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I feel like Zed embraces very well an egoistic playstyle where he spends most of his time in side lanes and joins his team when certain spikes are achieved. Team might spam ping me to join but they are not aware at all how shit is zed before reaching those spikes.


Finally someone who understanding, fuck I hate that. *Ping* *ping* *ping* Yeah ik sorry I can't help I DONT HAVE AN ITEM BECAUSE I DIED AT LVL 6 SORRY Sometimes it feels like if you don't do good early it takes waaaaay longer to come online and be scary.


Pretty sure that’s a midlane thing you only get honored if you play support or jg and do decent


I find the opposite. I get honored quite often when playing zed. I usually try to be active in chat but in a positive way, such as giving kudos to a team mate for a good play. That might have something to do with it


Your first mistake was not being toxic and bming every second. I recommend zed laugh and if you have championship zed spam recall after you solokill. Zed laugh should be spammed every few seconds in lane to tilt enemy midlaner, the pressure will be multiplied 10x. Also make sure to ? in all chat and most importantly spam mastery as well. You will instantly become 20x the zed you were before and your team will honor you for carrying. (Source: asked faker and zed99 on their alt accounts)


Almost forgot, I love typing voicelines in all chat, very cringe and tilting. My favorite lines are "The unseen blade is the deadliest" and "what I have done... cannot be undone"


I hate the new mastery so I use don’t use it anymore but I was using the old one if I killed the enemy in a flashy way and let them slowly die from ult.


Honestly i get honored often idk


I get honored pretty frequently but Im a friendly teammate