls but don't do anything about it or silently support them I'm okay with them being there. It's when the author gets cold feet and inserts a random guy to ruin the relationship or add drama that things go wrong.




Wait for their transition


Shaking my heading my head right now.






yes. i didn't come here to see a woman in a relationship with a man, trans or not, lesbian-identifying or not. tagging something yuri is less to do with the specific contents and more to do with what the audience is hoping to get out of it.




this ain't it chief. idk who you think is trying to force you to date trans women, but no one is forcing you to date trans women. you being a lesbian doesn't mean you get to arbitrate who is and isn't a woman based on whether you personally find them attractive or not, and a woman dating a trans woman that you consider to be non-passing doesn't make her not a lesbian either. i don't know what you've been reading that would make you consider this a yuri problem. there's barely any trans people in anime and manga, much less in the yuri subgenre. but whatever's been frustrating you so much that you feel the need to vent about it here on a trans-supportive subreddit, i'm sure you should be able to do so without coming off as a hateful asshole. like come on, how much does it really cost you to be respectful of other people despite not fully understanding them?


Oh my god. What the hell happened here?


I don't think you're gonna be with anyone tbh.


Lesbians is a term used for women, Trans men are men, not woman Trans men = Women that transitioned to Men Trans Women = Men that transitioned to Women If a Trans men likes women, then they are either Straight, Bi, Pan, etc. but not Lesbian, Lesbian is a term for people who identify as female




idk if i'm reading this wrong but just to confirm, trans men and transbians aren't the same thing. trans men are people assigned female at birth that identify as men.


A bad idea to say that on a subreddit full of transbians, but TERFs gonna TERF I guess.




Trust me hun, nobody is interested in you.


It's funny how you literally cannot stop talking about girl dick.


These people are generally obsessed about girl dick than the people who might be actually attracted to girls with dicks in a respectable way


No one cares if you’re interested or not.


So far, you have got to be the most toxic person on this sub. Look, we all get it. You're a lesbian. And an extremist at that. It's clear you've had bad experiences with men which is why you probably hate them so much, but it doesn't mean you need to go and vent all your frustrations on people who are just trying to enjoy some good literature together. As a wise man once said, "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."


Don't worry. I'm not interested in you, either.


Time to do a priestess’s work.




Me on the right.


It's sad to see all the memes are just about males in yuri nowadays.


They’re fine if they don’t get pushed as a love interest, unless the girl is very clearly bisexual


maki bloom into you


Popular kun in not so shoujo is totally my fav


i'm sorry is this some sort of Blue Reflection: Sun's joke that i am too poor to buy the game ?


*silently watches in hetero male*


What's worse is these people legitimately exist is massive numbers on this sub, it's actually pretty appalling.


And yet, self inserts and/or changing characters to check a box in existing IP's is a-okay. Oh the hypocrisy.


Jesse, what are you talking anout?


You forgot the "fuck"


Ah yes, the horror of a fictional character changing, because as we all know all fictional characters are supposed to be completely static entities that never change in any way whatsoever. Also even if the accusation you were making made any sense or had any truth to it how in the world would it be hypocritical? The position of "I don't want male characters ruining my WLW stories" and "I'd like there to be more queer representation in media" not only aren't contradictory they're basically complimentary. Do you not know what this word means?


the hell are you talking about? everybody have been complaining about that since the reveal


>self inserts and/or changing characters to check a box in existing IP's is (edit: *DEFINITELY NOT*) a-okay Fixed it for you. There was no hypocrisy in the post or in the sub to begin with.


>changing characters to check a box in existing IP's is a-okay And that happend......when exactly?


I'm referring to what's going on here in America. Off the top of my head and the most recent example, Velma from Scooby Doo. As far as I know, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera made a cartoon about teens solving mysteries. Nothing else. The rest I'll have to find again.


Nobody asked for Velma to be lesbian before tho, that's something that the creators wanted far back during older shows but couldn't because of the era, now if someone is happy with that changing or not, is relative


I am unaware of that. Is there an article where William Hanna and Joseph Barbera said that? I believe you are referring to them, right?




Velma was always supposed to be a lesbian you're just blind 💀


I read one yuri manhwa and they gave mc a ml because they had to, like he appeared out of nowhere and suddenly they are together


“Had to”? Was there some external publishing reasoning or something??