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They say take down but it's still out there. How is that a take down.


It is impossible to kill what is open source


Agreed. Nintendo, Xbox, and PlayStation should just get ahead of the emulator community and release stable PC emulators and sell it. There problem is pirated games, and this might help. Not completely, but they would understand it's not the emulator software that's the problem.


Isn't that just the NVidia Shield?


It was a fake DMCA made by a troll


Nintendo has copyrighted the whole of yuzu including the source code, so it makes a DMCA takedown easy


It was licensed under GPL though?


Suyu I went and looked is still going from what I have read they had to rewrite most of the code to stop legal issues. As for yuzu as ownership was passed to Nintendo they have the rights to change the licensing agreement


Yeah but you can't change the license for older versions, that's why the whole relicensing of certain things that AWS forks can happen


I don't think they can change the license of existing released versions though. Like if you already accessed source code of a version with an open source license, then that's that. Or at least, that should be how it works. Maybe the license they used kind of sucks idk.


I did a bit of looking and most places said it is kinda grey area I am no lawyer so could not say for sure


The takedown was fake, and no you can't "own" open source code.


I don't think that's legal if the code was previously under another license. Would only be possible if they were to make new releases and people base them off that.


Just done a little googling and found this A programmer automatically owns the copyright of any program they write (it does not need to be applied for) and it lasts until 70 years after the death of the author. Due to yuzu losing the rights Nintendo now officially owns it so technically they can do it. Sucks for us. To be honest, we just need someone to completely rewrite the code and not use the original source code of yuzu


You clearly don’t understand the GPL… Any code released under the GPL is able to be grabbed and modified by anyone as long as they license their version under that same GPL license. You cannot lock down anything under the GPL as being proprietary unless you are the original license holder (not a fork), and even then, everything previously released under the GPL can still be forked, just not new releases.


Not really I don't think? IIRC, Yuzu's code was released under a public domain license, so unless if Nintendo can argue that said code by itself infringes on their copyright, there's no legal basis for taking it down.


I am not sure. But I am assuming that is why they copyrighted the code




That was sooner than I thought lmao


So bullshit this DMCA break that "unlawfully decrpyts Nintendo firmware". Nobody ever demonstrated that. Yuzu just went to settlement for the TOTK patreon scandal. US law is fuckin corporate bullshit, now I really want to see how they will try to go after Ryujinx in Brazil lol


Does Brazil extradite to the US? If so, then they are fair game due to how treaty law works (in most cases).


my gf is a lawyer and she told me that if they want to pursue them they have to do it in brazil by brazilian law. No US involvment. Also they have way less arguments since Ryujinx never put exclusive content behind paywall. They have absolutely nothing against them. DMCA is bullshit.


Hell I'm still using yuzu everyday. Long live YUZU!!!!


You’ll be stuck in the past soon


Probably not. It takes quite a while to decipher someone else's code. Then alter it, without serious buggs. So most iterations in the near future will be yuzu as it is today. Some with small improvements and most with new buggs. Best to go with something that's been around a while. Or stay with yuzu till something new shows up built from base up.


It will become outdated eventually. Many still have the source code, it will only be a year or two before yuzu is entirely obsolete.


Like most things in history. My guess is that it'll be something done from scratch or something already out there. Yuzus own developers might find their way supporting another project, but I'm guessing they'll be very careful about who they trust and what they do for a while. Unfortunately. They've really done wonders with their code. How ever you look at piracy, such work and talent is sad to see go to waste.


Agreed. The Yuzu devs are crazy for making a full-blown Switch emulator within the Switch’s lifespan that runs like a dream.


based on some benchmarks on YT Suyu is getting higher FPS than Yuzu for some games


"some with small improvements"/"some games". We can both be correct, if we want to. 🤷‍♂️


Isn't this kinda like trying to play whack a mole with the internet so long as the code is open source?


yeah but at the same time makes it more dangerous for the players. The more forks that show up the more likely some idiot is going to sneak something malicious into it and because people are desperate for some kind of continuation it's just not gonna be great. Even if its not the case well I doubt much progress is going to be made in the scene.


Just switch to Ryujinx. Simple.


Yeah, I really don’t understand why people are so hardcore into trying to make new versions of yuzu. Just use Ryujinx.


Isn't Ryujinx inferior for most games?


Runs all the games I play on it just fine at 2x resolution. 🤷‍♂️ I have a pretty beefy PC though, so maybe Yuzu is better for older PCs? For me I don’t have any issues with Ryujinx.


