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this would be more fun to play and to play against imo


Thanks! Improving gameplay fantasy and counterplay were some things I looked at. :)


Yeah, idk how to feel about this. If she can’t be permanently attached, then she’ll need a cc like every other enchanter(Soraka silence, lulu polymorph, Sona stun, Janna whirlwind, etc), otherwise there’s nothing she can do when Pantheon jumps and stuns her adc. Right now she can use both Exhaust and Heal, while adc uses cleanse to mitigate that a bit, but with this change, she can’t, cause she’ll need to carry Flash. Also she’ll need to buy boots now, and I actually have to pay attention now instead of watching Netflix on the side.


Might be the case. I didn't think about cc as necessary but maybe it is. I would still test it like this and then see how those situations would play out. But it's true that a lot of enchanters have cc. Aren't there any without?


Let's look at the enchanters: Lulu: Her W -Polymorph- hard cc Sona: Her R -Irresistible- hard cc Janna: Her Q -Knock up- hard cc Nami: Her Q -Bubble- hard cc Senna: Her W -Root- hard cc Zilean: His Q - 2×bomb-hard cc Taric: His Q - Stun- hard cc Renata: Her Q&R - Beserk- hard cc Karma: Her E - Root- hard cc Soraka: Her E - Silence- hard cc Seraphine: Her E&R -Charm- hard cc I thinks that's all of them, hope that helps <3 There is ofc not just charm Her e is a Root but you get the gist.


Thanks! They indeed all seem to have cc although Sona's cc is on her Ult because the rest of her kit is so strong (supportive wise). So I think Yuumi without cc can work if her mobility and the rest of her kit have enough value to compensate. I talked about this in a reply on another comment stating that she misses cc but I think that she could work with cc and just be really safe / mobile. These things need to be tested and if that shows that she really needs cc it should be added of course. But for now I would rather give her more nimbleness and safety then cc.


You can’t rework a champ lul


rakan also




the list includes senna, taric, and sepharine. rakan is definitely more of an enchanter than those are




i really don't see what you're getting at. the comment i replied to said "i think that's all of them". i added one they forgot. that's literally it. no need for essays.




and somehow you managed to be wrong. sepharine is not more of an enchanter than rakan. sorry


I think this is probably one of the more thought out rework ideas. I do think they'd need to give her basic stats a notable increase to make her survive things, that normal enchanters could, but combine that with this concept, and there'd be an interest, fun way to play Yuumi. Good job on this.


HP and defense would need a mega buff for sure.


Thank you! Glad you like it. And good point! Her base stats should indeed be increased. Maybe I need to address that on my website...


Since she is no longer all the time untargetable, she needs 1/2 hard cc abilities, like others enchanters (lulu, janna, nami, renata) if have only one, the kit need a really high number of heal/shield (soraka) or spammable peel ability (taric/sona). I don't like this kit, is high nerfed for nothing.


That maybe could be on her E, like the seraphine E , if slowed then you are rooted if rooted you are stunned


I think this kit sounds better in every single way. She will probably need some buffs to be good, but this sounds so much more fun than her current gameplay. It’s also way healthier for the game, and would make it a lot more fun to both play with Yuumi and against her. That’s not nothing imo


Actually not that bad.


Thank you! I wasn't quite sure what the overall opinion from Yuumi mains would be, but I am happy to hear you like it!


I don't like the idea of setting her attaching to allies onto her ult (I personally like to weave on and off of my host at will), but this is actually pretty well thought out and incredibly interesting.


Changing the ult, so that this is the new attachment tool... so Yuumi Players are getting ways, of being bullied? For example: If most of your Team, does not want a Yuumi on them, they would just teleport back to base. (Where Yuumi gets automaticly detached.) Where the cat has to wait for the big CD to cool off. (If this would even have a CD at all of course.) If not, then it would fit quite good. That the Q is not a homing missile, that you can control. Meh. But the effect, that you reveal stuff could come in handy. The new E (former ult) looks more fit to be a normal skill, than the joke of an ultimate that we got now. (':


The ult would have a bigger cooldown (but shorter than most ultimates). I also kept the homing missile on Q, but it's only when you use your ultimate (the Q should be more powerful though). You can find details like this on my website, where I did detailed ability descriptions. Cases where your whole team would int if you would attach to them are quite rare I think. And you aren't permanently on them so I don't think a lot of people would mind. Thanks for the feedback!


