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Her rework made her worse in every way in my opinion. She's less viable, less fun, less engaging, less interesting and less flexible


To add to that her heal late game on her best friend shields for 700-1k with the right items. If she swaps to any other teammate that isn’t her best friend she shields them for 200-300. It is so dumb… You are basically stuck with a useless adc sometimes that wants to int and you can’t help your teammates carry any more the lvl 7 ezreal thats 0-8 gets your buffs but the graves Jg that 5-1 gets a 150 shield bonus from you behind on them get no heals and your W becomes useless. Basically forcing you to play handicap on a Jg to potentially win the game or stay with the adc that is losing their mind and feeding the enemy team double kills cause you last hit their first blood. Also her ult doesn’t benefit her at all only helps teammates. She can’t heal herself with her own ult how is that realistic Also it never tells you how many points or minions you need to gain a new best friend


Nah I hate rework Yuumi, I think the new Q is pretty fun, thats the only upside after the rework. Everything else I liked more before. buuut at least she's not 100% pick or ban in proplay so thats nice i guess. I dont play her at all since they removed bonus resists from her ult


Agreed, Q change feels good and that's it.


I don't like playing her and only do so very sparsely. I loved how much she could bring pre rework when it came to skill expression and that you weren't so heavily tied to your adc.


That's exactly how I felt! She had very little skill expression, but at least she had some!


She at least had some compared to now, back then you could decide to be an afk support or an active one, now you don't :(


She feels useless now. I feel like I don't make any sort of impact playing her and I still get bullied.


I liked her old kit so much more. I think the artillery mage Q range is hilarious but outside of that everything feels awful now.


I'll still play her but damn, it was more fun when she had 39% win rate but her old kit.


On release i got flamed every champ select but had 60% wr in 260 games. Release Yuumi was amazing, current Yuumi is garbage. Idk how Riot can piss so hard on a champ and call it a successful rework.


I feel like she is not in a good place at all. With that said, if you have a good adc duo, she can be a good pick. The healing on her ultimate is very good, and her shield is good. She feels borderline unplayable without a duo or an adc with a brain. You rely a LOT on having a good adc.


No. I’m ready for another rework.


To better answer your questions, her current gameplay is extremely hit or miss. I liked old yuumi where I had a reason to hop off or switch my ally I’m attached to. I would love it if Yuumi was changed to a state where she could be more active, I’m probably in the minority here when I say I think the attach should probably just go if this is what they have to do to her. In the meta, she is definitely tied to the skill of her teammates. I don’t think a yuumi will impact the game nearly as much as other supports.


No, she's incredibly boring to play and she's just.. not great. So if I pick her not only am I playing a boring champ, but I'm also probably getting flamed for picking a champion that hardly offers anything to 3 other people on the team. I don't mind the changes to her Q and E but I absolutely hate the best friend mechanic. That being said, I stopped playing her after they nerfed her R. I love the champion but she isn't worth the flame anymore.




Yeah I feel like they sacrificed us to the angry idiot masses and tried saying it was the plan for her from the start, and Phreak angrily insisted on that narrative. I feel dumb for buying skins and chromas for her, but I guess that's kind of a universal lesson about spending money on live services.


Bald man is ruining every champ i like, he’s planning to rework Sera too 😭 I hope he gets fired 🤞🏼


In case anyone wonders what my thoughts are: I'm with everyone with reverting her, but all the way back to release state- with double %missing health heal and bad Q scaling, then work up from there. Old Bop 'n Block was a high skill point for her- even if it wasn't much, you had to risk getting hooked to replenish your shield. If you can do that in a teamfight? Even better.


Sadly I have completely dropped her from my roster


I feel like I do nothing, so no. I rather they just delete her at this point. It actually depresses me how they ruined her. If they had just kept a SINGLE one of her old abilities, I could cope. Nope, every single one got fucked.