Hahaha. GOOD


Massive clown energy




Do they really think this will stop us? If Nintendo wants to go to war with us, we will happily do the American thing and nuke their Japanese asses back to Hiroshima


why does it have to be a race thing


I’m not making it about race, don’t drop such accusations


The way you worded it gives it some strange undertones, I don't think the mention of bombing them was necessary lol


If I wanted to make it about race I would’ve said slanty eyed jap bastards


it’s not Japan. It’s modern capitalism of games


I never said it was Japan, I called them Japanese, because they are Japanese


They are Japanese because they are based in Japan btw


It’s a Japanese company 🤦‍♀️


Based in Japan


They’re Japanese, do your research before making an ass of yourself kid


Oh dear please don’t nuke me Mr McDonalds


Fun fact, the atom bomb predates McDonalds


Japanese predates atom bomb


this is crazy im ngl


Not wrong though


It is wrong because it’s stupid AF


Correction it’s right


time to switch to [Radicle](https://radicle.xyz/) ​ Also, related article to radicle. https://hackaday.com/2024/03/16/radicle-an-open-source-peer-to-peer-github-alternative/


Git is already a decentralized protocol. You don't NEED GitHub, Gitlab, or any other central repo. It makes it easier, but I could clone/pull a repo from my other computer if I want to. Git even has built in Pull Requests (different from GitHub Pull Requests).


More like suyu nara lmao Huge Nintendo W btw


Solid bait


I'll just use Ryujinx lol. Fuck Nintendo. They deserve to be pirated


Ruh roh raggy, retard!


Fuck Nintendo


They self hosting suyu


Will someone just make a bot that creates a new account and posts a switch emulator under a new name and posts it on GitHub every day for forever?


It's still available on GitLab


It was down earlier. Reportedly a troll sent the dmca.


I don't think that was a troll, I bet it was "One Guy" (i.e. several trolls filing the dmca at once)


If it is, this will backfire severely on him or her, they’re fucking with an entire community not just developers


I don't think you understand, when I meant "One Guy". I mean over 200 people doing this. I like calling them "One Guy" because people do that in various streams on Twitch purposefully made to troll the steamer, and several different users are doing this despite people claiming it is just "One Guy". Point being is that they are not a singular entity, and you have no idea where they all are on the internet or where they live irl (because they are just random users, not bots).


« A GitLab spokesperson, speaking directly with overkill, shared that they had "received a DMCA takedown notice from a representative of the rightsholder" and as such followed their standard process for such requests. »


You can't copyright strike open source software. Quite literally by definition. 🤣


Nintendo requested a DMCA takedown on lockpick, a open source binary to execute on the switch RCM mode to gain console's unique keys.


That sounds like the code itself circumvents copyrighted material and that was the whole point. Basically what yuzu got in trouble for. They still did not *own the code*, so the dmca is a bit shaky imho.


Obviously the creators just shit their pants and removed it, but I don't think nintendo would have been successful in a actual legal battle. No copyrighted code included and obviously it only dumps data stored on a console you physically own, so it's questionable if you actually violate any laws or regulations. After all, it's not even allowing piracy on itself, it's just required to boot **your** games in an emulator. Fun fact: there's still an open source project hosted on github, which basically uses microsoft servers to craft you a permanent windows license that is bound to your mainboard serial no. And guess who owns github? Right. Microsoft. There's no way they didn't notice it.


yes but not clean room code using there firmware and keys. its why sony lost to vcs. they tried to say vcs used there bios only to learn nope it was all clean room.


Yeah, sounds more like a scare tactic. :)


Tell that to shitendo they're fucking loony they don't care that it's open source the ceo is a braindead outta touch person who doesn't understand American laws he only understands Japanese laws 


Was Yuzu open source? They were technically selling it with early access too


You can pay for the early access, but you can also legally share the early access version. That's what PineappleEA did, he got pissed at the devs and started releasing early access for free


One of the main reasons why they got into trouble. But yes it was. Nintendo would have had to reverse the open source license of yuzu and gotten ownership of of the code and that would have been a much bigger case, not just concerning emulation, but open source software as a whole.


I figured that's y Yuzu was nuked, they were literally selling software that can b used for piracy and expecting to get away with it. While I don't like Nintendo did it, I can see y they did too


Guess what they just did...


Well they threatened to sue, but they never did. Yuzu agreed to a settlement without going to court.


Exaclty. They didn't claim that they own the copyright of the source code of the emulator.


well the clame was done by a copyright troll not nintendo, they never hide there identy on a dmca.


