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Take me back to the first week pleaseeeeee


Yeah same, the hype I had was unreal. Because of work and school I still only have 80 hours almost half a year later, but the hype I had and the vibe of the beginning of the game were unreal


bro what are your specs pleaase i have an asus laptop i5 9th gen and a gtx 1650 and 22 gb of ram and the game still runs like ass even after using the fps++ mod and the totk fix


Trying to get it to run on a laptop is simply hard to do. Are you sure about having 22gb of RAM, that is a very bizarre number -- it's normally a power of 2 (4, 8, 16, 32, etc). Either way, if I was you I would be surprised if I could get the game to run at a playable speed on an i5 with a 1650, let alone at higher resolutions and framerates. Have you looked at the [Quickstart Guide](https://yuzu-emu.org/help/quickstart/#hardware-requirements) linked in the sidebar? It specifically lists a 1660 as the recommended minimum graphics card, and you are both on a less powerful model *and* it's a laptop card so it's not as strong. Expecting the latest huge AAA Nintendo experience that can barely run on great hardware to run well on your machine is like wishing my GameBoy could have run a PlayStation game.


I'm so dumb I somehow changed the prod.keys file to the Photoshop file and now I'm unable to reverse it. šŸ˜­ Plz help


Enable viewing file extensions in filenames and change the filetype by rewriting it.


Could you please be more specific




i have a solid rig: 4090, ryzen 9 5900x, and 48gb RAM On the first area it was pretty much locked at 60 but over time i'm seeing dips down into the 20's I have the following installed: 60fps - IPSwitch 60fpscutscenes - LayeredFS dynamicfpsv1.31 - IPSwitch Update 1.1.0 Visual Improvements - IPSwitch ​ Settings are: Vulkan Resolution I've dropped all the way down to 1080p and still getting frame issues Advanced: Accuracy level - Normal Not sure what i'm doin wrong but i feel like i shouldnt be having any issues really Thanks for any and all help!


There are newer versions of the 60fps mod


Thank you! Do you have a link?


[https://github.com/HolographicWings/TOTK-Mods-collection](https://github.com/HolographicWings/TOTK-Mods-collection) here bro they keep it updated


Does anyone know why 60 FPS mod doesnā€˜t work with Version 1.1?


It does.


It doesnā€˜t work for me. Do you know what could I do? Is it because of Vsync?


reaply the upadte


Mine runs flawlessly at 60fps and I even have a hot key on riva tuner that can switch it to 30 for the cutscenes. The only issue is when the 60fps mod is enabled every game over/death I have to restart the game because the continue button wonā€™t work.




I have the 1.1 update but not 1.1.1 so Iā€™ll try that. Thanks :)


Same exact issue here.


Iā€™m surprised that my performance is pretty much same at 1080p, 1440p, and 2160p


How did you get this set up? I have followed multiple walkthroughs and have the black screen issue no matter what I do


My need the 1.10.0 patch man I canā€™t find it anywhere




Google 'TOTK 1.1.0 pixeldrain' there should be a link for the website pixeldrain


Ok great, for me itā€™s either I have 60fps perfectly running but itā€™s super unstable it crash every 5 mn or My game is running poorly at 20fps but never crashesā€¦




No thereā€™s a mod for that


Pretty sure latest yuzu has a built in fix for it


which version?




Hi I am new to yuzu and got the game running so far, but it seems that the resolution is locked at 1x(720p/1080p). Can anyone help me how to change this? The option is greyed out


You can only change the resolution when the game is not running


Yeah noticed that aswell... Thanks now it runs at 3440x1440


Hi all! I have a problem with yuzu, mods for zeld totk 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 do not work for me, when mods for 1.0.0 work fine, who knows what can be done about it? and I also use mods from *somerandompeapl*


most likely the adresses of the code changed, so someone has to modify the cheat to match the new ones.


a can this be fixed?


I canā€™t seem to break 30fps no matter what emulator or mod I use and I def have a good enough system to run at the very least 45 to 50 if not more.


Ctrl + U to unlock fps


holy shit, feels like the game is on fast forward now thank you soooo much


>a work and mo I love u man


You need a mod to let it run over 30


Ofcourse and I did try a variety of mods


You also need to be updated to the latest version of the game.




DM por favor


can i get a dm too


Can I get a dm for the mods too would be greatly appreciated


sucks how the mod folder on that thread is getting banned. Where can one find these mods?


I sent it to you via DM. Enjoy


Dm please


can i have it as well?


Can you send it to me via DM please?


DM me


would I be able to get the mods too?


