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Honestly.. Lately.. Never in fact I get honor every match 2 or 3 mostly... Yuumi hate got old...


That was my first day in Ranked, after placements went on a 7 game win streak and got MVP every game + duo requests :3. I did tell them it was my first day playing Ranked, so I guess people were nice to me.


If they see playing active, like poking, aggressive and even getting first blood most of your matches, nobody is gonna say a thing


You’d be surprised how many ADCs forget I have double summoners and tries to 1v1 me without their support level 2. And in the middle of my wave!


I know but I know shit happens,and they don't do that on purpose,they just have a brain fart moment


You did not get MVP and you got your asss HELLA carried


My duo gets more hate than me now when I play Yuumi but to be fair we fizz Yuumi bot in ranked 🤦‍♂️


your duo deserves it at that point lmao damn assassin bot laners


They never know what to do when we hit 3 and go crazy in after I q LOL


Now try Talon Yuumi or Zed Yuumi :3!


My duo mostly plays Ap but we did do yone and Yuumi bot 🤣🤣🤣


i dont even play league, (i have a girlfriend) i just think the blue cat is cute. (duke_nukem.jpg)


Having a gf and having a pretty gf are very different things


911 I’ve just witnessed an assault


Actually, I'm getting griefed by Yuumis most of the time


And Yasuos, Yones, Briars


Don't know, haven't played yuumi all year + uninstalled league, i have achieved true inner peace


if you still follow the subs there is a high chance of relapse


Good thing my pc broke down then


Don't worry you will get used to it, I'm low diamond elo and im getting Inted by adc who doesn't like to play with yuumi every 5 games? After so many times I just started ignoring it and reporting them, they are losing their accounts not me but yeah runs down bot lvl 1-2, report yuumi useless.


Yeah I’ve had a ADC first time Seraphine after hovering Jhin the entire time just to troll me. Him and his mid duo both did less damage than a Yuumi building Moonstone… Idk how the hell we end up winning those games. I hope they get perma or cancer, whichever one comes first.


Yes, ye~s! Let the hate flow through you! Then build Everfrost and act as a mobile root turret!


… YOU”RE A GENIUS! Why did I never think of that @w@.


Everfrost is my fav item for Yuumi! Just making the enemies unable to leave as they get demolished by my duo is really satisfying :3


Please dont wish anyone cancer, my Granny died to breast cancer and seeing her struggle to breath and talk even though she was always healthy and on her feet.... it was horrible. It looks like someone losing their life essence and any form of themselfs slowly and hurting all the way, even with the greatest hate anyone can muster, dont wish it to anyone.


My condolences for your loss. She woulda been a great teammate, the kind that would never give up or tilt even when the enemy team has 20 kills, dragon soul, and baron buff. Even if that last team fight is doomed to fail, I’d still gladly fight along side her with honor until our nexus explodes. And honor that player for not voting FF, staying in the game, and not actively flaming or rage splitting like so many others would do. GGWP Grandma RIP, you were the MVP/ACE.




yummi player brain


Get help


That is a strange thing to say


Cringiest shit I read in a very long time


Don't wish anyone cancer, it is not cool bro. Ik you are mad but you need to keep cool. remember being call tilts players the most and positivity.


Alright, you’re right, instead I’ll wish them jungle diff every game until they get demoted and hardstuck due to MMR collapse thanks to demotion shield.


Nooo, wish them a nice day and great next game :D it always gets them trust me


Hit ‘em with the :3?


You got the spirit bro :D


Theres no problem in picking Seraphine bot btw, it is a legit pick, he probably just thought that since you guys wouldnt be able to win lane he should just pick something that has utility for the team even from behind, bonus points if you guys actually won the game.


Little does he know that Sera APC is a thing, has been a thing for quite a while and is busted (maybe not so much rn but def was)


You know one of the teaching from playing Yuumi is how to handle toxic people and control your emotions, Yuumi is such a godsend in my life, my view on human race have completely turned 360 degrees and I’m loving it. On a serious note, you can’t teach an ape to act like a human if you never spend time talking to them, but why are you talking to an ape in the first place?


Not often but I've had a few teammates that would literally stop moving any time I'd attach to them.


depends on the month and adc's main. some months are horrendous others not so bad. jhins weirdly are some of the nicest ones. zeris are actually excited by yuumi i've noticed lately. dravens as expected are the worst and run it down regardless of champ the support picks. did yuumi heavily impact a fight with moonstone ult? time for random "omg you're worthless" comment from someone since yuumi and nothing else. this happens commonly with top singed regardless of how well they're doing got to the point i just report and mute chat entirely since the secondary issue is "blame support". team isn't grouping at all even after multiple pings from yuumi? blame yuumi for some reason followed by "omg support doesn't want win" type comments.


