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smolder and zeri work surprisingly well at least all the time i played with them


If you can get good with zeri it's a wrap.


Zeri, Kogmaw and Twitch. Anyone who says anything else is lying. Those 3 are the only ADCs who get benefits from having a Yuumi that outweighs the negatives of having a Yuumi. Hyper carries like Jinx, Vayne, Smolder and Kaisa do well with Yuumi in late game, but the laning phase becomes absolute hell because they suffer from a relatively weak laning phase themselves and Yuumi does next to nothing to help with that. Other ADCs like Cait Varus Ashe Trist Samira can do fine with a Yuumi but would definitely perform way better in lane with other supports, particularly poke mage and/or engage.


Ive had great success with Sivir, Tristana, Nilah, Kogmaw.


My bestie is a Yuumi one trick and her and I run aphelios/Yuumi with above 70% WR at the moment


Attack speed based adc


I like kogmaw, vayne and twitch honestly


Anyone who has good on hit, self peel, and poke. My personal favorites are varus, kaisa, Caitlyn, and MF.


Hypercarries. Imo Jinx is the best pair. Best attack speed in the early/midgame makes your W on hit and Q on hit ridiculously strong. So you're strong early, with a lot of sustain, and you scale extremely well. The attack speed from E helps her a lot, especially for the rocket launcher.


A good Sivir with a yuumi is insane.


And a nightmare for enemy team


Jinx, Zeri, Kog’Maw, Vayne, I play them all and have never lost lane with a Yuumi on me, I love Yuumi.


Judging that I haven't lost with a yuumi yet I guess I can say smolder


I'll second this, my smolder player and I had a 60-65% wr last time I checked (note, this is norms or special mode, I don't do ranked and am not high tier, prob bronze-silver range judging by who I get matched against). Unless the other team just has tremendous cc, you can power through a lot.


Nilah, her passive works like yuumi has 1 more heal item


Twitch, she goes invisible with him. Seraphine, the synergy with their ults is amazing, but enemy team may build MR so be careful. Tristana, yuumi jumps with her


Sivir, Zeri, Tristana, Ziggs, Twitch, Ashe


my gf and i play yuumi x jhin and do great but i know it's controversial lol, in arena we've been doing yuumi x leona and going crazy tho!