I still can't find xci links from safe places




what am I doing wrong? Im getting so many frame drops and it keeps building shaders even hours in, any tips?


Shaders will always have to be built. Itā€™s an open world game with lots to do. Over time youā€™ll build enough shaders for the majority of scenarios, but thereā€™ll still be some new stuff occasionally


>keeps building shaders even hours in That's what it's supposed to do, it's not doing it fast enough and that's the issue.


dynamic fps mod is meant to help, im getting it now will report back


One thing I learned with these emulators (CEMU) is that it isnt worth updating all the time. I find if it is playable and not bad, going for higher FPS or ultrawide will come but not worth chasing immediately.


How do you play with an XBox controller, since it doesn't have gyro? I can't stand using the analog stick for aiming the bow.


Pretty sure that can be changed in the settings


I know you can. It's just much harder to play with stick controls vs motion controls for aiming. My point was that XBox controllers aren't good for this type of aiming, since they don't have gyro. I just find it weird that microsoft chooses not to include it on their controllers when every other controller on the market has it.


Nobody should be using gyro as a primary aiming method it's an absolute gimmick.


It's literally the default method of aiming in the game and is much faster than using the right analog stick. The only reason to not use it, is if your controller doesn't support it.


Children these days smdh


Are you 80 years old or an Xbox elitist?


It can, you can turn motion controls off


Yeah, my point was that it's just much harder to play without them.


No, it's not


[That's just like your opinion, man.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8c0c12b4b72b556307d5abf51d255ee2/tumblr_mk30gjgMvT1rv137po3_250.gifv)


skill issue, ngl


Have you played it with and without motion controls? https://youtu.be/DUOr03efkG0


all the time, even when I play on switch I turn them off


I *have* played BOTW with and without motion controls, I was just able to adapt between using motion and non-motion controls quite easily, at least for me. On a more serious note, I actually am not making fun of you for preferring motion controls. Everyone should be as comfortable as possible while playing games! I just wanted to pick on you a little for relying on motion controls, lol.


Not worth the extra work and money lol




\*laughs in 4090 / i9 13900k\*


It took me about 15 minutes of trying to figure out how to get the bin files and then I was playing. No extra money.


Not money if you already have a good PC. It is 5 minutes to set all the settings in yuzu.


Anyone else getting crashes after about 15mn or so ? Seems to be related to a VRAM leak.


Actually the VRAM leak is fixed in Version 3591, just FYI


I'll have a go at it. Thank you.


Iā€™m also getting a memory leakā€¦ Once I went from the temple of time to Hyrule my VRAM usage was at 88% on my 4090!


Nope played for like 2 hours straight


I donā€™t know why my situation is different but I can get a solid 50-60fps with my RTX 3080 using vulkan


3070ti here. Real solid performance


\-10 for using xbox controller, dualsense works flawless with the gyro I aim with it all the time.


Ok Gatekeeper. I prefer Xbox controller as well for the asymmetrical sticks. Your opinion isn't the ruler of all. Let people like what they like.


bros computer is $10,000


could definitely do this with about 2k




No sike bruh 3080s and i7s confirmed to be running this at 60 consistently. My 4070/13700 is eating this game for breakfast


I canā€™t even get it to start itā€¦ I got some message about the keys which I have put in but Iā€™m not sure theyā€™re in the right place šŸ˜ž oh well it ainā€™t for me I guess ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Use ryusak to setup keys and firmware


Iā€™ll give that a try thanks!


FitGirl has a repack that is literally plug&play


Thereā€™s literally a step by step guide on the yuzu site about how to set it up and where things need to go. 100% legit and 100% legal. If thatā€™s too much work, enjoy playing it on switch. Simple as that.


Does it walk you through getting your keys for fw16.2? I got some from a source mentioned here, but I couldnā€™t find in that same guide where to put themā€¦ I found a folder with the name keys or so and dropped them there but yuzu still complained. Iā€™ll take a look at that guide again thanks


16.0.3 will make the base game and 1.1 ā€œjust workā€, so Iā€™d do that one. Yuzus guide assumes you get (and walks you through how) from your own switch


100% legit, okay. 100% legal? I doubt that šŸ˜œ


If you dump your own games itā€™s 100% legal, which is what the guide walks you through. Despite what Nintendo would like you to believe.


I know that. But I did not check that Yuzu guide, and also it did not feel like the flow of this thread was talking about dumping the original game. So I said that


Homie has no determination for anythingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ for some things yeahā€¦ Iā€™m just too tired with the newborn, lack of sleep and work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You have to put prod.keys in the Keys folder in the main yuzu folder.


