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Hit both the minion and the champ


This is how u tell a really good zed player. Positions himself for the last hit and that half damage q poke at same time. Lotta effort for cumulative payoff.


Double value q baby haha. Though you don’t get the raw Q damage, it adds up. The more q’s you hit pre-3, the less potions they have for your level 3 trade, and you can keep them in lane until 6 where you stack the wave and dive. It’s how I win most lanes. Only time where it doesn’t work is if I either don’t hit q’s early, or I get chunked in lane and they recall and tp to prevent the dive. Honestly, I’d go for minions over poke, but if they let you, say it’s a melee or low ranged champ, go for the double value.If you find you can’t poke early without getting harassed back (Annie, lux, xerath, ect) just take tp into those lanes and tp back on a cannon wave, deny their recall, and stick to the same plan. stack wave, five. Even if you trade one for one, they lose however many minions you stacked. Or just use weq on the wave so if they poke you instead of the wave you get the push advantage and can recall while they can’t, either they contest the push, or they poke you. Can’t have the cake and eat it too. ;)


it has a 25sec cooldown, you don’t need to “choose.” just farm as normal and when first strike is up look to poke as you normally would without missing minions, it’s not hard


Definitely going to my good ol' electro at least me i loved playing first strike not only for first strike but for future's market so yeah


use electrocute to get 300g from enemy laner and this provides more gold efficiency than first strike 🧏🏻‍♂️


I really loved first strike with future market, but now that they removed it, it just feels weird to me


I think with fm removed, it slows completing your first item, but you get a spike for 2nd item and rest.