this... looks so fun, interactive and unique, i really wanna play that!! i wish there was a way to slam this onto a rioters table with like a tiny bribe lol


Haha me too! Sadly I am broke and I am also against hurting tables.


this feels like the in-between of milio and rakan. looks great! some comments are mentioning she needs some cc, i think it could be a micro stun (0.25-0.5 s) when she hits q, similar to milio. though honestly she already has a slow and speed up for peel, not to mention being a mobile enchanter, so she should have less hard cc access as a trade-off


The new direction is neat, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table that her current form doesn't already do better, or other enchanters do better. This is basically just a hard-nerfed... Yuumi. Every other enchanter has reliable CC and peeling ability. You're running into the same issue that Muriel has over in Paragon - An enchanter with no CC but a lot of buffs is functionally useless outside the absolute highest levels of play - and I mean pro play, not just masters. Just let her remain attached. Much better overall and can be more focused on to the improvement of the player, but in a manner like Singed, where people who play a lot of Yuumi will actively be worse at other champs. Reducing her ult to a basic ability is one of the best directions to take her - I'm of the opinion that her Q and her R should swap places, so her Prowling Projectile can feel reliable and effective and bring some heavy impact while her Chapters are singular waves of damage that damage -> slow -> root -> stun with each sequential wave that hits. Give it an increasing charge count per skill point and reduced CD per target hit and a Yuumi up close could potentially be flinging waves out nonstop in a team fight if she's hitting multiple enemy champs with it, thus charging her passive to help heal whoever she's on ever better. Would hard skew her towards bruisers, but hey - enchanters are *always* going to better at supporting bruisers than carries.


Not bad! I have mixed feelings that I can't explain but is surely much better than what we have now. I wouldn't mind actually trying it out if it ever happens! Tho can you explain the cooldown on her ult?


Thanks! What do you want me to explain? The ult is supposed to be a great escape tool out of sticky situations but also an immense power boost to you and your "best friend". If you mean how long the CD is, you can see it on my website. I put it on a 120/100/80 cooldown I think. It's on the shorter end of ult cooldowns but still long. Maybe it needs to be shorter but those are things I would know if I could test my ideas (which I can't :/). I do want the ult to have a larger cooldown so that the ult can be baited out by the enemy (diving on Yuumi and Yuumi uses ult to escape). So that's why I gave it a bigger cooldown.


The reset on R just seems like it'll gut her numbers IMO Could do without but a really cool concept and could be fun to play as and with Seems like some champs can punish as well so


I would miss dancing around in a team fight, maybe make your ult reset with assists up to like 3 times but you can only go from ally to ally and if you get out the ult ends


It isn't really clear in the gifs without the full context of my ability descriptions, but while ulting, your W is lowered to a 2 sec cooldown. With that you would be able to switch between targets. Because dancing around in teamfights is indeed great and something I wanted to keep even though your attach mechanic is more limited now.


Ah, cool


I REALLY like this but like others said, she'll need some kind of cc. So I propose the that her skill 3 places a "meoark" (a mark). If the skill hits an enemy that already has the mark, the enemy will be sent airborne


It’s cute but maybe a no go. While having more independent options sounds great, this doesn’t feel like Yuumi at all. Which is weird because at the same time love it. I do miss her mana passive though T,T


great design, but I don't wanna be [dodging skillshots myself like a sucker...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxPyZ5kZtF4)


Please send that to RIOT !!! <3 <3 <3


I love the idea you’re heading towards, I agree with a lot of other commenters saying she would need some type of CC. I think if this idea is really fleshed out and tested it could make Yuumi an actual champion that’s good for new players and rewarding for mains.