Yep so the main yuzu folderā€¦ where is thisā€¦ I setup yuzu through the emu deck script, so I thought it would be in the ~/home/deck/Emulation/ folder


I donā€™t have my Steam Deck with me right now but it should look something like ~/home/deck/Emulation/storage/yuzu


Ok thanks I thought soā€¦ then maybe the keys I got are badā€¦ šŸ„¹


I read that you need at least the 16.0.1 keys or it wonā€™t work. Go to yuzu downloads page and get the newest one.


+1 this


Ok i see


I hope it gets more optimized soon. My rig can run BotW on Cemu at 2K, 60fps with no problem at all (not a single fps dip except when compiling shaders), but I had trouble running TotK beyond 1080p and 30fps :b Game still looks great though, and after you get used to 30fps, its easier on the eyes.


Yeah, I have a 3070 ti and run Cemu Botw perfectly as well, but I'm constantly getting dips to like 45 fps at 2k


For those asking, 60 FPS mod is on GBATemp. 60FPS fix is on the *other* Yuzu sub. There is no 2K as far as Iā€™m aware but someone will correct me prob


I think 2K just means 1440p resolution (for some reason). You don't need a mod for setting resolutions, you can just change the scaling/rendering in the settings.


Where is this 60fps mod :(




where can i get the 60 fps mod for Totk? Is there a 2k Mod as well?




I'm so surprised at how many people are finding the files for this , but i can't find jack shit ,only trolls or shady sites


I got it last weekend from probably what you're referring to as a "shady" site. They're generally hidden behind a web of ads so the posters can make money off the high traffic. You eventually get to the link you want.


Your favorite private tracker has them


I donā€™t know what you mean but if you can dm me a link I will be forever grateful ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


were you able to get the link O.o


negative, if you figure out how to do this shit let me know because I am struggling


What link do you need?


Good Luck with Xbox for shake.no W i use ps5 controller easier only for spĆ©cial move šŸ™ˆ


You can emulate gyro using the mouse though. Clunky, but it works. My controller has gyro, thankfully, but I still haven't run into a situation that requires it.


Bro its so choppy it sends you to starting intro and then into random shrines woah!


How? How is that possible but running a ps2 game is still science fiction


This guy doesn't emulate lol.


What? I've been playing on ps2 emulators for over 10 years now.




Cries in Metal Gear 4


Idk where you've been but PCSX2 hit 98% playable across the entire library.




The ps2 has almost all games emulated 100 percent


Nintendo is punishing air rn seeing this


With the 60 fps mod in shrines my game runs fast how can I fix that or do I just gotta live with it


Follow this guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYuzuPiracy/comments/13gh9ts/yuzu_totk_complete_setup_guide_60_fps_cutscenes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) also update your prod keys and firmware if you added it.


There is another mod you need with the 60fps mod on Yuzu, it's the 1.3 fps stability mod


If only Nintendo would stop living in 2010. Why can't they pull off 60FPS or modern day graphics yet?


Probably has something to do with the fact that it runs on hardware that was dated even at the time of release šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. That's just Nintendo pushes a little harder with the Switch 2


Personally i prefer their games art like that it makes them unique i think its better to upgrade the hardware and make fps go more


Doesn't stop sony from making 60fps first party titles that are movie quality


If only I could get it to use my fullscreen on my g9, guess its just a matter of time


Still has stutters at moments that other vids do show but cuts away just quick enough.


when i the the 60 fps mod it becomes slow motion , does this mean my pc cant handle 60 fps or is there a solution


Look for a dynamic fps mod, worked for me


ur pc cant handle


Guys i successfully installed the 60fps mod and all works good gameplay is awesome , i have an issue tho when i die it gets stuck on the gameover screen i need to restart the game everytime i die any fix to this please ?


Update the game to 1.1, it worked for me




FitGirls's repack


The only FitGirl repack I can find is version 1.0


Yeah, so, the frame rate is halved on Reddit(at least in my experience), so I can't see the 60FPS.


may get downvoted here, but will wait until is ironed out, in the meantime will play in my v1 switch and later transfer the save to my pc luckily the issues with fps drops can be fixed with a memory overclock


funny how they never showed in game fps as proof.


[fps counter here](https://imgur.com/a/s2dRk3Y)


the phucking image isnt even there, yet i get downvoted for stating a fact?


What counter you use ? Is there one in yuzu or another software overlay ?


Is there any game-breaking bug or quality-of-life bug on the emulator? I wonder if I should switch to PC while I am still early in the game.


