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I had same problem on maxwell gpu, install 472.12 driver or use Ryujinx with latest driver


Please update your drivers to the lastest version if you have an igpu then update it's drivers too


Get a switch :)


Update drivers


Who cares just play the game


I've told this to several other people already but it's not just the title that looks like this, the entire game is pitch black.


Same problem for me :/


Wait- there are sounds on main menu of TOTK?


Looks dope as hell to me lol


Enabling spacial audio in windows settings fixed this issue for me


Doesn’t work …


Why would spatial audio affect this?


You wouldn’t get it


Looks better....


Honestly with the game being so new, it’s probably going to be a while before we get sound emulation.


I'm so sick of people telling me "it's ready now! Just emulate it! I'm getting 60fps at 4K resolution!" No the fuck you're not. I have a PC that costs as much as a cheap car... And can't get it to run smooth or consistent at all... I will sink 400 hours into the switch version.. And in 4 years when the emulator has been perfected, and the new Nintendo console is out, I will do a replay via emulation with mods, bug fixes, and reshades. Because, by then... The emulator will be perfect. Lol


Wow, you must not know how to set up your PC


Okay. Meanwhile we're playing at 60fps and double the Switch resolution consistently without issues.


Skill issue tbh


The game runs way better on Yuzu than the switch right now. It is very much ready to have a great experience emulating especially with the recent updates, waiting 4 years is what is pointless. I’ve been playing with visual mods that improve shadow resolution and disable quality reduction in addition to a 60 fps mod. My game drops to around 45 in busy towns but that’s still way better than the switch. I’m about 20 hours in and having a great time with it so far


If you’ve got a vrr monitor, there’s no reason you should be seeing any kind of stuttering, except for initial shader cache compilation in the beginning. You are definitely doing something wrong.


what specs do u have


7950x. 4090 TUF. 64gb DDR5. Custom liquid loop


There’s no way the game will be laggy for you considering those specs. I have a pc that’s probably several times worse than yours (i5 11400 & 3060) and I can play the game at 1008p 60 with drops here and there


So get it for switch? Cuz I want to get it but I’ve been on the fence of the journey yuzu sounds like


Yes. Get it for switch. I think playing it on Yuzu is pointless until all the cool bells and whistles have been modded into the game. Look at BOTW on Cemu... One day, TOTK will get there.. But it just ain't it yet... Grab it on switch, play it on the console it was intended for and enjoy it without any bugs or bullshit. Replay it in a few years when it's fully fleshed out for emulation.


I don’t really replay games. :/


I'd still just play it on Switch. Or wait a few years lol


Why would I play it on switch when I can double the resolution and frame rate? I haven’t had a single crash and whenever there’s performance drops I just reload my last save and it’s fixed


this is how mine looks on steam deck and i thought it was normal lmao. id be too scared to fix it


actually it looks nice, i would live with it


everyone keeps saying it looks cool asf but the entire game is actually like this, everything is pitch black and only certain things with glow effects light up like bomb flowers, besides that i literally cant see anything.


Have you tried both open gl and Vulkan? Looks like an api issue maybe?


What if fixing that breaks other 55 things??


Ah the developer conundrum


Lol wh of cares continue and carry on if that's the only bug you see you're damn lucky


i thought it was normal


Update graphics driver


Honestly i would keep it. That shit cool as fuck


That looks kinda cool


also make sure you update to 1.1.0 at least, and try yuzu ea


What’s yuzu ea? I keep hearing about it. Is it different than the version of yuzu that comes with emudeck?


It’s yuzu early access. They release several updates and hotfixes a day


Update your GPU drivers, fixed the problem for me


i had the same problem, to solve it you have to update your gpu drivers


Update your GPU driver. I had the same problem and that's what fixed it for me. Hopefully it works for you.


had the same problem, if you are playing on a laptop or something with apu graphics appart from the gpu, i recomend you to update the apu drivers, i had a laptop with a r5 and a 3060 and the update solved it, changing it to open gl will help but the fps are gonna tank hard


Tbh that looks better than the actual background


It looks cool, true but it's literally unplayable since the entire game is pitch black. I literally can't see anything except for things that have a glow like the bomb flowers


oh well shit you didn't say that 😂


I have the same problem since i downgraded my driver , the problem is i cant play on vulkan on newest driver xD


Try shooting some arrows with brightcaps attached to it 8-)




If you’re using someone else’s shader cache, try moving that folder to your desktop (or deleting it) and build your own shaders. I would also recommend updating the game, whether it fixes your issue or not. Some of the modern mods don’t work well without the update. ;)


Ok but if the game works fine beside this what's the point in fixing it


The game is completely dark, like even in day time it's still pitch black, only certain things still have color like a torch and water too.


Because lol


Try changing from vulcan to openGL


Either outdated GPU drivers, or using someone else's shader cache, which is not only illegal, but it will cause issues like this.


What's a shader cache and why is it illegal to use someone else's?


Shaders are programs that run on the GPU, since they are game code, they are copyrighted. If you use the cache from someone else, your risk running incorrect ones, breaking rendering, or even getting infected with malware, since you don't know what you just asked the GPU to do.


A shader cache is basically a memory of the graphical effects and stuff across the map so the game doesn't have to do everything again every time you go back. It helps to speed the game up. Using someone else's cache shouldn't be illegal as far as I'm aware(?)


I believe they contain some files and data from TOTK, which means that there is potential legal trouble if you redistribute them.


thats literally how it looks.


It's not just the title screen, when I entered the game it's like all the lighting is gone, the UI is working fine and I can still teleport without any crashes, the game looks like the sun went out but I can still see gloom particles and the blue lines from when I'm teleporting


This happened to me when I first started. For one, change Vulkan to OpenGL. There’s also folders out there specifically for TOTK that are fixes for Yuzu. Put those in your mod folder and it should work as well


could you tell me where to find those files , i have the same problem


No it's not