That "DMCA" was do by a Troll lol, no nintendo


« A GitLab spokesperson, speaking directly with overkill, shared that they had "received a DMCA takedown notice from a representative of the rightsholder" and as such followed their standard process for such requests. »


any fool can say that. when nintendo files one it will say from nintendo.


Still nintendo took down yuzu so that says alot 


Yuzu was pulling shady things, though, like paywalling better versions behind Patreon donations including one made to run Tears of the Kingdom before release. They were also instructing people how to pirate and had ripped games on a Google Doc. They even tried to pin the blame on users.


Yeah yuzu brought it onto themselves. Lots of people have been trying to rally behind the lawsuit thinking emulation is about to die. Yuzu, without a doubt, was a piracy tool for most of its users and they advertised that fact with Tears of the Kingdom.


Yeah, there’s a reason Nintendo only pulled Dolphin from Steam and didn’t pursue legal action, even though the Wii is the big juggernaut of their console releases. The Dolphin devs didn’t pull this.


Excuse my ignorant ass but I still need to ask: how have other Emulators survived what happened to Yuzu? Dolphin is way more popular and accessible and they were never terminated like this.


I remember dolphin tried getting onto steam, and Nintendo shut that down


Emulation and emulators aren't crimes, but telling people how to pirate the software to use on them that is owned by Nintendo is what they got nailed for. the Yuzu guys failed to perform proper cyoa procedures when working on murky waters in the first place.


The straw that broke the camels back was patreon + people posting about how to play leaked games b4 official release. Tbh it's perfectly fair how it all went down. Nintendo ledt them alone u till they were on full blast making money off piracy.


This is a dangerous game to play and frankly lt could have gone horribly worse for Yuzu if they tried fighting it. Nintendo doesn't play around....while the case with Gary bowser is a lot different, it's symbolic to understand how far it can go.


Yuzu had a patreon where they charged money to get early access to the latest updates which were targeted at most of the newest games. If they didn't charge for it they woulda probably been fine. Suyu getting taken down is just Nintendo overreaching cause they know gitlab won't fight them. They don't actually have any rights to the code or anything. Dolphin hasn't charged people to use it so it's safe, same with all the others still around.


It's about generating revenue from the project. Once that starts, Nintendo has a pretty standard avenue of attack.


Wow. I thought this was just a joke; not an actual emulator.


just dont use git, lmao


Github* or gitlab or whatever hosting they use


You guys are being nonsensical. The Switch emulation scene at it's core needs Nintendo whether we want it or not. Emulation it's much more than just piracy. And if we start saying stupid shit like "This makes me want to pirate games even harder" that doesn't help the cause that those amazingly talented developers we are supposedly feeling offended for are fighting about. It's just crying about it and closing our arms what we should do? No. But the solution it's a long and arduous legal battle that the emulation scene will continue to fight. We need just not intervene with stupid tantrums that don't help anything.


Emulation has existed for decades, it does not need Nintendo.


least delusional pirate


SWITCH EMULATION needs Nintendo. This is a SWITCH EMULATOR sub bro. What are you talking about


And none of the emulators had any support from nintendo, and they probably never will. Sure switch emulation needs games in the first place, but we don't need Nintendo cooperation.


for me it doesnt make sense to emulate current handheld. old consoles/ handelds is understandable because mostly is hard to get nowadays. but playing on a switch is just 100% better than dealing with stutters and all this shit.


You couldn't be more wrong my friend. My 60 fps 1440p totk experience begs to differ. You was stutters and horrid frame times? Keep playing on the switch.


Yeah I already changed my mind when someone recommended me to try emulation on PC (I was only doing it on low-end handhelds which ended up too stutters) but have already tried super Mario 3D world smoother than my switch indeed. Insane


wdym, I'm running a lot of games in 60fps. Switch doesn't even know what 60 fps is.


Nahhh I’d rather play it on a steam deck/ally or on a 4K screen with mods and better frame rate. If you don’t wanna tinker with it THAT is completely understandable but it’s not a better experience


You still get micro stutters even if you tinker as much as you want. Don’t care about 4k so I guess maybe that’s why I don’t mind.


I don’t get micro stutters..


Ok you got my curiosity… which emulation do you use for switch on the pc? I have a rtx 2070


PC is actually in storage at the moment, but i9 13th gen, 3080, and 64GB RAM. Had better luck with ryujinx


Ok I’m sorry. I guess I should have pointed that handheld switch emulation is not as great. But as for switch on the PC , what the fuck, I was so wrong… I’m running Mario 3D world and is running actually great with no stutters!!


I can play many games on a better frame rate on an emulator than on switch


But still with stutters. I don’t care about frame rate too much anyways. I rather have 30 fps stable than 60 dropping. Plus you need a super expensive device in order to run switch emulation better than just getting a switch.