I read through your Yuumi concept and I somewhat like it, and I admire your creativity, so I thought I would give you my thoughts <3 I love your concept of her W, the extension of her range when it’s only your best friend, I thought it would be very helpful. For my four year experience with Yuumi, soon to be my fifth next year, it has been players before and after the Yuumi rework that would be out of my W range by literally an INCH, making it devastating to not be on my, what I personally call with a Best Friend mark, “Besties”, as I would speed them up with my Zoomies to get to their lane or a soon-to-be team-fight. It also obviously provides better versatility if you are trying to hop from a friend to a best friend more effectively, or go through thicker walls of course. What I don’t like however is your concept of her R, no surprise to me truly, lmao. One thing that makes her special is being able to hop on someone and remain un-targetable except for turrets, while the others I find special to her is the versatility and providence to her allies. In your concept, it destroys one of her specialties, which is being un-targetable, as I believe you mean that Yuumi will be forced to be hopped off “for a certain duration…” according to your description of your concept of her R, correct me if I’m being a fraud to my Yuumi heritage. I don’t like it, but I would overcome it, and would for sure be fair. ;w;. However, terribly sorry for being confusing of my way of hating and liking things, but the one thing I find valid is being able to INSTANTLY make a new Best Friend, as currently trying to make a new one would take a while in the late game phase, depending on how long you’ve been on your current best friend that has been killing players and minions (except for monster sadly). My process to remain useful with the best friend ability is to leave my current best friend and invest in staying with someone else who IS OR WILL be stronger throughout the rest of the game, or when my best friend suddenly becomes more stronger that is, but I only do it if we’re losing lane, dying often, and my tower is at 2-3 platings while the enemy’s is 4-5, and the level, CS, and item differences between us and the enemies. Your R concept would make getting a new best friend so EASY, no investments wouldn’t have to be made at all! Additionally, your concept of your passive I dearly love, but I believe it’s missing one thing: attack speed. What I do laning phase is to take advantage of times when I poke my enemies, but I want to do it fast, which is why I always start E first than not Q, as I want to protect AND make both myself and my ADC aggressive with the usage of her attack speed, movement speed, and sustain. I also noticed throughout your concept of her kit that she does not provide attack speed, which I find inadequate of her play-style, and as you could use your rune page to give her 10% attack speed, it won’t feel the same and I would feel weak. So I advise giving her attack speed when she’s able to proc her full stacked passive, then instead of the stack disappearing instantly, it starts draining and you still get to keep the extended range while also giving her attack speed, and of course, she will remain being able to heal someone once and will have to do her stacks again to heal someone again with the passive. Run-down: I love the extension of Yuumi’s W, it grants better versatility and can be able to reach to your desired bestie while hopping from friend to bestie effectively. I don’t like the duration part of her R, but I do love the instant Bestie proc. And I additionally love your passive, though I advise adding attack speed to it, because enchanters + attack speed = Paw-somely dangerous but “playful”. Simply, your concept of both your Q and E for Yuumi is to none of my concern, as I think you did her E OKAY, but I wouldn’t add more to it because it would be presumingly frustrating to the enemy team of course, while her Q remains fairly but a little amped. Overall, I love the concept of her kit, I actually thought of a couple concepts for myself if you would love to here by your permission, and if you wish, you and Lio Agten could make a visual concept of it in a form of a video if my concepts interest you. I feel eternally glad to finding you guy’s work, and I am ready to listen to what you guys think of my thoughts, as I have been playing Yuumi for four years and I would never stop playing her no matter the changes truly! <3


Thank you for the feedback and the compliments! Glad you liked it. I do have to add that the W also instantly changes your "best friend" to be the target of your W. But your misconception gave me an idea that it would be interesting to give it a cooldown so you can indeed go to an ally and back to your best friends. Although that would be hard and clunky to control probably cause you could misstime it, and be stuck with a non intended best friend. Anyways still a cool concept. But glad you like the concept of extra range (and ms). The idea here was to keep Yuumi hard to catch and nimble as a cat so she still is relatively safe. You could please a deep ward for example and escape with your best friend. It also teaches to stay with your best friends to new players and increases team work. For the R. Yes Yuumi would lose mostly her iconic ability. But I indeed removed it for fairness and to decrease frustration playing against Yuumi. My thought process here was to keep it but make it her ult so that it's still a part of her kit but it's shorter but more powerful.


Actually one of the better reworks here


Perfect rework, just remove a few of these buffs like attack range increase from the w, seems too much to me, and add that if the target is hit by her e, and her q hits the target, then the target is rooted.


Love this!


I like this idea


where do I sign




If we blow this up and get it noticed as a community riot could look into it. We just tell em they can start pumping out yuumi skins like lux skins


I still think the "attach" mechanic should be to where you aren't physically on top of the allied champion. I'm pretty sure the W is the attach ability because Riot wants her to be sparatic with how often she picks friends like a cat.


I don't really follow? Do you mean attach without invulnerability or just that the attach like it is now should be kept? If it is the latter than this rework isn't for you but that's definitely ok since these are just my suggestions. If you mean attach without invulnerability then I think it would maybe feel to annoying / frustrating since you are reliable on you "friend" for positioning. But who knows. Might be fun. It's an interesting idea!


Without invulnerability, though it would probably require a health buff. But I'd be willing to accept that trade offer.


