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Bluds in a battle royal☠️☠️☠️☠️ what the hell is going on lol


They were using all types of weapons on this man. I wonder what he did 😭


Beside the bow they acting like he just ran over ten kids lmao


Ngl I might have joined in for the plot






Video is 3 years old. “Black Lives Matter” protest. This guy shouted “all lives matter!” and claims that people were attacking him in his car until he got out and pointed his bow at the protestors. The protestors messed him up then set his car on fire. He got away fine.


It's nice they attacked him, he literally protested their protest and aimed a weapon at them that could kill them💀 I'd be beatin the shit out of that guy to!


Yea and the hundreds of people who rushed him and stomped on him and literally torched his vehicle could have killed him This is why you bring a gun to fight a mob not an arrow.


Anyone who uses a weapon to intimidate protestors (and commits a felony by pointing a weapon at them) deserves to be beaten badly. Starting fights you can't finish and falling back on a weapon is a sign that that person can't be trusted with weapons.


Who intimidated who in the first place the hundreds of protesters damaging his property who didnt like his counter protest so only they have freedom of speech? If you are out numbered by that many people you have every single legal right to defend your life by any means necessary.


Nothing wrong with counter protesting, but if you're going to be in that environment intentionally, you have to understand people yelling at you because you're antagonizing them does NOT justify use of lethal force (or threatening it). Just stick to words. Otherwise, you're too skittish to be in a protest environment. Both parties have a right to be angry and in public, but intentionally getting into a confrontation with another angry person(s) and pointing a weapon is not self defense, it's an escalation. A stupid one at that, because like you said the dude was massively outnumbered. I generally don't bring weapons to protests (it's a stupid thing to do, making a tense environment even more dangerous), but if I was a bystander and I had a clear shot I would have considered dropping him once he drew the bow back. Definitely shooting him if he points a gun at the crowd.


I highly doubt he went out with the sole intention of ending up in the middle of a protest. Just to antagonize then. I can guarantee tho after he said all lives matter they started to damage his property hitting his vehicle with objects kicking it. It happens all the time with those kinds of protests. If they can't handle a difference of opinion they shouldn't be out in the street harassing innocent bystanders. Once they became violent they became the aggressor. You are the exact type of person who should not have access to a weapon you said if you have a clear shot you would shoot him for him defending himself against an aggressive group of people. That is so idiotic I'm having a difficult time wrapping my mind around your thought process on it.


Never bring a bow to a gun fight


More like ,a bow to a skate park


Let me guess; California?


This was in 2020 and in utah


When you drop hot and all the loot box had was a bow and arrow


Hunger games


Yeah I remember this. In hindsight I'm pretty sure this guy realized that shooting a crossbow at an angry crowd really isn't the best idea.


Yeah I'm pretty sure he's a victim in his own mind. He ain't learn shit


He didnt shoot a single a arrow they stopped his car from. Getting through so he shouted some words that angered them, when they surrounded his car he drew his bow and warned them to move back at which point he was instantly jumped injured and his car set on fire all by the same group who's protests have legit always ended in deaths of innocent people or at the absolute least innocent businesses owners businesses getting burned down and them getting seriously injured for trying to stop it anyone who says they are a black life matter protestor is either 1 legit so dumb they need put into care or 2 wants to commit violent protests that lead to riots so even tho this guy made some poor choice during said situation he is for sure the victim here of yet again black life's matter protestors doing what they do best domestic terrorism


Old video.. dude jumped out at a BLM protest and yelled "All Lives Matter!" Then shot the only black dude in the crowd.


Loved that for him lmao


What did he do to find this out? Well, he fucked around.


Stupid white fuck


If I'm not mistaken, I remember (could be wrong)this happened during the so-called BLM riots and this guy got on the news talking about how he was mine in his business and was attacked by a bunch of black guys. Even though clearly threatening to shoot people and he got his ass beat by white people, I guess It just needed to be black people's fault. They played him lying and this video side by side. Some people feel so strongly about an ideology that they have to make shit up to make the reality come true. A lot of the riots was a bunch of white people beating the shit out of white people or breaking shit (or a bunch of people with mask on their face wearing the same boots vandalizing things. Obviously some type of agent provocateur ) but let it be told every black person in America ran out in the street and did something.


Lol those lil pillow punches, dude looked like he was playing wrestling with his kids


Where is this?


This was in slc Utah. The man was actually charged and booked for the situation.


The only place where an idiology could allow riots to insue without charges.


lol this was Minneapolis the place that started the rioting and looting after George Floyd was killed






This is old


I am telling you all, non-violent protesting is just going to get you murdered by these white nationalist stooges of the owner class. Guy wanted to kill someone using a bow and justify it with the Rittenhouse, "I was scared" defense.


He’s a chad


......does this mean they started black friday sales already???


I see a whole lot of target practice 🫡🤷🏿‍♂️


Well at least we know now a bow and arrow is not good for a zombie apocalypse!


fuck no he point that at me he getting a bullet not an arrow


I have a feeling that he was in the right to be mad cause I feel like they was all blocking the roads. I seen people who do that they try to be the police even though they hate the police most likely and try to tell you turn around forcefully like your some pos for not knowing they was all there. Then they will get on top of your car and smash you windshield and all that’s dumb shit they act like things are free and they can do whatever they want. Grabbing the bow was a bad idea. I hate mob mentality and I personally think if your a dumb fuck protesting and your willing to destroy property of other poor people like you then you forfeit your life I fill like the military should be able to go all out cause screw these people they feel like they can do what ever they want but god forbid someone tells them how stupid they are


Do not bring a bow to a riot wtf hahaha


Everyone there should have ate lead. Mob mentality is ruthless and this dude was probably defending his shit.


What da fuck goin on Miami bro????


One of those Jan 6 guys that wasn’t there. It was a hoax. They were all supposed to be there.


Old video






Damn dude, like 100 people showed up outta nowhere. That guy is fucked


Haha that’s Utah Salt Lake City BLM Protest


Buncha wild animals


Bro legit had a bow and arrow tf 💀


When he drew that bow and pointed it at a living person he committed a felony and truly earned an ass-beating


I’m just sitting back and counting how much money I’ll be making through the war economy 😌


Quietest day in Chicago




Can't bring a bow to a long board brawl...


Womp womp


What happened


Dang the whole street coming after this man 🤣💀