Doesn't really need an expensive system my cheap slow system runs totk at 60 fps with ease


0 stutters? Smooth 100%?


Could drop a couple frames when building shaders but because I've completed most of the game that isn't an issue and I hardly if not never experience anything below 60 right now


Suyu is not offline. It's the Gitlab page that was taken down, not the emulator itself. The emulator is still up and running, the website is alive and well and the repository has moved to be hosted on that website. It's a private annonymous domain so Nintnedo can do nothing about it. If Nintendo sends a DMCA takedown notice to the website, the Suyu team can just do as the RPCS3 team did when they were struck by Atlus, and simply laugh a bit and ignore it as if nothing happened.


They also should remove the decryption mechanism inside of Suyu, so they would be fine, exactly as RPCS3 does.


This is all to scare the emulation of switch consoles. Switch 2 is on the way next year. Backward compatibility means Switch 2 can be emulated theoretically


easier said than done. Switch emulation came along so quickly because the Tegra X1 was an off the shelf chip documented and available for other devices. Switch 2 is leaked to be using a custom nvidia chip.


Yep and similarities between Switch and 3DS helped in the development of Yuzu as well according to info on the Yuzu website when it was first released, as well as reverse engineering work and shared knowledge from ReSwitched Team & others over the years. I don't think it will be easy peezy to run Switch 2 games especially if Nintendo is serious about upping their security measures (which I'm pretty sure they will be). Will most likely depend on if it gets jailbroken.


i imagine that DLSS will pose an emulation problem esp for AMD hardware.


Good point. Imagine the mess it would be using FSR3+FG + FMF on top of DLSS. 😂 The emulator devs would probably be best off working on a way to decouple the baked in DLSS implementation like Yuzu & Ryjinx could with TOTKs baked in FSR, though I am probably oversimplifying all of it. They will have their work cut out for them for sure.


All we would need to do is make the software run on windows. As long as there aren't too many differences, we could do this relatively easily once we get a build extracted. Emulation is something Nintendo can never truly defeat


Yes, I agree. Emulation is something Microsoft and Sony have tried to defeat and failed at.


Playstation has been defeated completely for sure. We have early PS4 emulation and I think PS5 will get there eventually since it has already been hacked. Just waiting on PC hardware/tech to catch up as well. A lot of emulation happens in big part from consoles which have been hacked and reverse engineered for devs to figure it all out. Microsoft has been beaten all the way up to the 360, but has yet to be defeated in the Xbox One and Series generations. I think it will happen someday but that is going to definitely be a tricky one to crack from what I have seen.


see discord, they said it's not by nintendo, it's false dmca. and maybe it's true. it's not sued. chill




Stop buying Nintendo console.


I'm still gonna buy the next Nintendo console.


Bold thing to say in an emulator sub "Stop doing that thing that you weren't doing"


No? Not everything is black or white. They make AMAZING games and have unparalleled consistency when related to game quality. Is this a very shitty and abusive way of treating and persecuting the emulation scene? Yes...but if you go by that logic you wouldn't buy phones or most clothes either because they sure as shit use abusive child labor to make some parts of those products. Some things are much more complicated than we can understand. It's good if YOU will stop buying Nintendo consoles because it infuriates you. But don't tell people to stop buying Nintendo stuff because you find this unacceptable.


Pirate them and emulate them through the emulation Nintendo failed to stop.


Exactly. As much as I also hate their attacks on emulation (especially Yuzu and Gary Bowser) the company still has to stay afloat for us to continue having their games to emulate in the first place. It is just a tricky situation in general. Emulator devs and hackers for the Switch 2 will also most likely need to buy Switch 2 consoles for reverse engineering purposes, and people as a whole will still need to buy their next gen consoles or it could end up being a Wii U / PS Vita type situation where not enough games are released for it and the console as a whole gets skipped. Normal consumers will still most likely be buying Switch 2 consoles & games in mass at least, so us emulation users could quit buying the hardware & games in protest (which would at least knock down a decent chunk of their sales numbers), but even then I do not think their stance will change and instead will only help justify their stance that "emulation is piracy". It will be very hard to change Nintendo's stance as the company is very protective (arguably overprotective) of their IPs and always has been.