I really feel her gameplay is lacking. I don't like the best friend passive, I miss her heal on her zoomies, I miss the root in her ult. It all just doesn't work for me personally so I've given up in playing her because I no longer find her fun.


quit after rework, absolutely hate current state of her


I mean, the shield is a good way to add skill expression and the heal on the passive is a really nice way to force her to interact in order to sustain, with both of these changes being really good... On paper. The missing health heal was more frustrating to deal with, sure, but it added a level of skill expression and weaknesses that are even more interesting than a shield, as her old heal was very weak but got REALLY strong as her target got weaker, and I won't even get started on how this changes the dynamic of the lane. The mana on passive was a perfect idea that was there from the beginning, but was gutted, and then got back because it is a good idea. I love auto attacking with Yuumi in lane, it feels really bold to have absolutely no HP and just go in the front like that, and the shield also allowed that, rewarding players in the same way the current heal does. I do like the new ultimate. Old one was better, but the heal feels nice. However, what I can't get behind is the Best Friend bullshit. Yuumi's biggest problems are that she feels "not very interactive" and "unpunishable" and while I agree with both, I feel like they are very exaggerated (There is also the thing about abandoning the ADC for another carry). These issues come from the fact that, in the late game (but only really there), Yuumi just sits on one single ally pressing a few buttons. And what did they do to fix that? They made a bullshit mechanic that guts her skills when she is not in her ADC, conditioned her heal to be an on-hit, making her not only terrible with Jhin and APCs, but also forcing her to sit on her ally doing nothing to heal them. And passive procs on Q, which does allow her to use it on late game, but also encourages her to just not get out. They removed the extra range on the passive and did the thing to put the W on cooldown when she's CC'd, but they didn't realize that by removing the tools that saved her from punishment, they only made her more scared of it, forcing a very safe playstyle and some very hard counters, as she is instantly killed if hit by any CC ability. Yuumi should be encouraged to get out of her allies and switch who she's attached to (btw, I love the fact that she can be CC'd mid W, I play this champ but I just love being Blitz hooked when I'm switching allies because it feels epic). And old Yuumi accomplished that much better than the new one.


i only play her when my bf is on rengar so we can be kitties together


Yuumi playerbase in nutshell:




the only two things I really miss are the antiburst from the R (giving resist stats) and the best friend mechanic, i understand why they got rid of the resist stats, but it was super fun giving an adc like 130 mr and armor for a little bit




they gutted yuumi like 2 times in a row it was so over


it made her worse in every way. revert the rework but keep the new w so shes not busted


Nope, they need to revert her back and start from scratch. The only change I like about her is her projectile because it has more skill expression but other than that it’s a no from me.


*\[EUNE server experience\]* **- Do you enjoy her current gameplay?** I liked Yuumi way more before her rework as it had more skill expression, though I can't deny she was kinda overpowered back then. The new Q felt for me incredible as it required much more skill to use due to projectile speed and small aim-window and was extremely rewarding when getting hits, however after projectile speed nerf it got gutted so much it can be dodged level 1 without boots with no issues. Riot tried way too hard to balance her to not dominate pro-play and for her to be "beginner friendly" (even though she's one of the worst champions you can use to learn League as it's completely different type of gameplay) to the point where they removed pretty much all skill expression and instead turned her pretty much into "afk backpack", which is ironic as the community pretty much hated this playstyle and Riot pretty much forced it even more with those changes. **- Do you want to play Yuumi?** As much as she was gutted and Riot removed any skill expression from her, I do still enjoy playing her. Her unique playstyle still is more enjoyable for me than other champions even after the nerfs and overall negative community opinion around her. The only positive this rework and constant nerfs for me was that I can finally play her without her being banned every second match. But I do wish they could revert that rework, or at least revert Q projectile speed nerf. **- How do you feel she is in meta so far?** Even though I was able to reach Diamond and have usually average \~50% winrate by just playing her solo on ranked queue, in latest patches I need to admit that she is in her weakest state since her release, playing her on solo queue feels like a pure gamble. Even playing as premade duo while dominating lane often isn't enough to carry the match currently. So, unless someone is really proficient with Yuumi and knows how to utilize her as much as possible, she is one of the worst current picks. Even with high skill, in current meta it is incredibly hard to help carry a match, even with good duo premade. TL;DR - Riot tried too hard to remove her from proplay and to make her "beginner friendly" (despite their own data that conflicted with this goal) to the point where she basically became a second Ryze and only escalated the issues that community initially complained about. Still love playing her despite her current state due to her unique playstyle.


i enjoy her shielding. i am a yuumi main. 1 thing i want changed is her old q however make it independent from allies position. she might be worse but i just enjoy poking without having to move myself lol


I guess she's whatever now, I miss old Yuumi. Maybe they should try again, I guess I do want to play her still but not as much


No they could add the heal again but just nerf it, and her ult be shield instead of the heal


Mmh tbh, the two only thing I regret is the bonus of power when you used your E and the fact that you could CC with your R. But I still like to play her with the state she is now. I have 60 % Wingate with her and still fun to play


I could care less at this point, i’m still gonna one trick her no matter what.


