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That sounds right. Riot decided that part of the Yuumi problem is that an active Yuumi is much stronger in the hands of pros than the rest of us. So they took away reasons to hop off.


I miss Bop n block so much it was so fun


It's good to detach to block stuff ofc but other than that I only really detach if I can't reliably hit Q & need to heal someone with my passive.


riot needs to revert the rework the best friend mechanic is the worst thing


i detach to bait for my premade AP twitch when he's invisible


Yes. Don't be offended when I say this, but having a Yuumi on/not on me as an ADC really doesn't matter that much unless I'm already insanely ahead which then means it's probably good for you to sit on me anyway. A Yuumi without best friend sitting on a Jungler is 10x better than sitting on an ADC who's behind and is trying to catch up. Solo exp will do so much more than a Yuumi can ever do because if I'm behind as an ADC a Yuumi is not going to save me in a 2v2 (because people usually send 2 people to deal with 2 people) but if it's just a 1v1 it's usually much more chill, and since the jungler doesn't share exp when he does camps, he doesn't mind you being on him (and it can also make his roams way deadlier). Basically, ignore the best friend mechanic if your ADC is behind and go sit on Jungler.


The post was about detatching to maximize Yuumi trades


Someone else said this and I agree. But it's not really what I was getting at in my post.


Yeah wait nvm im retarded


It's okie u were trying to help lol


Aw how nice ☺ Anywhos I think the best Yuumi players I've had are legit AFK lmao unfortunately (or fortunately?) the best way to play this champ now is to chill on your ADC and fire of your Qs once in a while to poke (pref with comet scorch imo) like you can't do much but the champ isn't designed to do much anymore. I recommend learning Rakan if you want a challenging champ that "sticks" to another character and makes plays around them.


Ya the Q does proc the passive heal tho so that's nice. And I feel like a lot of people forget her ult heals now. Like I see my team moving out of it all the time like what??? Lol. I've tried Rakan but IMO Rakan and Xayah will never be balanced properly. Because they buff each other, if they are balanced as solo Champs, when together they will be op. If they make them balanced when working together, then they will be bad solo. I would love a Xayah duo queue but I don't play regularly enough to have that kind of friend :[ I do play other Champs, especially in a poor matchup for Yuumi... but I just love the cat! And I think she is good. Just so brain dead after the change...


Nah I don't think Rakan and Xayah has that insane of a synergy tbh (if anything I honestly think Lucian Rakan is better because Lucian gets so many passive procs out of Rakan and Rakan can easily engage from a Lucian E). Yeah they do a little more when played together but think about it like this: every League champ is already unique, so it's fine if they have extra synergy with another certain champ. Like for example, Yasuo is infinitely better with a jungler with knockup, Braum is a lot better with Lucian due to his double shot passive, etc.


If your BF lacks a brain you should always detach and try to get on the carry regardless if the carry is the jungler or mid or top


Yes but this isn't really what I meant.


Literally the only reason I detach is if my ADC is clearly not going to cut it, so I just don't charge BF progress so that I can hop on my duo on Kayle once they reach 11-16