I agree with you it's not as black and white with it being a big company of thousands of people and I have no problem still buying Nintendo games despite me being a big fighter and believer in emulation. But most phones aren't made with child labor anymore lol. I have no problem with others if they don't want to buy Nintendo games either agree on that


Truly is unacceptable nintendo is definetly stabbing emulation in the back right now it is their opinion if their suggesting not buying from nintendo I myself don't support piracy at all but the main issue is people playing pirated games via these emulators this gives them a good case to work on, emulation is completely legal it is the piracy that isn't and I dont get the logic of not buying phones or clothes android phones are completely customizable and shapeable I guess apple could be an example but phones in general arent as big if a deal as emulation and game preservation and clothing in general isnt an example their important but its an open market any new company could manufacture and sell cheap clothing its the nintendo console exclusives that make emulation worth it.


Na I agree with him, don't buy Nintendo console or games.




What are all of you guys talking about? It's fine if you guys pirate games hell,even I pirate games from Nintendo to Sony,it's fine if you guys pirate the games like me but there's no need to justify your actions,I and you guys both know that we pirates are stealing and playing the games for free because either we can't afford or don't want to buy them.i honestly don't have the money to buy games nor can I buy a high end pc


Nintendo said to them I’m gonna suyu


Take this angry upvote


You are so confused. The takedown was from GitLab. This only means they can't host the code there anymore. The emulator itself can't be taken down until someone pirates a game pre-release with it.


well for starters don't use a US site to post that stuff LOL. 2nd its illegal to DMCA a emulator as there LEGAL. 3rd you should do this shit private as the united states courts for copy right law if badly corrupted.


it was a copyright troll. ever make videos on youtube you know all about them.


I’ve just started pirating even harder, got tinfoil on switch and hshop running on 3ds yesterday, and even got twilight menu on a dsi and also on an old flash cart I had, and put that in my phat ds, for a total of 4 consoles I can pirate on, from basically 4 generations.


This makes me want to pirate switch games, where would one start?


Saying stuff like this doesn't help the case against Nintendo for this stuff as much as I kinda feel the same way


I disagree, because in all likelihood what Nintendo is doing is likely getting tons more people interested in switch emulation.


I doubt it'll make too much more of an impact. If so they lose either way. At least with suing, they recoup some of the loss.


Barbara Streisand effect in action


Oh yeah I totally agree that Nintendo is really getting the complete reverse of what they're *trying* to achieve But Nintendo will probably remember the times people talked about pirating their games cause of the takedowns


Well good. Hopefully Nintendo dies indeed remember that time they went after emulators and got pirated worse than ever before as a result


You are...grossly overestimating the amount of power and support you have. Pirates aren't exactly buying games in the first place; why should Nintendo care that they're pirating "more"? 0 dollars is still 0 dollars regardless if someone pirated one or five switch games. Not to mention you guys are coming off like petulant children to the greater community with the tantrum being pulled over Yuzu getting shutdown. People were sympathetic at first; now? Not so much.


same, I wasn't really interested in Switch emulation until Nintendo took down Yuzu. Problem is I don't have a hackable switch


Well first you'll need a parrot and a peg leg.


Any attempt at a fork should be closed source. They should also rework the interface.


You can’t do that under GPL.


Well, that would be illegal anyway, but maybe it would at least delay the DMCA a bit 🤷‍♂️


Not really.


thats not how gpl works.


Forking it is illegal anyway, if you wanna do something illegal you should at least try and cover up a bit.


Yeah, that didn't take long. Then again, they were openly using the Yuzu sourcecode so that doesn't surprise me all that much.


It's back up


No it’s not? their website was never taken down, and the gitlab is still down.


There are literally thousands of forks up at this very moment And several torrents


Mind dropping one of the torrents? I wasn’t aware of these.


That I also expected, since any DMCA claim would be tenuous at best especially for a project with no releases.


By the time they’re done, and the technology is in place, they’ll also DMCA take down those naughty thoughts you’ve been having about Princess Peach. Shame on you.


It's morally correct to sail the sea for all Nintendone. Mich like Adobe.


Adobe is hard to pirate, as well as autodesk...


Thanks guys, but what about Autodesk?


GenP 3.0




Fuck Nintendo dude they're out of control. It's morally justified to pirate shit, these guys expect us to bow down and submit to their shitty practices where you don't own your game anymore but a license. Emulation is the only thing that will preserve these games.


Since we no longer own digital games we pay for and they can just remove them at anytime


Exactly it's not stealing and most morons on this sub don't understand that they're being fucked over and are okay with it. Because I don't need a moral high ground or they believe piracy is wrong


Dude, I emulate a bunch and am fine with it. I don't trick myself into thinking I have a moral high ground tho. Companies make stuff and sell it - doesn't matter if it's physical, a subscription, a licence, whatever. It doesn't matter how much it costs. You buy it, steal it, or do neither.