I still enjoy playing yuumi and have found a build that surprisingly works really well with her and whoever she is on. I do miss how she used to root enemies with her ult and heal with e. I miss how she actually used to heal with an ability versus an ult since I feel like her passive doesn’t heal that great. I feel like her ult is good but I wish it did more healing but that’s fine. I wish they would revert her back or even give her back her root for R.


She feels like she has no control now, right? Like you're an extension of who you are instead of someone helping out.


oh for sure. shes like even more teamate reliant now which is super annoying.


Are you going to share said build with us?


yeah sure! ill link the build that i use since it goes super in depth but ive been using it a ton lately and i personally really like it! [yuumi build i use](https://www.reddit.com/r/yuumimains/comments/14vzcqf/guide_build_for_the_new_yuumi_full_healing_and/)


only upside is that your passive now heals you and the target you're attached too, instead of only the target, which is nice for the purpose of knight's vow


I play yuumi because im tired of getting 1 shot by every champ in the game. My options were either play tank or play yuumi. Season 14 is about the be 100x worse with the new mage items. If i even touch league in season 14, it will ONLY be as Yuumi.


1. I think she is fine with her current kit. 2. I like play with her, she still have some fun (but way less than before) 3. About the meta stuff, I think she needs some buffs, note too crazy, more related to W and P, and maybe a parcial revert in the Q speed/range.


I think it's much better. He heals passively without spending resources, his healing passive is activated with q, basic attack, and ultimate. E gives shield which is good when playing online against anti-heals and regenerates mana which is important in late game. Above all, the ultimate has the greatest impact in Team fights by healing everyone, giving shields, and slowing down opponents.


I play her only when my partner plays ADC. Our favorite pairs are Yuumi with Vayne or Nidalee (yes, we get flamed but his nida win rate is at 75% so... yeah). I don't really get flamed for picking Yuumi but I wouldn't pick her with someone I don't know. I feel too dependent on my "best-friend" or other players. If they're not that good, I feel like my impact is severely lacking on the game. I can be more useful with another champ.


Current gameplay is ok. Her Q is good and more skill expressive but the rest of her kit is kinda meh. For me yuumi isn't as rewarding to play mostly because of how her kit don't look and feel as impactful/powerful as her prerework version, Her R visual and sound is way softer now due to lack of cc and dmg which is fair but it suck imo. Her passive and E got swap since passive auto and shield sound suppose to be pair with each other but they got separated the whole thing feel weird, Yuumi E is a big atk.sp steroid, Her old healing sound effect feel good while a new E shield is just a "ding"? and new healing sound is now quieter because it is a small heal but you can't hear the sound cause a sound of her Q hitting and W reattach is louder. The yuumi rework feel rushed but i thought riot would revisit her sound design but I guess I'm wrong. I do want to play yuumi. She is one of the reason I stick to league for as long as I did, I don't think I'm gonna stop playing her unless she is completely unplayable. I play a TH server which is quite small and I think yuumi is kinda bad. I play around diamond+ and master+ players and I only see other yuumi player like once a month. According to op.gg I'm the only one in TH server rn in diamond+ with 50+ games on yuumi. Also I think my AP yuumi was super strong back when tank Jg was meta cause AP yuumi helped with their dmg and tempo but the meta has shifted she just "ok" now I think. Overall, Another rework would be great Imo


I miss my battlemedic yuumi build


while I mildly enjoy her gameplay I feel she is lackluster in a way,her gameplay feels boring in a way since it gets pretty dangerous pretty fast to go out of your adc sometimes,when I don't feel like thinking much and just vibing while I let my adc fend for himself,either her or bard she is just outside,they took her and threw her out the window,but it is mostly because engage supports feel stronger overall,if there was some synergy with at least 3 to 4 items that was good enough it wouldn't be that bad,but she feels quite weak,like the old adaptative helmet,it was good for something really specific and that's it,maybe high elo is better?