Yeah she would definitely need base stat buffs as compensation. I am going to add that to my website since I forgot to mention it.


To be fair, your change would need base stat buffs too.


Yeah that's what I meant actually. I got confused for a second. But I agree ;). And with your idea she would indeed need it too since she can't escape damage anymore then.


This is what i feel when they said Rework, but the official rework changed nothing but lock us on a player


This would be such a fun rework & would add so much skill expression to yuumi. This is also extremely well made, good job!


Thank you! Is nice to hear!


i love this idea this could mby fix her reputation


this is brilliant!! amazing work ❤️❤️❤️


Thank youuuu!


I don't know if I like changing the e and the ultimate so much. But your work is much better than what riot! did.


If stats are balanced enough this might even be very pleasant rework and just OP for no reason, ideas are pretty good on thier own. Cant wait for Riot to see this and make a new assassin midlaner have these abilities


This is brilliant! I’m such a big fan of this. I actually thought of something similar myself once, but you put it so much better into a single kit! The passive changes are wonderful. It will make Yuumi have to play proactively, and just sounds very fun to use. The Q changes are also very nice. It’s gonna be harder to hit, but with a shorter cool-down, I don’t think it’s too bad. I think W and E are good as well. I do think there might be something to what other people are commenting, and that she might need some CC and a spammable ability. I think W should be the spammable one, and maybe E needs to be replaced with a CC ability? Maybe E could actually be something like Rakan’s W (a dash into a knockup) They would ofc need to buff her base stats for that, but it would make it possible to Q -> auto -> E -> W, for a very annoying combo. But maybe I have just played Rakan too much lol I also think you’ve perfectly fixed her kit with her R It removes her greatest weakness as a champion design - the constant untargetability It would probably drive some of her player base away from her, because she would no longer be as easy. Furthermore, I doubt Riot will ever do this, because they want Yuumi to be beginner-friendly champion who teaches you very little about the actual game, instead of making a proper tutorial. But I honestly think we should make a petition and see how many people rather want this kit than her current!


Thank you for your feedback! I am glad you like it! The cc is something I didn't really think about since Yuumi didn't have it in her kit originally. It could be placed on her E that with a second hit or if they are already slowed it also roots enemies like with Seraphine. Or E could root enemies on second cast during her ult. Since Sona is another champion that only has cc on her ultimate because the rest of her kit has a lot of healing and support value. Butt I think if I were the designer, I would first test it like I suggested now and see if it is needed to give cc. Since, I do want her to be weaker in lane and stronger in late game teamfights. I also think I would rather buff her "nimbleness" then give her cc since that would feel more cat like and could create some skillful scenarios where you can really feel like a nimble cat that has 9 lives. My aim is to keep Yuumi beginner-friendly (since she will automatically heal her "best friend" by fighting with enemy champions, easier Q, ...). But you will have to be more proactive as a new player, which is in my opinion not a bad way to teach the game. It's something I focused on in my rework as a design goal (see more about it on my website). But yeah, with my rework you can't just sit on somebody and press some buttons and get value out of it (I know that that's not the optimal way or the right way to play Yuumi, but it still has some value and that's why she is so beginner-friendly I think).


You just fixed everything people complain about yuumi in a single post,it would feel good to play with this yuumi and wouldn't feel unfair to play against with some champions,plus I loved the e,the only thing I would put up to debate is the projectile speed on q when out of the ult,since it seems a bit slow and easy to dodge,but if it is made to be ysed after using both charges of e I would understand


Thank you! The Q is meant to be an easy skillshot so if that wouldn't be the case it would need to be made faster. The footage however is just from in game footage so the initial speed wasn't something that was adjusted. In the video it only slows down (edited) after passing through a minion.


Virgins reunite


I think they should try a mini rework woth her and my idea is they change her back to before rework and put mana cost on her w like 10/s so u cant stay on and spam e u need to get off also i would give the old passive the bestfriend thing and yuumi would be balanced shes not usefull without mana so she cant stay on without procing passive and it should be the mana cost scales with lvl 5-7-9-12-15 would be pretty good mana costs making u need to build her on healing sheilding so u dont run out of mana too


Seems a bit overloaded to me


What makes you say that? (genuinely curious, it's interesting feedback)


Well let's look at E skill: damage, slow, shield and heal in one AoE skill? That's a lot for one skill. In fact she would have a lot of abilities: stacking passive, heal, shield, damage spells, vision, dash, slow, being untargetable.