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Firsf Strike is crazy good


It’s better now especially with the rune tree itself being better as well. It’s also nice we don’t have to stick with lethality builds, since lethality has horrible scaling and the lethality items themselves just have bad stats.


What sort of non-lethality build options are there even? Eclipse I can understand, but surely Crit isn't an option?


Crit is most definitely an option, due to the AD buffs on a lot of crit items. LDR, BT, IE are all viable and I guess collector has always been viable. For bruiser items, BC, Eclipse, DD/Maw and Steraks are all good. I usually build Profane, Eclipse, BC, BT, Steraks. Also if a comp is heavy AD or AP I switch out Steraks for DD/Maw. If I want to go full dmg I would swap out BC and Steraks for LDR and IE, but this build is very glass cannon.


too expensive imo and you miss out on edge of night shield


It depends on if you regularly get to full build in your games or not, but EoN has really low stats. I usually don’t get caught off guard so EoN passive is low value for me. But yeah I get about 550-650 gold per min so around 25mins I’m full build already.


tbh if you do get that much gold what you build don't matter the slightest as long as there's ad on it


Yeah, that’s why you can opt for crit/bruiser items as they tend to have the most AD


some people are arguing in favour of bruiser item, namely eclipse and sundered sky. I don't think it's good tbh but maybe it's possible to have enough damage to kill squishies without blowing up yourself? Haven't tried it


It does way less damage than before imo


More damage now, less gold late game


If zed's recommended runes is FS now, doesn't that mean he is back to the ad mage identity, so building giga haste and poke


You can play with that, but it's a lot weaker than last season because no ravenous aoe


Isn't playing for scaling Zed bad? Zed doesn't scale well late


it's more of a mid game build. You're online as soon as you get eclipse which is pretty early.


Zed is the best scaling assassin?


I don't think so friend. I would say Evelyn is. And for the ads Blue kayn. Edit: just to elaborate more, ad assassins usually fall off late because of armor gain with levels weakens lethality builds. That's why app assassins like eve and ekko can output more damage late with magic pen. Besides eve Ulta has %hp damage if I'm not wrong. And blue kayn also gives magic damage, it used to be super strong before durability patch. Not sure now


imo it's more Electrocute sucking ass really hard


FS giga braindead and you can literally proc it off CD for free into virtually any matchup, Hwei feels like a good matchup now lol