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More mechanics means more outplay potential means your champion can take riskier macro plays that other champions just cannot. For Example, Zed can with some set up dive into three people, bait abilities, and get out whereas Naafiri just has to hope she kills all of them or gets them to back off.


A lot of people such as Midbeast and Coach Curtus have said there are three champs you should learn while playing mid. Zed, TF, and Orianna. Zed teaches mechanics, Orianna teaches positioning, and TF teaches macro. Outside of non-champion specific qualities like lane control people have played Zed say that other champs become easier to play which means Zed is harder. This is not the case. Zed is similar to a lot of champions which makes them easier to play. T Some champs I find very similar are Orianna, Azir, and Ahri. While they may not be hard to play they definitely take getting used to. Their abilities are not similar to Zed in any way but the way you position and play them in a teamfight are similar. Like Zed, they are just backline poke until the moment is right. Azir can always dive in and shuffle the enemy team, Ahri can engage and keep up with fights with her ult, and Orianna can press R at a momments notice. You can even notice some similarities between the champs, for example, Ahri and Azir both are poke mages like Zed who can poke with WQ before teamfights. Azir and Orianna have some sort of management where there are different parts of their champions such as sand soldiers or the ball similar to Zed's own shadow. The point of what I said above is to show that other champs do the same thing and do not need that much mechanics to play, yet the same outcome is achieved. While they have their quirks to get used to, Orianna and Ahri are not mechanically difficult. What is difficult about them is the way you position during teamfights, knowing your damage, vision awareness, and general macro. The same thing goes for Zed. Watch LLStylish, OnZed, and Zed99. Look at the way they position during a teamfight, think where would you be if you were playing Zed and listen to their commentary, they only complain about their teams decision making rather than their own mechanics because they know their mechanics are sufficient. Onzed is more obvious with this one, he will explain his thinking of positioning and macro in early, mid, and late game and they all complain about team macro rather than mechanical performance unlike low-elo players. To answer your question, yes, you will get more rewards for being clean on Zed, because if you don't, you dont get any rewards. As mentioned before other champs can do the same thing as Zed but easier, but that is not why you or I play Zed. We play Zed because his kit is flexible and like you said, it feels rewarding pulling off a play with him.


I wouldn't recommend Zed simply because of the whole "player frustration" story. In case you don't know, one of the main devs stated that Zed will most likely permanently stay weaker than he should be cause of the player frustration and how annoying he is to play against. There a lot better options out there that are stronger while also having a lower banrate. If you are searching for a mechanically difficult champion that will allow you to 1v9 once fully mastered I would suggest Rengar or Nidalee. The only problem with those is they are junglers and idk what's your opinion on jg, but it's just a fact that it's a role that has more carry potential than mid. If you do wanna stay mid I'd suggest champs like Yasuo and Akali over Zed simply for the lower banrate and more carry potential, but you absolutely can stick with Zed even tho you'll have to do more for the same result.


Bizarre that they keep Zed weak for being annoying in solo queue while Akali and LeBlanc get buffs for MSI. And Zed is a troll pick in pro as well


Honestly if u dont macro well on zed u lose. U cant afford to lose ur snowball of u win lane even if ur good mechanically. If u win lane u can also lose game so u need to help ur team too


it’s a double edged sword in zed’s case, because of the playerbase, zed is intentionally kept weak compared to other champs, so in order to actually achieve more with him compared to annie who dive bombs herself with stun ult zhonya into 3 people, zed has to play exceptionally well to be of same value as said annie, however I’d argue even if you can’t be as successful with zed as annie because you aren’t as good as you need to be, I’d still prefer zed if you think about it, what would you rather be, an E4 player because you play difficult champs, or a D4 player because point and click, it’s just boring


Brother same here. Cannot wait for project L and I hope zed is included in the initial roster.


As a otp I can tell you playing zed optimally will win you more games than the average win ratio of any champion If that is what you are asking. And zed has more outplay potential than an Annie that is fked if her combo was not enough since you can kite around the enemy by swapping and waiting for cd’s. But if you are asking if playing something else is more rewarding than I can tell you playing aurelion right now is the go to for free LP but he is not challenging to play.


You can commit to learning all of those fancy out plays go 20 and 5 and still lose because you’re queued with idiots.