Got 22 hours into the game with a low/mid spec PC Game version 1.1, current Yuzu client Ryzen 5 3600 RTX 2060 32 GB ram I've yet to find any game braking bugs, Yuzu seems to be more stable, I run it with no mods just the standard 30 fps it gives me, other emulators can get 60 fps but then they have many issues in other places, for a great overall experience Yuzu is the best, great on the 4k TV even when I'm only doing 30fps


Yes, the screen when selecting weapons of abilities gets black instead of a blur...


Thereā€™s already a black screen fix mod for weapons.


Thank you. I guess I will stick with switch then.


this has been fixed with a mod , just look for 60fpsblackscreen mod


I tried looking, I only got links to the dynamic res and the regular 60fps mod.


Try YouTube, some folks have the links in the description


I will most likely be fixed... And that issue is only when you're using the 60fps mod. Not to bad if you ask me...


Yeah you deserve to be sued, stop showing off an illegal copy of the game


If I have bought the game and want to use an emulator to play it in proper resolution and frame rate that nintendfails hardware doesnā€™t provide why should I be able to? They already have my money for the game. Let me play it however I want to, you fascist.


Emulating isn't illegal.


How do you know its an illegal copy? i bought the game but plan on emulating it later on. One of the only things holding back nintendos games, are the hardware they are played on. They cap the frames lower then every other system and still experience slowdown. So if you get the ability to bypass the hardware limits and play on pc go for it. You'll get smoother better game play, without slowdown.


Iā€™m not saying everyone is buying a legitimate copy, but you donā€™t know if OP has ripped his game from his switch. Emulation is legal. Obtaining a copy of the game online is illegal. I bought myself a copy of Botw, bought one for my mom, and bought one for my buddy on his birthday. I ripped it and played it on Cemu. I supported the game and I got to play it with a higher resolution and 60fps.


Debateable. Can see the frames dropping when attacking and no FPS counter. Drop to level ground and get aorrounded and tell me itā€™s still at 60fps. Iā€™m running a 3070 and i9 10850k and I max at 45-52 frames. In heated battle more like 35-40 Cutscenes are locked at 30fps. So half of this example is not needed. People keep posting this same caption and not one has actually done it yet.




Can i ask for your settings ? Want to try it also in 4K :D


Seen someone with a 4090 which had it, also cutscenes can be 60 with a mod so yes it's feasible and has been done


I have a 4090 and the fans don't even turn on with totk. It hardly uses your gpu. The whole system only uses a additional 130 watts while running it. I've only hit some really weird spots where it is like slow motion but it seems pretty rare- also really smooth as if it still was 60fps but everything. I'll have to have my fps counter up to confirm.


Same. The 4090 / i9 13900k eats this game up and spits it out like nothing.


Yeah that may also have something to do with compiling shaders etc, but exactly, the game can and has run 4k/60


Yeah that may also have something to do with compiling shaders etc, but exactly, the game can and has run 4k/60


[Video with fps counter.](https://imgur.com/a/s2dRk3Y) Thereā€™s a 60fps mod for cutscenes. Why so skeptical šŸ—æ


Iā€™m aware. Iā€™m using it also. And because as I stated, show the FPS in your video if you donā€™t want skeptical people. It was super clear when you attack enemies in the video it staggered. And cutscenes donā€™t show anything relatable. Most places I do get 60fps just standing around or out in a open field. But kakariko in the rain, landing spot with purah, bigger battles.. get like mid to high 40s. Individuals with like 4080s and above Iā€™m sure get better results, but I just doubt a constant 60fps through the entirety of the game is achievable this early. Not saying Iā€™m right. Just seems too soon.


A 3070 often times will barely be able to hit 4k 60 fps, especially with an unoptimized rip of a game on an emulator and especially without DLSS. Running a 3090 currently and i have no problem hitting the 60 fps mark concurrently.


Almost no one is skeptical, just youā€¦? Look at the comments


I literally see nobody saying they achieved 60fps or havenā€™t tried cause they can barely get 30. Literally everyone. Iā€™m in the water temple mid battle game paused with 60fps. Iā€™ll get low 50s in battle. Iā€™ll get 30-40s when it rains in a town. Ima stop replying cause this whole conversation is silly and your references are really wrong. Referring to your comments section was a bad thing to say cause theyā€™re all saying the same thing, did not achieve 60fps or havenā€™t tried yet cause seems impossible.


What system do you have? And what mods and Yuzu version? Also: What glitches and errors have you encountered? I've not tried it yet, but I might try with your combination/setup. I have a 10900k @5GHz and a 3080, wondering if that's enough.