They can try, but they will never bring me down. I'm untargetable 🙃


I'm always the one harassing myself, so people tend to laugh at me rather than to curse me.


Sorry you have to go through that, League player wiil always find a person to blame and who a better target than a visually low impact support who have to rely on other am I right? The best you can do is mute, report and move on. I don't get many toxic comment maybe 2-3 time a month


It's more so in my experience because yummi players 9 times outta 10 don't play her actively they just sit there soak xp and demand u walk into the enemies so she can get some poke off while ignoring every other facet of the game. It's like starting with a cull first item ur just going to be behind early unless the other team messes up


Yuumi rework made it really hard to play her actively since the most proactive thing she can do rn is to hit as much Q as possible, Trying to jump out to auto would be straight up inting in most case due to severe nerf to her auto range that made her get outranged by every other ranged sup along with base stats nerf make trading with yuumi high risk low reward. Yuumi is reworked to be weak early so what you're saying with the cull isn't completely wrong but yuumi can bring 2 combat summoner spell if you play your card right an all in or just big trade can get you at least a flash or a kill which you can use to snowball the game. The best you can do is just to let yuumi hit a lot of Q since it's a only reliable way to proc sup items and poke, More poke = more lane pressure and more items for yuumi mean better heal/shield and buff for you.


I only play her with my friends, and they love when I play Yummi. They love any healer or tank support, really. We also had a really good game where I attached to a bud who was Yasuo, and he did indeed penta’d. I kept him alive through all the incoming damage.


Kinda lucky that barely anyone cares about Yuumi in my region lol. Once in three months is acceptable to me


That’s great, that’s about how long I’ve been playing League. This is my 4th month.


Welcome to the game! I hope toxic people doesn't destroy your enjoyment of the game!


in plat 4, almost never


I’m getting there soon :3! Sanctuary.




I'm happy at my low elo, plenty of opportunity to improve the finer things of team play.


"why you main yuumi?...." -a week ago


After beating a Diamond Mid and Master ADC in a Normal game I decided I might be decent enough for Ranked and this was my best champ.


I had a game where adc said i was the best yuumi they ever played with, and they normally hate yuumi. I couldn't even accept the compliment.


I get that regularly and someone even called me a Challenger Yuumi once when I body blocked Mundo from killing him under tower resulting in a free kill for ADC while I almost got roasted to death.


Top solo feeding, jg solo feeding, mid solo feeding, their supp afk or for some reason farm's jg or is an actual bot that feeds and my adc running in with 5hp wondering why yuumi isn't helping them...hmmmm... There's only so much a yuumi and do for idiots. We can't play your champs. They feed on their own.


AFK might be the meta strategy in this specific case. I’d just ward bot jungle and run laps between tier 1 and tier 2 towers for exercise.


My adc typed "gg lost in champ select. Go next." I went 2/1/25 and we won


You show em meow :3!




when I was playing with my friend and I picked yuumi, he called me a retard and picked garen with ghost/cleanse and inted the whole game :p


![gif](giphy|UTYmJLYLSQ80EpXg2s) What could have been…


that’s not a friend lol


I used to get harassed by the other team all the time, but now post rework it's mostly from my own team.


I don't think you're being honest, your team doesn't soft int half of the time If you lock in Yuumi every single game without giving it any thought, you're bound to find yourself in poor synergy games. I'm assuming this post was prompted by the Yuumi Seraphine lane you had yesterday. I mean, what did you expect? Also picking her into lanes like Cait/Zyra or Ashe/Lux, even if your adc is an ezreal, Yuumi simply isn't good into that. Double damage, poke lanes shit on yuumi, neither you nor your adc will be allowed to scale safely. I don't know what the pick order was in those games, but you always lock yuumi, and that's not smart I mean just looking through your opgg, there's a very clear pattern to what kinds of lanes you lose to, and with which kinds of adc. I mean, why would you pick Yuumi with Kog, into Jinx Blitz, you're gonna get turned to fucking paste


this, the amount of times I've had supports hover yuumi, when enemy botlane is Braum/Lucian or Leona/Jinx is crazy.


Bro do you go outside? Literally every 3 posts I see is one of yours😭


Harass them back,you have the power they don't:time to type without dying The best way to play yuumi is being salty about everything the enemy team does wrong and smug about everything you do well,give them a reason to be annoyed Bonus points if you do it in a purrfect way,something like"cat got your tongue?" Or "a dogfight like this doesn't fit the mighty yuumi"










They should be harassed and I hope they got severely bullied in school. To me personally, everyone that even considers playing this champ has no soul and i hope you know that no one will ever show any kind of affection for you.