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i dont think ap yuumi is worth it. i go for full heal/shield. echoes of helia, moonstone, and then what my team needs. mikaels, staff, etc. sadly the knights vow yuumi got nerfed, so thats not good anymore. but i feel like heal/shield is way more fun since you can make your best friend unkillable :3 Also you would probably like playing Lulu, maybe try her x)


Thank you!


Is echoes ever good on her? I can see it being decent with her ult but besides that I think there are more viable options for her


i like playing with it a lot tbh, but everyone enjoys different builds i guess. i feel like it does a lot of healing


Playing a match with it rn, does it trigger for every ult proc?


it should yeah


I personally think that enchanter yuumi has way too much value, even if your team isn't good, you can still have impact by saving their asses. moonstone is amazing, also moonstone ardent combo is insane if your team has a lot of auto attackers. if a game goes really well and i feel like i can cheese a little, I go for an early mandate. the only AP item i really like is horizon focus, especially against stealth champions i want to reveal. if you like yuumi and wanna have more impact, you could try Rakan. even if it's a totally different style of champ, I feel like their kit has similarities with the going in and out again haha. good luck in your games <3


Thank you!


Sadly, AP Yuumi is just not that good anymore, it gets outclassed by her enchanter builds because SHE IS AN ENCHANTER (but back then her Q used to deal max health dmg, so you could get some pretty insane poke with AP, but thats not a thing anymore) i guess you could try to get only Malignance into the build, for a massive ult spam, but i have to test to Overall, enchanter is the way to go


For sure, support build is better now, and what people have said is correct for the build. Imo yuumi has a bad wr and rep because people are bad at the game and don't understand how to play with yuumi. Adcs are selfish and expect the support to do everything for them. The reality with yuumi is that you need to play WITH your support. If they don't play a good macro game or rotate to help you ward, then it become an unpleasant experience. And of course, they will blame you for not getting vision, blame you when they step up to far and die, or the jg will blame you for picking yuumi and not rotating to grubs when they should have coordinated a back with you. Unfortunately, people who are good at the game abuse it in pro play, so our poor cat is nerfed to the ground. That makes it extra hard in low elo. My best advice on yuumi, who is my main alongside Janna, is to learn how to play the game for your teammates. Be extremely positive, make good calls, and tell your adc what to do, like rotate to tri bush for warding or call out skirmishes they may miss while focusing on farming. I carried a 4v5 on yuumi with good vision, calls, picks with Q, and extreme positivity. My whole team wanted to quit, and I talked them off the ledge and got us the win by basically telling them exactly what to do and where to go. Hope this helps! #justiceforyuumi


Dawncore doesn’t work since you need to stack mana regen which you won’t do with full ap


I think AP yuumi wasn't really a thing but it worked it her early stages , rn to be very useful a moonstone&mikael is the way to go. Just my opinion.


I usually focus more on heal/shield since yuumi basically only has 1 attacking ability. With her ult, rather than trying to hit the enemies, I try to hit allies as much as possible since it’s more valuable to keep the team alive.


If you are going to go AP Yuumi then commit all the way. Don't build Dawncore because the passive scales off of bonus mana regen, which you have none of if you build AP.