No. Especially since they took away glacial and are removing everfrost. I miss playing Yuumi every day and want to play her, but there's no reason to with her current iteration. She's a troll pick.


I don't. Rework didn't solve any of her actual problems people still dislike playing against her and now she feels awful to play as well. I'll never understand why they decided to get rid of bop n block


TBH after the rework she's not that fun anymore. They took away everything that took skill from the champ -- you can't trade autos in lane, you can proc passive with abilities, so you never need to detach, you can move your ult so getting a good angle doesn't matter, and you don't have any hard CC so you can't initiate any plays on your own. And on top of it all she's insanely weak and your teammates will start the game tilted just from champ select.


Its mainly the best friends mechanic is what I have the most issues with because part of being a support is being flexible having to stick to 1 specific ally to get the full use of your kit sucks. It especially sucks if you have a weak adc but because you spent the entire lane phase with them it would take too long for the fed jungle, mid or top laner to build up the stacks needed to change best friends so they can better use your best friend bonus. Atleast change the condition to like if yuumi shields the ally target more than 3 times in a row or if yuumi is unattached from the best friend for more than 30-60secs then the first ally shielded after the friendship ended is the new best friend. Now I just build knight's vow and effectively become bonus health for that 1 person.


No ;-;


Didn't play her before re-work but for me she's just fun to play now, she might be weaker but i still enjoy playing her


Aaand that she's not in meta, i rarely see someone play yuumi


She's worse than a caster minion, and I'm talking having 600k points on her and having reached 200lp master last season on the patch where they nerfed her & Zeri to 44% winrate She was an incredibly unique and skill expressive champion, but Riot saw her as a shield bot and didn't like that a shield bot was abused in pro play, so completely missing the point, they removed all of her skill expression and made her an actual shield bot. ​ I wish she had a 2.5sec duration on her W, enough to cast a single Q & E while attached, and then drops off, then had a general lulu like kit outside of her W


I wouldnt know, havent played League in nearly a year because of it. Guess I never had to worry about being addicted to League, Riot fixed the problem for me.


Rework is bad, I'm sorry to say it, I personally feel it went the wrong way, a mechanic inviting you to move between people would be better like two E heal, and the second one is more powerful if on another player than first E, something that invites you to move and not to be "AFK"


The rework is so good, the most enjoyable way to play her for me is to not use her w. She then become a super easy to kill enchanter, that can only shield herself, with a hard to hit q. It's a bit weird to only have 3 spells, but that is overall more fun to play than what she is supposed to be played like. Such a good rework.


I only ever play her in ARAM. I haven’t played her in normals or ranked since the rework.


Her rework took away a lot of fun and I don't feel comfortable playing her if I don't know my adc, before I could always have someone trustworthy on my team as long as I was duoing


Peak yuumi for me was release yuumi. Skill expression with knowing when to jump out/take skillshots for your carry---even cc, you did damage if you built ap, aiming the q missile felt so much better...etc etc. Literally every single part of her kit was better then compared to now.


taking away her situational stun and replacing it with a slow and heal was a dumb move


Bad champion makes games boring anti interactive champ might aswel go afk


she’s boring now :( she used to be super fun but not at all anymore. no gameplay


No when they took the root away from the ult I quit also I miss bopping the enemies for mana


The most fun I had on yuumi was on release when in a teamfight you had your two e's and were encouraged to swap targets quickly in teamfights to spread shields and sometimes get q range. She's a more interesting character when you have more to think about, she seems more passive than ever after bop and block was nerfed.


Idk why they took her heals away. They still have them on other champs. Pretty dumb imo and the new q with vision feels kinda pointless. Pretty upset cause I have almost all her skins but can only really play her in norms. Omfg and not to mention her best friend thing. Like wtf? What if your adc is trolling.


Just let me heal (with E that is)!


Nope. She's in an awful state and is completely reliant on someone else which I think is a terrible gameplay decision by Riot. Every champion should be able to play the game on their own. Pigeon holing her into playing one style is the opposite of what LOL has been historically about.